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■A WOMAN'S SUFFERINGS AND GRATITUDE. A Voice from Austria. "VTEAR tho village of Zillingdorf , in Lower i JLM Austria, lives Maria 11 11 as, an intolli- ' gent and iudustrioua woman, whose story of ! piysoal suffering and final relief aB related by herself, is of interest to English women. , 'I was employed," sho says, ' in the work of go farmhouse. Overwork brought on flick headache, followed by a deathly faintiDg > and sickness of the stomach, until I wai unable to retain either food or drink. I was oom polled to take to my bod for several * eeks Getting a little better from rest and quiet, I sought to do some work, but was soon taken with a pain in my bide, which in a little, while seemed to spread over my who:e body, aud throbbed in my every limb. , Tbis was followed by a cough and shortness of breath, until finally I could not sew, and I took to my bed for the sec Dud, and, tt I thought, for tho last time, My friends told me that my time hfi nearly come, and tk* I could not live longer iban when the trees put oa their green odco more. Then I happened to get one of the Seigel pamphlets I read it, and my d«ar molhor bought mo a a bottle of Seigel's. Syrup, whioh I took exactly according to directions, aud 1 had not taken the whole of it before I felt a great change for the better My last illness began Jane 3rd, 1882, and continued to August 9th when I began to take the Syrup. Very soon I oould do a little light work, 'lhe dough left me, and I was no more troubled in bieathuig. Now lam perfectly cured. ' And oh, how happy I am! I cannot express g atitude enough for fc-eigel's syrup. .Now I must tell you that the doctors in our distriot distributed handbills cautioning people against tho medioine,- telling them It would do them no good, and many were thereby influenced to destroy the tieigel pamphlets; but now, whereever one Is to be found, it is kept like a relio The few preserved are borrowed to read, and I have lent mine for six miles around our diettiot. People have come eighteen miles to get me to buy the medicine for them, knowing that it cured me, and to be sure to get the right kind. I know a woman who was looking like death, and who told them there was no help for her, that she bad consulted several doctors, but none oould help her. I told her of Seigel's byrup, and wrote the name down for her that she might make no mistake. She took my advice and the Syrup, and now she is in perfect health, and the people around us are amazed. The medicine has made suoh progress in our neighbourhood that people say they don't want tbe dootor any more, but they take the Syrup. Safferers from gout who were confined to their bed and could hardly move a finger, have been cured by it. There is a girl in our district who eaugbt a cold by going through some water, and was in bed five yea. a with oostireneas and rheumatio pains, and had to have an attendant to waton uqt. lhore was not a dootor in tbe surrounding dutriots to whom her mother had not applied to relieve her child, but every one cro&ed themselves and said they could not holj her Whenever the little bell rang which i 3 rung in our ilace when somebody is dead, ne thought eurely it was for her, but beigel's fcyrup and Pil s taved her life, and now she is as iitalthy as ttnjbody, goes co church, and can work e/eain the fields. Every tody was astonished when they saw her out, knowing how many years she had been in bed Today the adds her gratitude to mine for God'a mc.cies actf Saigel s Syrup." Mabia Haas. The people of^England speak cc Qrming tbe al 3ve. AFTEE MANY YBABS. 'Whittle-le- Woods, near Chorley, "December 26th, 1883. " Dear Sir, — Mother SeigeJ.s medicine soils exceeding well with us, all that try it speak highly in its favor, We had a case of a young lady that had b:en troubled many years with pains after eating. She tells us that tho pains wore entirely taken away after a few doses of your medicine. — Yours truly, " B. Peel." AFTEB BEVEBAL YEARS. • Stoke Ferry, January 9tb, 1884, "Gentlemen, — I have used seigel's Syrup for several years, and have found it a most efficac'ouß remedy for Li^er complaints and general debility »nd I always keep some by me, and cannot speak too highly in it j praise. — I remain yours truly, "Harriett King." AFTEB SIXTEEN YE ACS " 95, Newgate Slreet, Worfeeop, Notts, »• December 26th, 1883. "Gentlemen, — Tt