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The Fublic Trust $ftice of Few Zealand. IT=5 OBJECTS ARTS SPECIALLY PROTECTIVE. " ' TIHE Esta'es of persons who <iie, having reglqctel>to make their .wills, and who have not S any friends living iit the col ny ready to apply for administraMon, are cnrefully ad-, miuiatered, deb 8 piid and residues remitted to those legally entitle-* io receivethem.' >. AIL persinß are however, urge ' to instrnct thfir solicitors as to their wills whilst im possessionj of health and unimpaired faculties. Inviolable security for the fulfilment of their wisheß itf a«sured by the appointment of tho Public Trustee as sole. Executor. No charge 18 made upon the riepodit for safe enstody of any Will by whio^ the Public Trustee is appointed! Executor Other Wills may bo deposited on payment of a fea of Ten Shillings. Subject to s the provisions of the ' Public Trust Office Acts, any present tfua-ee may transfer the manage-, ment of trust property to the Public Trustee, who will thereupon hold such property upon! the original trns's attaching thereto. . < !: „ | The scale of fees applicable to the classes of Estates, above referred to is as follows :—, On all receipts of income under a trust, or on realising pro- ; perty under a will, or transfer of administration or probate £5 per cent . ; For rendering Property-Tax return (it necessary) 10/- A, „. . „, ', For rendering Stamp account (if pecessary) ... ... . .. : 2/6 per cent.l Mm. fee, £1 For obtaining probate (if necessary) T/6 per cent, f Ma^. fee, £10 For investing funds, if the sum lent is under £1000... ..'. 20/^ per cent. - For investing funds, if the sum lentfis over £1000 15/- per cent. j The Public Trustee holds large sums of money for investment anJ-fial security at current rates of interest;, Anyisumg may be advanced on first mortgage of freehold property to the | extent 0? one-half of ita actual value. Applications for, advance^ will be received. ; at the various agencier. Every policyholder mvier " The Life ' Assnranqe Companies Act, 1873 may register such policy within six months after the making tHereof, on payment f}f a fee of five shillings. " i ,i '•' '* •-> 'S , t ■' \ For more Detailed Information Apply to the various Local Agents, op. to the, Pnblio Trustee at Wellingfcoa. ; C. RBNNELL, Agent for New Plymontb, Brougham Street. ■ 1 14 tc — j

The " LOUIS" V^Yeteen. The strictest examiner may try every test of touch wSJ hBHSb and sight without discovering that these are other 3^ J \}EF than the Genoa Velvets which,close}y resem-,, Q^&f^. S«r ble, while the peculiar arrangemerits resulting m. the ¥ jHß&^ft fast woven pile enable them v t6 stand interminable? 5 ''^^nj^9V> anc i rough, wear, which! would ruin real velvets at ' . our ti m es the price. For Costumes and Trimmings ■• * J|^L ', v^vni it is unequalled, and in fact for -all purposes in „ -: .• J^^E^^%w. i j * which Silk Velvet may be .used we ' JggHHHfcfvfc - "^^Bsl^^^JHtt^Every yard of genuine bears the : "£_ '■■ :

