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The- LOUIS f * yelveteen. ! ■■g^^gb •^k Strictest,^examiner may try ever'ytesi 1 of tqiich . (SJFWri!/ ' ' JHJ^Hh and sighj without, discovering that tr^ese ar^ other „ a laflPrfo 0 than J,rje Genoji Velye'tstwhich they so closely resem- - .H^fcyj^J ) .! ' J rJSBt 3o U '~ ""Ii •' T ~"*^ri — — '' "°"r nn * c thft , ffl|fnT[|' ! fast woven pile enable |them to stand interminable „]B^B| | :Y 'iind''rbugh wear, which would ruin real velvety at *y(wBSBp ' , . r> four times the price. For Costumes and Trimmings., '^'t^Bhl j ' unebua'Hedt'iShd in fact for all purposes in , r ' ; i^ZtJßß^r*^ ' «»»iA r't-foiiwh silk Velvet may be used we " _^^^SmStk^^ ' '^jjSH^Hi^^i^ >T ° 7 specially re'eammend the ''>'', flHH^H^ftli^v^ y^P genuine bears / 1 ' • i ■ » - ■> 1 '. il / ,1 - 'i

COOPERS SHEEPfDiPPLNG ; POWDERi * l&fe^hat^in#uße¥p^r^a : "ofTI I It doeu.not.fitjfa.thei wool. j I ycuurs. .^. '„ 1 4 j", ■ m / r * ; r T , . * . I- It ia more extenßlTaly-.uaod than^ all -■ It i§ a certain care for Llod and Scab. ■ , other Dips, being tippiied to upwards of i Unlike the many Liquid Dips T &'xnllß6aeliecp:6aVju,yßar. Xjj 'joiii'\.* feill the"' inseotß' and "then pass 6f£~ thorn. . ■- solves, its effects r»main In the fleece a .. th. handle, uddta^ l^. ' ... . tongue, iuid prevent' n.w Ivfoottim. , ■ \ vri gno boiffDg brlio't water. "" ' : , .Ithaon^vßr bwa «qattllo4 by ) anyoth.^r D^p 3UCTSAOT FEOM IHB IBAUsJAOTIONs! OY THE, inGSLAJCD A^TD AGEIOULTtBAiL" r~.^-. ' SOOIBTT OF gOOTLAND, 1870:7-" , „' '' „. f" Ani lafinlte variety of proprl'>»ry ancj Patyn^Djtpßftw'noiJ nnding'their' way 1 Into t6a Mwftet. Somo of these aro really good, some fliaiff«reat,' and btho« abiolutelyibftd. l Welbolievs Ooopks'b to be the loogpat established aad cheapest, and also th« meat extensively usejd, A> Bho*& fy th» railway bpoki, it appears nor i reß^thaiia2po.doaenfpa*ageß;or.«iftongH ; to dip 388,000 sheep, are Beat out weekly. It is used extensively e.n> thejOonftnent, antiin the, Oplo- ; byi'..dlr«otlqn«.for.Uße' p|riot»d.,fjQ:im»ny , languages^,- As .s.^ammw^and' 'Autumn Dip weccnitwlts«xiHdtw.nOTe,iaßd^bjkvealwaysufledifcf Jta oheapnew and extnue solobillty In oold watbb parttoularfy'roogmman^ it purposeg.", ' " - "', t j JSmoethe above was written .the sale. h*B more taaja doabled. ' ' '„'", " Seven years ago I wta Indao%t»4)tt: ' pigitj«w«3 of >your Biwep .^Dipping Oom^Qnnd, *Bd,u an experiment, I tied a f ew?p»dkeb 1 aocor^ing to'tHe dlieotions. I seleoted'a few old ewes, not oaring whether I lost them or noti, aad.not one of them was ■ injured iri tbe 'least. ! I afterwards dippod-my whole Flock of 10,CK»,and diiinot lose onp. ir '\ a - ,; ; p - ! . M I now dip for Lice, and find it moat eifedfsaL 1 1 airTalßO toldbv'my neighbours it I». eqaafly»otorßa»b. ;,../. „e . ,F> !■',',?"'' <•?»■•'•'»• l i"o.vj..-.'f <-.m.t | - ° I Biwe dipped ever 50,000 sheep with" It; and ne^er l<fet bttt> one, , arid' this .animal i\ras men lioking iteeH just after it left the batap. ■"'■l feontdderithattwitti 1 ordinary' oare your Dipjing Powder, used on 5*5 * large or small scale, is perfeotiy' safe.^ i The.ohief "pobat. b©ing .te see that Ac anoep are (yilte dry before they are turned out to graea." .{.v-t '„..., , ■; ' '- ;^ From Mi\THokAHMrooM^NjMamag«fojr the Son. BobertOampbell,.,. Beniiore Estate, Waitakl. . --, Ooo|«r'aDiplathebestdlpforLamwj'l.ey«r i ß6«d. H . ; -„;,, , „o'_ _, [ f . "~ . ' J?rom>DOSOAN MoSJabtbb, Esq., Wairarapa. -1 ,; • , ) ' ; "I ba>» ul^d Cooper's Dipping Powder for about fouf yeafgTfflttrramiffell' ratisfled .with b its pfleote." • \<,'\A :' U .:,!-: j I ■ . . —«"»■*», . — - .. I 1_ , •* "c Mr. Coopsat, Bjerkhamate^, Englan 1. Auckland, Ooto oor 12, 1889. i ? ;» T)Rjyp Knt 3Tr A<yiQmpftnymg onr order by thla mail we ary pleased tp observe that your 'shflOß'D^ping Compound is steadily gain: ng ground instils -psirt'of New Zealand, < o-oif A* tho r«qaest of;oar r< oustomers r we 1 aye occasionally DipV by other firms, bat ojw BuYerS haVe inVariably IsllexrbMk'to 1 he use of Oooper's Sheep Dip. ' j "The FJoo^-mastere who have written to us. on the subject hava always spoken in [the highest tsnnsbt the atHob,— Wa are, yonfelfg^, , c , , v1 ' '.'<-' .'• »,. O. SPJLSLAND k OOno n Maauf»o*uring Ohemlats. 11 j CHEMICAL r WORKS JBJERKHAMSTEF ENQLA^D. 8«ld In ftokqtM, luffioleat for fcem 20 to 30 Shoep, or In fftwes safe .. M for iSoo to ,2000. . aooording tjo the length of wool. 1 '■■> '. -n'j ii" •'■-.'/ \, •■rt-', / I ' '* -r{ '2 v"'* ''■-'• ' • ! ; qy-> 1 AGBBB3 EH MB KfOBIH-'lltAlp :• > " 1 Messrs. KBMFTHOBNEi'PBOS&EB, * Otf,VAuokland aad 'Wellington > 'M«wtß.-BHARLAI?P k'CO., Auckland acd Tar«ui3ki, ' ;. ' - 4r Mr.'F liW1 i W. f WlLLlAltß,Napi* j - 0. .:-../ , „ J MS«srß.fiA^B i fifAUßf&BON,WeffingtoH '" ' Me^Wi/PHtTMMONPA: .Wanganpi.t ' . . . i ' """"" ~ "~"~ mr*"^ J0! fur. ;.:'O ' Jf'fA •■' , -i\ .j 1; ~ ,

