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Oovornment Hottcos^ 1 .-'• -' r -. ..■.l.L^:.,.^.^i.^' .tf,!...'.t'.,..tL1{ , ' ',' 'BATitt W''6diSksOATEj|).,;^Dsii''ii tvr; tow^ ( 'sEpTiqN^^^kA^A^A^x;] 8,006 ACR^JS. PATiFpisTRIbT/fji^it' 1 "" A ' n " -;'; -;1; 1 liAKAKAMtcA^; '/^ /!,;,",.^ A'! SXL« of TdWN'toTIONS, 11 ifaWf'ai 1 A. moa, a'iid f of RURAL StecTIONS', PntU'< Pistvlot, Frovinco of Tarnnaki^vilU takvpla'ce by. I'aljlio Auction, ftttitho Court UDddbo,' Carlylo, on Tiiuksday, iho 2Clh Ootobor next,; ft U,^o'«llp,cH'OOon < , ,( ) ;,!■< v m :< .....//I . , $pptlooi»«ro faYP^rablj ujlnfttod, on ihp/jwaln. Lino of %ad» otja^djolp,,!,^ ftfe ftWWtfPfr • ''. ""',' '■ V ■ J-'-.l » Tho RorM Sootlonfl (varying in aroa, frppj, Block, to W!oftorb() Is boing foUo<l iwp phafba, wido tot* a d(fltano6 o( ibroo mi lon. Ton dors for follirtg thv'oo mifoflftfrthor^wiU'ijhpytjy ',ro, oallod for.' Tho Land is of oxcollopV qaalitjr, and, being lightly ti'^bororf. may; bo qutokly I and dhdaply olodrodTp^flettWinon'ti, .',,,'' ,' 'A Bohodnlo, nho w lng opqoi' prlobs.and areas' ofsc'ctfdtfliyWfib 'to'rmoof ealo, Ao., rniiy : bo'seonj ! itl'thtf JVfIW ZcaldnA Qazptte, oV tho' 14ih SoptombOr, and ovor^ 1 Jnform'ntWn obtiilnc'd at this ofllcoi ' Lithographed Planß Will ehbr^ly bo VoiUly fdr 1 distribution to lotonding por. ohnaow. ' " "' ' ' ' ' '','"',' ■ ,vtil, vtil - *• ;< > >' ' 0.-A. wray;-' • '< Ofllcor in Chnrgo of Confiscated Lands,' ■ ! •" "'' "" ■•"' ' Went Coast. 1 , - Oonflnoritod Lan<l*O(B(Se; ! ''' r ' ■" Patoa, So'ptotnb«r'l2,' 1870. '• ■ 8400 21^*8 ,-•■« '•««_<• ■" .<» •"" ' JPOOTPATH TO BKPROOtiAIMEb.^ ,V ; 9<*flor!ntondeht'fe Offlco, ! Now Plymonth, October B, 1876, |TN oxo'rtolso '6f ' tbti antii6rUy^ gWon tiy an |JL . tOrdtPi^noo'. ipfi tjio < Sapnrlntondent and PiroTinoWj CpOfwllfi of, Torannki, Jnlltnlod, "" Tho Moniptpnl Volieo Ordinnnoo, 187S, H I, VfliUiU MoroVk .©HblUl^o^i "K«qqiro, Do. pnty Bnporintondont of tbo Provinco of Tarnnaki, do ho,rpby, giro notioo.and (Joolaro thnt tho nndormonttonod' poOTI'ATH ohnli lionooforth , bo, ippomod and taken to bo a PUBLIC FOOTPATH within tho meaning of nn Ordiimnco of, ' tho j Liontonant-C^OTernor of , No w Zonltttid, and of tlio ' TiOgUlftilvo Counoil thoredf, fntUnlo'd, "An' Ordioftoco to pro▼ido for tho Protection of' Footprtlliß in tho Colony of Now JStinlnnd," and shall bo protootccf accordingly. , ■• ,!l U I FobTPAtlt. Kftflt flido of Kliol.ntroot, from Doronfttroottb Gilbort-stroot, of tho widthof „. i 1.0 foot.Wm. M. CROMPTON, 897(0 11 .i. i Doptity Snporintoni]e&». > ti I i i (,i .' " ' i , ■i. ,i > IN THeVwaWbR OP "THE DEBTORS ! AND CREDITORS ACT, 1875 ," /.<• :, .:;'. f -,*f">, .]//;, i»: IN TUD, MATTER OP THfrLIQUIDATIOK OF TfiE^STA^B.OF SACHET, OLOVBn,' A.DEwfci/ri^f 1^ A;;. ,•: rpiXtSistbfgiVo'notWUh'ftt I, tho abovo X named Samuki. Clover, hnve Tnt.