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'JPfltt 'ityNGMBII MA ir," arrived In Auckland on Bundny Inflt., nnd Captnin McOillivray, of ' tlio f1.8. ' Go-n.hcad,f who was> Itfnving for the j Waitnra, offorrod ta bring tho Tnranukl por« .Wfc,,Wi,(Wfi u/wiffMiiTO/.W/! 1 ! to»JWj tlittjin i Jftjr!roftßy!i(-'nfiwaBn*is<in'iiiWhy')V(lhoi jl'ost Oflico autliorifci(«'id)A(idkliil«d"ftJioitld l | detain oitf WiM^lMiAK'nofjpottutiltyßo oppori tt\>»^^^^.tor.oqftvojrlnK / it |ofitB,o f it8, dcsti^fi- ! tion,' v^o uro nt li lobs to u/rdoi'Klaiu!,' ami' it iH Ito bo hopod Hint <ho autboi;itioH Jioro will tfiko tlio maltw «iv nnd represent it nt > hcfid quartora. Qaptyin'MoUllliymy Una to bb'tjirthkdfrforiiistlibuKMMlnfeM M ni|plyijig .f<H'%o' f ftii«li ««tt"*rtf'Mofiflf;tb6''l»</tt l Ollfoe ■dUthWltlMi iff AvOUMrid"wltl"tti<MlVd 'Mirth '"ft r'<fflfMmrirt ) >fdK<Mo ; ir M«rfitf<Jl ; 'orf 'Mrlll' l«)"tf rtftolftßßt fb I «H«lrit'fol* l lhtf f ttltlrA "iWfc 1 tirih'op lour mall in A»ckWria" i (Vh'<St< ll fi |; c^ino« b/Tdi* 1 :for«cndinW'H'oW^/n .:! .t ,I H r,J ii .«>•)♦»/ JTAiMtNAia hrtfe'Jiftlicrto^UW^ lool<Mwp6n'by ont'iUhm m tho pot lVovinoo of Now Zionlnnd, 'but really tlio only poi'tioi/ont that Imo boon ,W*9 (^9#;|dpno, for I», tibQfVflfaa, < P»v i portion (if th«) J'rottnQO'hnii'torna 'tlio iWUrtti of ' tHei <rifti ' ' joultics of tho pa«t, whilst J'lytcs •h«a' ; i'oc^fr(S(l l incaijly, nlf tl/rfUKo'^rt." TnobountlcH Ui}l .paßHodus "tfilm rending in tho Hoiioo," ami' Patea, hn« boon lucky enough to uooiiro tho wliolo of tho open Inn'd In tho Pro* ,vJnco within H» Couiity, HUay.i;iu,bc,on,dcqidofl iußc(rM»'i l r6'Mh6riir''iHi^wtrM'''tiiKi yi W cannot all, At' <rt»cu|{ot rid of tho idon iltni. by a cUt<t»ilmdnt of out' boundary wo ohnll bo I

losors. Tn looking ovor tho Countiljf Hill wot Und that tbo fund for tho managonto%f tmvf 4 affairs of tl\o County will bo dorivod Upty i tho, following ■BburcoM—from rates, tolls, grhnw-ol 1 ' hpfiroprintfons of tho Oonoral Assembly, liconso foos, nubiioans liconsps, dog taxes, hawkers, pod* "laf S, anil broVvorS'lfoou'soH, a'iul otlibTTeoH. Tho" rosiduo of the Jand,rpvoauorfor,thß.tiiuo being, availabW W'distvlbntibii k HmoS»g«^ OoanHda/ uUa'oaUirom resorvos, Huob, and ponnltioH rocovornblofor offono.p» ( ppmmittcd against tho by-laws of tho Oointwesynrul moneys by way of loans, Buli/joi'iptiotiH, kc, also all othor inonoys which mayTbooOj^Vtho proportion of tho County. It wjltbo^c^ from this that an rogards tho land rovo'ni'io WO shall pnrtioipato in thjtfrrftlWrt f#)W tWtoh M^UKoJhWHUidH in a similar proportion to Patea, so tho division of tl\O]Pp^qty l $w l,ln<Uint r,os.pq<jj; matter, and as wo prooumo tlio making of tho main }inqof>,roa4 wiH doyqlyo on: thp Genpral , oo r vorn'mont, our best courao is to agroo to ' got tho rond.^tho ib^pk of , tho mountain mado as apcfldily nftposeMo,,BO,tWt,,W'fllwny bo connobtcd with tho.rntija J)(atnot, ,nnd,tlM>B Mcomb'uhltwlAv^itliitsttp'on'cb'untrJr 1 / ' lfl j I < !> '' "" ' i 'in ii'l'"l'.l ijqu/ijii iin'ii'i u '' ' '

