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[PER TBESS ASSOCIATION.] DISEASED MEAT. Auckland, July 19. The police decline to prosecute in the case of the sale of cancerous beef, as no oileuce is disclosed under the by-lftw, the meat not being " exposed for sale," but disposed of -wholesale. TIIE SHOOTING C/\SI3. In the North Shore shooting case, now being heard at tho Police Court, Mrs. Luuuy, who is still weak from her wound, alleges that she was not unduly familiar with McGuire, bub admits wanting to go to the Opera House with him, and writing him a letter beginning "My dear George," and ending «• Your darling Maggie." TAKAWEPwN. RELIEF FOND Wellington, July 19. The Oc ,-a-nor haa invited tho members of bo. !i Houses of tho Legislature to meet him this afternoon and discuss the Tarawera relief question. A EEPIIKVE. rieebodv, who was sentenced to two ye "us' iLajyisaiiJ-ient last session for being concerned ia a Wairarapa cattle stealing case, will he released this afternoon. The matter was left by the Ministers in tho han^s of the Governor, who has seen fit to order the remission of the sentence. GOVEINMEST INSURANCE. It is understood that the result of the polling on the Government Insurance Association proposals will be in favour of handing the business back to the Government. The poll is to be declared at 8 o'clock to-night. It U PLY POSTAL, CARDS. In reply post-cards will bo introduced to-morrow. FIRE AT BLENHEIM. Blenhei.ii, July 19. A four-roomed cottage and contents were burned doun on Saturday night. The house belonged to Gostello. It was insured for £100, and the furniture belonging to Mormion, the tenant, for £75 ; both in the Standard. SALE OF TIIE WALLAI3I. Gheyjioutii, July 19. The Wallabi was sold as sho lies for £100 to Mr. Hamilton, chief engineer of tho Pelhani. It ia understood that an effort will be made to float her. KUDDEN DEATH. GniusTciiUßCii, July 19. Geo. Tregasser, an old man, who lived by himself at Sydenham, was found dead in bed last night, lie had not been Been aince Wednesday last. FIUH IN DUNEDINT. Dunedin, July 19. Yesterday afternoon a bng of rubbinh iv Mcl fl adyen'B boot shop, Georgo-Htreer, was discovered to be on liie, and was put out. At one this morning it broke out again, and the place was gutted. Insurance, £700, in tho Phoenix. The insurance agent said that everything was safe when ho iuspeckd the place ye&torday.

A foollrill inatcli was played -mSilur c]av, !■;!•', b> twtcn tho Taianaki m.d W .iiaia cliiba .-ti tha tow 11 {.'round. Altir ,1 .veil cOiiUs'^d t,.un - tli- ii.iUh \v 1 • deehrtd diav n. 'i' 'L'iCT i.i'.u iidsiug facoied. 11 j / 1 /../-ctiiu of a coinpan}' L, ri been is ,!> , ,oh ih b ing 1 rgaiiised for the piirppwu 01! " utiiisirg th' 1 W.'i.stu L'iiid.s of Tiiranaki " Sitnuci, M.'! '.I. for New P!>;couUi, -nd Major Atkuuion, M.J1.11. £•/.- ijg.' wa were afaknH to become direct irp. -W. . amuel did no^ uecept tho po-)iliori. The head quarLurb oH. Iho Company arc in Wellington. Tho following now patents lmvo been tp\ Joe 'rjiii Taraiiak' : — An invention f.i .. r'oubL bnt en ladder, by /id .vai 1 KiiwdfuJ, <>l' New i'lyiuouth, Ile-ni-dent Magl.'-tr.iK: , an invention for jtu iijiproved shapi oi butter package, by Edward SnywbuJl, of Now Plymoulb, engineer,

So;no excitement waa caused in tho to i vn to-day by tlio body of a noise being convoyed through the street in an express, tt was thought that somo accident mt;3t havo happened. That, howovi r, v .!-> not tho enso. It st'euis th-t about tiir 0. jom"* a"o .1 horso s>,ot on the i.iii's.i/ i'Tic ■■'■ov ■ 1) vv n street, aivi it i.ii •ili>:,_; in fu ut oL" .'. tr.iin until it came to th ■ cattle-Htup til the lijvou street crosbin^. Hero it c uno down, and it iceeiv<. 1 sum 1 very u;ly cuts and hruise' 1 . and was giv.-n up as jia-t ri-«'V<iy. Xo own' r ci'ill be founl fur it. - a poisia ;n New Pl* mouth took it in han-i, ill !, .I"LT .1 f 'U- W !-J trOlllll.Mlt, rc-itortd it to h -il'ii and \i4or. Being still un.U>!c to find its owner, ie» prcH.'iver wold il,i l , .md until rocently it v.m boon run-ing about in tiio c.ib.s in Urvn. Litrly, however, it b^ciui" u> ident that the old i'lijuritrt wero uL'ejtiug tho horse inU-iiorly, .md (ho a, which was fo nearh' causing a disastrous railway acoideiil/liis nt 1-isl shiifil'd oil", leavin.; the iny^ttry uo to whom it belonged still uur ivt'llc I.

It. is understood that .the block of land in firin.i'vi vhiih wik set apart as a s.'tlleniLnt for M. t'e liaiven is now free for disposal in other ways, and it was hoped hy the Tar.n I 'ki Lr.nd Board, and, indeed, by a l.irj" number of persons desirous of settling upon it, tliat it would now bo thrown for occuputioti under the ordinary systtm. Itseemp, however, that this hope is doomed to disappointment. A Mr. Hunt, who is wellknown in connection with au historical law suit against a Governor of Fiji, is cudeavouriag to havo the land iv question handed over to liiiu fot a special settlement. A company is to be formed to manipulate this block nnd another on the othur side of the Mokau river, and it is intended to intioJuce aud settle foreignpr's upon the land. Air. Ballancc is understood to bo fnvourablo to the project, and the application that tho land bo withdrawn from ordinary sale for the purpose of a special settlement v. ill probably be acceded to. The infornntion has much who disconcerted the Taianaki Land Board, maintain that tho land which Mr. de Ilarven had selected would ho speedily occupied, moro especially as there is a great denun 1 at present lor land iv Turanaki.

Artful Boy. — A boy swallowed a revolver cartridge one day last week, aud his mother doesn't daro to '" wallop" him for fear he'll go off.

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7120, 19 July 1886, Page 2

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NEW ZEALAND TELEGRAMS. Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7120, 19 July 1886, Page 2

NEW ZEALAND TELEGRAMS. Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7120, 19 July 1886, Page 2