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The Taranaki Herald.

satuuday, ootobkk -y, -ibro; • i|/ ' ' Till? ft()N(MAimm To'Tnfe'MfiMnfciiro^tho' Ooncrnl.'iAAho'rVibiy *Is 1 W bo' Mo hundred guineas for tho soboIoi), which Jo fifty guiiicnx' moro than ti Ah b'dcil 'previously paid. Thoi mntttir oC raising the honorarium originated with Mr. Lnrimch, oivj of tho tncmbcro for Dunedin, nnd oho of 'ttio most wealthy of; the members. , Up moved .on' tbo 80] th! Hopt,, no follow*:*— Vl. ('J'lmti'thifl* Houflowlll tomorr'osv resolve'' Hsolf 'Into ft Coihmiltoo '' rt£ thtf'tthotol td 'consider W addVckif tb'liis' Kxcollency thfti'Govornor, praying that an additional flUfn" 1 may ho placed on tho OMtimalen, for tho purpose of dofrnying v okpond«fl"oTiho tnornborfl of tho Houho irt connection with' tholr lW lliimontary 'dVtloß during tlid fusion. «. That mioh additional cum. bo.cstlmatod of ! lho fata of £1500 /or orfoh .inttdUW." /llio, Govwhrnortt' opposed tho' 'in6tldob aa <tHpyj stood; A (toWe 1 th6fi,;<Jnfltlcd 6h' tlioiti, «inU| •MrVHtyinaon HdV6ortfC« J {)irtt'4 ftpecjrit ' rnfo> '»hdulrt ! bc levied upon (ho oonsMnctyMn tjiol different dintrioto instead of tho proHcnt' modo! of pnymont ; vrhUSt Ml. MiU'Wiy tt'fifl for tying' away with tho honoi'nrium Ifutogotuur, Mr,, ' . lui.ff.JM |M . h . I j

pMffiilfjt m«i>nl»«r» W«M mpt -pal* 4l »fiJPW^sß»rwW& *rthd«r toy honol»v MKWCWpixHIW trtotlOTV^Mri, Harper opposed tho n'jdtion. and with a view jtoi testing! tho h>?lt<cr; inflVcd. tho >rcVidbu .quoUioo. „Mr..TJ^Ol)t.efiCondedthiti, whioh». if it had bcon cnrrlcd, would havo boon tho dUowlntf yfo/mltytotitftroqltoli} M it wV«; Hmlly (ho rirsf portion of Mr. Lhr-' nadrt iwdtlon; fclatlvo W tho Hoaso rcsolvlttg Itself into conilhJttcjft^coiMrtxlflr. tho question, wns put and carried on a division; there being HO ny«s!agdlhW!2s'>nd<M: Tho Inttor part of tho resolution was then withdrawn, as Bovcral of Jho, imorabors who, voted mcroly for having tho question discussed, declined to %t<Tf6y jiaofll/'Tlid^AOoiiliiid 1 ffcM tyh fm&TlkhcH 'a 'divftidW'list.'barporting to Wtfio momborß who'VolcdTp>' tho' l^toorArltini, but tßoy'rcaUy 'ifaWHMf'ipr 7 t»»d' ftiatlor to be Feais'6ii((scd. v TKb'ttJloWlng 'day' tho/' 2l«t Bcpttttttbor, •M 'Hduso 1 ' »Voht on tho oucstlon, when tho Premier nnhoUnced fliata^t r was'thogan'oral l Vl.csir* 1 th«t ftbmoBhoulifbe'^rantcdfor oxtra labour, and . considering tho : pr6th»ctcd nHture fJ^Mij'Bissldn, tWß'CPoVorflmoht wlire prepared Vd l «^re > olft l at'tivo ri lj«in«r<Jd >l gttrAcliß Ahould bo granted for tho session. Durlnfc-'ft dfneUssidM that ensued, Mr. Ito'we, ot tho Thames, snld although ho \yas nujte tndopc'nHc'ntof tho honorariumj Kb 'WrtA WThro, that it did not cover thfoibVftßW olE^Hd^mtoW; and Kpoaking f6i» |( «imßelf. it had cost him aa much as fifteon shillitjgß^fda^ fpr.toJcgramß. Further discussion on tlio matter was tlicn postponed unfcil goivg.|i^> oommittoOf of supply. , jl'hora an honorarium to 'moinbets. ' 'Aitnongh it mnf do" 'iih honour to X returned to a scat-, much is cxpeotcd from a member. H6 hns to pay innumerable, .subscriptions through his position; halt fo o liv« T7 c~xjrtnsfvely; nnd ii'cdWßnVily'tnkr«^c(in!»ldernhre v dAlblph\h}s iJookWdurintfhla "Visit." "Thore/otc, la roasonablo sum should bo nw«Wlcd ; th6 wombor^'lK blitVi'ght.Xmt when a sum Hko>£ftOO is nuked for thrco months work, it is rather l/;6 1 .' l/ ' ; ;""f; ""f" f lM "' ''^"»/:'.f '$]fy f fqf^ligrcj aVwlayjS^ap'poars^tb', t>o'ii \'>f>t,M ] Ws. W^Wi'.'A !l Wci|iugtoft < por.rv'B' pendent of aft Auokbwd p^por telegraphs srt If T,Horo>had'be«n' a.good<l«al of ' illness among tH^mbtobcl J 4.' ' J)r. Pollen hits been unnblo'to health, though j.bptlji p^end, i^t t^oir, posts.' ,Mr» ,U;aniHn.Jja,B, been pypry, .lift; vtyu, but if) better, ,nqw« ,Kr,,HoilglUd»ou jbas Sot.bc^jii ablq to.attond for a, loiiKth of tltiio. tr^Tonlw^vaa^Q.ijl thai his inctlicnl adviser ifenld|,]ioVn),ußi; no^ regain, any longer,.", Mp fonjta. wa^aq^ally (jloojl ( pol6oncd, either |fr,oni Jio a|r,of m^o.Houso. or ,tho water, , and jyas aljJ up.for, Bor.orqijjdnyß., tfoyr, if ,Np\y ji'lyr moutn \vf\H,Uio place, chosen ior holdioK -the Parliament,,, mo rticnilKjre, would have .nothing to co!npja,iu pi, iv iliat respect. „', , „,., „

