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OXYGEN IS LIFK. A LTHOUGII tho modern Mnterin Miulicu c\ includes many valuable romedieH for human afflictions, it is a matter of cei-tninty t hat in all cases where the animnl vitality ii failing, Phosphorus ib decidedly superior to every other remody at proßGnt kuown. It will work offects «nch as nothing else will produce, and it possesses the g>oat advantage of not causing, when its use is relinquished, th<^ slightest reaction.or depression Tho question naturally presents itself, " Why is so valuable an eloment co little regavded and so seldom prescribed P" The only nnswer which can bo given is :— That a certain difficulty hai been found in so preparing it that its action may be kept under perfect control. Hitherto it has beon used in almond and olive. oils, in sulphuric other, in rectified 'alcohbl, tn tthloroform, and in sovoral other substances; but howevnr valuable it has boen found in all the hitherto known methodß of its preparation, cortain irregular results have been experienced, which have lcd -physicians to negleot it for general purposes, and to employ it only in extrome casos, and after every other remedy has failed. But a chemical process had now been discovered, by which its invaluable notion on the human system may be realised without any of those drawbaoks which previous modes of administration have invariably produced.

m* CAUTION.— PHOSPHORUS is some, tinies sold in the form of Pills and Lozenges j it should be generally known that every Form where solid' particles of Phosphorus aro in combinfttion is dangerous. Ik : is therefore necessary that tho public should bo cautioned ogainstthe use of any preparation of Phosphorus not per. feotly soluble iv Water. ' ' Protected by tioyal letters Patent, Datod Ootober 11th, 1869. DR.'BRIGHTS PHOS:PHODYN E. JOZONW OXYGEN) The New Curative Agont, and only Reliabl Remody for Nmvous and Liver Complaints, MULTITUDES OF PEOPLE aro hopoleeslj suflbring from Debility, Nervous and Livei Comphtinta, Depression of Spirits, Hypoohon. j drin, Timidity, Indigestion, Failure of Hearing, Sight, and Momory, Lnssitudo, Want of Power, &c, whoso cases admit of a permanent cure b) tho new rcmody PHOSPHODYNE (Ozonic Oxygon), which at onco allays all irritation and excitement, impacts now energy and life to the enfeebled constitution, and rapidly oures every stage of these hilhorto incurable and distressing maladies, DR. BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNE , Sold only in Cases at 10b. 61. by all Ohemi^s, and Patent Medioine Vendors throughout tho Globe. Full directions for use in tho English, Fronoh, German, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Danish, Turkish, Persian, liindostani, Madrafiee, Bongaloe, Chinese, and Japanese Languages, acoompany eaoh ense. Jjgp CAUTION.— TIie large and increasing demand for Dr. Bright's Plwsplwdyne has led to several imitations under similar names ; jjurchasers of this Aledicme should tlierefore be carefv), to observe that the word* "Dr. Bright Phosphbdyne" o/te blown in tlie bottle, and thai tlie directions for use are printed in all tlw languages as above, without which none can possibly be genuine. Every Case bears tlie Trade Mark and Signature of Patentee. PORTANT CAUTION : Beware of Piracy and a Spurious Imitati on WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR NEW ZEALAND— KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, & O DUNEDIN AND AUCKLAND. Wholesale Agents for Viotoria — Fsu Grimwaije, & Co., Melbourne. Wholesale Agents for South Australia — H\ Fauldinq & Co., Adelaide. Wholesale Agonts for New South Walos — Elliott Bbos., Sidney. Wholesale Agents for Queensland— Berkley & Taylor, Brisbane. ICS s d 27 THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY FOR GOUT AND RHEUMATISM. ALL Bnfferers from the above complaints, cither of recent or long standing, nre advised to uso BLAIR'S GOUT aud KHEUMATIC PILLS. They can bo relied upon an tho most eafo and effeotoal remedy ovox offered to the publto, and have beeb universally used iti Aihe'rioa and Europe many yoare with the greatest success. Her Majesty^ Commiaßioners have nothorifled the uamo and address of " Thomas Front, No. 209, Strand," London, to bo m pressed upon the Govorninont stamp affixed tooaoh box of the gonuiue medicine. Sold in England at Is. lid. aud 2s. 9d. po. box, or obtained through any Cbomiet or Medicine Vendor throughout the Australian Oolonieß. «»479 b tc I >ORSALE,— A SECOND-HAND DOUBLE I1I 1 UKMY ALBION PRINTING PUESB, by llopkineou Sc Cope, in excellent order. Apply Hbbajm* Ollice *

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 3225, 12 September 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 3225, 12 September 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 3225, 12 September 1879, Page 4