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A.v Old iisiablislied 5 and I Popular Medicmo f> AXTBR'S Lu<ig Preserver u»b beea es0 tatilishud over n qoi» ter of a century md patronised by all ranfca of society, and enjoys a suocesß nnpara/s-tlo Gonsumptlon, Oocshe, CnMs, Erouch<tl Asthma, WhoopiEf Coual-, Sore Tbro»-» and all affcotlons 1 the Chest ivi;d Throat Effectually Relieved and (Jured by Baxter's "" IKSTIMONIAIia. From William Reed, Esq., Hipping aa Customs' Agent — : Lyttelton, Novemomr 28, 188rf' I have used your Lung Preserve? in my family for the last fourteen years, therefore Irive the greatest pleasure 1 in bearing testimony to eflicsoy in tfle treatment of oughß, colds, bronchitis, oroup. whoopingc;ugh, &o. have recommended it to isi'j f naadß, who hava also proved it to be a ver!y paiatablo aad speedy oure for ohost end throat complaints. I Have nsiformly found a single dose ot "Luh'g P-eserver" cheok a severe paroxysm of coughing. I shall on all occasions have great pleasure In rooommendiag it to sufferers, as I consider it a boon to jaaaUnd. From Isaac Alien, Esq., Gon*.miaejon Agent —Hereford-Btreot, Ohristohuroh, "December 5, 1 883.- After seven years experience I have gresjt pleasure ia toatifying to the afficaoy cf your ' Lung Pieserver," having proved it in ray family to" be a specific- fcr obughs, colds, &o , a fsw dofef. invariably subduiug the nasty har&Bsing cough, and nhile relieving the threat and oherft, it doea cot, iikeotker nostrums, disorder the digestive organs by induoing r>ausea, ocrisiipatiGD, hesdaohe, loss of appetite, &o. loan heartily recommend it a3 the best, cheapest ank most 'palatable mixture known fo 4 couifha, coldH, bronchitis, 'vhooping-oough, &o. 8o higbly do *re edtsem it thst we »it» aye Jteep a uppljr on hand. From \V. y. Hcott, Esq., Builder, &o ,— Peturborough-Btroet, CJhriatchuroh, December 4, 1883. — Borne year« ago I was reconinioaded to try a bottlo of your " Pnimonio Elixir and Luflg Presorvor," tor tigbtneßß of the chest. 1 did so, and from that time I hays never baeu without it in the house, •' 1 have found it answer in otery reßpect for coughs, colds, RBd jo-re throat, and would strongiy advice those thnt eird suffering from such compfainte to try it, .... . . lhc Key. J. Myors (ex-PreaWent of the United Kothodist Free Ohuroh) writee-r ilsiiovor-street, Loeds, Merch 25ih, 1872-f [ have pleasure in testifying how rapidly and effectually Baxter's Lung Preserver has aoted ia allaying cough aud irritation of th«- chest ia tha case of my wife, who has several times bcoa tndor tbe necessity of using it during ;he "v inter. From Dr. J, Ewart, M.K,O.S 1., &c — I am foiy muoh oppooed to patent mediomeß generatty, and totally disconntonanoo the Balsams, Oxymeie, Eliiirs, oyrups, and other emanations of unprincipled eiiipirioßj but I regard your Lung Preserver as a really good preparation, entirely free from thO'e qualities which rondermoet patent Eitdioines dangerous, and possessed of thoQo tonio and -tiinuiating proportiey which rendw it c, croabure to those who suffer from tbo exhausting effects of pulmonary dissase and cheßt afieotions generally. Ia cases of asthma it quickly cute short the paroxysm, in chronio bronchitis or winter coughß it is useful I the discharge c mucus is gfcatly assisted, ai-d Ihe wheezing and difficulty of breathing aro grbatly rolievtd by it, Ib aonte bronchitis it is al&o beaefioial, and whilst it tends to oh*ok infltsmmation, it promoicß flxpe-ctoraiion and thus relieves the labonoua &nd ditSctlt breitbiog so gonetal in these attftote. As a rough modiome, for persons of ell, it ia txcollont. — J. Ewabt a.aos From Boy. W, B, Martea ; Wesinyan fdiniter~Ohrißt^hurch, 2nd Auguit.lS"^ — Having aa2ered sonsiderablo a.jnoyaiiosi during tho past two yet-ra from hoarseness and affocsion of the throat, whioh at titles road'jred public speaking aum^wb^* difficast nnd pftiufal, I have, since my arrival in thia circuit — in A,jril wet — seen h:duoed to try your Baxter's Luiig Preservor, aud I daem it only just to Inform you that I have experienced gre<ti, benefit from ite ÜBe, being enabled to preach cow with a degree of ease and comfort to which I dad been some time a stranger Aa yet I have but used three bottloo, but stall certainly recommend ie to all who suffer in a elmltbr m&nt^r. Yon are at liberty 1o m&ke what use you ple&se of this communication, From Kbv, hamuei .iel ars, Minxuter of United Methodist Free Ohurohes.