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The City of Syduey arrived at Auckland yestcrda3 r . She was disabled by an accident to her machinery, aud the s.s. Wakatipu goes up the East Coast to couvey the mails to Sidney. London, December 5, 1575.

The Standard* Vienna oorresiioiHenfc declares SciiouvalofFs special object of visiting there was to try to persuade the Austriau Govcrncneut to agree to a joint occupation of Constantinople. Austria iusisted ou consulting England first. The Count's mission, failed.

Large reinforcements have recently joined tho Russian Army of occupation in Turkey, The Berlin papers declare it is the intention of Russia to retain a hold on Turkey by keeping tho district of Bourgas and Adnanople occupied until tho Sultan sigDS the proposed definitive treaty of peace.

Returning from Livadia, the Czar reached Moscow on Moniiaj', where hb experienced an enthusiastic reception.

Negotiations between Austria aud Turkey respecting Bosnia are virtually completed. It is arranged that the Sultan retains sovereign rights, and that the Ausfcriaus retire when permanent order is established aud the expenses of occupation recouped.

It is reported in diplomatic circles thafc negotiations were proceeding for the conclusion of a fresh convention between Euglaud and Turkey.

At tho request of tho Porto, French and English officials are to undertake the reform of the Turkish Custom-houses.

An Imperial decree authorises the Porte to take steps to raise a loan of twenty millions Turkish pounds. Tho English Government have been asked to guarantee it.

Tho Emperor of Germany has returned to Berlin to-day. Extraordinary piecaulions were takeu to ensure his safofcy. Owing to his feeble state of health, Prince Bismarck was livable to bo present on the occasion of the Emperor's reception. The week previously, an order was issued, under the new Socialist law, enacting that dangerous persons were to be expelled from Berlin aud its suburbs, and prohibiting carrying arms, aud possossiou of explosivo projectiles. Alarm had been excited by the seizure of Orsiui bombs at Hamburg.

On the 29th ult., forty conspicuous Social Democrats, iucludiug two Socialist deputies, re*

ceived notice of expulsion from the police. No time was given them to arrange their affairs. They will seek rpfugeiu Switzerland, Belgium, England, and America. A niaui- * festo a ill reused to their Socialistic brethren was confiscated by Government. :i)arm prevails, rumours of conspiracies are current, and the Federal Council urges tha proclamation of a limited state of siege for the capital. Owing to the activity of tho Internationalists, agitation is general throughout the Continent. The Spanish Government has resolved on tho expulsion of all foreigners belonging to the International Society, and the Madrid Cabinet is corresponding with foreign Governments as to joint action agaiust Socialism and secret poeietk-s. A cougres3 at Rome to discuss the subject is suggested. J The great bank fraud trial at Brussels, after lasting a month, terminated yesterday by the conviction of T. Kiudt and Fortampj on a charge of embezzling 20 millions of francs. 11.I 1 . Kiodt was sentenced to 15 ynirs' solitary c nititiernent, and Fortamps to a year's imprisonment, and 6000 francs fine. The Times Philadelphia corres ondent states that orders havo been received to prepare immediately for sea four Russian cruisers bought in America. All are expected to leave before Christ-mas. [PER TELEGRAM TO SA*. T FRANCISCO.] Loxdon, December 23. Pavliarnent was convened on the st'u. The Queen's speech referred principally to the Afghan difficulty. The general tone of tho debate on the address, after sharp criticism by the leading Liberals of Lord Lyttcm's course towards the Ameer was, that war having been commenced, if necessary for seem ity of India, must be conducted vigorously. The address passed without n, division. General Roberts gained a complete victory over the Aufeer's forces ou tha sth instant, capturing Peiwar Khotal, with slight losg, and all the Afghan cannon. British less, 80 killed and wounded ; Afghan loss, very heavy. Caplaiu Kelso and Major Andersoo are among the killed, and General Cobbeaud Lieutenant Munroe arnoug the wounded. General Eoberts proposes wintering at Peiwar Pass. General Brown had but ono day's march on the 22nd to makfc Jellalabad, The Ameer ami family lied from Kabul to Turkistau. Yakoob Khan was at the head of affairs. The Russian mission was about withdrawing from Kabul. General Biddulph was pushiug forward to Kandahar. There is complete anarchy in the country between Jellalabad and Kandahar. The Ameer's flight will probably end tho fighting. Kandahar has determined on resistance. A gigantic strike of 100,000 men is threateatsd fit the commencement of the year iv iSouth Yorkshire and North Derbyshire. The Duke of Cumberland and tho Princess Thyra were married on the 2 1st, at Christiausborg Castle. A man named Madden was arrested in London, for uttering threats agaiust the Queen. San Francisco, December 23. A telegram announces that Mr. Edison has perfected a machine for measuring the current used in electric light, and that his invention for counteracting loss in subdivision is complete. Keduction of cost now engages his attention. It is rumoured that the Pacific Mail will will withraw from the Australian route. The English xesidents on the Pacific Coast have presented Earl Beaconsfield with a memorial casket. Foui members of the London Stock Exchange have been expelled and two suspended for unfair dealings in bank shares. A telegram dated Galatn, the 19th December, reports that the steamer Byzantine, from Marseilles to Constantinople, sank in a collisiou. Oue hundred aucl fifty lives tire supposed to have been losfc. Gladstone's willingness to con test Edinburghshire iv the House of Commons is conditional on assurances by the Liberal Committee that they can secure his return. The object is to win that important star, the present member beiug Conservative. The South Yorkshire and North Yorkshire colliers have received notice of a reduction of 12£ per cent, in wages. Jonathan Nield, managing partner in the private bank of J. and J. Fenton and Sons,'' Roohdale, England, ia November, lost 3,000,000 dollars of the bank's mouey by speculating on the Stock Exchange. The Czarina was dolivorci of a sou at St. Petersburg, on the sth JJuocmldT Lady Gooch has heuti committed for trial for attemptiug to j a«^ n. bog«* baby upon Sir Francis as a son aim heir. The Grand Jury ignored the bill. Suleiman Pasha has been seukneed to fifteen years' imprisonment. He has appealed. The vice-regal progrtss through Nova Scotia to Montreal was a ovation. Tho Marquis Of Lome made au excellent speech ia reply to the Corporation address. Ou Sunday, December 1. they attended divine service in the Catholic Cathedral ; Lord Lome aiso attended special service in tho Presbyterian Church iv the afternoon. The Queeu telegraphed: — " Windsor Palace, December 1. Delighted at the reception. Say so. — THE Queen." The Maryland rivers we being stocked with California salmon. Mormou marriages proceed apace, despite prosecution. , Denis Kearney has returned to San Francisco, lie had a great reception; 15,000 people attended. The British barque Thalia, Captain McMurty, from Glasgow to Honolulu, foundered at sea. Part of the crew landed at Valparaiso. Tho Canadian ladies are displeased at the order oE tho Vice-rosral receptions by Princess Louise. It is required that they present themselves in low-bodied dresses, or rorae harmed with a doct&r's certificate. The ladies declare thafc the climate is ti>o rigorous for bare shoulders, moreover, thai, they had not been accustomed to such costume, and thafc they will absent themselves from the Vice-regal • Court if the order ia persisted iv. The Chinese Legation is o'f,anizing a Press bureau to influence public opinion in America. Already several Ea*-t"rn papers are heavily subsidised : also the AUn, and other papers of the Pacific slope. A special American correspondent is to be ser.f to China, accomI pauied by tho Chine«e cdiior of the Chinese newspaper in San Francisco. Tho Chinese Empire is to be opsm to tho correspondent, who will be in charge of officials during his stay iv the couutry. Mouey is uo object.

