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Author of "OhoiNlK'it'K M )#§l«fP •■fit 3i\ 'id tiiv/ !>j»« ,tumim'< sirll buns I].-" 80 tho .cq^?wfl#<jf>tjfc« ) 'g^»fc»w i HTfja6.'} disaifreqablo ; nnd. Graco, waa tho; bhfy wiw^ojrnj Jor a Wra»n- iJtM^'ho-grown -.woll in fipiio of hidden troubW nnfl^'begftfri to think of what ho,olroold,.do,.in, tho .hi 1 l%«f> Mki ip MontrwM »o*fc vfpah I(tbia^,i.'f hor)«aWi to'hißnmtdr:;' " now l Alo^Wpa|^')Ufy. >^Alfw!*)Qr>k/i' ( n;! li, ny, mni|,ibroqj?l»trhiirt f »<{«tiopi tlifttHmateri^ AiryfartoT«d ( ifH a»r8 i 'plrt\t» 1 . "HW rfat^Bo long>ml(iht'arid>lho^i^ l btA)rl r &'ftor*roadiog. GM idriVd It tilW ffl Htitttn&Z 11 To^io^ a^ jgravo air an owl, Dr. Wank started ont of hw ftfvbrttfl to find-Kate's ovob fixed inquiringly apQK&fcrfm «T!(T iVAt.T'. (ft " From,,^fi^» t,t ,j l <3^y^l» r^pd Hambort, iyy nnol«'» ,jiolicitor». fliof lio is dead." - A " » Cf " k ' r iT ,vuMim)n rlftaotk? , mft) iyoo» avti Xi» AAfafc&im oi wittnn •'"" -"'f (''"'•i ""•" "<'*' A $m ¥9&**«M ■»«»»? .(irWfti Tbmiopmkmi hrwkblpMlj^i r r. , , ,n-;i nj.ittt'wflbtiy»ihbifMid i poWda/A"' nm > vi Grace oliH^TliW'lA.'Wag.' I ' 034 "' 1 "" dear Frank, you havo no now toigioi »J( fl SHWF H*t*Wi« p»Of«»i<Kfc|tttM» /' t < JnV/ 3 H©n broHiOr loofcccV atihiifJ'inirjtiiol' Dlirfli lav. . , , , / r / l (ho Bf\vnP:{ 3 nltor my pJim^ft"gotrd'fJeaK' l/ /l. 1 roost start for MbutrMl' ta-mdf row> irtorniiig'!" .(iH^vowtifYd liufe'tho toV)W». ' rf " ' " ' . xV«*nJWnji< l| fr a W. f .jyPl» /.mast, ,ttymc as bcartlofls, Koto;?' but rW© I hhv^". known' very little of tbi* undo, and that littlo a fttorti an^nfe^d^jttiaurnUrJn^alway,^ aloHO'/Ancii^ifh fow frioudn. lam bo thankful ho has loft his mouoy to l>r. Frank loft.Sfc, Qroix noxf. mornirpgr? ibir. tb«?f oity^ ancHiiib absoircoinnth) a. fltWvhg'eJ I hlhiykf >'ta' tli«r ''family i" TR6 iittf iriflf diifs «<f Aftf '6n'-tfowl y!" April Hvittf $bU; aiVd ' Wrfii Moyi'-'dapiajn ftiuftn: wn^ftb^o^tbeibeßt.ipart of* evory dny flaporiutending the erection of tho now hoasoyand tho, three women were left alono, Miafl I^rtiupfi groW lidijcsa aud ppSfiiqsSj.lp^yringSj.fin f «|njcl, (ont ff of ; f tho> cothtcro, in long rcvorics,' and l uoHtdry waljepv.V": V'! m '' fi " f " "' "' ''" ! " f<ll .^ ylliff ' mftf^lo ' of May,. „CAWP,f f«?jjt|W»t bringing tho young doctor, or oven a letter from ,him/ '< Tlio> family wore seated ono inodrili^bt wigiift ;.jtf tM Itfrgf; oUlfoehbwwl jkH-clrijrt'fVdrtlof'tli'o col* p.^up f ., t ,.j<.a^ qw^oMi rpstioi armchair, jnafcoateido^ looking tip ftt'iHo iilv^ry* firdncent ■■' B^laitHi^g f «tßW>ttffh" pMrlV' going on' hor fair faco. Captain Danton » flinokoddh'd Grhco talked to htm ; and whifesho^sat Father Francis openi/d' tho garden gs\o joinqd thorn. t- f> >Uava yuwhmtdtftomytftiit'bitithfr yet Vnw 'ftskcd^o^Gritco; 1 nfteV'h Idn ftan^t^'^miiinHry,^ <k>fl»«»ob.wrrt©i",-.','.i- -in i ,'I-/m,:' ,i. , /> » -.virHo'told «Jtrfo'rankerni»flj>otogf«B; ! T'haft' a : 1%-ieUer^frWnim 1 tiWdbV/ Ho rißr i 8 very busy preparing ;tp,,,go, nw.ojfj;?v: /:!;r /> u Qo awoy ! i!; .'»•'«•'» 0> w And will ho not como to Bay good byo ?" inqnirod,:G»aco:iiHdignantly. /.ft Oh, certainly/!/ >iH« wiJl'bo hterßiiii* aMiayoit< two--/ ?) ! " <<| \ » >( " ! ' <•' J-'«K> ";"• Ahd"Kbtf Itffttf 'jU'^gififtf* WiWjf 1 m°M4 „ji „.,.iw m f,,,. ,(, ,„,/! Uhat scorns nncortairL-.-.Ai-.ycar) or; t*^Vpr&DKblyV4t?eh6 lem»ei""' ■•• "■ 1 "'^rrfcfl '«t^ h fodk -ArXWtW j b'ftC'^iJ had drawn back, .into,. jtho,, jHnQoftpt thpiporcb/fflndih'cr fnco was not to bo wort;; Fattier Francis Honored' for l/rtlf an hoar and thqn dgpar ( tpd, and as tho tho porch arose. to,, go^jjj,,,. T,n« yoayg lady iiV/tho «nay chair did not stir. "♦"€omo in, K*t«i" J >hot'^n-thni"fiß?d ; "it istocrdamp^o^raajn thoro." orfr%>M ,fi.q« a r,^«?)prfln,,hP^r Wpr sHo entered tho parlour tqisayHftnodwotght) vory jri\h}MWiy \x\\ noticed. oJ '♦'Tknow sitting ffl tlVo hfgh't Aft'tfaa bcld," her fathor,fiaid, (I ."You aro as wmto aa a ghost. ', .„,,, . v , Mi»» Ilantoftj.Wiap fypryn.gffav'o) hrirl stilt, (for /tb» .Moxt two days— a littTo Had; CJrnce thoogHt.'' Ort ( thfl»lhifd' f <lay Dr, Frank arrived, v ; ty,was lato in the afternoon, I',hp/f\v'a^t1 ',hp /f \v'a^t ( o > gahi early .N9Xtf|norn»rigr (^ oi ."'What arc yoo'rntinin/jf'KwAyf for now ?" flskod hk flister^ with n«perit.y. " What hafl.udt'thjfl (iorinau nation r jiu y^rjipa^?;-', „,,f, . „,, -^ The yonng^maiKßmilod* . , - , 1 "My' / dbMir'<iraco, don't went 1 that Jtevb'r'e faco. WNy 'flfift'Ulcf '1 not' go 'i What fa to (Jotaia/ ?" ,:i TlnV.waU such «n ttnahswotabto qno/a. tion that G^rnqo only turned 'hwfy im. pat;ett^'^nu^Cato, who was in,, tbo, loo'tnl Parleying tho brother and sister might wish to, bd&loftei'aroxo and dopart(i6{' Atftho dootf''oftfM6d'/afloiY h^P C^fl/H^^ l Dfthtor'f*» t wirV M'C,d rotlnU rtnd l ' I|./11 | . / 1 ' '„'"''''.'/' ','.'.» "Ifydn'wanfc to kn^w/.what i« to (lotamfonhtttiitVusAti- toll you now, Stftynp home nod fimrry Kato ri^Titon." t| ;^'|^4|lr )a^,9,d, l( but,fi^tl!9,. a consirttined wdy.