-Fortho sake of suftering humanity I record the following enres, which have beenofEocted by your valuable Lung Preserver : — I know a gentiem ,n in whom consumption had to far progressed that his medioal man gave up his ooss as copeless. He, however, availed himself of your treatment, and, after taking a f sw bottles of your Lung Preserver, was so far recovered sb to be ablo to resume his budnesf, which he aow regularly foilopa without muoh Inoonvenienoe froim oithar pain or we&kneaa. A Oough of many year? naiMaj The rev. writer of tho above continucE— An sged lady of my acqut.iut4ir.oe was for <nany years troubldd with & caroulo oough so a ivore that she seldom had an hour's quiot a.eep. After ?penair.g nearly all hbr subb ajca in medicino, f ha was porsaaded to trj your Lung I'rsaorvar, tc, which, under (Jod's bicciiug, Rocn on-ed her, Mr. EioUard Lotib, Trechnow, Xintagsl, Uornwall, writes to Mr. H, Welch, Oatneliord — I was vory il fcr a long timo witn a oough, 'co.j and «irf uot average ono hour'e qlccd pr.r night, but on 01-taming from you a 2s 'Jd bottie of Baxter's Lung Preserver, and taking ote (It-bo, I dlept a;:un :iy, not coughing more taan livcj minutes in the night. Before I had finished the cont&cita cf thia bottle the cough quite left mo. Fro:.* 'the Editor of the •' Yorkshire Independont," West -street, Leeds, Mtroh 6th, iB78 — My family ia particularly liable to ohoat aifectinne. We have found fSsxto' 'b Lurif. r'reservor a most excellent remedy, Ho highly do we esteem it that we do not like to be without it in the hoase. For the kisl fifteen \e&T6 not only tav own fatally, but uiaay f rieuUß to whom 1 have recommeucci it have found groat benefit from it. For Bmnohitis I mow nothing equal to It. -— ISDWAUD Fossaa To tO bad of nil Uhemiats and Storekeepers bottles, Is 6d, 2s Cd, 4s 6d» aud 8b eaoh. Whoieaalo Agents — J. Baxter, Oh&iniat, 2l Vicx>ria-ntreet, Christohurch Messrs P ti&yiuun k. Co., BaiQdbury 5 fillisdon k Co. »nd t^eii-pthorno, Prossor, k Co.; tnd may, also L,B obtained of merohssts throughout New Zealand. ft^ Purohasord are requested to aak for Baxter'd Lung l'rea<rva.\ Bt> cautioue against oeing put off with tomo ott,ermodioine whioh dealers may rocommend eolciy on tho ground ■A haviug more profit. Aossts fob New Plymouth Mr J, H. BBNNUTI, ObomiV T U ?J Great American Medicine NESTOR'S WIZARD OIL. Pntontee ftn« Be la Proprietor, JfiiANK WRHTOi. WJBfa T O N'S WIZARD C 1 Composed ef Houling GnuiH, Ifolenrne Vegalabla Oils, 1 nnd Rnre Mediemo' llorba 5 is guarontecd to ouie Phc-n-maSlsm, Goat, Neuralgia, Sprnina, Piles, UmrrhoDa, Toothocbo, Iloadache, Lumbago, Woondc, Buruß, Cromps, Cholera, Bpnoniß, Bore or Infi&med niyeo, Karaohe, Contracted Oordß or Muocloa, Pfaius iv th^ Sids, Boro ThroMt. Art x rotailod by &1> Chf wistß find Ptorohßoptrs Uiroiifchont tho C'olonicH. &\W) REUAIID.— I will givs th- &to n y SBWAKD for informttion Jcading to the DETECTION and CONVICTION of &nj porßon making or offering for snlc, any apnron« or Oolosukjb Ihitatiok of V?E^T(/K* W I7. AUD OIL. Hißf.oi FKANK WITBTOiJ. ICLP AQBNTeSBMWHOIiBB, PBOBaBB fe Co f

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7173, 17 September 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7173, 17 September 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7173, 17 September 1886, Page 4