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11 ! 's : * i^4Xi^Nfi£»l^l| Author ofoftpw Nlght'a MAUc^^yw, ;{ $HA; PJREifc x^^f.-t^&Mf^ I^^ {JfMKj^littfjr in#.iof. bho'Oflps'Hnfl wjttdoVg awoko the fad by, I H»«hß"Bbtf a?fl' MfiMHh'g Mftn«lty ( *rifl Wii "liH^V'crios wtyp cvfttnpocf andnwnrefroßhcdj 'am! « 'iia'iho p&kintfc the- prtrio*t« < iH«fi l t,Ki|>%frt6't' I | i^ bor ftrrafl. Hor hoßtfmicf 'ftirnoif 'from n W,,foQftiJMl w^yiitlipoagh <*»<hjll< <yoliow pli'od Mr. St^nf^d, sorenoly, bnfctoriug 1 h WUii feft?.PftWflKtiwaf this morning, Iboliovo. t>i,i>i-< . " And, of course, yoa wero drank na HSO|j(?gAL'W ..KAT« <>T —they II Boar you down .fltiyrs, ' rotnongtratod^th^ gbfitlitaaft! ''* R6klly, I IrilAftqftTWb utW^raoiso''; Qg/posffiblo -on $$&, Jmw pQjjibnyoaojilitfirn-tqo'y 'both* ncod it vot^Jtwoh^&htfWWi'tfb'd'fcklW xnmCT- JSfeMiforcUßti*plyj«tts totting 'jrrtft thft-wJckiritfohaimrtf^F bunftriiitol P'tiM Stanford., „wovtw #j<?«iougb.»fco<rf»7 dfr > a tifttyfan ## ; ljKve(^dft)O^bro«kthnfc is certain, and a cap J 'bTOtf J M)ftfd' t lloao passionately, " I wish I had hoeH >ilfoad "before "I. Winf" «" f V<W ray lovo ! I can nndorflla^a your feelings, and sympathize with them perfectly." yp,9^fßg>YMwt!y.;hwk*vwdfiand forowards, It-tdflfeaYautl^ happy his&», ,'niy indfl^o|itf|fa^herj n^y^brop spd^ jtfpvoj(od lo'vor, for you — Jto laavo woatth % an3f JiRBBWP B ?^ l^''^ o ?^' mv * 1 Privation, wAP> %9g)opbpandn!inißory<!:i Oli^'fo^l-*-'-t ap9 \piiad Gptiiosfainff ilrabl wn^a>fo«>F mysel&(»)¥o?tt' iWnbdt'Vo'^r'e^y'otir * nsaf^ Tmrfwaa a littlo^^po ,mnpji, IJoso WfflßlßiWii flJnS'n.fif/ Mi'o^Uby,' ijn . tho ' andi'inariior with cHeckßfePflainfao ftfld'eyerf rff ; fifd, 8?tfo1 c6'labtootf*o<l '^r/ain,' 1 „ bate ,/onA, JPf*jyiOH )( hcaF,t Kcginald /Stanford ? > I lwito<yon't i''YoAf»hftfotlcc'6iVed '4Vo a^ . i WMI»u.t.% XPP/J'w^oT i^fln'Ao'-www wboro you wore laflt night, or wliiXiri you mWtfWKH ?" D6n't I know it wfl?» tlvtft'lfjfrforablo degraded tbatidiggUßtHrg'-MyftTg^MilToffear^-whom I woaJtJJttaVd'ii'HiiipOfl tbrongb tb».irtii»etfl t)f< Ix>ndon>if Iccroid?' ; ('( ' ° P imam! sfiAiM w^i^jy; His wifft's^tarfflo olfi.poaaipnj.iii'idYorur gOOliloi3»Jiataft>mouafor tho moroy tbey l^Wiya show to^fHoiF'tafrbf lifers. Yonr penetration does you jnfinito crod»f, Mrs. StauTqrd, I.WMS.with.Madamo o'ij%<» 0 , fl W tflaiangr atbira^iwiiito^nu paftfciny^i wibhfff«!agio/t(Jtt'f in't«^cr" i 'fd[f woifl#."'"'toihfiia flttfi(iHttd' I Mcl'/ KB! 4j}| qqojn,<?ft# |lfrfl T .f»iij'.f «ult no vh/ujoW if i^aJro /nobi£f<rfng'to»tßav»iny"!hflft out aro you Roso ? You flee tMT'wtfy' of * ! wftjf ;fc / Jkimg.fy mWQM™ (fthfflo I have tho fionoar to bo olork — tbanke to my marriago—l mot Madatno | Milloflour, tba^'AoWifowitchinff and i tfiq^cpo j ilntaftj^.tO(y J Qu how;any, ( o«oi ,wn •WdrjiJoiVaiVritbi/Trto^bat; fcho ifacfc. 'iw n&. Bbo is in love with mo affhb#aa |l /nW6h' A fcirao ana gave ftio an invi(ia|i»Qniii/x> ; accompany hor fcoithoiQpofalAhb'n-i^hfc, 'ofi>W6ffly $ was onebnntod. The' V>fibh w a rnro 'M&ty ni tolW,tM^M \ Milloflour in Bll (^)q>%h|on. J had tho tho ovonjogTnUQn'jbgjiarAj.Ho.imy. lepp it.niak^ftl.ydtt'Jquito hidooufl— and ac a scat bo»Htfd i fi-6'r / JK ) ' l thi)Wf?%o ivhon it was ,a|^ p/>r ( or^ A Jolicfona mind owning I wnß,ia, ( ;Mtfcloi,,dipgu«io9 by wpAUJdltegiilMyflello when I camo MoStfo. Open coT}ft»WdriW f «fafgod'(!l fl %r tiro flonl—tboro f«; one. for you, my dear " * an^^ip/fwqrijp^jnp at hor with' a Btni'lo /thfttfhnoarly drovfe'bdr «nnlrlv'"'> : i .vifno • " I hato yoa, Kegjnald Stanford I" wa« all flho cotiw^y'/ 0 h I hato you ! I bafco VQui"'"'" ' / .' i "'' f '" l "'' '" 6i ftSS^ ' lkd^ # wyt»-IttJSP»J5 I«b^,?.1 «b^ ,?. ,Awl> nay 1 shall survivo that. Yoa would rather I didn'th'bofrfc Herb any moro, J mpp&wMtt. Statifoipd'i?'' r ''^'" 111 1 un •'^'U'we^'^ttlSi td f fld6 "yoti^^lifllomK wic,lid/ac j 6;,«r f T Ml 'KiM"'6^H jd^n^'beroro I ovp,r,-u<j-w,ii6(",Knrr .r.ifio "And I wish wlmtovor you wmh, doaroflt and bo«fc,^ lid'fetikl wiUi asnoorIrigslarfgb»j "if ytfu b6«j ftiy »wioki»d hateful fopp again, it «hairb'a l 'n^ fadU of jOT/^f,(( lortiaps yoa lmd hottQy it g(f\ back to Canada. Mondour Lo Toucljo '

