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A WOMAN'S SUFFERINGS AND GRATITUDE. A Voice from Anstria. NEAR tbe village of Zillingdorf , in Lower Austria, Hte3 Mncia Haas, aa intelligent and industrious woman, whoso story of physical suffering and final relief as related by herself, is of interest to English women. 'I was employed," she says, ' in the work of ge farmhouse. Overwork brought on sick headache, followed by a deathly fainticg and sickoosa of tho stomaob, until I wai unable ro retain either food or drink. I wss compelled to take to my bed for several *ooks Getting a little better from rest and quiet, I toughfc to do some work, but was soon taken with a pain in my tide, whioh in a litsle while seemed to spread o?er my whole body, and throbbed in my every limb. This wan tollowtd by a oough aad shortness of bie&th, until finally I could cot sew, and I took to my bed for the seoad, aod, as I thought, for the last time. My fiieacls told me that my time he 1 nearly come, and th,£ I oould not live longer tLan when the trees put oh their green once more. Then I happened to get one of tho Seigel pamphk(3 I read it, and my d>ar mother bought me a a bottie of Soigel's. Syrap, which I took txactly according to directions, and 1 had not taken the whole of it before I felt a great change for the better My last illness be^an June 3rd, 1882, aud continued to Augus; 9th when I began to take tho Bjrup, Very soon I could do a little light wort. Ihe cough left me, and I was no more troubled in breathing, Now lam perfeotly cured. And oh, hoir happy I an! I cannot express g atitude enough for Seigel'a c>yrup Mow I must tell you that the doctors in our distriot distributed bttndbitls cautioning peop.o against the medioine, them it would do them no good, and many weio thereby influenced tt> detfcoy the fccigel pamphlets; buc now, whereever cno la to be found, it is kept like a reiio Ihe few preserved aro borrowed to road, and I have lent mine for six miles around our distiiot People have come eighteen miles to gut me to buy the ujedioihe for them, knowing that it cured me, and to be sure to get the right kind. I know a woman who was 100 li ing like death, and who told them there was no help for her, tbat she had consulted several doctors, but nono ould help her. I told her of fceigei's by rap, aud wrote the name down for her that she might make no mis(akt). She took my advice and tho Byrup, and now she is in perfect; health, and the people aroun-i us are amazed. Ihe medicine has made such progress iv our neighbourhood that people say they don't w-iat tbe doctor any more, but they take the fcyrup. Dtifferers from gout who were confined to their bed and could hardly move a finger, have been cured by it. There is a girl in our distriot who caugut a cold by going through some water, and naa in bed five yea' s with oosiivenees and rheumatio paine, aad had to have an attenda jt to watch nor. lhore was not a doctor in tbo surrounding dL trials to whom her mother had not applied to rtheve her child but every one oro&ed tlu.U-sives and said they could not he)& her WA.eie<ar the little bell ra-ig which ia rung in our (.luce wten somobodv is dead, we thought £urol/ it wns for Ik r, but be'gel'd byrup a'^d Pis caved her lifo, aad now she is as btaitny as an} body, go s to obuioh, aud can work eveain the fields. Kteryoooy vras astonished when they saw her out, fecovring haw many years she hai been in bed Tc-day the adda her grutitudo to mine for Gja'a m^.oies aud Keigel s fcyrup." Maeia Baas. Tbe people of .England Epcik confirming tie abj?e. AFTER MANY YBABS. 'Whittie-le-Wooo*?, near Cborloy, " December 26ih,188d. " Dear Sir, — Mother 8ei3e1,9 medicine soils eiceoJiug well with us, all that „'y it sposk bi ~hly in its favor. We had a caso of a jouog lady that had b en troubled mttuy years wi.b pa'nß offer ontiDg. She lolls ns tbat tbo paiDß were entirely taken away alter a few doseß of your medicine, — Yours tru'y, " B. Peel." AFTEB SEVEBAL YEABS. • Stoke Ferry, January 9tb, 188-1, "Gontlemen, — I have used se'gel's Syrup for several years, end have found it a most efficac'ous remedy for Lier cjmptainti aad general debility end I n'ways keep some by me and cannot speak too highly in it) praise. — I remain yours truty, "Harriett King." a: teb sixteen years. * "S3, New^afa fc. et. Woi-fcto", Nettp,^ '•D.cemb6r2Cth, 1833. "Qentl