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A WOMAN'S SUFFERINGS AND GRATITUDE. A Voice from Austria. NEAR the \il!agoof Zillingdorf, in L:v*or Au'tria, li oJ Maria ilaas, aa intelligent and iudubtriouj woman, whose story of p>yb cal sull'e-i"g and final relief a3 related b, liersolf, h of interot to EnglUh women, 'I was oiup oyed," she fays, ' in the work of go furmhouse. Gvurwork brought on hiok headache, followed by a deathly fainting uud siokuej-s of tho atomaob, until I waunable to retain either food or drink. I wss compelled to take fco my bod for eavoral wouks Getting a littlo bettor from rest and quiet, I tought to do some work, but was soon taken with a pain in my siie, which in a litile white seemed to spread over my svho c boJy, and throbbei in my ovory limb. This was tcllowcd by a cough and shortmss of breath, until finally 1 coutd not sew, aud I took to my bed for tho sec )ud, »»*d, as 1 thought, for tho last time. My fiienda tol<> me that my time hr 1 nearly cimo, and ta* 1 could not live longer when the trues put on their grean once more. Then 1 happened to get ono of the Seigel pamphkls I read it, and my .d^ar mother bought me a a bottio of Soigel'B. Syrup, which I took ixactly according to rfiroctiono, and 1 had not taken the whole of it before I felt a great change for the better My last illness began Juue 3rd, 1882, and continued to August 9th when I began to take the Syrup. Very soon I could do a little light wort, 'i he cough loft me, and I was no more troubled in bieathiiij;. Now lam perfectly cured. And oh, how happy I am 1 1 cannot express g atitudo enough for fceigel's e>yrup. Mow 1 must toll you that the doctors in our distriot distributed iidudbills oiutiouing peop c against the medicine, them it would do them no good, and many wero thereby iuflaenced ti dettroy the Seigol pamphlets; but now, whereever one Is to be found, it is kept liko a relio Tho few preserved aro borrowed to read, and 1 have lent mino for six miles arouad our dist'ict Feoplo have come eighteen miles to get me to buy tho luodioino for them, u nowing that it cured me, and to be sure tj get the right kind. I know a woman who v .'3 looking like death, and who told them there was no hoip for her, that she had consulted several doctors, but none could hulp her. I told her of faeigei's byrup, and wrote the name down for h«r that she might make no mistake. She took my advico and thi Syrup, and now she is in perfect health, and the people around us are amazed. The medicii c has made such progress in our neighbourhood that people say they don't w ;nt tbe doctor any more, but they take tho byrup. b offerers from gout who were con fined to their bed and could hardly move a finger, have been cured by it. There ia a girl ia our district who caught a cold by goiug throighsorro water, and was in bed five ; c.v s with ooativeness aud rheumatic paius, uud had to have an attendaat to Wdtcii her. Ihero was not a doctor in tho surrounding d° stilts to whom hor mother had not applies to it 1 eve hor child bi% every one orojfeJ ttini;.?lves and Baid they could not hehi her Whoiovartto little boll rang which is ruug in our (lace when somebody is dead, we thought turel> it wasforhtr, but beigel'B byrup aid Pis tttved her life, and now she 'v as niaUby as any jedy, go 8 to church, and caa work y/ouin the fields. Kvoryuooy was astonished wrei they saw her out, kno^iug haw mauy years sha ha J been in bed IV-dity tho adds her gratitude to mine for Gyl'a mo.cies aid jeigol s ;>yrup." Makia. Haas, Tbo people o* EnglatdspoakcoDfirming tie a) ,ie. AFTER MANY YEAHS. 'Whittle-le-Woods, near Chorley, " December 26th, 1883. " Hear Sir, — Mcth-'-r Beigol,s medicine soil* oJCJOiiog well with us, all that try it epepk highly in its favor, We had a case of a j oung lady that had b.en troubled many years vti.h pans after eating. Bho tolls us tbat the pains were entirely taken away after a few doses of your medicine, — Yours trc'yi E. Peel." AFTER SEVERAL YEABS. ' (Stoke Ferry, January 9 th, 1881, "Qentlemo'-, — I have used i-eigel's Syrup for sevoral years, and havo found it a most offionc'ous remedy for Li er complaints and general debility knd I always keep somo by me and cc mot speak too highly in it 3 praise. — I remain yours truly, "Harriett King," AFTER SIX r KEN YEABS. ' " 95, Newgate Sircet. WorbFO^NettsT" '• D.cembcr 2Gth, 1883. "Gontl men, — T t is