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Business Cards* NEW AUTUMN AND WINTER GOODS _-«»,.__ 62 CASES NOW OPENED FOR INSPECTION. J „ -»?£???„_ Walter Wriffht ojs^^srzssss ¥» 14JXUV1. TT M.M.^±M.WJ Australasia. BEGS to inform Ihis Numerous Customers and the Public that his FIR^T and SECOND SHIPMENTS, ex s.s. " Doßlo"jand .s s. . b 75 tc " Corao " are now to hand, and comprise some of the LATE JT NOVELTIES for the SEASON ! — — — ■ T. K. SKINNHB.] [T. G. SOLE, New Colored Cashmeres Is, Is 6d, 2s 6d, 3s 6J New Stripe Homespuns, 7£\ lOd, Is— New Barathea Cloths Ib, Is 6d, 2s €i SKINNER & SOLE, New Ottoman Cloths Is, Is 3d, Is 6d New Barilz Cashmeres 2s 6d— all wool New Velveteens, in all New Colors, 1-s'ld, 2a TmfiTNnnflßTNG AND LAND SURVEYORS, lid, 3»6d,456d Now Wool 1 laids 7M, Ts 6d, 2s, 2s lid New Costumes, Ladies' and Children's, 10a 6rl, 15s, 20», 25s ENGINEERING AHVU&SiU guttvaxurv New Pluehes 2s lid, 4s 6d tfew Bilk Velvets 5s 6d. 7s 6d A Special Lot of Colored Broche Silk and Sitins, suitable p/,,,^,,/7, Ttnrmmh for evening wear, 5s 6d ; will be sold 12 yards for 30s. ' Surveyors to New Plymouth Borough. The Largest Assortment of Chi dren's and. Ladies' Ulsters, Jackets, and Dolmans in the District, 3s, 5s 6d, 103 6d, 15s, J^ U ™jm I d E^e P rn a me l nt Un Regulationß! 21s, 30s, and 955. - • Licensed 10 Snrvey and prepare Flans under , • « The Land Transfer Act, 1870." Holds ilie largest stock ©t Children's and Ladies' millinery, trimmed liats, felt lints, plnt»h Plans and Specifications prepared and [superhats, satin hats, straw hats, leathers, flowers, ribbons, ornaments, tur capes, astrachan visununde, r.aken, Am, gjjjj l^ 01 capes, feather capes, *fig»jj»h «««««» Ac » »" tow » , SHT basjast opened 3 bales of White and Colored Blankets— special value— 7s lid, 9s 6d, 123 6«J, 183, 21s, 27* 66*, and AI)DBES s: 30s per pair. Town Hall, Bbotjgham-stbekt, WALTER WRIGHT'S t New Plymouth, Calicoes, Sheetings, Table Linens, Ticks, and Flannels, are unsurpassed for value this season. . 20STf3 "86 holds a large stock of Colonial Tweeds, Worsted Coatings, Serges, Irish Frieze, and Petershams .for Overcoats QHUTTLBWORTH BROS., Astracban's brown cord Velveteens (nnsnrpassed for Men's or Boys' wear); suits made to order. , TIMBER MERCHANTS & IMPOBTER9. WALTER WRIGHT'S have on sale,Hosiery and Glove Department contains all the requites of the season. Colonial Wool Pants, Drawers, Un2ershirfc3, Builders Material and Socks, Stockings, etc. f3" Hosiery made to order on the premises. Buildere' Ironmongery ' "> ' Paperhangingß and iscritn WALTER WEIGHT "•"**•"*££s&&*«* CLOTHING Ip^Hfe™ &T LESS THAH ENGMSK COST. ) a*,**. Men's Tweed Vests 10s 6d,reducel to 2s lid Men's Tweed Trousers 10i 6d, reduced to 6s lid ■ Men's Tweed ALBION § MILLS,— Trousers Pnd Vests 21s, reduced to 15s Men's Tweed Sac Coats IBs, reduced to 9a 6d Men'B Twead Suits 35a, Fine Bone Duet of our own manufacture reduced to 19s 6d Men's Tweed Overcoats 30s, reduced to 19s tid Boys' Tweed Knicker Suits 7s 6d, reduced to 4s ■ f warranted genuine) lid Youths' Tweed Trousers Suits 355, reduced to 22s 6d Youths' Tweed Overcoats 15s, reduced to 10s 6d Guano All Englißh-made Clothing at the same Great Reduction as they must be cleared out. Crushed or Whole Cats, Cbaff. j Acrenfc for Wertheim Sewing Machines, the best in the market. 