IMPORTANT TO FLOCK- MASTERS. COOPER'S SHEEP^PING POWDER. This Dip has been In cbo upwards of 63 It does not stain the vsotl. ! It ia more extensively nssd than all Itißaoeii«lnou r6r 6 .or Idee and Scab. , other Dipß, being applied to upwards of Unlike the many Liquid Dips whioc just j S million sheep eaou year, kiil (be Insects and then pass off themselves, its effects remain in the fleeoe a t the handles and oheapest Dip, .:». *»**»*> «* P roven ' n ™ infeo^ D ' : ' iri gno boiling or hot water, Ithas never beoa equalled by any other Dip, BXTSAOT FBOM THB TBAN9AOTIONS OF THB HIGHLAND AND AOBIOULTUBAL BOCIBTY OF SCOTLAND, 1870:— « An infinite variety of proprietary and Patent Dips are now finding their way Into the , Marßet. Somo of these are really good, some indifferent, and others absolutely bad. We believe Coopkb's to be the longest established and oheapeat, and also the mest extensively used, Ah shown by the railway books, it appeara no less than 1200 doaen paokag«s, or enough to dip 238,000 sheep, are seat oui weeMy, It is ÜBed extensively on the Continent, and In the Colo- : nies, aooompanied by ' direotiona for use' printed in many languages. As a^ Summer and Autumn Dip consider It Becond to none, and have'always used It. Its oheapneas »nd ex- { treme solubility In oold water particularly reoommend It for these purposes." Since the Above was written the sale has more than doubled, From James Albxandhb, Esq., Wanganui. ~ "Seven years ago I wm lnduced to buy eight oaaes of your' Siwep Dipping' Compound, aad, ss an experiment, I used a few paokete according to the directions. I selected a few old ewek nofc oaring whether I loet them or not, aad not one of tham waa injured In the le*3t. I afterwards dipped my whole Flock of 10,000, and did not low ono. "I new dip for Llee, and find; Hi' most ; e3eotuaL lam also told by my neighbours It Ij equally so for Soab.' I ' * "I have dipped 0v0r.50,000 s^eep with it, and never lost but one, ami this animal was seen lioking itself just after it left the baths. I consider that with ordinary care your Dipping Powder, used on a large or Bmair scale, is perfectly safe. The chief . point being. te see that the ensep are quite dry before they are turned out to grass." . From My. THOMAS Middlbton, Manager for the Hon. Bobert Campbali, Bennore Estate, Waltakl. Cooper's Dip Is the best dip for Lambs I ever upd." : Ptota DuMOAN MoMastbb, Esq., Wairarapa, " 1 have used Oeoper'e Dipping Powder for about four years, aad am {veil satisfied with she rwralte, believing it to be lasting, a its effects." M 7o Bfr, Coofsb, BsrkhamsteoT, Kngland. Auckland, Ootaoer 12, 1880. « Dkab Sib, — Accompanying our order by this mall we arw pleased to observa that yonr I'hetp-Dipping (Jompound is Bteadily gaining ground in this part of New Zealand, "At the reqaest of our oustomors.we have oooaslonally Imported Dipß by other firms, bnt our buyers have invariably fallen back to tho use of Cooper's Sheep Dip. . " The Flook-mastera who have written to us on the subject havo always spoken in the highest terms of tho artlcla. — We are, yours, to>., l "c. O. SHABLAND * Co,, Manufacturing Chomlate," fEBPAEBD ONLY BY WHtSAM HOCIPIE, M.H.^.¥.S 5 CHEMICAL WORKS BERKHAMSTEr ! EiNGLAjib Sold In paoketa, eoffioient for from 20 to 30 Sheep, or in oases suit . . ,at for 1300 to 2000. ftooording to the longth of wool. AGmrrs ih thb Noeth Islam* : - - -- Messrs. KEMPTHOBNE, PBOSSEB, it Co., Auckland ssd Wellington Mwms. SHABLAND k Co., Auckland aod Tawßaki . . . ■ Mr. F.W. WILLIAMS, Napier -■ .., . , Messrs, BABBAUD * SON, Wellington .. -' Meiwrf. J DBUMIVIOND& ALEXANDER. Wangannl.f

K£ATIBB'S POWOEfi KEATINQ'S POWDER. KBATING'S POWDER. KEATINQ'S POWDER. KILLS BUGS, FI-BAB, MOTHt}, BEETLES. . 2 THIS POWDEB' i«' quite habmlbss to akimal urns, but is uarfvalled in deßtroyiug KiBAS, BUGS, OOOKBOAOHBS, BaETLES, MOTHS IK fubs, and every other species of insect. Sportsmen will find thie invaluable for destroying fleaß in their dogs, as algo ladles for their pet dogs, , THIS ARTIOLB has found so OBHAT a sale that it has tempted others to vend a so-called article in imitation. Tko public are oautionbd that the tins of the genuine powder bear the aetograph of THOMAS KEATING. SOW* IS TIHB BI , ALL Dbuggibtb. KEATING'S WOKMTTABLETS. KEATING'S WOBM TABLETS KEATING'S WOBM TABLSTB KBATING'S WOBM TABLETS A PURELY VEGETABLE SWEETMEAT, both in appearance and taato, furnishing a moet Br,Toeablo method of administering the only oertaln remedy for nrrKBTiHAL or thread vroßias, Itia a perfectly safe and mild preparation, and ia oapeoislly adapted for ohildren, 60110 W TIKB BY ALL DXCaOIBTS. Proprietor... THOMAS- KEATING LonhoW, a<sos b mr 26 '87— Adviob to MoiflßßSl — Are you broken n your rest by a sick child suffering with the pain of cutting teeth? Go atoncetoachemiit and get a bottle of Mrs. Wihslow'b Sooth ing BybUP. It will relieve the poor suffere. immediately. It is perfectly harmless, and' pleasant to taste, it produces natural, sound sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes "as bright as a I bntton," It soothes the child, it softens the i gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and & the beßt known remedy for dysentery and diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. Mrs. Winslow' Soothing Syrup ie Bold by Medicine dealer everywhere at Is. ljd. per bottle. ManufaO' ured. »t 499 Oxfoid-ntreflt, London

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7340, 6 April 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7340, 6 April 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7340, 6 April 1887, Page 4