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£500-WORTH-£SOO OF Drapery and Clothing to be Given Away ! ! AT WALTER WRIGHT'S ANNUAL CLEAKING SALE NOW GOING ON! :0: AS USUAL at this Season, WALTER WRIGHT will hold his Great Clearing Sale (Prior to Stock-taking) of Rlanketß. Quilts, Sheetings, Flannels, Curtains, Dress Goods, Jackets, UUtcrs, Millinery, Fancy Goods, Clothing, &c, &c. On this cccasion WALTER WltHi-IT will depart from the usual practice of allowing Discount; in.. lieu thereof he will GIVE AWAY GIVE AWAY £500 --- Wd&TH OF DRAPERY AND CLOTHING--- £500 A 8 FOLLOWS :— • Every Cash Purchaser ot Goods to the } ( <3»AT WAL.TKK. WKIGIIT'S Value Of— >Qt A f\ Can Select Goois to £1 Ol ~~" j oWffcU the v»lue of 3D-lA/ [ FBEE OP CHARGE. Every Cash Purchaser of Goods to the 1 (o-AT( o-AT WAI/rEtt WRIGIIT'jS value Of - [ f? Qf\ Can Choo_« Goods _O J -f AQ \ — " ■ jat'tlU tothevUteof *• ±VJ J ' ( WITHOUT CHABGE. Every Cash Purchaser of Goods to the] ( AT WAIVE 13 it WRIGHT'S value of— >■ POA Can Select Ooods to the jC^-. " j _bZI/ value <f XO[ GRATIS. Every sh Purchaser of Goods to the ) ( «_r <% T W AE.TJE R Wit 1 G HT'S V-.-O.f- |£ 15 C..Ch,o r P.roe li £ 315 s| _ _,_ very 0 ash Purchaser of Goods to the ] I e-AT WA.I.TE It WJRIGHT'S value Of— [OIACa. Select Goods to X»O 1 Ag 1 — ■ ■ )Jj] L \) the value of J- 5 iUJ ( FREE OF CHARGE. Every Cash Purchaser of Goods to the ) ( is- AT WALTER WRIGHT'S value of— V P X Can Select what they like _f?-| &«< ££ )_bC) to i lvalue of »•*- O°[ FRSE OF COST. Every Cash Purchaser of Goods to the ) (AT WA LTE R W 8. 1 GUT'S value Of— tKf^l Can Choose Goods to "l*)l(\\ — fDU/- the value of J--4/OJ A GIFT. Every Cash Purchaser of Goods to the ] ( @-AT WALTE « TV -•* IGIIT'-S value of— }G)f\l Can Select Gocls to the Z./ m < ~" jZUr valua of O/ m \ KO CHARGE. Mosgiel, RostyD, or Kaiapoi Tweed Suits MADK TO ORDER, for 70s. The Sale is NOW GOING ON, and will CONIINUE until the End of July, 1885. TKJRM.e — cu__js;h.. REMEMBER THE ADDRESS-""' WALTER WEIGHT, BEOUGHAM-ST., MEW PLYMOUTH.