8 B '• Deton and Quben Etbeets. note the addbess: WaLTE r WRIGHT, BROUGHAM STBEETj ' „__»_ T 'T lhb<C - ' — CARPENTER AND BUILDEB, FTTC TC FT"RE. FIRE. LEwm j@ ne * d^j^z^^^ _J_ _L-LVJ-_I» J_ -*- •" •*-** -*■ ■*" QKGS to announce that he has OPENED —7 i m-izi-cri Til AT3TIWTSJ T3AT«PrT<n^ t* a MUSIC SALON in the premises Eepairfl and alterationa to buildings exerted JLJl±J±i ±±x\.Jbl±JliiJN J_^_^_LJ±»JLN J- lately occupied by Mr. T. Wildman, and cheaply and with despatoh. __ CH a ' M TV 1 1 _P^ *1 trusts the public will give him a share of the . abb M Star Hand Grenade, -»*— — j^j— ■ — mgmwood. ~ T7TTJT7 ■RlTTtlSrfi-TTTSU'RT} J^tf NEW MUSIO, tabby's coaoh! .tIKJi BiAlirNUUlOiliiXt, «*^ >~Pr-» T eaves jtgi-wi «. w*w>°,i and The Great Disideraium. «ff mmxan ®^ i^j^tfSJS.'S &Z& _ . OE 1 EVEBTf DESCRIPTION. ". Indorsed by the Chiefs of Fire Departments, Fire Insnrance Companies, and 2nK left afc the White Hart Hotel, New Business Houses of America. Also, Plymouth, or Eailway Hotel, Inglewood, will THE BANKRUPT STOCK OF T. receive prompt attention. (PATENTED AUGUST $, 1871. AND AUGUST 14. 1883). JAMES TABBY, . 670 to Propr etor. Tbe oringinal and only practical Fire Extinguishing Hand Grenade. which will be sold at ruinous prices. ~~ j When thrown upon or into fire, Carbonic Acid Gas is developed. ; W A I T A a A . Its effect is instantaneous and complete in fire quenching. f^ CFT? A T) Q A T P ' No deluging of goods by water. VjUJjliX Drl±_Jll ; T) C. LAWRENCE, No goods permanently spoiled. J"j, Harmless to persons or clothing. . FOR ONE MONT XII. BAKBR AND PBOVISION DEALER. Has no explosive Caps or Fuses. * *#*» W " JH *t*w« **»■ Is always leady and powerful. . ~~ SLipLing Supplied. Cannot get cut of order. Toning, 7s Gd per quarter ; n * ™ It is cheap and convenient. or *l ss P er annum. Agent fqr THg Ngw Zealj and INSURANCE A lady can use it easily, without feaT or embarrassment «-,-«-> T" -, r^, Pompant There is no poisonous vapour, if it is broken accidentally. J^C _bj Jp J\. 1 Jrt C 3 w 8 307 to It is not claimed for these Fire Extl^toTtluit they can take the place of a Fire of eveby debcription executed with — — '— - E „ Department, bnt simply to enable everybody to conquer incipient fires before a fire-engme despatch. IAM. Ji & 1 1 1 unnJ» "* could reach them, the first five minutes at a fire bei6g worth more than as many hours " ■*- afterwards The many practical proofs received of actual, and what threatened to be severe Importer of all kinds ot fires, being got under check, and extirguished completely, by these Harden Stab JUST RECEIVED, «,. n pt no _ orwl TTavfVianGbenades. are sufficient guarantees of their merit, whilst their cheapness brings them Umlia> UiaSSi aHCI JiiarWieilwithin the reach of all properlyholders. „,,-,,.-...,. tt . 1 fDer S.S. COPTIC, <5> London.") . " Ware* These Hatiden Stab Grenades are now to be found in the Public Institutions, Hotels, <-P er °'°' ulXiV ' «" Stores, Warehouses, and Dwelling-houses of the United States Cities and Township?. They , D EJV O;N STBEET EAST, abb to BE seen in the passages of Drury Lane, The Savoy, Globe, and other Theatres, A lew lOVely JL/OlmanS ailCl New Plymouth. 