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The " LOUIS " Velveteens J^SBk The strictest examiner may try every test of touch wotl|l ' ' "|p^B» and sight without discovering that these are other , «J* J ■%*S^ than the Genoa Velvets which they so closely, resemTHt ble, while the, peculiar arrangements resulting in tho ■' ' m^SbtilL ast woven P'' e enable them to stand interminable , r j|^B^» and rough wear, which would ruin real velvets at ,., four times the price. For Costumes and Trimmings^ ,,, jHt_ ' > it is UAequalled, and in fact for all purposes in , ujBSe^SJ t^BBL-W . which' Silk Vehetmay be used we l <^&QB&jgS£/^S flmme mmHL ver y yard of g enuine bears the f||g» 'i. :

C " r IMPORTANT 5?O FLOCK- MASTERS. COOPER'S SHEEIPjjIMG POWDBL Ihla Dip haa been In use upwards of 63 It does^notjetain the wool, ybara. ' ~ *' — * It la more extensively nsod than all It 1b a certain oure for Lice and Scab. other Dips, being applied to upwards of Unlike the many Liquid Dips whioh jubl B million sheep caoa year. kill the insects and than pass off them- _ , selves, its offeota ramain in the floeoe a the handlei and oheapest Dip* rt . *** tune, and prevent new infection, fvri gno boiling or hot water, Ithas never been equalled by any other Dip &XT3AOT FBOM THE TBANBAOTIONB OF THB HIGHLAND AND AGBIOBLTUBAL SOOISTY OF SCOTLAND, 1870:— h MAn infinite variety of proprietary 'and Patent Dips are now finding their Way into tha Market. Some of these are really good, l some mdifforent, and others absolutely bad.. We beHove Ooopbb'b to be the longest established aad oheapest, and also the mest extensively, used. Ab shown by the railway books, it appears no less than 1200 dozen pkokagos, or enough to dip 288,000 sheep, are seat out weekly, It Js used extensively en the Continent, and in the ;Oo)o> _nieß, aooompani«d by 'dirootionsfor use 1 printed in many languages. Ab a Summer »nti Autumn Dip we consider it seoond to none, aad have always used it. Its oheapneia end extreme solubility in GOLD WATBB particularly recommend it for these purposes," Since the above w*s written the sale haa more than doubled. i — •— — From Jam»s Alhxahdhb, Esq., Wanganui. "Seven yeare ago I W&.B induced toibny eight cases of your Sluep Dipping* Compound, and, as an experimental used a few paoieta aooording to the directions. I selected a few old ewes, not oaring whether I lost thorn or not, sud not one of them was injured in the least. I mftorwardß dippod my whole Flock of 10,000, and did not lo&a ono. "I new dip for Lice, and find it moat edeotuaL I am also told by my neighbour jit Is squally so for Ba»b. . , & "I have dipped ever 50,000 sheep with it, and never lost bat ono, and this animal was seen licking itself just after it It ft the batha. I consider iiat with ordinary care your Dipping Powder, used on a large or Bmali aoale, is perfeotly safe. ~ The chief point being .to see that the sneep are quite dry before they are turned out to grass," From Mr. Thomas MdodIiBTON, Maaager for the Hon. Bobert Campbell, Benmore Estate, Waitakl. Hooper's Dip Is the beet dip for Lambs I ever used." ' jProm Duhoak MoMabtbb, Esq., Wairarapa, { '• 1 have used Cooper's Dipping Powder for about four yean, aad am >ell satisfied with Khe results, believing it to be lasting a ita effects." M7o Mr. Ooofbb, Berkhamsteo!, England. Auckland, Octo ocr 12, 1680. M Dbab Sib,— Accompanying our order by this mail we ar« pleased to observe that your Sheep-Dipping Compound is Bteadily gaining ground in this part of New Zealand. "At the request of our customers We have occasionally imported Dips by other firms, bnt our buyers have invariably fallen back to the use of Cooper's Sheep Dip. ■ "The Flook-masters who have written to us on the subject have always spoken In the highest terms of the artiols.— -We are, yours, &c, ■ '••. O, SHABLAND ft Co,. Manufacturing Chemists." /B2FABED ONLY BT W11*&1&M OiOOflE, M.H.O.¥.S 9 CHEMICAL WORKS BERKHAMSTEF ENGLAND. Sold in £Mketob snjDoient for from 20 to ?0 Sheep, or in oases soft .jA for 1500 to 2000. ~*. ' aooording to the length of wool. - AfIKHTS IN THB NORTH ISLANP : Messrs. KBMPTHOBNE, PBOSSEB, ie Co., Auckland aad Wellington ! M«urs. SHABLAND fc Co., Auckland aod Tanßaki Mr. F, W. WILLIAMS, Napiar - Messrs. BABBAUD Sc BON, Welllngtoa Metwrw-TJEUMMOND*: Wanganni.f

