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BLAIR'S GOU;T_PILLB. TH3 GSBAT ENGLISH SSMBDY GOUT, RHEUMATISM, SOIATIOA, AND LUMBAGO. A LL s-iffareri from tho abnva ootnpl&ict* r\ oitho? of raoent or long scandias?. ar^ adviaad to nee BLAIB'3 GOUT and 3HKD MATIO PILLS, They oas be raliaG npoa a? tho mosi »a£3 and effooiaa vomviy o?ar afferad to fche publio, and havo baea univer. « ally uaod in Am9rioa and Europe many yaara ■rith. the greatest eraoceaa. ,. Hor Misjodiiy'a Ootninissionera hav.s authorijad the name and address of "Thaaiiio Proal, No. 229, Ktrcnd," Laudon, to be la pressed upon tbo Governmoat stamp afuxed to each box 0/ the genolne m-jdlolne. lv\& in Saslai-d at lv. 143, sod 3a, M per fir o' --bfcain' 2 '<* *^* ~" 11 1 * v * nl or sto es lo -he An«»- • Onion?**. 1173 b ft mr 7 '87 A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS Lj" '^I^^ -^- re a( i m i' ; ted by 0, M M j**\^ tliousnncls to b f/ "v*A worth a Guinea o f*t// V A Box for bilious and /Oft/ \w^\ nervous disorders, l\i/f \^'A euch ns win d, ond I'jV/ T> A. rrrrrKTrr V'Vl pain in the stomach, I / PATEN 1 I'l sick neadacho, gid. I Xfl I -..ip m| diness, fulness and Iv 3 \ rMLiaOi ISSI Bwelhngaftermools, ! l*,j\ . /Cf dizziness nnd drow1»\ — • *"— ' " Igil ainess, cold cMlls, \V*j\ /■%}/ flushings of heat, VftvV yt&*M losa of appetite. \&A?Z?-2-TiW'jr ahortnoss of breath, n^\**^r costivenoss, scurvy, blotchosonthoskiii, disturbed sleep, VffiV frightfal dreams, and atynervous and tramblinff sonsations, Ac. The first doso wdl givo roliof in 20 minutes. Thia is no Cction, for they have done it in thousands of cases, E very sufferer ia earnestly invited to try ono box or thesa Pills, and they will be acknowledged to bo WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills ara invaluable, as a f evr doses of them carry off all gross humours, open all obstructions, and bring: about nil that ia required. No females should be vrithout them. There is no medicine to ba found to equal BEECHAJI'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of tho system. If takon according to the directions given with each box they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. *» For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, nnd nil disorders of tho liver, thoy net like " MAGIC,' ' nnd a few doses will bo found to work wondera upon tho most important organs of tlio human machine. They** strengthen the whole muscular system, restore tho long lost complexion, bring bnck the keen oduo of nppotite and arouso mto action with the ROSEUUD of health the whole physical energy of the hnraau frame. These nro "FACTS 1 ' admitted by thousands embracing all classes of eociety; and ono of tho best guarantees to the nervous nnd debilitated is, Ueechnm's Pills havo the largest sale of any patent medicine m the world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COTJGH PILLS As a romedy for Cough 3in general, Asthma, Difficulty in. Breathing, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppression of tho Chest, Wheezing, &c, these Pills stand unrivalled; and anyone labouringundcr any of the above complaints need only try One Box to prove that thoy are the best ever offered to tho public for Asthmatic nnd Consumptive Coughs, Hoarseness and Oppression of tho Chest. They speedily remove that sense of oppression and diiiiculty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Thoy give almost instant relief and comfort to those afflicted with the nnovo distressing and, -when neglected, dangerous complaints. Let any person troubled with any of tho above complaints give Beechah's Couan Pills a trinl. The most violent Cough will in. a short h*-*, be rfcinoved. , Caitiox. — The public aro requested to'notice that the word 3 " BEECHAii'i Pills, St. Helens," are on tie Government Stamp affixed to each Box of the Pills. If not on they aie a forgery. Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail by tbo proprietor, T. Beecham, Chemist, St. Helens, Lancashire, England, in boxes at Is. l£d. and Zs. 9d.*each.— Sold by all Druggists nnd Patent Medicine Dealers throughout tho Colonies. K.B. — 2"uU directions are given with each box. KEAraO'S POWDER KEATINQ'S POWDER. KILLS BUGP FJEAP, MOTHS, BEETLES. THIS POWDER is quite habmless tc AKIMAL LIFE, but is uarivalled in destroying gIiBAS, BUGS, COOKBOACHES, BBbTLEB, moths in fubs, and every other Bpeoies of iDsect. Sportsmen will find this invaluable for destroying fleas in their dogs, as also ladiea for their pet dogs. THIS ABTICLE has found bo great s SALE that it has tempted others to vend a ao-callod artiole in imitation. Tine public ara CAUTIONED that the tins of the genuine powder bear the aatograph of THOMArKEATIKG. Bold dt Tkts onjvt. KEA.TING'3 WORftTTABLETS. KEATrNG'B WOBM TABLETS KEATING'S WOBM TABLETS KEATJNG'B WOBM TABLETS A PUBBLT VEGETABLE SWEETMEAT, both Id appearanoo and taste, furnishing a most agreoablo method of administering the only certain ramady for INTESTINAL or THBEAD wobmb It is a perfectly safe and mild preparation and is especially adapted for children. 6OLO IS TIHS BY ALL DBUQv}IBT3. Proprietor... THOMAS KEA.T[N*t. LoNnON.f A SUPERLATIVE TONIO, DIURETIC, ANTI-DYBPEPTIO AHD INVIGORATING CORDIAL. npHIB MEDICINAL 3EVEBAG2 1b warI ranted not only free- from ovory injurious property and ingredient, but of the best possible quality, Ite extraordinary Medicinal proportirs in Uravel, Qout, Chronic Rlieu° matism, Incipient Dropgy, Flatulence, Colic fains, of the Btomaoh or Bowels, whether in Adulte or Infanta. In all ordinary oases of Obstruction in the Kidneys, Bladder, A Urinary Organ* ; In Dyspepsia, whether Aouto or Ohronio; In General Debility, Sluggiah Circulation of the Blood, Inadequate AEsimilation of Food, and Exhausted Vital Energy, krt aoknowlorigod by tho whole Medloa Faculty, and attested in thoir highest written authorities, PERPETUAL INJUNCTIONS against the Sale of Counterfeits of Wolfe's Schnapps have been granted by tho Hnpreroe Courts of N«w Houtb Wales and Viotoria, and further action wi)i be instantly t&kei: against anyone infringing upon the Trade rights of the Proprietor, Hole Agent* frr Australia and New ZealandM. MOSS & Go., YDS BY AKD MBLBOUKWB »t*».-u>.— /.!. j.*AlriAi\ & Co., A9KHT3, W»LLINCm>]R,t

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7172, 16 September 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7172, 16 September 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7172, 16 September 1886, Page 4