395 hb tc S K a^CC^^^^ B °" d '° B *' Mantles, and the new Jersey ALFRED bdckland, ■ »r^tS^X:^/MSy J^afSdC^ J aoket - These are vreU wortL . VCTiomm .. cohesion necessary evil, everyone should be posßesßedof;the best means for coping with the s me. aD-Y lady'S inspection. ■**• AUJiJSi, For sale, both retail and wholesale, by the undersigned only.— T. &S. MORRIN & Co., J J ? r AUCKLAND, Limited, Sole Agents for New Zealand. 1 • ' Sales of Fat Btock on Thursdays. ; — — AIiSO)"~* Horses on Friday. F ATT "NT HTT HiT ATT P -„ L ■•-.•• t • No charge fof gn-zing if sold on first sale JUIIJN VjlLlVLUU.tij LOOAL AGENT. 885 au22 The neW-St Parisian Shapes in day after being received. a 212 hb tc ____^^^__________________ =^ Millinery Bonnets, and Hats, sentry hill flous mills. Cottier's Criterion Hotel I UNITED INSURANCE ]\J p HOOD, WE beg to anno^Tce to oat nutnerDEVON STREET. COMPANY. VICTORIA HOUSE. " oub enstomers and the pnblio t .., Capital £500,000 674 hD tc generally thnt w e have decided to open pBITAIE M. __*-. <or h-*. " « «*. in No W Pljn.o.tb, «d hare Bath Booms. c^Ms^^P taken the prerniseß in Brongham-atreet, - Fire Risks taken at the lowest current rhtes. -<055j<%1K%&!!^ next to Mr. Wevergang's where we inComraodiona Sample Rooms for Com. Head office: Sydney. AUCKLAND UNIVERSITY tend keeping a small stook of Snper. mercial Travellers. Billiards. ___- COLLEGE. fioe Flour, Sharps, Bran, Oats, &0., Wines, Spirits, &7^l tbe best brands. ASCnt f ° r Taranakl p i 0< MO r TON> SINCLAIR AND GILLIE 3 SCHOLAR- &0 '» foC Bale at CUrrent ppcr -° c8 ' a134 1c Devon-street. SHIPS. Ofißce open Wednesdays and SaturLivery and Bait S tables. ■ — da s W. COTTIEB, PROPERTIES FOR SALE, 40. npwo SCHOLARSHIPS of the annual 265 hb to J. LITTLE & Co. 863t0 Proprietor. — -„,---. A value of One Hundred Pounds ench, 1 T7IOBSALI!,— AlargennmberofOOUNTßY tenable for three j cars, will be awarded in WREST fc RS & MoKKLLAR. ■ T . IT>c , nTAT rrnrn^T jj PROPERTIES, both bush and open land, November next. WJSiDSIJbJXO a Jll KBUJiAn, IMF C.KIAL iIUIJiL/, and flvwlo-agizeflj in many c«bob on easy These Pcholnrships are open to nil persons Egmont Hour Mills, I ten is« to payment. Also, variouf TOWN \j Om \ Q the Colooy of New Zealand, who, at ri AYE always on sa'e.—Oata, Prime Heavy COBNEB OF PRV)PEKTlEßlnNewPlym6nth,Ralclgh,an tke time of oxaminalion, shall be bstweon. JLL Feed and Crushed ; Pigs' Feed, speoinxtrniff AKTt fiTTTfRTE STREETS) otber Townships, the ages of sixteen and twenty years, and ally prepared: Prime Oamnru Eating Potatoes Uti V Vtt A«±/ «uftw« «*-»« who ghall s ligfy th _ Uou . cil thßt lhey wonld tßolliDg oho , p)< 1 NEW .PLYMOUTH. MONET TO LEND, iDUr_eonmallramß nnto t be able to obtain a University education. on good freeheld eoourity. without pecuniary aid. COAL ! COAL ! ! W.WALKER FBOPBIETOB H. B. BIOHMOHD, ° Canoidaies must pafs a pyclimin ry ex- Best Double Screened Grey Coal. N.B:— — r- Bolloitor. nmination in elementary mathematics j and C all and inppect our price list. THE alove Hotel has been conßidorbl? Devon-street. Oot. 1, 1881 *881 each Canddate will Ie «xamined in two -3- Delivered within Borough Limits, enlarged, thoroughly renovated, and all or three of the following subjects :-(l) a 245 to the latest improvements added for the com- T>T7 T> O /MVT A T Cbemistiy, (2) Physics, (3) Zool 'gy, (4) fort and accommodation of boardtra and ± jQiKoUJN AJU. Botany, (») Geology. Special w U? ht will b» JAFTIPANTTTF GAZETTE vWtore. ' j----»r-- given to altaiomenis aud capaciy in Zoology MlLltl/Aiyilija wjuztnxj. v. -w- tj-jtettrv ™™ «Vm and Botany foi 'the Hinclair Scholarship, and — — ' Bflth Bcoms. , I pVoprie'or of Ie P bite in Chemistry and Electricity for the Gillies fT-HE SUB3CRIPIIJN to this valuable i,/;K,o.iU if «he Scholarship. -I lecoid of Bankruptcies, Bills of bale, First Cl aB « New Billiard Table JS? ,' .