-i Dat filed with, tho Clerk of tbo Qintriot Caort a Stn^nippt pDfler tho.proTssionH of tho abore mop tionod Apt,. thnt $om anablo to pay my DoGtn, Mtl|tbnt I. dosiro to ,h«TO my nflfaira Ijnaldftiu^ondor tho uatd Aot. And I horobr flommon n VIJtST; MKCTJNG of my OREDCTORStoHo. hoId «t: the Ooort Room, in,lpe|^arannki Jnstiinto, in Now Plymouth, on TußiinAi, tho JOtP Inslnnt. at) 3 o'clock, in tho ftftornoon,, to Qoosidor ,tpo proprloty of having my, affairs liquidated, nndor tha said i Aot. >( , t , „,7/-. nvjoh'i !..>< > ' '< • ,PnMI tho, nppointraopt of a Trortoo, all por. Bonfl having, in,, thoir \posaoß»ipn any. of ,my, offoots mnst dohvor thorn, and. all Debtti dno. to mo most ,bo,pnid,to thp Clork of tho District Opart. „,,.. .. ! ,!■■ „'i -'.I- ,/ i/. Boforo tho appointment, pf ,&,, Trnntoo, Oroditors, to oni\l»lo them to voto at a Mooting, tntint forward thoir proofn of Dobt to. tho Clo'rlc.' After thn appolntmont of n Troßtco, tho proofn of Debt most bo. forwarded to him. Datad this <Hh day ofoc^obpr/ 1870; ' ' ' ■ lA ">U SA^UriL' ifJLOVER. 8^?.y v ... :,r,'H .... . fi'AND".|tliANSPlllß AOT"4Moi£ Vji) \T 0;* ; IfO 'B \k ' hdroby %We¥rlfiHii!i| IN ! SEVERAL PARCELS io? .LAND <hfl¥e. innftoi* dondribbd will bo broaght anderKtho provisions of ''Tho ;Land Tr^ansfor «Aot,i 1870," nnl«M caveat ho Todgod fdrbidding tin nanto within ono ddlohdnr month from \he' dftto of publication! hereof (n thsHA^rt) ZeHland Gaxatto. >•" -■/ I, „ i •>,! -.'v,» ' ■V' FREDERICK Sl'EAlt GREAVES^-Town Allofmentn No«. 87'ftftd 8B r ! Now' Ply month, containing tagothof 2 rood«> 3 porohoa. Un* ooonpiod. .' ' i ' <Hii .i • ' w i.i ■ ! Diftgramn mnybo itlnpboted nt thinofTloo* !i! i Dated this Bth da/ at OotoUor, tB7«, ftC tho Landn Koaistry OIUoo, New Plymouth. < 1 " " /'■ A,< 9. DOUGLAS, , , 803 dl 4" ' " ' Dl^rfct lia«d Regidtrar.' ! ' • ' '"'■ NOT I 0 E. " milK>'<«hflbrih>iod rertnostiV that 'all X ACCOUNTS duo to him b« -PAID on or boforo tho 31ot Ootpbor, l'roooodlog* will bo takon for tlto recovery of all hmonntu' nn'paid oii sthat dnto withont fohhor ndtloo. n 'I G. V. TATE. Waitara, Boptombor 30, 1670. , '"/ T ','"r-N,o-aVi Sii „,",.7 ", H 1 SHUT,TLEWOIVEIii ' jAna.ond ComI < tninsionl<Agant^Brdnghkm»atrefit r will attend WahAriv on ll'oßsnATfl and Fkidayr. OthoH i:No^t MrcWl Brb'okingi^ . < > > i. ' • v , !-■ ' <• v i i . '. ,80»o7 BEO nttohtlori io tU\r KMW SJ-3EDB , i importo,d from Moa«^. Btlt^oN & Co., dnd^Oflflrrfi OAitfHit A Co.,' whioh thoy curt oonfidotisly riiqommood for tho proagnd Sowing, ppnajflting of Hod nftfl whUo'Oloforn, Oarr.pd/J^angol, Hwodo Turnip, l'ons, Cab. lingo, ifto., tt,a. /,!!.;/ |:i U4J+ r 'i ' / I' v! Alflo, CLEAN COCKSFOOT* RYK GRASS, ,| TIMOTIiY, and ;KAPB. ;/ "WOOL BALES ALWAYS IN STOCK.; 'Union MHIb,' Soptombor 25), ?870. ■ ' ' ', . ' soato \tTAN'T^b,~A (300 D, STEADY, MAN W ft«'IJUrXO(JK DIUVKtt. Apply at WtltTK iIAJKT, HoTKf'. „ H7't to YtTANTKD,— A YOUNG BULL and othor VY VOUNO BTOOK In nxolimifco for n Llglit'Bprltiß f rnp tit Slallock Cart. Apply to T, 0. LEECH, Currto.stroot. ••' ' ' ' ' ■ 800 to

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 2452, 7 October 1876, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 2452, 7 October 1876, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 2452, 7 October 1876, Page 3