FIRE. FIRE, FIRE. TJHJB3 03.A.Rr)JBJ]Sr PATENT " Star" Hand Grenade, FIRE EXTINGUISHER, The Great Disideratum. Indorsed by the Chiefs of Fire Departments, Fire Insurance Companies, and Business Houses of America. (PATENTED AUGUST 8, 187 L AND AUGUST 14. 1883). Tbe oringinal and only practical Fire Extinguishing Hand Grenade. When thrown upon or into fire, Carbonic Acid Gas is developed. Its effect is instantaneous and complete in fire quenching, No deluging of goods by water. No goods permanently spoiled. ' * Harmless to persons or clo'hing. Has no explosive Caps or Fuses. Is always icady and powerful. Cannot get out of order. It is cheap and convenient. A lady can use it easily, without fear or embarrassment There is no poisonous vapour, if it is broken accidentally. It is not claimed for these Fire Extinguishers, that they can take the place of a Firo Department, but simply to enable everybody to conquer incipient fires before a. fire-engine could reach tl-ero, the fust five minutes at a fire being worth more than as many hours afterwards. The many praciical proofs received of actual, and what threatened to bo severe fires, being got under check, and extiLguiahed completely, by these Harden Stab GnENADES; are suffii ient guarantees of their merit, whilst their cheapneFi brings them within the reach of all propertyholders. These Harden Stab Grenades are now to be found in tho Public Institutions, Hotels, Btore9, Warehouses, and Dwelling-houses of the United States Cities and Townships. They abb to be seen in the passages of Drury Lane, The Savoy, Globe, and other Theatres, Ponth Kensirgton Museums, Jn'ernationsl Invention* Exhibition, the Public Buildings, Hotels, Bnd Warehouses in London, and all throughout the. United Kingdom. HouseholderF, tenants, and all properly-holdeis shouM at onca potsesa themselvtsof gome of these Grenade?, as in this country of wooden buildings, where fires seem to be a necessary evil, everyone should be possessedof the best means for coping with the s me, For saK>. to' h retail and who'esale, by the undtraigned only. — T. &S. MORRIS & Co, Limited, Sole Agents for New Zealand. JOHN GrILMOUR, LOCAL AGENT. 885 au22 Cottier's Criterion Hotel PERSONAL. DEVON STREET. T HEREBY warn the PRIVATK Suites of Rooms for Families, X proprietor of the Public — — Benefit Stores that if she Bath Booms. continues to cell such superior ___ Drapery and Co hing to the -, „ o , t, in whole population of Taranaki. Commodious Sample Booms for Com- I shall make it my mercial Travellers. Billiards. business to recom- ■ mend all my friends to call on M, A. Winos, Spirits, &0., of the best brands. Bowen to be convinced thai; they will meet with every satisfaction. And most Livery and Bait Stables. %**£* *& W COTTIER, find lnat afc 563 to ' Proprietor. the Public Benefit Stores Provi1 sion D< partment, most unquesninnnTAT rrr\rr>T?T tionably tho Groceries are the IMPERIAL HOTEL, bestihatcanbe bought, and the i COBNER or chearest in the j DEVON AND OURBIE STREETS, Province I al'JO tc New Plymouth. W. WALKER FB;PBIETOB LEWD© qD © UnO (E© 9 _____ , _ . ~r~ , .. „ Bj EGS to announce that he has OPENED JIIIE alove Hotel ha* been consider!^ ft a MUSIO gILON ,_ lll(J iaeß L enlarged, thoroughly renovatod, and all ]ale] occupicfl by Mr . T . wildruan, and the latest jmprovements added for the com- tIVBl J s tbe £ hlio ive bim a Bnare {,f, f , he Yililote accommod(UioQ o£ boarderß nnd patronage accorded his predecessor. Bath^oms. J^fNEW MUSIC, First Class Newßillmrf Table, g^g^jp^ An Ordinary Daily. 0F «vhbt DESCUirrioN. The beet quality of Wines, Liquors, and AUs Also, supplied. 691 to THE BANKRUPT STOCK OF T, — WILDMAN, DAILY COACH SERVICE TO which will be sold at ruinous prices. AND FROM WAITARA. P KIBBY'S COACH- leaves the Taranak UXliii__.jL kDoJLJIi Hotel DAILY at 0.30 am., rUurniDg _______ ___ from (he Bridge Uotel, Waitara, at 3 p.m. FOR ONSS 2MZON I H_ FARES:— Toning, 7s Gd per quarter j Single 2s | Return ... Ss 6d or £1 6s per annum. Goods and parcels at low rates. ' .^ „-, -r~J~~T" -. ,-, _-- ' ' ''" rOPf ° °"" a 52 4 to 0V EVEBT DKEOBIPTION EXECUTED WITH ' DESPATCH. NEWTOtf KING, sil_? A UOIIONEER, CATTLE AND STOOK FOR SALE— CHEAP, __. SALESMAN, a NICELY-SITUATED ALLOTMENT in Land, Estato, and General Commission i A. Game-street, outside the Boroogh Agent, boundary, aud clear of heavy rateß. Apply £Devok Stbeet, New Pltmouth. j. o. davies, r6O bb to 69S to Land Agent. .

885 nu22

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 6797, 2 July 1885, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 6797, 2 July 1885, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 6797, 2 July 1885, Page 1