i* w : th the greatest of p'eaeure I ac ord my testimony as to the efficacy of Mother hyrup. My wife who hbß suffered from acu'e Dyspepsia for over nix tee v yeirs, is no» perfectly better through tho so.c hop of your Syrup. I hay* spent pounds in medicines from doctor* — In f dct, I begun to think she was incurable, until your marvellous medicine was tried. — I remain, ycurs, thankfully. "Alfred For>," THE EFFECTS HAVK BKBN WONDBBFUL, <■ Hford Boad Dispensary, DukiDfield, May 3rd 1884. "Dear Sir, — I am happy to inform you that the sile of your Syrup and Pills increases continually, r-evoralof my customers speak of haviog derived more benefit from the use of these than from any other medicine. In some instances tbe effects hate been wonderful. — Yours vory respectf ally. " Pro. EdvrJn Eastwood J. 8." a 352 h w bap 30 '86 A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEEOHAM'S PILLS 14 s^. -^ ro a d mi ttecl by V*' *\ y^V thousands to bo m£t "NflwX -worth a Guinea a /*%*/ ■ InV ox * or b''\ ous an^ gQJ/ V" \ nerToua disorders, I si, I \sV-\\ s V-\ BU °h ns wind, nnd I'iM'DA'mr'rVrT' Y^l P<«n in the stomach, I 1 J^iilJCilN i. \ M I Bick hoadnche, gidIWI nll I C lul duiess, fulness and • t-3 I HILikO. /Cgi swelhngafterrneuls, V»"d\ _ , j ISI dizziness and drow\^j\ /ffi mness, cold chills, VPJ\ S&bm flushings of hent, VVKV 1° 33 o£ nppetito, Xf^VX^Bor shortness of breath, /ran **2r costlveness, senrvy, blotchosonthoskm, disturbod sleep, frightful drenms, and all nervous nnd tromblfaff sensations, &o. Tho first doso will givorolief in 20 minutes. This is no fiction, for thoy havo dono it in thousands of cases, E vory aufferor is earnestly invited to try ono box of these Pills, and they will bo acknowledged to bo WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For fotnales of all ngos theso Pills nre invaluablo, as a fow doses of them enrry off all groas humours, open ull obstructions, nnd bring about nil that is required. No females should bo without thorn. Thoro is no meilicino to bo found to equal BEBOHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregulniity of tho Bystom. If taken according to tho directions given with each box thoy will soon restore foinales of all ngos to sound und robust health. For a woak stomach, impaired digestion, nnd all disorders of tho livor, thoy net liko "JIAOIC," nnd a fow doso3 will bo found to work wondors upon tho mo3t important organs of tho limnnn innchino. Thoy strengthen tho whole muscular system, rostorc tho long lost complexion, bring back tho keen edgo of nppetito and nrouso into action with tho ROSEBUD of health tho whole physical enorgy of tha human frnino. Thoso aro "FACTS" admittod by thousands embracing all classes of society; nnd ono of tho beit gunrnnteos to tho nervous nnd debilitated is, Dcochnin's Pills havo tho largost salo of any patent modicino in tho world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COTJGHPIILB As aromedy for Coughs in goneral, ABthma, Difll. eulty in Breathing, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Opprosßion or tho Chest, Wheezing, &c, theso Pills stand unrivalled; and nnyono labouring undor any of tho abovo complaints neod only try Ono Box to prove that thoy nro tho best over offorod to tho publio for Asthmatic nndConsnmptivo Coughs, Hoarsoness and Oppression of tho Chest. I'hoy •poodily remove that sonao of oppression nnd difll. culty of breathing which nighily doprive tho pationt of rest. Thoy give almost instant roliof and comfort to thoso afllictod with tho abovo distressing and, when neglected, dangorou* complaints. Lot any person troubled with any of tho above complaints giyo Beech vt'a Cocou Pills a, trial. The most violent Cough, will in aßhorti»i_^bo removed. , Oxuriox.— Tho publio axo requested to'flotice that tho words " Bexohau'i Puts, St. Helens," are on the Govornmont Stamp affixed to each Box of the Pills. If not on thoy aro a forgery. Prepared only and sold wholeualo und retail by tho proprietor, T. Beecham, Chemist, St. Holeng, liancainire, England, in boxes at Is. ljd. and 2s. 9d."each.— Sold by all Druggists nnd Patent llodictne Dealers throughout the Colonies. JT,B,— Full dirocMoM we given with enoh box,

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7114, 12 July 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7114, 12 July 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7114, 12 July 1886, Page 4