( ;' l |Li t>' [ il".i l ".' >l ; i i[i l ': i ;.'ff">". | l '' 1 ' <i - ViiifcuA^Mo^irti SOoihtv's conobiit.— l'^ljj Society will give a concert In tho Odd Follows'; Hall, on '^hur/jdfiy, oyo.ning next., , ;< C, K. lIAUOHXOM AcquiTTßO,— lt will bo soon by a tcje^ram thitt # G. !K. Hnughton, phargednwith having cotn»iittcd;an, uonntor^rl Odrii^lh WclliiWon.'hns bcon acquitted. PavmKjNT py PnoviKOiAri'"Gdvfcjafejl!(f^t 'ossstkrsi ,V Wobiaf, 1 pounco«<that/aH olaimn for payment) ot nocounts must be mndd ; t6 him to-day/ 6r oh 'f ncsday noxf, for,aftcr that 1 daW iio "furtlier ■ '„J, ,.',, '.Tbwklijjhy. — I'ho chop adjoining , ttii« oflloo haa lately been quite tho source of ' nttraction, owing to thorA Ming exhibited in the window ,ft mngnlfic<mt'"HUj)lay ot jeWollery nriH piatid wmo. Mr ? , ,l!rOjQtpr flj pf, .Ohr|»t•church and llokHikn, will romain tlierafor n few day» provioua to hU departure for tho Patoa District. ,\ ',( .", . .c Tijip Annual MKtST^NunvTiißTjKonAN^ (JftICKKT dwn w'p^,Tr,«j|l at^etiiled on fuestiay evening. Mr. H. UcovgQ in thochnir. Thc,rule« oitho Town C,l'ul),w,9re adopted w^h o^pVtwo oxecptionjj, and tho annual pnUsoriptiouofFOfl wns agreed to. Mr. •H. fldorgo was elected oaotaift'alid iwofotary. Memrn. W. Black, M. 'ti.King, G. Cunningham. O. Andrew's; T. Kliiot and J, .Foreman wcro chosen an a Committee. It le antfci'palcd ilmt the following mal'ohcn ;will life' dnrthtf the' eeanoii -^Majoji with To\Vn;'rii''tfk'clrfvo)i, Puli6aruhc,,P'at^a, and ApcUlaodf providing, of conrnc," tho two latter ivi«it Now Plymouth. Tliq necopd qlovon will probably play Mr. Adamo 1 Bench School, second Town clevoii/ntid 'Bell Block, so that thcro It a. p|enaantprogrnmmo bofor© .thin youthfnl club, bcttiden extra matches.! /Is> winh iiiom all tho mlcecM they dceorve/ " ' (( , ffi\i Cl/)i»rN« 'FOOTBAIiT, M ATp|I Olf , ( OJIIK ' wa« played on Wctlneaday last. Tho country ,tcrtm r >. Khowcd up In good totrflngW>i)lona,iifottto,:iwl\U»tt otrflngW>i) l ona,iifottto,:iwl\U»t tb,Oj wmo oonnplououn for tholr> /appearance; (.'of Vf<^' tt«"«, 'ft»i! the jidfnl)i<r.V)f 'juvonUi»>thoy wcro r) obllgcd ,Jo tnk'6 ' la' to 1 n\i"ttp i 4\(o y^caiioloß ■ olf ' goo^l.