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A 1 Old Established AND Popular Met *o te DAXTEB'S Lubg Prec srver has baea ttL> tab' 'shed ovor a qaarter of a century and patronised by all rv^ks of tooiety, and enjoyß a BuoctManp ar»7( ild. Oonsumption, Oonvhs, Golds, Bronoh/ti Asthma, Whoopkf Cough, Sore Throi 0 and all affeotions 1 the Chert and Throat Effectually Believed and Oared by Baxter's JLung Preserver. 2SS f BSTIMONIAIiS. From William Baed, Esq., Shipping an Cnatoms' Agontr- . . Lyttelton, WovemDor 28,- 1888 I have need your Lung Preserver in mj family for the last , fourteen years, therefore have the greatest pleasure in bst "ing testimony to . r efficaoy in the treatment of ooughs, colds, NfOnoh'tis, oroup. whoopingcough, &o, have -recommended it to my fnonds, who hara also proved it to be a Tery palatable and speedy oor« for ebost pud throat complaints. I have uniformly found a single dose ct %f Lung "P-eserver " oheok a never* pfoxystn of coughing. . I shall on all occasions have great pleamre in recommend >ng it ta sufferers, as I consider it a beon to Mankind. From Isaac Allen, Esq., Commission Agent —Hereford-street, Chrfstchuroh, December 6, 1883,-After gevenyears' experienoel havo great pleasure in testifying to the efficacy of your "Lung preserver," having proved it in mjr family to be a epeoifio for coughs, ceide, &0., a few doses invariably subduing the nasty harasting oough, aad while relieving tha throat and ohect, it does not, like other nostrums, disorder tbe digestive organs by induoing nausea, con■tipatiao, headaohe, loss of appetite, 4o. lean hoartilyjreoommend it as this but, cheapest and moet palatable mixture known fo» coughs, oolds, bronohitia, whooplafg-ooagh, £0. 80 highly do we Mteea it that we always kwp a apply on hand. From W. JB. Soott, Esq., Builder, &o,— Poterborough-gtreet, Chrißtohuroh, December i, 1883, — Some years ago I was recommended to try a bottle of your " Pnlmonio Elixir and Lung Preserver," for tightness of the ohost. I did bo, and from that time I hay« nevor beea without it in the house, I have found it answer in every respect for coughs, colds, asd sore throat, and would strongly advise those that are suffering from such complaints to try it. fhe Bey. J. Myers (ox-FreeUient of the Onitod, Mathodist Fre» Church) writes— Haaover-street, Leeds, March 25th, 1872 — I faava pleasure in tf stifyiDg how rapidly and effectually Baxter's Long Preserver haa acted la allayiag congh and irritation of the chest In ths case of ray wife, who has aeveral timci beea under tho necessity of using it daring the winter. - J From Dr. J. Ewart, M.R.0.8 1., ko—l am Tory much opposed to patent medicines generally, and totally discountenance the Balsams, Qxymele, Elixirs, Syrups, and other emanations of unprincipled •mpirios ; bat I regard your Lung Preserver sa a really good preparation, entirely free from tho>e qualities wbioh render moet patent siedicinos dangerous, and possessed of those tonio and ..timulatipg properties which nodei it a treasure to those who scftor from tt li«l i« exhausting effects of pulmonary disaase and chest affeotions generally. In oases of aßthma it quiokly cute short the paroxysm. In ohronio bronghitls or winter ooughs it is useful 1 the discharge i muoua is greatly assisted, aid the wheeling •nd diffioalty of breathing are greatly relieved by it. Ia acute bronchitis it is also beneficial, and whilst it tends to oheok inflammation, it promotes expectoration and thus relieves the laborious and difficult brestaing so general in taese attacks. As a oough medicine, for persons of all et w, it i» excellent, — J. BWAKT M.80.5. From Bey. W. B. Marten, Wesleyan Minlter — Christohuroh, 2nd August, 1872 — Having suffered conaiderabte annoyance during the past two years from ..oarßeness and affection of the throat, whioh at times rendered public speakicg eomewhit diffionit and painful, I have, since my arrival in this circuit — in April isst — been induced to try your Baxter's Lung Preserver, and I deem it only just to Inform you thai I have experienced great benefit from its obo, being enabled to preach now with a degree of ease and comfort to wbioh I bad been some time a stranger. As yet I have but used three bottles, but shall certainly recommend it to ail who suffer 5h a similar manner. You are at liberty (3( 3 make what use yen please of this communication. JFrosa Bey, Hamuel Sel'are, Minteter of United Methodist Free Ojiurohea.