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A WOMAN'S SUFFERINGS AND GRATITUDE. A Voice from Austria. NEAR the village of Zillingdorf, in Lower Austria, lives Maria Huas, an intelligent aud industrious woman, whoso story of p'?ys'cal suffering aud final relief as related by herself, is of interext to English women. 'I was employed," she eaye, ' in tho work of ge farmhouse. Overwork brought on sick headache, followed by a deathly fainting and Bickue;s of tho stomach, until I was unable to retain either food or drink. I was compelled to take to my bed for soveral • oeks Getting a little better from rest and quiet, I sought to do some work, but was soon taken with a pain )u my side, which in a little while seemed to spread over my whole body, and throbbed in my every limb. Thia was tollowtd by a cough and shortness of breath, until dually 1 could not sew, aud I took to my bed for the second, and, as I thought, for the last time. My friends toJd me that my time ha-1 nearly come, and the I could not live longer when tho trees put oa their green once more. Then I happened to get ono of tho Soigel pamphkts I read it, and my d;ar mother bought mo a a bottie of Soigel's. Syrup, which I took exactly according to direction?, and 1 had not taken the whole of it before I felt a great change for the better My last illness bcyan June 3rd, 1882, aod continued to August: 9th when I began to take the bjrup. Vory soon I could do a little light wcrk. 'I he cough left me, and I was no more troubled in bieathm*. Now lam perfectly oured. And oh, how happy I am ! I cannot express g atitude enough for fc'eigel's syrup. Now 1 must tell you ihat the doctors in our district distributed uandbiUs cautioning peop c against the medicine, them >t would do them no good, and many wero thereby influenced to dettioy the Seigel pamphlets; but now, whoreever one is to be found, it is kept like a relio The few preserved are borrowed to read, aud I have lent mine for six miles around our district. People have come eighteen miles to get me to buy the medicine for them, knowing that it cured me, and to be sure to get the right kind. I know a woman who was 100 ding like death, and who told them thero was BO help for her, that she had consulted several doctors, but nono cjuld help her. I told her of Seigei's Syrup, and wrote the name down for her that she might make no mistake. She took my advice and tha Syrup, aud now she is in perfect health, and tho people around us are amazed. The medicine has made such progress in our neighbourhood that people say they don't want tbo doctor any more, but they take the 'byrup. & offerers from gout who wero con fined to their bed and could hardly move a finger, have been oured by it, There is a girl in our district who caught a cold by going through some water, and uas in bed five yeaißwith oostiveness and rheumatio pains, and had to have an Attendaat to watcu bor. Ihere was not a doctor in tbe surrounding districts to whom her mother had not applied to relieve her child but every one oro&ed ttimtelves and said they could not hel£ her Wuenevar the little bell raug whioh id ruag in our pluce wben somebody is dead, we thought fcurelj it was for lur, but soigel's byrup ai-d P.l's aavod her life, aud now she is aa health) as anybody, go a to churca, and can work eveHin the fields. ETerybooy was astonished whoa they saw her out, knowing how many years she had been in beu IV-day ehe adds j hor gratitude to mine for G jd's in-. .cies aud boigel s Syrup." Mabia Haas. The people of .England spoak confirming tr.o above. AFTER MANY YEABS. 'Whittle-le-Woods, near Cborley, " December 26th, 1883. " Dear Sir, — Mother 88igel,s medicine soils oioeeiing well with us, all that try it speak highly in its favor, We hod a case of a young lady that had b en troubled many years witb pans after eating, She tolls us that the pains were entirely taken away at tor a few doses of your medicine. — Yours truly, " B. Peel," AFTER SEVERAL YEABS. • Stoke Ferry, January 9th, 1884, "Gentlemen, — I have used teigel's byrup for several years, aad lmve found it a most efScac'ous nmody for Lber cuinplaints aud general debility t-nd I always keep some by mo, and cannot speak too highly in iti praise. — I remain yours truly, "Harriett King." AFTER SK-^EEN YEARS, ' 11 95, Nowfca i S.reet, Worktop, Notts, '• December 26th, 1883. "Gentl'mcn, — Tt ia with the greatest of