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Patronized by the Aristocracy and Eliba, extensively used in the Army and Navy, and highly recommended by ths leading Medical Practitioners rotectod by the Koyal Letters Pa^nt. d^ttd Ootob^r 11, 1869, SR, BHIiHT'S PHOSPHQDY&E THE SAFEST AND ONLY BBLIABLE PREPABATION OF PIIOdPHOUUd, MDLTITUDEB o2 people are hopelessly Bufidring from. Debility, Nervous and Livor Oomplaiuto, Depression ol Spiriut, I'imidity, ludiguation, Laeaitudo, Waut of Powur &0., whose coses admit of a permanont cure by tho new remedy, Dr. BBIGHTS PHOBPHODYNE (Oaonio Oxygen), whioh at once allays all irritation and excitement, imparts uew energy and lifo to the enfeebled constitution, and rapidly euros overy stage of these hitherto incurable and distressing maladies. Dr. Bright's Phosphodyne is aoknowlectgud by tuo nrsi muuiuiil uiun in Europe ue the most, efficacious medicine hitherto dia covered for Weak and shattered Constitutions, .Nervous Debuiiy, Aversion or Incapacity for fcitudy, Indigestion, Fomaie Oomplamts, Fiatuleuco, Liver Compioiuto, r>borsnußd of Breuth, Vmua in tho iieiul, i*impleß, impovoi'ishoa Blood, and all diauuaoa cuuaed by v long rouideuce iv tropicul clim»teu, tor which iron, meroury, potass, ■!«>., arc giveu in various xorms, of can tv ttie doatructiou ot tho puuent'u uealth. Dr. Bright's Phosphodyne.— Grmi tht Introduction ot Ur, Bnght'B rhospuouyuc, Phosphorus was but beldom prescnueu ua c uiodiciuc, owiug to the diihculty in bo preparing it that ius uctiou coulu be kept uuaur peifect cuutroi. il had boon, used in Almond and Ulivu Oild, in SSulphurio iuher, in Bectilicu AiOuhol, in UUlorolC'iu, aud in neveral uclvertiaod uiudiciucs ; but id ail the nituurto known nicthoda ot its preparation, certain irregular rusuits huve Ucou oxpoikucod, but in thu form ot Dr. Bri^ht'a Jfhosphodyno, its invaluable uctiuu ou tuo human aygtuin ia realised withoui uny of tuuso urawbuokti which othui modes of preparation invariably produce,' Dr. Bright's Phosphodyne is .prepared on a new priuuipiu, by which all possible risk and disagreeable olt'ecta are entirely provontod Cauxioh. — Avoid Phosphorus hi tho form ot Pills or Lozoiigeit, as they frequently con tain solid particles of Pliospliorub, which uucumulato iv the syaiom, injure thu Bonus ana Fttlatt), producing JNecrosus and Other uer^uti «vils. iieing prepared tram obsolete formuiua, they are generally unreliable, and in some oases positively dangerous, Dr. Bright's Phosphodyne is agreeable to tho Palate aud luuoccut iv us aotiou, while retaining all ita extraordinary properties, and as a speciuc surpasses ail the known Therapeutic agents of the present day. Dr. Bright's Phosphodyne.— lta use enubicg all debilitated urgaus to perform their uaturul functions. Pckoub suffering from jServous Debility, or any of tho hundrei ■symptoms which this distressing disoaso asaumes, may re»t asaurod Oi au oltectual cun oy tho uso of this mofat invaluable remedy, J Is doid iv ouuoh only by all Chonibta aud Qtorukeupere throughout the Ulobe, $&• ASK. i'OB u.i, BFiieHrS *HQ£rHbiiM and do not ba persuaded to take any uselets and possibly daugerous substitute. NEW ZEALAND AGENTS— - New Zealand Drug Company. a. 55 bai NOTICE. ANY person' or persors found INJUBINfa the TELEUKAPH POSTS, WlßJfl UNaULATOBB, or any portions ot the T»i«grapl Line, will be prosecutod in accordance with the following Claußea of " The Malioiouß Injuries to Property Aot, 1867 :" — Clause XXXVII. — Whosoever shall unlawfully and maliciously out, break, throw down, destroy, injure, or remove any battery, maohiuery, wire, Oable, post, or other mattur or thing whatsoever, being part of or being aeed or employed in or about uny Elootrio or Magnetic Telegraph, or in the working thereof, or ehall unlawfully and mahciousi} prevent or obstruct iv any muanax* whatsoever the sending, conveyance, or delivery of auj communication by auy such Telegraph, shall be guilty oi a misdemeuuour, and, being oonvioted thereof, shall be liable, at the discretion of tho.Court, to be imprisoned for auy term not exceeding two years, with or without hard labour : Provided that it it shall appear to auy Juatioe, ou the exnminatioa oi any poi-eou charged with any olieuoe uguinst tms suction, thnt it is not ozpedieut to the uuds of justice that the came should be prose, eated by indiotmeul/, tho Justice may pioooei summarily to hoar uud determine tho same, aud tho Olleuder shull ou oouviotion thuruoi, at tho discretion oi' tho Justioo, either b 8 committed to Borne public gaol fchora to be imprisoned only, or to bo imprisoned and kept to ua&d LA.BQUK for any term not eieceeilii*s three THontht, or else shall iori'aiirand pay suob sum of mouoy not exceeding tkh poukdb as to the Justioe shall Boein moot. OHUBK XXXVIII. Whoßoever shall unlawfully and malioiouely, by any OTorb aot, attempt to commit auy ot the offonoea in the last preoediug eootiea ineutionod, shall, oq conviction thereof before a Justioe of fcht Peace, at the discretion of tho Justioe, eithei be committed to auy public gaol thero to be imprisoned only, or to be imprisoned aud kept ■ 4 o hakd labouk for any term not exceeding three inontht, or else Bhall forfeit uud pay Buob sum of money not exceeding ten founds as to the Justioe Bhall saom meet. By .order of the Telegraph Commissioner O. LEMON, General .Manager, Now Zealand Telegraph, Welliu«ton. December 29, 13tV<J. GBATJSFUL— COMFOBUNG . SPP'S 0000 A. BBEAKFAST. ' ' %-k^ & uOrou ßh kuowlodgoof tho natuva D litwa which govorn tuo operations ol digestion aud nutrition, and by a cerotul application oi the liuo properties of woll-boiuulud Uouoa, Mr. Epps has provided our broakfttiit tables with a delicately-lluvoured beverage which may suve us many heavy doctors' bilk, it is by tho judicious use of such diet that a oouatitutioa may bo built up until strong enough to resist evory tuudouoy to disease, Hundreds of subtle maladies aro floating arouad us ready to attaok wherever thtir is a weak point. We may escapo many a fatal shaft by koopiug ourselves wo 11 fortilied with pure blood aud a properly nourished frame,"— 300 artiole in the Civil Service Gazette, Aiodo simply with boiling water or milk. Bold only hi packets, labelled : — JAMES EPPS & 00., flomoepatbio Chemists, LONDON, Aleo makers o/ Kivq'b CHCCOLA.TH EaflßMoß.

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 4461, 2 October 1883, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 4461, 2 October 1883, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 4461, 2 October 1883, Page 4