"That i* easier said than done, sister tnino. Miss Danton novor did more than tolorato mo in hor lifo ; sometimes not or f*^^T*^ 4l^*^i'' ) ''K ties aro not quito(^f^^l|r|tcj^|g^^jj^ yon think." " Suppose you try." " And bo rofuaod for my pains. No, thank you." " Vory woll," said Mrs. Graco, with a shrug ; " a trilfnl man must havo hin way. You can't toll whothor you will go to Germany and forgot my lolly, for that I havo boon an idiot I don't deny." " And aro so still. Do t\a you ploaso, howovor — it is no affair of mino." Dr. Frank rodo over to tho now building to soo how it progressed. It was lato when ho^r^nrnod#^th thas enptain, and ho fotfffn thagf Kllto h|l departed to spontr*stm> ovofewR 1 wiffl^ Miss Howard. If ho wanted furthor proof of hor indifloronco, suroly ho had it horo. It was vory lato, and tho family had rotircd before Misii Danton came homo. Shy wus good onough though to riao vory early no|tJmohrjngM flfej g^ byo. Dr. Frame tabfir his IrastyTbronftf«at, and eatno into tho parlour, whoro he found hor alono. "I thought I was not to havo tho pleasure of seeing yon boforo I w©nt," f? bo said holding out his hand. " I havo but ton minntes loft, so good byo." His voico shook a littlo as ho said it. In spito of ovory offort hor fingors closed arouad bin, and hor pyca. lookedup m Mm| VrifhJlior ttoirfcvwi tboxr^jloul dojUthi, %J 1 ill. V f " Kato !" ho exclaimed, tho colour rushing to his faco with a suddon thrill of oc&tacy, nnd his hnud closing tight ovor tlio nlondor fingers ho hold. 14 Kato !" She turnod away, hor own chooks dyed, not daring to <fu&slVstfsff£s[ qnofltiortiMg look. " Kato !" ho criod, appoalingly, " it is bocaaHo I lovo yon I am going awny. I novor thought to toll you." Fivo miuutcß lator Graco opened tho door impotuously. ".•fl^nte d«ltft yoajkttow «cwwi|li)jo' Ifl Oh, I beg pardon. Sho closed it hastily and rotrcatod. Tho captain, standing in tho doorway, looked impationtly at his watch, " What keeps tho follow ? Ho'll bo lato to a dead certainty." Graco laughed. "Thoro is noihprny.rlfthiakaj^bdonfl. Iboliovo t< l rnnKW\\ti&~t6 / &6tmtiXiy thW" Itimo."

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 2452, 7 October 1876, Page 4

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CAPTAIN DANTON'S DAUGHTERS. Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 2452, 7 October 1876, Page 4

CAPTAIN DANTON'S DAUGHTERS. Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 2452, 7 October 1876, Page 4