peaiure I be ord my testimony as to tho efficacy of Mother fc'e'ge.'s r-yrup My wife who has suffered from acu c Dyspcp3ia for over sixteen ye*rs, is no« porf ctly better through tho boo help of your Syrup, I hay spent pounds in mediciuus from doctor. — "n i&ct, I began to think she was incurable, until your marvellous medicine was tried. — I remain, ycur3, thankfully. " Alfred Ford. 1 ' THE EFFECTS HAVE BKSN WONDERFUL, '■Ilford Road Dispensary, Duk in field, May 3rd 1884. "Dear Sir, — I ani hapoy to inform you that the s»le of your Byrup aud lllls inorep^os continually, f-'evoral of my cntomers speak of ha^iog derived more benefit from tho use of these than trom ony other medicine. In some instances the effects have boon wonderful. — Yours very respectfully. "Pro. Edwin Eastwood J. 8." a 352 h w bsp 30 '86 A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS ->^» W y?^. -^ ro by jft- vJt/} /^\, thousands to bo Ms, "**s*&,^l worth a Guinea n MfCs^/ ox or bilious nnd fQQ/ V" \ nervous disorders, #•>/, / \"»V-i Eu ?' l ns wind, nnd I 'i*C7 T» A 'IW.'KTT TO 1 piin in tho stomach. I /I?A.IJiiIN 1 1.1 aick heodncbo, gid- ■ 1/2 1 n|i I O mi diness, fulness and I^3 I rlLiLd, jESt swellingnftermcttls, ■Vrt\ mt ii IS I dimness and drow%<Jj\ /t3l Biness » co ' <l chills, Vv\. /£?M flushings of hent, YvJ»V j X loss ot oPPet'to, s v< shortness of forenth, f(@!\**!^r costivonoss, scurvy, blotches on the skin, «R?k disturbed sleep, frightful drenms, and nil norvoua nnd tromblinp? eonsntions, Ac. Tho first do3o will givo relief in 20 minute?. This is no fiction, for they havodono it in thousand? of ensea, X vory sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of theao Pilh, nnd thoy will bo acknowledged to bo WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For fomnlos of nil ngos theso Pills nro invnlunblo, ns a fow doses of them enrryoff all gross humours, open nil obstructions, nndljring about nil that is required. No females should be without them. Thero is no modicino to bo found to ccrunl BEKOHAJt'S l'lIiLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of tho Rystotn. If taken according to tho directions givon with onch box they will soon restoro fomnlcs of all nges to sound and robust health. Por a wonk stomnch, impnired digestion, nnd nil disorders of the hvor, thr-y nut liko " MAGIC," nnd afow dosos will be found to work wonders upon tho most important organs of tho humnn machine They strengthen tho wholo muscular system, restoro tho long lost complexion, bring buck tho koon odgo of nppotito nnd nrouso into action with the KOSEBUDof health tho wholo physical energy of tho humnn frnmo. Thosq aro "FACTS" admitted by thousands ombrncing all clnbses of society; and one of tho best guarantees to tho norvous nnd debilitated is, lioecham's Pills havo tho largost salo of nny patent medicino in tho world . BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGHPILLS As a remedy for Conghsin goneral.Asthma, Difficulty in I)iou Mung, Shortness of Uroath, Tightness and Oppression of tho Chest, AVheozing, &c, theso Fills stand unrivalled; nndanyonolabounngundor any of tho abovo complaints need only try Ono Box to provo thnt thoy nre tho best over offered to tho public for Asthmatic nnd Consumptive Coughs, Hoarseness mid Oppies'sion o£ tho Chest. They gneodily removo thnt senso of oppression nnd dillloulty of brontuing winch nightly Uonnvo tho patient of rest. Tho v givo almost instant rolief and comfort to those afflicted with tho abovo distressing nnd, when neglected, dangerous complninis. Lot nny person troubled with nny of tho nbovo complaints givo Br.EaiiAii's Cocou Pn,i.s a trial. Tho moat violent Congh will in a short i»>-^ uo r6movod. "7 Caution.— Tho public nro requested to'notice that tho words "BEEonxit's Pirn.3, St. Helens," aro on the Government Stamp nllixed to oaoh Box of tha Pills. If not on they are a forgery. Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail by tho proprietor, T. Beecham, Chemist, St. HelonH, Lancashire, .England, in boxes nt la. IJd. and 2b. Od. 'each. — Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers throughout the Colonies, j J*,B,— FuU aiieotlona are given wita each box,

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7117, 15 July 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7117, 15 July 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7117, 15 July 1886, Page 4