-For tho sake of suffering humanity I record tha following extraordinary cores, which have been effaoted by yonr valuable Lung Preserver:— l know a gsntlem.n in whom consumption had lofer progressed that his medical man gave up his oa*e as hopeless. He, however, availed himaelf .of yoor treatment, and, after taking a few bottles oi your Lang Preserver, was B 9 far recovered ».s to be able 10 resume his buiin«gs, whioh he bow regularly follows without much inconvenience frois either pain or weaknen. A Oough of many year* 1 standing. The rev. writer of the above continues— Ad aged lady of my acquaintance was for many years troubled with a ohronio cough so asvere that Bhe seldom had an hour's quiet Bleep, After spendieg nearly all her sub•:auoa in medioine, she was persuaded to try yonr Lnng Preserver, ko, wbioh, under God'« blessing, soon cured ber. Mr. Biohard Lobb, Treohnow, Tintagtl, Cornwall, writes to Mr. H, Welch, Oamelford —I was very 11 for a long tin?t> witu a oough, fco., and did not average one bear's nleeo per night, but en obtaining from yon a 2s 9d bottle of Baxter's Long Preserver, and taking one dose, I slept soundly, not Ov>ugh?ng more than five minutei in the night. Before I had finished the contents cf this battle the oough quite left me. From the Editor of the "Yorkshire Independent," West-street; Leeds, March 6th, 1878 — My family is particularly liable to oheat affections. We hays found Baxter's Lung Preserver a moat excellent remedy, So highly do wo esteem it that we do not lik« to be without it in the house. For the last fifteen years not ocly ray own family, bui many friends to whom I have recommended it have found great benefit from it, For Bronchitis [ ', know nothing equal to it. — EDWiJtD , FO3TKU To be bad of all Ohemlsta and Storekeepers bottles, li fid, 2s 6d, 4b 6a, and 8s eaoh. i Wholesale Agents — J.Baxter, Chemist, 2L Viotorla-btreet, Ohristohuroh Meßera P Haymitn it 00,, Bainsbury, Ellisdon k Oe. «nd &.empthorne, Preeser, k Co.) and may •Ibo bo obtained 0! merohanta throughout New Zealand. fcgT Purchasers are i-equested to ask for Haxtor'e Lung Preserver. Ba cautioce against ocing put off with eomo otbor medioine whioh dealers may recommend solely oa th« ground 3f having more profit. A»BHTB 70S NEW PLTMODT.* i Mr J. H. BENK&TT, Oheminr WrHANnV Rffmont Htnra f T fl £ i Great American Medicine W B s¥7) N ' S WIZARD OIL. Patentee and Stb Proprietor, I-BANK WEHTOfc WBBTON'S WIZAEII Cl 1 Compoßßd ci Koaling Gums, Balsams Vegetable Oils, aod Bare Medioine' Herbs j is guaranteed to oura Bhenmatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Sprains, Piles, Biarrhcaa, Teothaoho, Headaohe, Lumbago, Wounds, Burns, Cramps, Cholera, Spasms, Sore or Inflamed Byes, Earache, Contraoted Cords or Mnsolea, Pains in the Sid«, Bore Throat. Are retailed by all Chemists and Storekeeper* throughout the Colonies. £100 BBWAED.— I will give th? abo«,v BBWABD for information leading to the DETECTION and CONVICTION of any psrsoD making or offering for sale, sny »puroiß or CaroiAßr.K luitatiok of WEBTON' WIZARD OIL. B-'&nc* ?BANK WEBTON. bOLF AGSMTB—

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7170, 14 September 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7170, 14 September 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7170, 14 September 1886, Page 4