Inn. 71r,ij.l ■'■;;?— l'll--;M I V'M"VI-irV»Ti U HI 'I -..II -I-, a'irii V," BATfIA- ; iMAm/f+HMnt, A. ißlaclr,' ! of iWPIUU "JlT^'hitt 'talcon''irlio!l)al'titcrrihip fIJ'J I'lll'i •»(.« •I')ll|'>"" «'ll>i"lll(l 1' l.llMll I>'l'' , ,^n. , |?y^ of 'Opuu^fi, mpt, ,wMlv ft /.wfioue acoidontonThuiwlrty last, whoroby <ho Jiao sustoinWi'H'odmpouh'd fraciuro o£ hU'IOgV " (/ l\ t u\ l)'Hi "ul'V '! ii in vi „ ..Ji > I, '>iil(ji/i: ;i' i iTht? concorp i pf,,,t^o (ll »l I >|t|Yo,pooi\9ty Qvcning Jw,{l)O Odd . .Li. .i ii )'.!.' i ,H (.■-!),'■)'( ' TMPbni'Xi'io'MOir 1 - ST6oKl^i]Mr. t o'oh« l TsiliW, 1 ftw! I fl*Wl o^»,hrod'cow«, „{)!,' i -I I , ,hi -Jin i )'>f| • . tfl.'HK) WAbWOMUNDS) UOA^D.^Thorb'TlOt bdirig'h qtloruHl'of mWn'boi'B brt"Micindfny la'sr! «Hferb^'a8 lt n ! o'toeotrffi; l antl l altli l bi^lHi{oWwaa business for tho iJoardj^p^p^.jtyJfad to bo postpoijodflnippngfgyqQoo ifopiji wook.

A»iiiboiiTonAi; t; SooiKTY.— A Committee mooting has boon called for to-TiigliU %b 1 o'clock, In the Inatituto, for tho purnoso of makinß'/fttfßng'»mtfttWfi t o'4p46ftngiltholforth. coming show.. *«*)rriOK/ ( f*tovJ»A

