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Thk Board mot on Wednesday last, when Mr. B. Wells presided, Prctent : Vcn Archdcocon Go'vett, Me?arg. Andrews, Lawroncr, Standish, aud E. Veate. ' Financial Position of the Hoard.—^t. Andrews Mkcilthu Chairman if he had heard anything about money tam'g plriced to the credit of the Bonrd by the (icveml Government.—Tlio CIIAIRM.\N asid^ie hud fonvnnlcd the following felcgnini, but it had not been replied t<>, " Will 'the new Bill niafco prorigioiis for all our financial wnnt-s or mu*t wre also levy A rate B. Wells."— Mr. Andrews said ho had seen thu Deputy Supcrintcndrii*' and ho hnd mentioned that Ji4OO had been sent up by the Goreromcpt, ffiy.'"^; towards current expenses nndilMO' for the ouitdlnj? of the Mrtugord:«jhdbl.*-Th6'CHArBMA.y *ai.l it was slmiiyche had not been co-MUiumca^id with on the matter.— The Shcuktauy saiil £200 had been paid into tlit* Board* credit. l>ut it would take £700 to meet all their liabilities to th'cr end of thfr y>ar. < The' Chanje.- tigdik*t Mr. fr&mnttl.—ThQ CHAltthfAK I rea«rth6 corre*poddtnc« relative Jo (ho charge agaimtf Mr. O'Conncll, which will ho found in nnothcr column. — Mr. Standihm i<aid they had now to consider what course they had better 1 pursue; with regard to the matter. Tho charges Implied were df'a .Very '.serious nnd grave character against a public servant, and one of their gchoolmaatcre, who, if such charges were proved to hi tine, it would be, their duty to dismiss. He said thcro *ere two or threo wars open tb nrrife nt a decision. Ono wns to go into tho matter hy a personal examination of witnesses, ami place tho parties in the position of plaintiff nnd defendant; of by appointing n Committee to investigate tho charge*. —Mr. ■ANf>Rnv*&' thought the matter should I* settled, in wiother place, except pcrli»ps the chnrgo of Mr. O'Couhell letting the boj« out beforvt tlicir time, whicb they could, deal with. Ho considered that a teacher was not rcsponsiblo for tho action of bus boys after they hnd left tho school. If they called witnesses tho evidence as regards tho time would be quit* as conflicting tw the document sent in.— Archdeacon, Govktt said the difference in the time aroi»e, ho doubt, from n variation in the clocks. —^lc. Lawrknck said he considered tho chnrgcn hhd been fully replied to by Mr. O'Cdnnell iii tho letter read ; and tho confclnoJop he had arrived at in his mind wits, that j MY. O'Conncll \tns completely exoucnit«f. He J would propose, "That tho Board consider Mr. "O'Comicll has completely exoncratcil himself from the charges brought ngninst him by the Kov. M. S. Breach." He unitl it the Board wanted to discuss the matter ho ihould more, that all strangers knvo the room. Ho had listened very^«ttctjtirely to th» reading of tho charge and <h»«piy>«od»hoßghtt»v«ry clear that Mr. O'Connell was not guilty of the act WhhWhichJio was accused. If they thought that he had be«n gnllty t>f put ting forward the hatitlfl of n clock, it wduM bo their duty to dlsnilA' Win.—M r. STASDisir wcouded the •nisblntioh, . nu«l asked tho Clrtlr man tn clear .thcroom thnt they might direufs the. matter. •^-rA pvfTAte distitittion then took place, when tho renolution moved by Mr, I.»wt«n«o »*i osri'lcd onanitnouj'ly. Tlir Si'jitcmbrr Quarterly llrUirn of Pupil* attending fichwb,— The following returns wcro Jaid on the table ;— ' XOwN OV NUW PLVMOI'TH. IVijrs. Oir!». TJ. finut School (O. O'Connell) ... .'>» ... r.l Went h'chool (W, J. McKcc) ... Not sent in Girls' School, Oill-?trect (Miss '"•AVttccvc) 50 50 Girls' School, Curric-strect (Miss L. SJjujW) t 17 33 50 COUNTRY DISTRICTS. Hell Block <T. Dennett nml Mi»a Sampson) , „. ... ... Not pent in Huiranxi (Mies IT. Brooking)... Not sent in Maoutahi (J.Hain 21 13 34 (Jpper Mangorei (aIIm S. Reeve) 0 0 IS Oakura(W. Blchards) ... ... 16 Hi 32 Okato (Mr*. Uogarlb) .., ... 10 6 lfi Omnta (<'. K. Crawford) ... IS 4 VJ Tikoraugi (Miss K. George) ... 18 12 W Tataraimaka {S. Carrlck) ... 3 5 8 Kent Jtoitd (A. Karl) 14 7 -'1 Wnitarn Wci»t(MissC. Tiawrenct) Not wnt in Waitnrn Kant (P. C. Moore) ... Not sent in Inglcw^d (\\\ 11. Tohtn) ... U 21 68 (Hrls 1 School (Mrn.Suny) W 18 Albert Itoad (J. Crvam) ... 10 ••• 10 Wclbourn (Mr. Morgan) ... Not cent ia Uronal (Mrs. Noble) Noteentln

