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GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. EPPS'IJOGO BREAKFAST. 11 By a thorough knowledge of the na v ,o Jaws which gorora the operations o digojt and nutrition, and by a oaroful app'icati 1 of the fiao properties of weil-selecte J0 x> \ Mr. Epps haß provided our b-eakfait tables with, a delicately-flavoured baverago wh'ch may pave us many heavy do it n8 bi Is. It is by the judicious use of suoh articles of diet that » constitution may be gradually built np until strong enough to resist every * s ndency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floatii g around us ready to attack wherever ~ there is a i»eak po'nt. We may 01 cap a mnny a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves woil fortified with pnro blod and a proper'? nourished fraiae," — See article in tbe Oitil Service Gazette. Made simply with BoiJ ; *g Water or Milk. Sold in ilb packets by Grocers, labelled thus— JAMES EPPS & Co., HOMCEOPATQIC CHFMIST3, LONDON, ENGLAND. kß39hbk 839hb n25 '86 A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS j J^7»TJ"*yt'Nk. -^ re by ' S% Qn A >^V thonaandß to b mS/^'ZS' **«v^?«V 'worth a Guinea o fjyy >f,^A Box for bilious and IQQ/ v» \ nervous disorders, l^iyf \\ N *' » such as wind, and I'iMIDAT'TTTtfT V'^l P.n"» in the stomach, I I jtrAL HIIS JL I^.l aick headacho, gidlUl I r-k lil C> I ftj 1 diness, fulness and I^l KlLi-Oi /£3J swellingaftermeals, Ivm _, m JS I dizziness and drowln\ Jisi ß Slness » colcl chills, V©\ /t&i flushings of hent, VVl?>Sw lo3S oi appetito, A^M^r^SWC* *S^S shortness of breath, (wmr^r costivenesa, Bourvy, blotehosonthoßkin, disturbed sleep, fnghtfnl dreams, and all norvou3 nnd trerablinff sensations, &o. Tha first doso will give relief in 20 minutes. This is no Cction, for thoy have done it in thousands of cases, Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of theso Pills, nnd they will bo acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA. A BOX. For females of all nges these Pills are invaluable, as a, few doses of thorn carry o£l all gross humours, open all obstructions, and bring about all that ia required. No females should be without them. Tliero is no medicino to be found to equal BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of tho system. If taken according to the directions given with each box they will Boon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. *i _ For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and an disorders of the liver, they act like MAGIC," and a few dose 3 will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs of tho humnn machine. They" strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetito and arouso into notion with the KOSEBUDof health thowhole physical energy of tha human frame. These are "FACTS" admitted by thousnnda embracing all classes of aociotyj and one of the best guarantees to tho norvous and debilitated is, Beecham's Pills have the largest sale of any patent medicino in the world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS As a remedy for Coughs in goneral, Asthma, Difficulty in Broatlunfj, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppression of the Chest, Wheezing, 4c, these Pills stand unrivalled; nnd nnyono labouringunrter any of the abovo complaints need only try One Box to provo that they nre the best ever offered to the public for Asthmatic and Consumptive Coughs, Hoar3enc93 nnd Oppression of tho Chest. They speedily removo thnt sonso of oppression nnd diiliculty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Thoy give almost instnnt relief and comfort to those nlnicted with tho above distressing and, when neglected, dangerous complaints, Let nny person troubled with nny of tho above complaints give Beecuaii's Codoh Pilt.s a trial. Tho most violent Cough will in a short tu^", be rt.novod. '- Cautiox.— Tho public aro requested to'/intice that tho words " Bebcham's Piit.h, St. Helens," aro on the Government Stamp affixed to each Box of tho Pills. If not on thoy aro a forgery. Prepared only nnd sold wholesalo and rcfcnil by j tho proprietor, T. Beecham, Chemißt, St. Ilolons, liauciuinirc, England, in boxc3 ut Is. ljcl. and 2s. Od.^ench. — Sold by all Druggists nnd Patent Uedicino Donlers throughout the Colonies. N.B.— Full directions aro given with each boj*, mimt POWDER KEATI^Q'S POWDER. KILL'S BUaf F/BAF, MOTHS, BEETLES. THIS POWDER In qaito harmless te ANIMAL lijte, but Ib unrivalled in desfroyi.i? VL«CAB, BUGS, COOXaOACHEB, BHIhTLBS, MOTHS IN ifi/as, and every other species oi IDsoot. Sportsmen will find this invaluable for destroying floaa in thoir dogs, as also ladios for their pet doge. THIS ARTICLE hai found so great a SALE that it has tompted others to vend a 30-oallod article in imitation, T'n public sre cautioned that tho tins of tbe s^nninr powdar bear the antograph of THOMAfc KEATIJSG. SOLD IN TIKB OHLT. KEA.TING'3 WO KW 'TABLETS. KEATING'S WOBM TABLETB KSATING'S V/OBM TABLETS KEATING'S WOBM TABLE! 8 A PUBKLY VJCOKTABLB SWEETMEAT, botii in »ppoa: aico and taßta, f arniHhir g p. most fierceable moibod of udmlniaforlng tho only certain remedy for intestinal or thbeao It ia a porfeotly sr.fs and mild preparation aad is espdoi&lly adapted for children. IN TIX6 BY ALL DBOGGISTa. Prop.Jotor... THOMAS KE4ITG LON"O)-.t THIJOAT AFFECTIONS AND HOAnSENEBS.— All sniloring from irritation of the tin osit and hoarseness will be agreeably snrj rise<J at the almost immediate relief afforder. by the uhe of " Brown's Bronchial Troches." 1 nwe fatnous "lozenges" aie now sold by most rospectnble chemists ia this country at Is. l^d. per box. People troubled with n "lmcking cough," a " blight cold,'" or broach. ai affections, conno: try them too booh, as simihu troubles, if allowed lo progress, result iii benous t'ulinoiiaiy anfi Astlnnatic aSccnu'is. See th;if ho .onis '■ Hi own 's Bronchial 'l i. ji: v .i;b'" v ''i ' ' niraent Htump .)ioi.:i I e.<i'i box. W.-.ti'iiii. 'ued by John I, Bwcwn a SOiSa', i.«N p;i, UoiieJ tfUtea, l-i-w , li)l OjJoiv-j(U«Ct JUOULIOU

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7168, 11 September 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7168, 11 September 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7168, 11 September 1886, Page 4