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BUGS, FLEAS, MOTHS, BEETLES. and all other insects ate dostroyed by 17" EATING'S INSECT POWDER, JV whioh is quite harmless to Domestio animals. In exterminating Beetles the success of this Powder is extraordinary, and no one need bo troubled by those p6its. It. is : perfectly clean in application. ... Ask for and be sure to obtain " RATING'S POWDER," as imitations are noxious, and fail in giving satisfaction. Sold by all Oh Wista, in Tins Is., & 2s. 6d . oaoh. HEATING'S BON BONS OR WORM TABLETS. a jpukely' 'Vegetable! s\veetmeat, both in ap. poaranco and taste, furnishing a most agreeable 'mlßtVijdy of ' admlriißteri'ng,' ; the only certain remedy for intestinal or thread worms. It is a perfectly safe and mild preparation, and is especially adapted for children. ' TESTIMONIAL. 1 Medical Hall, Qildersorao, Mrl Koatin^, '• • Nov. 28th, 1876. • Dear Sir>i — f-I think it nothing but my duty to inform ydu of the immense sale I have for your Worm Tabletß, which I may justly say ia enormous, and in every caao gives the greatest; satisfaction. I have now in stock two bottles ooh'taihing the Round Worms brought mo during tho last few days by customers, ono Worm 40 yards long. I dare not be without the reh\edy. — Yours respectfully, M. A. WALKER. , Sold in Tins by all Chemists and Druggists. Proprietor— Thomas Keating, London. reward and caution, — Whereas fraudulent imitations of this unsurpassed, roroedy have been sold, I hereby request nnyonp, knowing ol[ the vendor of tho same ,to, communicate, witbj me, 'and ou conviction of tho'olFendov a liberal reward will be paid, \\ ' • : ' ... ." ' ' 840 in 79, ■.• i • 1 1 ' i i ' ii I ffl.t J Tkj^fl 'ill Xl^B IB 9 B Hao ; THE GOOD OLD ENGLISH REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES. Established over Fifty Yb bs. O,VBR,THE WORLD. FOR upwards of half a century KAYE'S WORSDE,LL'S PILLS hare been os!teemed as the best remedy for the prevention and cure of disease. Their use renders tho dodtoi? unnecessary" to; the family* ;y }■<!:> ' Acting on the blood, they purify it from al humout'B, rendering tho life-giving flnid healthy in its action, and consequently restoring and establishing the health of the invalid. These Pills are invaluable to Emigrants being a certain remedy for all diseases of tho Stomach, Lungs j Liver, &o. Are equally adapted for all ages, and either cor. Persons residing in the Colonies, who cannot have re course to medical advise, will therefore find \horn indispensable. The Proprietor has in his possession thoulands of testimonials bearing witness to the vonderful eflicaoy of this invaluable medioine, a selection of which accompanies eaoh bqx. Sold by all Chemists and other Dealers in Patent Medicines throughout the world, at Is. l^d., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. por box. 1562 m. 79 not i o ej. ; ANY person or persons found INJURING the TELEGRAPH POSTS, WIRE INSULATORS, or any portions of the Telegraph Line, will be prosecuted in aooordanoe with the following Clauses of " The Malioious Injuries to Property Act, 1867 s" — Clause XXXVll.— Whosoever shall unlawfully and maliciously oat, break, throw down, destroy, injure, or remove any battery, machinery, wire, oable, post, or other matter or thing whatsoever, being pare of or being ueed or employed in or about any Eleotrio or Magnetio Telegraph, or in the working thereof, or shall unlawfully and maliciously prevent or obstruot in any manner whatsoever tho sending, oonveyanoo, or delivery of any communication by any auoh Telegraph, shall bo guilty of a misdemeanour, and, being oonvioiod tboreof, shall be liable, at tho disoretion of tho Court, to be imprisoned for any term not excoeding two years, with or without hard labour : Provided that if it shall appear to any Jnstioe, on tho examination of auy person charged with any offeuoe against this section, tbat ib is not oxpodieut to the ends of justice that the same should bb prosecuted by indictment, tho Justice may prooeec summarily to hear and determine the same, and the Offender shall on oonviction thereof, At the discretion of the Justioe, either be oom* mitted to some public gaol there to bo imprisoned only, or to be imprisoned aud kopt to hard labour for any term, not exceeding three months, or else shall forfeit aud pay suoh sum of money not exocedviig ten pounds as t~ tho Jastioo Bhall seem meet. Clause XXXVIII. Whosoever shall unlaw. fully and maliojgusly, by any overt act, ' at. tempt to commit any of the offonoup in the laßt preceding section mentioned, shall,' on conviction thereof before a Jastioe of the Peace, at the discretion of the Jastioe, either be committed Co any publio gaol there to bo mprisoned only, or to bo imprisoned and kopt to hard labour for any term not exceeding three months, or else shall forfeit and pay auoh Bum of money not eaoeeding ten pounds qs to the Jastioe shall seom moot. By order of the Telegmph Commissioner C. LEMON, General Manager, New Zealand Telegraph, Wellington, December 29, 1669, 5 to

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 3221, 8 September 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 3221, 8 September 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 3221, 8 September 1879, Page 4