j lletigiuition of n .^VA'X?/ Mittrt**. — The Chairman read a letter from Miss &».~»h R«eve, tondcriog hrr resignation as school teacher at vhc Mangorei JSch(X)l. Tlie appoint' ment of another teacher wa» left an opea question for tho present. TmBACi? mnttc'a pcrwnnl application to'tira Board fma^cortiticd oqpyjof.tly: fntnutpt oti the irtd* At/gtnt, rcfaCifc (othechtrgcA^iiiast -MrHyOwMh-Th.. wpplwnU.^ -i>wi>.gwwnfd. Application for /fc*Cf<«f«yg* bfUngiwj to tke Board. — The iW/Mr. Hrbach then asked if nil the letters he had.written to the Chairman of the Hoard and t%tr»Mciosurvß might bo returned to him.— TIjW.ObJCjBMAN snid he did not think there wfcoW ftrn^ objection. — JTio Si:cnt£TAftY«ai«l he Vjo*Ud> be glad ty gft rid of tboin. n» they only occupied <«pace. — Mr. Andrews thougUt «Dyi <io«uH>t;ntd tliot wrrt- sent to" the Ik>:ird should not U- parted with. iVrtinrd copirs might Ikj given. — Mr. Standish snid it »•«« cuifomary to keep tho original?, omt h* thought if Mr.' Urefech got trui» copto it woolil l)e cnOugb.-**TJje 'Chair. MAN said no doubt the whole would b«'printcd, ntid if * eertinVd copy «»»^ kept'a^'d rw^rd thnt might perhaps be sufficient. Tlw matter ' wn< then dropped. • ' EcidcHfc in thr Cunrjf.—yir. SfANrr«« WM that he thought that »he «vid«r»c6of MX NorthcroftV convcrjation with Mr*. Inch Should Ik) nttachrd to <he documrnr?', nlw Vkt rvply of the Chairman of tlie Honrrl, "'itT he had it.quired into the m.ilU?r and iuUl found thnt the chargt> \*ai grouridleM."~rß« Chairman naid it should be done. Krcct'wnofa&'hiwlii* Mimyttri, — On ih% Wotirtn of Mr.' Bta»DlM{, .^coAdeil by A-ch-deacon Govhtt, it w.i» u^n^ fo, "ThiC a« goon ns the Chairman and Secretary' *re to fornjed they arc in fendx, that they take action with regard to the «rection of a echool-h kiw at Lower MangOreL" It wwal.<o agreed :b»t the chimnorsto the school -liouks shoulrl be built with brick for the future- t The Board then adjourned till Wcdnc.-ity, the Ist' November,' at 2 o'ctock."

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 2452, 7 October 1876, Page 2

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EDUCATION BOARD. Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 2452, 7 October 1876, Page 2

EDUCATION BOARD. Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 2452, 7 October 1876, Page 2