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Business Cards. TTT HARRINGTON, LICENSED NATIVE INTEBPBETEB Communications to be addressed — care of W. Black, Baker, Devon-street. a 671 to p O. MORTON, LAND AND COMMISSION, CUSTOM HOU3E, AND FOBWABPING AGENT, Devon-stbeet, New Plymouth, aPPfitc NEWTON KING, A DOTIONEEB, OATTLE AND STOCK A. SALESMAN, Land, Estate, »nd Genera! Commission Agent, Dkvon Steebt, New Plymouth. 0 j ALFRED BUCKLAND, A UOTIONEEB AND COMMISSION A. AGENT, AUCKL.VSI). Sales of Fat Stock on Thursdays Horses on Friday. No charge for grazing if sold on first «ale day after being received. a 212 tc hb GREAT EXCITEMENT IN WALES about a marvellous cure. Living Six Years Without Going To Bed. MB. EDITOR,— WhiIe spending a few days at the pleasant seaside town of Aberyslwith, Cardiganshire, Wales, I beard related what seemed to me either a fabulous story or a marvellous cure. The ftory was that a poor sufferer who had not been able to lie down in bed for cix long years, f, iven up to die by all the Dootors, had been speedily cured by some Patent Medicine. It was related with the more implicit confidence from the circumstance, as was eaid, that the Vioar of Llanrystyd w«3 familiar with the facts, and oould vouch for the tiuth of the report. Having a little curiosity to know how such stories grow in travelling, I took the liberty while at tbe village of Llanrystyd to oall npon the Vicar, the itev. T. Evans, aud to enquire about this wonderful cure. Though a total Btr&ns er to hi in, both he and his wi r c most graoiously entertained me ia a half hour's conversation, principa'ly touching the case of Mr. Pugh, in which they seemed to take s deep and sympathetic interest, having been familiar with his sufieruge, and now rr juiced in what seemed to thtm a most remarkable ouro. 'I he Vicar remarked that he presumed his n&me had been connected with the report from hia havicg mentioned the case to Mr. John lhomas,a chemittof Liar on. tiosaid Mr. Pugh was formerly a resident of their pa>i h, but was now living in tbe parish of L'anddeinol. Ke strongly vouched Bfr. Wm. Pagh"B ohatneter as a respectable f armor and worthy of credis. I left the venerabJe Vioar with a livelier tente of 'he happy relation of a pastor and people, f telirg that ho was ono who truly sympathised with all who areufflictediamin^, body, and estate. On my return to AberjEtxith, I was impreesea with a desire to see Mr. Pugb, whose rrputat'on stood so high. His farm is callsd . ancom- Mawr, signifying '• above the dingle," situated rear tho saxmit of a smooth round hill, overlooking a be autif ol va ley in which is s'tuatcd the lovely ivy-mantle I Church of Llanddelnol. I found Mr. Pugh, apparently about 40 years old, of medium heig t. rather slight, with a pit a ant and intelligent face, I told him I had he a d of his great affliction and of his r.markab'e and almost miracu'ous relief, and tbat I had come to learn fiom hs own lips, what there was of truth in the rer orts. Mr. Pogh remarked that his neighbours bad taken a kindly and &) mpathetic interest inlis case f r many years, bnt of late their interest had been greatly awakened by a happj change in hia c edition. Vi hat you report of having heard abroad, caid ho, is subgtan iall. true, with one exception. I 1 ever undei stood tnat my c-»soc -»so was ever given up m hopeless by any Physician. I have been treated by i«vcra. Doctors hereacouts, »s Kood aa any in Wai s but unfortunately no pretcrij tkn of theirs ever brought tbe desired relief. Fifteen years ago, ho said, I first became cnscioußof » tour and deranged Etoa^aoh aad loss of 1 ptetite, which the Drctorß told me *a* DysLepsi*. V hit food I ecu d hoi : in my etomeci eetmed to do me no good and was if ton thrown up with painful retchings. Jhia was followed alter a time p.ith hoarcenefs and a raw screness of the throat which the Dootors cslle'J bronctitis, and I was tieatod for that but with little success. 3 hen came shortness cf breath and a eersu of suffocation especially nights, with clammy sweat, and I would have to go out of bed aid torn times o;.en a d< or or window in winter weattier to fill my lungd with the old air. About cix years ago I became so bad that I could not sleep ia bed. *'ut bad to take my unquiti r»st and «-;reemy sleep attmgia an anich'-ir. .^y affliction eeemedtoto worki: g downward into my bowels aa will as upwards into my lungs aud throat. 111 1 the violent couching spasms which grew more frequent, my abdomen would expand and collaj so and at times it w^ald seem that I should Eu&ooate. All this time I was reduced in strength to that I could perform ro hard labour and my spirits were consequently much depressed. Karl? in this last spring I bad a still more kg cere spesmodic-attae :, and my family and neighbours be?ame alarmed, believing that certainly I would not surv ye, wbon a Dcigntour, who had acme knowledge, or had heard of tho mcd cine, Eent to Aborystwith by tho driver oi '.he Omnibus Post, s ra-i seven mi es difctand, and fouh da bottle of Mother eige''o Curative i-yrup. This medicino they adminiatnted to me accordi g to thodire.tiona when to their iurl rise and d light no less than my own, the pp'.sm ceased, I became Rt eaeo, and mi stomach cal<i cd. My bowels were moved as by a gentle cathartic, and I felt a sens? ol quiet comfort all through suoh as I had not t ufore realized in many years I con d walk around tiiohcu3e bndbroatha ocmfortiby i< a few houra after I had taken the intdiciui . I havo continued to teke tho medicino dui.y now fo torn, tiling ovor two ruontta, and I oan Jay down and sleep sweetly at njghta ano h'»vo tjit>i 00 b/id .' recurrence of those tern ble sptttmsard sw(at:rga. I have been to lo:g broken down a r d reduced in 1. y v,h ,v nj-Btem that I have not tried t> p rlOfcn uuj very h id out-do^r labour, due ■ mg v best v bo prudent lest oy over-exertion 2 ruuy do mjKflf injury boforo my stieiiath is full) restored. I feel that my alomaoti and bowel, hwe bunaiid are being thoroughly rooovated und n 1 ewod by tha midioiuo. In fuct I fee. iitso a new truu, 1 htivo betn much coDgra'ul&led \-j mj ntighuours, (Btecmlly 1 y tho fcood Vicir 01 Liaurj^tyd who *ith hia hyapft'liolic wif* have coh c thiee miles to shed ti-ira of joy o> my recovery, I bude Mr, 1 ugh gcodbye, lnppy tbat ivcl obo at least among Uioubhmlh hud foJLd i> remedy fo. aneggrav tin A disease. Ke its-iug tLis rem-irkubi ; cubu ofDysjcp tic Asthma abou d be Known to the public, J beg to mlmit the above facts uo they aro rt laled to me, *852 h w bep i\ % -yy.

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7168, 11 September 1886, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7168, 11 September 1886, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7168, 11 September 1886, Page 1