with tho greatest of p ensure 1 nc ord my tettimony as to the efficacy of Motbrr t-eigoi's i-yrup iVfy wifo who hiis suffered from acu c Dyspepsia for over bixtcon ye^rs, is no * perf ctly >ofter through tho so'e help of your Jiyrup. -I hay sptnt pounds in medicines from doctor — n fact, I began to think she was incurable, until your rnarvolloug medicine was tried. — I remain, yturs, thmkfully. "Alfred Foid,' THE IFFECTS HAVE BKGN WONDERFUL. '•Ilfjrd Eoad Disp'.mnry, DuUnfield, Kay 3 d 1884. "Dea* Eir,— l aoi hapy to inform you that the silo of your Syrup and Pil's increases ontinually. t-evcral of my customers speafc of hating derived more benefit from tho uso of thesa than from nny othor medicine. In tome instances tho effects havo boon wonderful. — Yours very rospectfully. " Pro. Ed win Eiwtwood .T. 8." a 352 h w bsp 30 '86 A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS s^^c- 'i-T ~?*^. "^ ro Emitted by \f tl t\ /S^ thousands to bo fy worth ii Guinea a fj*ff/ Tiox for bilious and t*JQ/ v» \ ne"' oll3 disorders, /.>,'• / \\ NV-iN V-i Bucli (is wind, nnd I /Jr!A.I±!4JN 1 I _ I sick hendncho, gidSW I nillC I W I dmess, fulness nnd B*? I rlkbdi liSi swellingnftormonls, Vvrt\ | , L /SB dizziness nnd drow%**i\ JtiH Bincss, cold chills, \v\ >Vv/ "iislmips of bent, Yy>\ los ? oE nppetito, ss £*T£rjr Bliortness of breath, uj§iC*Z^r costivenoss, scurvy, Wotchesonthoskin, (listurljod sloop, 'WBB* frightful drcoms, and nil nervous nrul troraWinß seii.sutioiis, .tc. Tho IlrstdO'in will K'vo i oliof in 20 inirmtos. This is no fiV.ion, for thoy hnvo dono it in tliousnnds of cases. Every Hufforor is earnestly mvitod to try ono box of. theso I'ilW, nnd thoy will bo acknowledged to bo WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For f emnlo"3 of all ngos thoso Pills nro invnlimblo, OS a fow dosos of them enrry off nil fjross humours, open all obstructions, nnd bring about nil thnt is roqiiired. No females should bo without thorn. Thero is no niodiciiio to bo found to equal BKEUHAM'S PILLS for removing nny obstruction or jrrcgulnrity of tlio syßtuin. If taken according to tho directions given wRh each Ijox thoy will booh rcstoro females of nil nges to sound and robust health. For ii wonk stomnch, impiircil digestion, nnd nil disorders of the liver, they net liko ".MAGIC," nnd n few (Una will ho found in work wonders upon tho most inij>oitiuit oignns of the human mnchino. J'iiuy nhciigthpii Uio wholo lniis-culnr B,ystum, restore tho long lost complexion, bring liaek Uio koon edgo of nppetito nnd nroitHO into notion with tho UOSI3H UD ot health tho wlmlo physical nioruy of Uio hiiiiinii fwme. 'i'lirso uro "FAUT.S" n'linittod by thousands embracing nil clns^es of society; nnd ona of tlio best gniininters to tho norvo'us nnd debihtaleil is, lloechiim's I'ills hnvo tho largest unlo of nny jintent medicino in tho world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS As n remedy for CViughs in general, Asthma, Difficulty in Urcathing, Shortness of Ilreath, Tightness nnd Oppiessum of iho Chest, Whoo/.ing, ite., thoso Pills stand unrivalled; nndnnyono liibouringundor nny of tho abovo complaints need only try Ono Ilox to provo thnt they nro tho bent ovor offered to tho public for Anthmnlic und Consumptive f'oiigliH, Xlourßanesi und Opprosßiou of tho Chest, Thoy speedily romovo that honso of opprcHuion and dim. culty of breathing winch nightly dopnvo tho pntientof rust. Thoy givo almost, niHtaiit rubof and comfort to thoso afflicted with tho nbovo disliossing nnd, when neglocted, dangerous complnmtn, Let nny poi'Bon troubled with nny of tho nbovo complaints givo Ueecuam's Couqi'i Pii.m a trial. Tlio most violent Cough will in a short tit..", bo rwiovod. "; Caution.— Tho public wo roquastod to"notico Umt the words " HtEcifsi's Pii.r.s, St. Hclenß," nro on tlio Govormnont Stnmp nlflxad to each Box of tho Pills. If not on thoy nvo a forgery. I'repnrp'l only and sold wholcsnlo and retnil by tlio propr.-ior, T. Beoehatn, Chemist, St. Hi 'lens, Lanrnalnro, Knglnnd, in boxes nt Is. ljd. nnd 28. (M. 'each. —Sold by nil Druggists nnd Patent Jiledlcino Dealers throughout tho Colonies, N,B,— Full dirogtiong nro giyoa with eaph box,

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7118, 16 July 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7118, 16 July 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7118, 16 July 1886, Page 4