! |HtHB^HBBSHIIBBHBHBBHHii^BHHp9HB^ ne Physician's Cure PT|WT« H mamt WwTm^MmWn Bl ■fIT^J^ or ® out > Rheumatic IH 1 1 I I a^H hB IB Im* W H iß^^l^ out and Gravel : the I IWJI^I^I^H^AVABwV^^SJ safest and most gentle iBBHHssHHfIaHHriBHHHBBHHdBBESnH 116^ 101116 {or Infants » The Universal Bemedv for Acidity of the Stomach. Children, Delicate PcHeadache, HeartbuWlndigestion, Sour Eructations, malea, and the Sick- - : Bilious Affections. ' r: ' < ness of Presnanoy. UMgggjT lulnNtrUKUoll Jm, vTwaj ■ rfqyj WAw '* " •»""-■■ ■ '* ; Sold by all Druggists and Storekeepers. N.B, ASK FOR P?NNEFORP-'S MAGNESIA. SAVE MM BY ADOPTINB SMITH & lAUBBEY'S PARCEL SYSTEM. ' Smith & OAUGHHTS'ParoaITSyBteiiJ if aovr'ao admitted Boon to Country pettier*. .- - .}. } • ' ' WHOLBBALB AND BETAIL FAMILY DF \PBRS, Queen-street* Auckland ; and Newmarket. Smith & Gauchey's Parcels hare for four years given ] nnbounded latiafaotion. , . Smith <fc Oaughet's have always aimed at oombining excellence with cheapness, and by bo doing have secured the confidence of the pnblio. ' Smith & Oauqhet study closely the wants of their Country friends, and do their ntmost to supply a Gennine Article at the lowest possible price for oaah. ' :

THE GREATEST WONDER OF MODERN TIMES! PILLS & OINTMENT, purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the • Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, and Bowels. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in all Com' plaints incidental to Females of all ages. is an infallible remedy for Bad Leg 3, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs.. Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, Glandular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured !< ■ . only at 78NewOxford St. (late 553 Oxford St.) London; And are sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughout the Civilized World; with direc*' tions for use in almost every language. r ~^l5 < "Furcuaa~- -lionlOook to tin* *<&*«* on the Pots and Boxes. Ii tne address is not 68f. Oxford Street. London, they ari^W"-' »

KfATING'.S POWDER KEATINQ'S POWDEB. KBATING'S POWDER. KBATING'S POWDER. FILLS BUGS, FLEAS, MOTHS, BEETLES. THIS POWDEB Is quite habmlebb to aximali LIFB, but is UHrivalled in dostroying VLBAS, BUGS, OOOEBOAOHEB, BBhTLBP, MOTHS IK rrjTBS, and every other opeoies of insect. Sportsmen will find this invaluable for destroying fleas in their dogs, as also ladies for their pet dogs. i THIS.ABTIOLE has found so qbeat a BALBthatit has tempted othera to vend a go-called article in imitation, Tke public are oautionbd that the tins of the genuine powdtr bear the autograph' of THOMAS KRATING. BOLD IN TWB B* AMi

Dbugguts. OIATING'S WORMTTABLETS. KKATltto-D worm TABLETS KBATING'S WOBft Taxn^woa 1 KBAimG'S WOBltf TABLETS A PDBBLT VKaKTABLB BWBBTMBAT, both in ttppewranoe and taste, furnishing a moat agreeable method of administering the only oortain remedy for intbstinaii or thbbad It Is a perfeotly safe and mild preparation, and Is especially adapted for children. SOLD 12! TIXS B* *U< D*UGOIBTB. Proprietor-... THOMAS KEATTW Lokwh, a6osbmr2B'B7--Advioe to MoiHEßSl —^Are you'brokea n your rest by a sick child Buffering with the paii of cutting teeth? Go at once to a chemist and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Sooth mo Stbup.' It will relieve the poor sufferei immediately. It is perfectly harmless; and pleaiant to taste, it produces natural, sound sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes "as bright as a button." It soothes the child; it softens the 1 gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and « the best known remedy for dysentery and diarrhoea, whether ariaingfrom teething or other causes. Mrs. Winslow* Soothing Byrup is sola by Medicine dealer everywlwi'o «t. 1%, 1. 'I, X* iwttlo. Manufasittied at m Qif/jttl.ptrset, London

BLAIR'S GOUT _P ILLS. mj& GRRAT SKGLISH EBMEDY GODr, KVEDMATI9M, SCIATICA, AND LUMBAGO. \ lilt sufibfeMi (torn ihe above complalnta fv either of reoent or long^fltanding, are Rdvisod to use BLAIB'S GOUT: and BHSU* MATIO PILLS. They eaa bo railed upon v tae moit safe and eSfaotna remedy »ver odered to the pnbJin, and hays been univorwily used In Amorioa and EaropsmanyyMirtf with the greaUsfc suooeei. , ' i ' Her Majosty's Commisaionen have anthoVised the narae and address of "Thomas Front, No. 229, Strand," London, to be Impressed upon the Government stamp affixed to oa'oh box of iho genuine medicine, gold 3n Baglard ni lit. Hi. aad it, 9d. pet ior or ">bix,^ ■ v t.i *r > '.]btt«ntßi> or st«:*a hi thi AmfrnUw , O(»ioulo», . I\nb (t to—

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7338, 4 April 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7338, 4 April 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7338, 4 April 1887, Page 4