-11 Inch inoerior The names of Candidate! and the subjects Mortgagesof Stock.&c , has been REDUCED Dust Llaea KowjJHliara laoie. C oM s to cell . such superior mu6t bo _ o( . fied o _ froj _ |w Ju ,_ Q _ NE GDINKAper RnDUtn , An Ordiaarv Daily whole uonulat ion o Taranaki before the firat day of October, to the Intend/ Ag subscribers are requested to aeud An Ordinary Daily. I Xll make it my begisiar, from whom further informa ion. in tbeff m,mes at oace to the proprietor, The beEt quality of Winea, Liquors, and Al.s business to recom- may be obtained R. T. WHEELER, q y supplied. C9lto niend all my friends to call on M. A. 'J be examioa ion will begin on the 26th oE Duneiin. 11 Bowbk to b 9 convinced that they -ill October, and «il| be held siu.ul.aneou s ly m or t0 Ct w> 00V ETT, DAILY COACH SERVICE TO ™*«*™ss&*£- Andm ° 8t Dunedi? " eUinßtollf ChrißtChnrol aDd 7.4 tc New Plymouth. AND FROMWAITARA. 661 tfl B ° BERT KIDD ' L^ VM . ISSfiiilNi FiSll SALE, IT'S .ssaw.s; ri Si'gsw JsS--SS nww &r muH a m Q^^sssti^js^ from the Bridge Botel, Waitara, at 3 p.m. tionobly the Groceries ate the \J ]}j \}j\S W U llii JliiiU, -°°d o^er ; choup best 1 hat can bo • ' 11. A. maul-ji/Ain, FARES— bought, and th« 240t0 Devoa-alreet. siDBle n'^ -; 29| , 8 T, n T 386 d errc rro fl vSe intho Warehousemen, fob sale, Goods nnd parcels at low rates. ACKKS of opEN LBVKL LAND J. R. KIBBY, ... Proprietor.^ FO R SALE OR LEASE," QCEEtf-STREET, Zi^T-Z^^T^^t "~ OUKGAREHU" HOTEL, containing about ' Plymouth— price £8 per acre. Also, A FARM n.n Rn nn . X 14 rooms, and with stables and blcck- of 800 acres, within two miles oi New PIybAKUUUK! smith's shop, and 10 acres freehold well ATT (JIZLIJ^NJD. , mouth-price «7 per acre. Apply to HARBOUR!! ___-.-.„ fenced. Licenso «10 per annum. Abundance A U ÜB.U AX^ x/. A.STAHDIBD, HAJblliUUttJ!! o f ie Eehold and freehold lands in vicinity. i 432 to tiolicitor. ■ Terms veiy easy. Apply to ; .____ . — H JULIAN will run hi» OABB to the mivicn SAMmrT ' wn n oaiw PWffAP . HARBOUR betwecnthe hours of S fflSr Net Plymouth SAMPLE ROOM- a SALE-CHEAP, am. and 6 p.m. for 6d. each way. 7 " i c9 Solicitor, Mew lly month. NICELY-SITUATED ALLOTMENT in — *™ 170R SALB,-Section 918, New Plymouth A Gaine-at r,et outakle the .Borough lIENDUY'a MOTUROA OMNIBUS V with 8-^med OOTTAQB, four fire DeVOll-Street NewPlvmoHtb to rl leaves the centre of the Town for the placei, Sleigh, Waih-bouie, Pump, and Fur- BWCei, JXCW XTAymuUiU to J. O. DAVIBS, Harboar Woika every hoar during tbe after- nßcafor Boiler. For partienlaM apply to B. R6Bg fab Lmi Ageat| noon between 1 pjn, and i p,m, 688 1» BaYLBT W w 7"" w

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 6774, 5 June 1885, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 6774, 5 June 1885, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 6774, 5 June 1885, Page 1