Oim SiTPPriMMBNT.~\Vo publish with our proßon^ttyiM(t'tltypl4tf4iVt, in£tylHch/,wiH bo found' "Tho " Tln-kottliug" Affair," "Now Zealand Insurauoq /UtiUcHng in Sydney," ', ( ,#rgok<i# #yp, pnd jojhor u<, > } Thk FmsT Mkktiko oir ajHtt'MuNidiPAji Couitotf/ rtrill? bor hold' -tills' mo"rnta#' t 'ih l> tho Council ChatHttb'tf, ''.Mil 1 fttandish' 'Jk' 'U'koli to bo^^rf -^^ fe^P A."I, wo prcsum'o, wy^.bo,qff;oifld ( ,th,a,)l!own Clerkship. Jmo ,vuhnL „11.7- i-mmu) . ,"iC) (IDE * Tub Bravo Casm.— ThfiJlHriuiry in this cfiso has ondod, and, Abo ji^y 1 'hkVfl 'rotfoWo'd a vordlot of " Mu^p.r.^g/ivcia^^o^pqrqoft^op poraonn unknown," „Tho'i.GtQYfn'nme«ta havo oftored a roward^of-flt&Otfor'Hbo'idiaco'fory and conviction of Uid-hiuVdovWi' 'Thtfinrfdiry from first to last hns cost £10,000. TifK Fiijst Cricket MTAi'pit W'XiW .SKAsp.v bctweoh tho Clubs. An.pxprw,wijl RtyrfcifroMtUoi'lWn Bridge nt thrco o'olock tlii«n!lftftorhdoii} 'coriicyitig crloKetlnj^^al'Wp'hofhailrt'nnA htiy plhyJra «jlio niny wish to fifo"( 6 %M Tor jl^wjiitt^ H, , ton oorrcspoDdont o^^ttqi',6Vo.i(r. tolegraplm : — A second mooting re tho- VogoP toßtiirtonlkl wftß hold on Saturday night. Mopsrn. Nnthan and oo»Mym }W?i\ x MW x iyli yIl ;^f • Iluntdrglvo fifty guineas each towards tho fund, A^jltoiJl'oiijrcoifttiflißthoCT aro expected to do tho fiamo. Mr. MoorhotiHo given twenty guinea*, and there aro already Bovoml ton guinea sulJßorlp't'i^. rAVfiMBKT.-ffilToraonh) ihavin^' ocoaslori 'to go to tho I'oat OflitJO' 1 ftttlftt'; 1 ' 'itaVo noticed tho pavomonjt lald.dpwirjH 'fro'nt'of Mr, John Vcalo's property m pqvorj-8 i trcqt.r ,It is a groat improvomout to tho Htrpp,tv,nnd<Mr. Vcalo dosorvca grdftt -etodit cfoc'UoHig. it^r.Kbd wo hopo trthoTS ?wUl"fdlloW hlW'^XHniplW. l • \Vo hear thaeiHto *W& 't^p^iji^ W%m cost about os. litLjfQMOflhutua CAMiINO TOOKTHISU OV THK IIOAP UOAHDS. —A deputation of- country settlors waited on«hU lfo«o^ f tVo J^jily/Sup^i.itcildo'nt on Saturday fttßt. ' rogard'hig tho, r nonlioarda mootlngs, when Mr. Orotnpton tolographod to tho Huporintondont for in formation. On .Monday, Jjo rpqiivoftniWply^wJiifch wrts to tho cltcct that, Mr. CJarriugtou and Mr. Jvolly had dono all thoy could to gok'eh'bSfiHttcr'Wr. warded, hut tho delay hnd been caused by tho dtfffcutty in/goftimq mi^inyifi)(jfaunol(, nti<\ tIW meetings could not bo oallod without «v"oh authority. \ oo^p 4 /fovofC Thk Nkw I'jiYMouTii JuvisKiiiis Foiwstkuh " Court llolMri Ilbbd'' will b6'opo'ii6d : tomorrow evening at tho Odd Follows' Hall at 7 o'clock, w,hqn ladB/rom 10 (6 17 yonra pfjagOrinay pa-K rdlcv Knoh Tnd boforo joining must produco a I cortillflato.ofr.h&alth/whichiiittay bonobliUticd from tho Surgeon of (jijB A Court— Dr. O'CJarroll —who w[ll oxaiphio camiidatps ttLhJfj f w-gory, JJoVftn fUnifoh %uvmfTi6Wlr6tiCt 'to 7 o'clock. Tj^ \t)i\,\fl,t}pn\{w»Mrtyiii follows :— if) \o H'2 yonra of ago, 2h. fld. ; 18, i)n.; It, l\n, (Id.; jj^toiJJJJiUiJl J JL7» . M i JwlLoLxhteh must bo paUI "on ctirojmpiit, tho.balanoo within throo' inortthH. 'After enrolment tbo oleqlion and inßfcalhiliflH of ,'iofllocrjt iw)l||tO|kq p'laco who will conduct tbo bunlnoHS of tho GMuttiwvlM tt\(* Atii&MMb 6f n'riiiiy-odtnHiitUio of 'tho adalt l Ordoi J ." It'ia'thc'.i«(tfrt(fioW'of. t\\b ami oncourago tho Booioty (f ,|..|j;hpj| monthly mooting*, w ( llL l^|9^{fypn<i<Lliy irifttfuolivo and amyainc, CT{wl»gx» &o. Tho Secretary (Mr. 11, fjOpß nn<i bonofiw on application. NrnvflPAPisn Phopkiity.— ThoiVow Zealand Tivias wharoH («ayflr t}ip, 'Wo)UnK|;o»> corrospondent of tho JluoMaiid [Jlorahl), wMoh .wpro gdin'g (Jewing afe M rfhlDiilg^afpi^cp Jfori/o b^ iwohibn-'agft; »nw(i JodttjAk.'^V^TO'lWW , A. ] Oh. ' (M 1 . r' ■ MMHi ' to 1 «(W "df tHo-'orh'pWy'oW 6f thte I "'o6WWWjr," l «llflittro Vfdll'YuJHftrtlifWd VviMi 1 itrt wovkiilg hid proflpo'otfl! a'rfd tvtJUld'Adt'HHVb b»W \\\\}kh"'thhy> i l06)m if 6i f6i i] h rotul^'fdf 1 thto^itton^'" I ,^ 1 ! " "■■;<-r/' lII ' r l '"' ri<l i/ANl).— Tbo Nriplor Telegraph states tlia't'Uio 1 HWi. W. FoS'^aHtrtl6'aV6 f lWglatiU'lrtAtAiigilBt for Now Zoaland, and expected to como'Bu't' by tho Saii'jMhnclfico route „ «''(J T U« ( W^AK Kat IfKUUH," myn tbo npdnHd; add without donylng tbo ofTloiio^ of mineral modioinoH in flirthiA enno'd, *iVi iinny woll bo dOUbt <id whotlior, ,thoBDl rnrtieill/iflhvbloli '/hfo dnrivod fram,tho!Togotftblo/Wn|{dfttn.«ro nipy tho inooi; oflUenoloMH «" woll (w-JHio, /»afo«t.> Certainly tho nfltoni»hiM#,<jnr»ifk,(/f dyflpopalft,' kldnoyiidiflonnoi vhouinatlHm, and of tho luunot'ono tnalftfllon In wbloli.tnnio.modiontlon la .florjrjoooblu, .ofibctod J>y . Vi)aii>UQ~yt.oM.a'.ti. HOMIBDAW AIIOMATtO SOUNAPI'H, wIIOBO OOn. "titi) 111 1 'mrgfut l klfmitfr nj tttohf bif bbtftttfd'troatmoul). ""'I " '• • ' ' /

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Bibliographic details

Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 2453, 11 October 1876, Page 2

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The Taranaki Herald. PUBLISHED ON WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11,1870. Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 2453, 11 October 1876, Page 2

The Taranaki Herald. PUBLISHED ON WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11,1870. Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 2453, 11 October 1876, Page 2