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m TmmmiTMkstibw the , ...TO WN^O^NID W*P.L Y-MOUTH-r - 'ft ENTiiESlJ^S^oQriiSilehiif beiog VX ' (leffiato.l by a.largo niiijorityiOO a wani of confidence motion, roeolvcd to appeal to the country, and advised tho Governor to dissolve tho Houbo. The Opposition, throwing the whole responsibility of advising a dissolution 1 at sitjh a critical period on the Government, has agreed to offer no opposition, but at onco grant supplies. Under these oircumstaucos it is certain that a general election will shortly take place. I havo tho honor, thereforo, again to oiler mysolf as a Candidate to reproßont you. On tny return I m\\ tnUe an early opportunity of addressing you and explaining my action in tho House,, and expressing my viows on the leading political questions of tho day. . , I have tho honor .tp bp, , ' ' '• •' •■ ■ ' Gentlemen, 1 ' A/ • ' , .. r Your,obpd.ienji servant, , ' "'" ' "" KELLY.^' Wellington, Aug. 4, 1879. 0350 hb o TO THE ELEOTORS OF TflE TOWN OF NEW PLYMOUTH. T7\ ELLOW ,T lOWl OWN iSMEN,-rß.eingi SMEN,-rß.eing strongly ■£}■ Of opinion that it is'to otir intorest to avail ourselves of tho opportunity now bofore us for a change in tho Representation of this Borough ify Parliament, 'l ! havo joined with others holding similar views iv seeking to induce soveral gentlemen to como forward, but hitherto without success. Therefore, I have now the honor to inform yeu that, acting upon tho advice of numerous friends, I havo resolved to offer myself as a oaudidate for your suffrages. As it is my intention on an early date to; address you publicly, I shall confine myself now to staling that I am and have always been opposed to Sir G. Groy as a ruler of our destinies, and that I advooate a~ complete change iv tho administration bf Native affairs in the Colony. ' Yours faithfully, A. ORAOROFT FOOKES. New Plymouth, Aug. '11, 1879. 0362 hb t« TO THE ELEOTORS OF GREY AND BELL r\ ENTLEMEN.— Having been requested to VJT offer myself as a oaudidate to represent you in Parliament, I do so, at the same time' assuring you that if returned I will endeavour to the best of my ability to attend both to looal wants and colonial requirements. . Upon questions' of general politics I willadd're'Bß you at meetings to be held in various districts. Yours faithfully, ROBERT TRIMBLE. ; Inglewood, 11th Auguut, 1879.' • ' l , , , ,0392— hb to TO THE ELECTORS 'OF GREY AND BELL r\ ENTLEMEN,— Having 1 been 'requested to v X come forward by a .number, of Eleotorß, whoso views upon tho Native Question and Harbour do got .coincide witUtthpso publicly., expressed by the only candidate at presentBolibiting your" support, Itieg to offer myself as a candidate for your suffrages. ' I believe that the Native Difficulty in this district will never bp disposed, », of „till tho country is thoroughly opened urfr by roads and railways; till places of refuge for the disaffected,, like .ParHiaka, aro. suppressed, aud theiria'tiveVaYo'ub' J ißtkli'e'ablyijnbvvn {hatttie | aw. l knowa l{ no,di^q^9p of, colour, or race, aud tho authorities are determineu to arrest , and; punish; .oriraioalßi9nd>law-.6reukerß of any degree, fanatical or otherwise. At the Bame time 1 1 think all thoßo. native's I 'Who' express themselyes as .will jog. to Jivq. peaceably under the law should be provided with, and placed vpon ample reserves. , ; i ; As the settlement of the Waimate Plains must,, at an, early date, engage, attention, it behoves the three representatives of this coast to vra'aniraously combine to carefully and constantly watch over the Harbour Endowments, any laxity in so doiDg would materially retard 1 the successful carrying out of those works which have taken years of perseverance to initiate, works which, when completed, will combined with tho settlement of the native difficult)', tend to placo Taraaaki iv the foromost rauk of Now Zealand settlements. — I am, • GtJutloinen, ' ' " : „ Ypur O.bedient Servant, , , H, LUFKIN SKEET. „. FitzrOy, August 15; '' ' ' hb toj TO THE ELECTORS. 1 r\ ENTLEMEfy^-Sir George Grey, after the \Jf most igno.ruinipuß d,efont whioh baa yet befallen any Go'verutheni'ih NeW Zealand, has determined to recommend a dissolution of the Houbo of Ropreseulativeß ; it is thereforo all but certuiu that a General Electiou will take place in tho course of a few weeks, 1 havo, therefore, tho houour to offor mysolf for re-election, I shall, iuimediutolyalter tho rising of Parliament, aek you to'rnoet mo yt tho centres of population throughout our District, for tho purpose 6f giving an account! of my stewardship, aud of placing beforo you my views and opinions upon the Native difficulties, and tho leading questions of tho day. H. A. ATKINSON. Wellington, August 4, 1879, 0440 hb to FOR SALE,A HANDSOME, full-sized, bronzed, ironframed GRAND PIANO, overstrung, 7* octaves. Just lauded. Will bo Bold cheap, to </iako room for othor Goods. Tuning promptly attended to. Cash ordore will receive prccodenoo. W. D. FRANCIS, 0202 hb to Opposite Bank N.Z. FOR SALJiJ, 1 £if\ TWO-TOO TII SnM E P XO\J Apply to I . I „.' . • , ''/vf'.'ty. up'skin/- ' 05 1 6 to hb ! P^'dso Farm, Waitara West, i SUBSCRIBERS to SATC/EPAf Mtffy O aro respectfully reminded that thol SUBSCRIPTIONS aro now PUE, • ; , { ' '! , • ,- •• ,vi i :' .ii*l „il f ?■ !

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 3219, 5 September 1879, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 3219, 5 September 1879, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 3219, 5 September 1879, Page 3