Some time before the death of tho Princes s Alice, the pnj'siciaus recognised that the ca,s3 Mrs hopeless?, aud sent sscrefc message." to that efi't-ct to England. Symptoms of suffocation appeared at one o'clock on Saturday uwning, but were temporarily removed. The" Graiid Bulte was then induced to leave the room, but his mother remained, administering to the Princesa until the last. A despatch, dated St. Petersburg, the 17th December, states that the Chinese are continual! murdering and pillaging inhabitants on the Russian frontier. Tne I'urhestatt Gazette states that Chiuese troop? mi Kashgur are concentintiug to operate asjxinst Kuldja, which is occupied by Russians. A Plulippopoli- correspondent says:—" Toe Enttlifli and Ain-trnm members of the Roumelian Commission were compelled to quit Yeni 'Srt.;!ira, in cousequeuce of the gatheriugof an excited mob." Obituary.— William Henry Palmer, better . known as Rolwt Heller, magician. New York ; Geoijs** H. Lewos. iditor of the Fortnightly, bu-!auil oi lMi^rt Au>lin (' George E'iot);"' Chiri Justice Mouahun. Iri.-h Common Piea<: Whyte, Melville, noveli&t, who broke his neck hunting; Orson Hyde, apostle of Mormon Chinch, a great friend of Joseph Smith ; Senor '■Alcantara, president of the Republic of Venezuela. November 30— Chief Justice of Guillenez, under Constitution, succeeded as Acting-Pre-sident; Curl Ferdinand Gutzknow German dramatic poet ; Duchess de Mortemari, aged 89, one of the. richest persons in France ; Henry Wells, founder of the well-known freight aud banking-house of Wells, Fargo and Co. ; Bayard Taylor, United States Minister at Berlin.

Postmaster of Taranaki to the bead of the department at Wellington, that he would not allow a service which is organiser! for the public benefit to lose its good effect for the want of an extra assistant ; but while the oflScials here are content to allow things to remain in their backward state, the authorities in Wellington, not having the matter brought under their notice, will not move in Ihe matter. Another great reason is that the m-:il which arrives overland, at night, if sorted and placed in the boxes fwere the outgoing mail to close as 1 suggest, viz., 5 a.m.), would give us an opportunity of answering our correspondence by the return mail, and not, as now, miss a mail. Apologising for trespassing upon your valuable space, — I am, &c,

Commerce. [We feel convinced that those in the New Plymouth Post-office do their utmost to oblige the public ; but with such a small staff as there is, it is unreasonable to expect more from them. The public, however, should bring pressure to bear on the head office iv Wellington, when probably they may get the grievances they complain of rectified. If the Post-m&ster-General was petitioned, no doubt the wishes of the public would be attended to, and we should soon hoar of two officers being added to the present ridiculously small staff at the T.H.]

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 3027, 17 January 1879, Page 2

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