■BBBOBHBBBBB(B^HHBHRBHBHBiHPBBBl|BBB'?hp ■^ i y ß^ o^ an -' fl cuxe • '^3VVm'9iwßj2^ySßßflll^l2' 4r ou^> Bheuxaatio IB* J<| -B ■ B^^^Ji Bk^B u"^^K^* J sof eat and most gentle ' "Thi^iveSal J ltemeay for "Acidity of the "Stomach,'- "SSS^vS'lS'.^iS" Hoadaohe, HeartDuxn, Indl ff e B tion,] 80G EiuotatiSndr"",^ l6B^^^' ■*£* Bilious AfTaetioiis. (! ■ o Aif re » nn an' n0 y*i n^Tviv M/LC'N ES I A* / iBftHBBBBHBfeHBHHHMBBHBHHHVHI ■■ ; ''■' 'M.B;ASKf FOR! DI^NiSFORi^'iS MAGNESIA, ll_ ■■■. V« r! "^'"''^i«frjioJiEf > ww j *Mpnia aa "' ' " f ": . SMITH rtftMnm PMG£b SYSTEM. Smith A^tJAUoapis' Parcel Sjhtapg ,?ow"aD^acl^iitted 800g,.to n .gpantry i x. -5 ' - ■ WHOLESALE ANl^ BKTAIL FAMILY I)B kVEBS, • \ * T * Qiieen-stireetP ; and ft ewmarket. j SMiraf 'aT'Ca^Shbi's Paroela kartf-te'r "Ifotir yeßrt 1 'giren nnbonnded' , . . " gftttifaatiojQ. '■••■•• { • . ; v SMn t H<.&>QAUGKEtfs,jiay© I ;.alirays aimed at oombining excellence with" cheapness, and by bo doing have eecu»ed the confidence of the public. ; '' '"' I t "-Smith & Cititfatii stodyC!clo?e;iy the wants of their Oonntry friends, -and, drj their Jittßoa^^PPPP^y a Genuiae Artiol© at the- lowest possible, price r „ r cash. ■ , ?-. „^" *--- > „ r ■ '