men, — H ii wiih tbo greatest of pea-ure I oc ord mv to.timony rh to tbe efficacy of Mother ."yrop fry w'fo who has suffered from acu c Dyspf psia for over Bixteen ye3ra, is no » perf ctly better through tho so c he.'p of your *>yrup. I bay spent pounds in medicines from doctor. — n fact, I began to th'nk she was iacurable, until y?,ur marvellous medicine was tried. — I remain, ycurs, thaukfully. "Alfred Ford.' THE EFJFECTS HAVE BUSK WONDE2FUL, 'Ilfjrd Eoad Dis . n^ary, DjU- Qold, May 3 d 1884. "Dea* Sir, -I am hapy to inform you tbat the s ilo of your Syrup aod I ills inorei ob continuilly. t-'overol of my ciMtomors speak of having derived more benefit from tho use of thoso ihan Irom »ny other me -icine. In somo instance.':) tho effects havo been woudarful. — Yours very respectfully. " Pro. Ed w-n Eastwood J. 8." u852 h w bap SO "80

A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS >^5 On *\ y^W thousands to bo M4ff^ r worth a Guinea a A-X^r ox or '• )lliollS nn d fQJ/ v* \ nervous (lisorUers, j\l,f \*V.l Bucn ns ivin( l, nnd I'fcl T» H T'TTXT'P V'V 1 pnm in the stomnch , I ' lI!A.TENr 1,1 sick hcadnche, gidy^l nil I r \r3\ tline9 3, fulness and Bv3 i rIULOi lESt sivellingnftormenls, s'mA -r i ii IS I t U zr i ness nntl flrowS^j\ JCsJI siness, cold chills, \v\ >*W/ NushiiiKs of heat, Vy>\ loss o£ nppetito, shortness of brcnth, /ffln *K^* costivencss, scurvy, blotchesontheskin, jRP34 disturbed sloop, frightful drcntna, nnd all norvous and tromblinpf sonsiitions, kr. Tho flrsodojo will k'ivo rolipf in 20 ininnto?. This is no fiction, for thoy hnvo dono it in thousands o£ casr-s, X very sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of the-io PUla, nnd thoy will bo acknowledged to ho WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of nil ages these fills nro invnlunblo, os a fow doses of thoin carry off all gross humours, opati all obstructions, nnd bring about all that is required. No females should bo without them. Tliero is no medicino to bo found to equal JJEKUHAH'S PHiLS for removing nny obstruction or irregularity of tho system. If taken according totho directions given with euch box thpy will soon rostoro females of nil ages to sound nnil robust health. For v wo.ik Htomnch, impaired digestion, nnd nil disorders of the livor, thoy act liko " MAGIC," nnd nfew doses will be found to work wonders upon tho moit linpoit.uit organs of tho human machine. Vlioy Btreiiffthen tho wholo muscuhir system, restore tho long lost completion, bring back tho koen c(lf?o of nppotito and nrouso into action with tho ROSKUUD of hcilth tho wholo physical energy of tho human fiamo. Thesq nro "PACTS** admitted by thousands embracing all classes of society; nnd ono of tho best guarantees to tho norvous and debilitated is, Ueechnm's Pills havo tho largest snlo of nny patent medicino in tho world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COTJGH PILLS As a remedy for Coughs in gonornl.Asfchmn, Difficulty in Breathing, Shortness of lircnth, Tightness and Opprossion of tho Chest, Wheezing, &0., thoso Pills stand mm vnllod; nnd nnj'ono labouringunder nny of tho abovo complaints need only try Ono Box to prove that thoy aro tho best ever olTcrc I to the public for AstliuinticiindConsumptivoConffhs, Hoarsencs and Opprossion of tho Uhost. They ppoodily removo that, senso of oppression and difficulty of brcnthing which nightly deprivo tho patient of vest. 'JL'hov givo almost instant rolief and comfort to thoso allhcted with tbo übovo distressing nnd, whoa neglected, dangerous complaints. Let nny person troubled with nny of tho nbovo complaints {jivo Bekcham's Couon Pii,t.s a trinl. Tho most violont Cough will in a ahort tit^i bo rsmoved. '- Caltio*.— Tho public nro requested to'/iotico thnt the words " Bekchasi's Pii.i.s, St. Holons," ore on the Qovornment Stamp affixed to each Box of tho Pills. If not on thoy are a forgery. Prepared only ond sold wholesale and retail by tho proprietor, T. Beocham, Chomißt, St. Helons, Lancashire, England, in boxes at Is. ljd. and 2b. od.' each.— Sold by all Druggists and Patent Jlodicino Pealors throughout the Colonies. jJ?,B,— Pull OirecUoas mo ffivon with each box,

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7116, 14 July 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7116, 14 July 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7116, 14 July 1886, Page 4