wiw vory m«oh in lovo with you last your, mid may overlook this littlo opisodo in your lifo, nnd tako yon to his bosom yot. Qjgpd rnQmng, Mrs. Stanford. I ap t '*gpJn|M|to;,oftl| op, Mtidamo Milloflow. **"»*A~i~<** Ho took liin hat and loft tbo room, and Roho dropped down in her ohair, and covered hor faco with hor hands. If Kuto Danton and Juloa Lo Toaoho ovor wished for rovongo, thoy should Imvo noon tho woman who so ornotly How that long, misorablo day passod tho poor child novor know. It camo to an ond, and tho longor, moro misorablo night followed. Anothor morning, anothor day of unuttorablo wrotchodnosa, and a socond night of toars and sloop lossr.usH. Tho thij^U^day Mmo and* passed, and Htill^i^innM third day brought lior a lottor with Napoloon's head on tho cornor. " Hotel Da Loorro, Parfo, April 10. " My Dbaii Mttß. Stanpokh,— -For you Imro still tho anhnppincas of bonrlng that odious nnmonlthough L Imvo no doubt. Cnptnin ih\»ton will Bhortly tuko tho proper Btopn to roHovo you of i/. rA-otygdintf/fo itt;ami»f ,| I httfo rid you of^tny hiUofol p)Co4onott,»xnd Jpr ! ovor. VOll roo lam in brilliant Paris in n pnlntinl hotul, enjoying nil tho luxnrioß tronlth can proouro, nnd Mudnmo Milloflour in my i oompnuion. Tho oontrnflt botwoon my lifo 1 this vruuk, nnd my lifo last ia Homo what striking. The frowning oonntonnnoo of Mre>( y i Stnnford >8 roplaood by tho oTor-nmiUug fnco of my dnrk-oyod Adolo, and .tho shabby lodgings in Oi'own-utroot, Strand, aro oxohnngod for this ohnmbor of Enstorn Uorgoonßnonn. ! " I urn hnppy, and 00, no donbt, nro you. Gojbiijiloipi>anng|(i,!jrrnyidonr Mrß.^Stnn fjord .> ! PaM^vrli loooifo oiini in litfio flannitaj, ™w4 cm^T jirrna.fniHl iill|ilio|[iii>t)d^ilf,t^ #olccmif j Irer.'Tho donr .Toros "may "still bo JmthTnl, And 1 yon mny yot bo thrico bloßHod ns Madntno I/O ' Touoho. Ah, I forgot, you bolong to tho 1 oh n roll, nod Bodoua ho, tlmt thoso not boliovo lin diroroo. What a pity. " 1 bog yoa will fool no nnunainoss npon pconninry inattorn, my donr Ituso. I writo by this post to our good landlady, inclosing tho next six months' ront^pMaW^WCJ'lS , find n ohook for nil prusotit vrnntfl, X boliovo this is nil X hnvo to flay, nnd Atlolo ia waiting 1 for mo to ofloort hor on a nhoppingoxpodition. t Adlou, my Xioso ! Doliovo mo, with tho bout wishes for yonr faturo hnppinuss, to bo ovor j yoar friond, " JiKQWAt.o.HmttKcovni Staniokd."

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 2453, 11 October 1876, Page 4

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CAPTAIN. DANTON'S DAUGHTERS. Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 2453, 11 October 1876, Page 4

CAPTAIN. DANTON'S DAUGHTERS. Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 2453, 11 October 1876, Page 4