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Patronized' by the Aristocracy and Elite, extensively used in the Army and Navy> and highlySrecommended by the leading Medical ' Practitioners protected by tho Itoyal Lotters '.Patent, dated October 11, 18G9, OR, BRIGHT ! S PHGSFHQDmf THE SAFEST AND ONLY BELTABLE PREPARATION OF PHOSPHOKUS, MDLTITDDEB oi people aro hopelessly suffering from Debility, Nervous and Livor Complaints, Depression of Spirits, Timidity, Indigestion, Lassitude, Want of Power ko., whose oases admit of a permanent oure by the now remedy, Dr. BIUGET'S PHOrfPHODYNE (Ozonio Oxygen), which at onoe allays all irritution and exoitemont, imparts new energy and lif 0 to the enfeebled constitution, and rapidly euros every Btage of these hitherto incurable and distressing maladies. J^ . forDr. Bright's Phosphodyne is acknowledged by inu nrst medical mwn in Europo as the most efficacious medicine hitherto dis covered for Weak and Shattered Constitutions, Nervous Debility, Aversion or Incapaoity for Study, Indigestion, Female Complaints, Flatulence, Liver Complainte, Bhortnuss of Breath, Pains in tho Head, Pimples, impoverished Blood, and all diseases caused by a long rcuidonco in tropioal olimatoß, for which iron, mercury, potasß, &c, are given in various forms, often to tne destruction of tuo pationt'B health. Dr. Bright's Phosphodyne — Dntil the Introduction of L>r. jbngUta Phosptiodyne, Phosphorus was but seldom prescribed as a medicino, owing to the difficulty in so proparing it that its action could bo kopt under perfect control. It had boon used iv Almond and Olive Oils, in Sulphuric Eiher, iv Rectified Alcohol, in Chloroform, and in covoral advertised modioiues ; but ih all tho hitherto known methods of its preparation, certain irregular results have beou experienced. iJut in tho torm of Dr. Bri^ht's Phosphodyno, ha invaluable action on the human sj stem is realised without any of those drawbacks which other modes of preparation invariably produce, Dr. Bright's Phosphodyne is propared on a now principle, b; wtiicU. all possible risk and disagreeable olf cots are entirely provonted Caution. — Avoid Phosphorus in the form of Pills or Lozonges, as they frequently contain solid particles of Phosphoruu, which accumulate in tho system, injure tho Bones aud Palate, producing Necroses and othor Beriouß oviie, Being prepared from obsolete formulas, they wo generally unrohablo, and in some oases positively dangerous, Dr- Bright's Phosphodyne is agreeable to tlio Palave and mnocout in uts action, while retaining all its extraordinary properties, and as a Bpoclfio surpasses all tho known Therapoutio agents of the present day. Dr. Bright's Phosphodyne.— lts üße enables all debilitated organs to perform thoir natural functions, Portions suifering from Nervous Dobility, or any of tho hundred symptoms which this distressing disease asdutnoa, may roat assured of an effectual oure by tho uso of thia most invaluable remedy ,j Ob. BRI6HT'S~PHOSPHODYN[ Is sold iv cases only by all Chemists and Storekeepers throughout the Globe, <3- ASK FOR OR. BRI6HT'§ FHOSPHbbYHE ai.d do cot ba persuided to take any uselets i»nd potsibly dangerous substitute, NEW ZEALAND AGENTE— New Zealand Drug Company. a 65 b si NOTICE. ANY person" or persona found INJURING tbe U'iSLkOiiAPH PUBTtt, WliJJfi iNdULATOiiH, or any portions of rboT«t"grapL bine, will be proeeouted in aooordanoe with Me following Glauses of " The Alalioiou9 injuries to Property Aot, 1867 :"— Clause XXXVll.— Whosoever shall unlawtally and mahoiously out, break, throw down, iestroy, injure, or remove any battery, aiaohinory, wire, oable, poßt, or other matter or thing whutsoevor, bomg pare of or being ased or employed in or about any JSlootrio or ilagnetio Telegraph, or in che working cheroof, or shall unlawfully aud malioiouelj prevent or obstrnot iv any manner whatsoevui ,ho sending, oonveyanoo, or delivery ol anj jommumoouon by any such Telegraph, ahuii be guilty oi a inisaoiucauour, ana, baiuj. joii rioted thereof, ahall be liable, at Dhe dißjrctiou oi the Court, to bo impnsonod lor an) rt.rm not exooodmg two years, with or withjut hard labour : .froviaed thiti if iL Bhall ay jenr to day Jautioo, ou che ex»miuucio& ol t^j pomou ohargod with nay o'ieuoe against .lun auction, thai it is not expodicnc to tht iiids of justice Chat the bhiuo saould be prose, jilted by ibdictaiest, tho Justioe may proooei maimurily t'j hear and determine duo sumc, »u4 ihe Uiioiuior efiall jh oouvichou choreoi, »i cue diecretion of che Justice, eutur be com mttod to aouie public gaol trier * to bo impritoued only, or t* bo iaii,n»onecl nua kypi n. ikiD L4BJUI for any term not exoeadin, .kree ,-Aonthi, or else ahuil lorfeit aud paj sucl uni of aiouoy i%ot exceeding Ticri fou«us as lo t,'ie Justice Bhull auem meet. Claukk XXX7III. Whosoever shall uulowally and maliciously, by auy overt act, ai dinpi to ooiumiv auy ot tUo ottouuua m t,hi aat prtjjodiug aoo..tu uioiitlonad, aball, ol .ouviotiou thereol bolore a Justice 01 tnt t'onoti, ut (be disoretio-i ot cho Juijtico, eichui oe oommictud to any public guol there to bt. 1 ufjnaoued only, or to be lmpnsoaod and koj t j ha ad labous lor any term nut tsxooedu^ '.Kree inontAt, or else Bhull forfeit aud pay auor mm ol monoy not exceeding ten pounds us cv he Juaciue ahuil aaooi mtjet. By order of the Telegraph Oommiaaiouei O. LKMON, General Managor. Vow Zoaland Tologriph, «V»ihnKtrn. IHxMmbor 29. 18(11) KEATING'S POWDER. KEATINO'S POWDER. KEATING'S POWDER. KEATINQ'S POW DEH KILLS BUGS, FLEAS, M .'TD.S, BEETLES. THIS POWDER is quite HAItMLKSS to animal life, but is v .livallod iii (.cslioying ILIfiAS, «L - GS, COCKUOACHIB, BUli'lLrS iiorns is ki'ks, aud every othir Hptcics of irscct. fc>portstnon will liud thia invaluiblc for (lcbtro)iug 11. as in thoir doga, us tlco l-ulifs for ihuir pet dogs. lUH AIUIULE has found so ORKAT a dALP that it lins tempted others to von 1 n so called article in imitation. Tho public are CAUTION ED that the tins of the gonuine powder bear tho autograph of THOMAS KKaTUsG. Bold in liss oxly, KEATIKG'd WORM TABLETS. KEAIINQ'S WORM TABLETS KEAIING'S WORM TABLEIS. KEATING'S WORM TABLETS A rUBELY VEGETABLE SAVBETMKAT, both in appenrnnco and tasto, furnishjug a most agreeable mothod of iiduiinistoriug tho only cortniu romody for inteshnal or thukad woums, It ia a perfect!)' safo and mild preparation, !»nd is especially adapted for child'oii. Sold in Tins l>y all Dkluoists. Pbopeisior: THOMAS KEATING, London! W 6 b aiSl 88 w

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 4464, 5 October 1883, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 4464, 5 October 1883, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 4464, 5 October 1883, Page 4