^playcrt, h(^w,. rojult waa not altogether flati«taotory. Al dispute arone'^'to'hiKoAl kicked by > Uric doc for tho town. Had thi(i'gV>ht : lr«eW'allow(«l tho score woiVM'),iav<<itobd U# "toWn," le^oounWy t 'H»U lt'wMio opinion 4M 'Mr. 'Artams > yieUfed too^opjl'naturodly to .the gushtu^'eXlilfeUMn «?f' the country' cnptaJfr,.Bo^ I( th,ft dowjtho gamo wa« given by tho town captain to «av«i n Bcono as 11 <i6wh, v ' IB J 1 'country. Mc««ra, •Di'irwl' ' Colling '«"(!' "a » >' Hotliild, ill I Vote/an klck«, flayJJ wa8 I H"gb^lJ' l hM^h«y l wero fn.R yijlo ,wi(h the ball. J^WMMrcodjOn alUjdcs that tho gamo was tho ucsi contested of tho «en«on. ,J>\/.v,iun ""Tfit^AittWOnWANil^Th^ttrtAtcuritrottpo of Boron^dormid'ri'Vlslti %O'thtf» Wflltarnf on porformanco lv the Block-h6us6 which, waa woll filled, i / ./The) : porformora on.j gogod;a,o oxprcan; ondi/pairi^jw^ 1 -aown.'i'dnririg v/jkhof^Hctobon,-. retur^fyg "HgK(h' to tbw^'h'fttr (( hifdfilght. J f<Tho ! pro. grammo go^OjUujougl); w^B^ypry flimilar to Ih'o ono giVoi^ln Ww^^Oiß^h^rt^lmo nlnqo, /»nd «onßlfltod of «ong«, tlaucea, and a burlosquo. Tho oudlonco, if '\t6'brt't6 judge from the' . Inntfito'rj'Rifd i tho I'ontliuiklMUo mftnncr-:\ri^i I Which liito? ; apnlfttfde'd, 'wevoiMghlfplcawd, with tlili'llritoftthimoht'THobdJrfir'W^ wdtof very good, whilst Mr, t'lioWtr^^K/i, 1 kept the party togc'tjior hi oxocllont atylq, and, it was greatly owing to him that tho performanoo went off Yd tylHt<!#y / A l Hd 'so wolli' Mr. Fianc^V>fefllllda rtt'thd'hnrmAniiim wttVljin "uWW( flklll.'andiabjlHj:., Tho pcrfofbrlnco being! ovoV.'Uio i'party adj^tj^otl^p'tfio^yaUam when Mn (Joldwcll had an excellent Nipper, •prepared. After this hn<U>MJH, partaken of. eevoml tonatfl followed, ainongnt which Mr. ; j Bmith and tho iron nahd' wcro liot forgotten. Tho, performer*,, then, prepared to tako Mi?ir doparturo for. Now Plymouth, agajo^nnd tho horfwi'bohig harncsftbdfa'Mtari wasniade, the! party 'Arriving In to<vlt rtlx>ut '2 a.m. On tholrj way liomp,tliotimo waaculivoHed by tho Bablc«j ulugiutf chorutioß, iw. j

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 2452, 7 October 1876, Page 2

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The Taranaki Herald. Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 2452, 7 October 1876, Page 2

The Taranaki Herald. Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 2452, 7 October 1876, Page 2