THE GREA'MST ( " 1 v iWONDERj OFJMOD&RNITIMEBI;; j PILLS & OINTMENT. [■iiisi^asq^sl pnrify'tne'Bldotl/correct all ©i/ordersi of the Liver, Stoinflch,- Kidneys, and Bowels, i They ' invigorate 1 and* restore to health Debilitated, Constitutions, afnd are invaluable in .ill Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. |ii ri 1a»11 &■& ■ ii jj t j 1 ai p a al I <'/' b a» mfallible remedy for Bad Legs, B^d' Breaats, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. Far Sore Throate,-- Bronchitis, Coughs, !Colds, Gbuti RheumaOsm^ Gland^ar. Swellings,- *neV t all Skin Dbd*N6 , equal,, , J '" ' !k> The^ills and Otntntent ; are Manufactured'- 1 ; „-',,; H . • .^.enlyat, hV : ' WKewOjrfdcdVSt. (late 633 Oxford St.JLbudoo;, And are •sof&'Hy all Vendors of Medicines throughout the Civilized World ;. with] directions for use iri' almost rvery language, j :■ fie* ?nrohaserj>- should look to tho] Label " on tbe Pots and Boxes. If the address la not 598. Oxfor4 Street. London,,they n-ro o-njiirinn'

KfcAFIHS'S POWDER KBATIFQ'S FOWDBja.'" ! : .KEJATING'S PpWDBR." kfAra»o;s powder. , KILLS BtiiSS, j Ff .EAB, I BEETLES. ; ( n f THIS -POWDEB ia.qulteH/LRJttfSßi-to' ilrtuXL fiifts, britla uiirivolleain destroying KiSAS, BX7QS, OOOS^BOACB4S,) Bi^TLEB, moths ik ittßS, And every 'other speoießOf Inswt. -SpoKtemen.will find this invaluable fdr destroying/ fteaa in their dogs^ as also Jadiea for their- pet doga. ..., -r. J YJ.. 1 ''ABMOLB hjw -fonrid se QriHAT a fSAxn that itr has tempted .others, to vend a ■fto^aied'Wtlole' in limitation. ' 'lke; fxmhiv are OAtmoHED ihat the tins of the genuine poVder' 2 Waf itfee y»«t^rapb^ of THOMAB. KSATIFd. BOOT W Tl»B BT V AXL KEATING'S WORfit^TABCEIfS. > iKKATING'B WOBM TABLETS KEATING'S WOBM TABLETS i.a inp iinir<ys'-WOlftM:?TAßLßTS'i inir<ys'-WOIftM:?TABLBTS' 'A FPBHI^TjyEQBTABLB.BWiajCTMEAT, both ba appearance and taste, furniflhlog'amosp agree>ble method of administering the only;oertai& remedy for raa'BSTiirAL or thbbad jopasa, It Is a' perfectly; safoi and mild preparation;' and Is especially adapted for children,! „; ..sou) hi Xi*b -sy all p*uaeißfra. Proprietor..* ' THOMAP '; KjIiITTWG "■> ' '■ LoNlioK. . ' ';aGosbimri23'B7— '•■'* Adviob-ttq jMoihebb I — Are youJbrokeß '■li'jova rest by a sick child suffering yith the painof cutting teeth? Go atpncetoachemiit :and' get a bottle of Mrs, Winslow's Sooth ikg Syeup. It will relievesthe. poor Jsuffere. "Immecliately, ; . It, iß..p^rfeptty;barnUeßS, and .J&asant to' tfurle,' .it/prodaces natural, sound *leep, by relieying the child, 'from pain,' and the little' oheruV aleakes! " as" -bright as a* "bnttoii." , tt loothHs 'the child, it softens the gams, allay k all palif, relieve^ wi&df regulates 'the bowels, 'and is tHe'beitkndwh'reinedy for dytentory'and diarrhoea, wnethGrarisingfrom, teething or other causes. Mra. Winilow' Soothing Syrup'ii sold by Medicine dealer everywhere at Is. l£d, per bottle, ManufacWe 4 i»3 Oxforii-rtreet, LfluOoo

?BB GSBAT ENGLISH RBMS'DV GOUT, B^BDMATIBM, 1 SOTATIbAi 'AND,' I'd :,0 •>£ Q : -'LUMBAGO, n rtov I _ A liLmffijrersiroaitho abovo oomplalnct f\ eithsr of recant or loßg-afcandiggi ar©j nd?j6^.tanse LBliAm'L BliAm'B IjaOUT1 jaOUT and [8H380. .. MA-PIO PJLLSi.ilCh^' caa be reliedjupon at the most safe scd effeotua remedy v'gvar' the .publio, and. have been I nniver'sally vMi In'Amerioa and Warope taauy yennf witLih'ogrea^sfcsuooesi.' ' < fi. • Her MajoHty's OommttriorierH have atttbo* rispd the name; and address of f( Thorone. ftroct, •'No.;.i. aSSf'/fltraDd^Londod,. to be impressed upon tbe Government Btamp .affixed to eaoh box of the genubie medicine, Dold in Bugler d at le, l^d. aud 3d. 9d. pet ■>». O' obiftinf 6 >•>* «»kv Cftomiei orstoee IS tiie Aiutr^Uau.Cc-loniop, I].7a b t9—

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7339, 5 April 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7339, 5 April 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7339, 5 April 1887, Page 4