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■ AFTER tfn» 01*03$ Til H; CROWN.'I ThrjflA^ of a briHmnt April s^tpaojb ■honora tho raiubow-Uuod western sky and. jdfl; thoi fro^U gsooa o«*rtbr all arrayed in tho bnddiig promiso of Crnlco ponton stood by % Vto&W of a long, low room, looking..jthotjgjitfully obtafc ifio otangb and orimaoni dyofl of tho far-off sky: tfh'o room in jvhioti flho stodd was noUrtlLlitco'tho taat oldfaflhionod rooms of Danton Hall. It was long, and parrow, and Ipw-cojlingod, and Tcry^pralnly furnished. There whs a < bad in Ib 6 contra*—H" low ourtaJnloea bod—and on it, palo, thin, nod ahadowj lay GroCo f B bVofchor, and a? Ho hnd lnih , for-jnany woary-wookfl. Ho wnsasleep f now — dooply, hoavily — tossing no j Jotigor in tho wild* delnfiam ofibtfftin.! fbVer,ftfrho' htfd tosswd for 80, tntti^ injor.minabio.dayp ftiid, nighja; '. ,'' f , ] \",,pra,CQ dropppd tho oqrtain and trout ; baolc to her podfe by the bodsido* i: Ab , *hb didii0 t 'th6 door aoftly opened, * and Kato in a dark, f nnrtiflUWg' dttafe'and eljppo'r'a ,of silenco camo in. Sho.,b,«d otituigcd in thoso wooka. Sho looked j palo^/and /thinnerMfttfd (tho' Vjolotit! oy os bfldo moro.tjQndorligh^^Baddor boautv than pfip.ld, KiY.t t | .i.-; -2Sft <f ;64itl aalcdp," isbossaicli go%, !«?»- ipg^fhfEjbpdv', ;fC(racot;J thinK <tor prayers have boon hoard." ,n,^lA*»«t«ißO,,doftF. ** y°™ fatbor io-B tr (•*»»-' • ■ ■'!■- ■• -..:.- n i .»f . " «frNoili6 brtfi ridden oM to Ho'rFtioty; W& bttiiderH got on. You., rntasf wwattn t t 'toa, G'rico. Go ; I will take , yonr pl»O©.Vr < ' ' ',' '"'Grflco-ttrOßO' and foffc Mio\ foom^ rtnd, Kato floated horAdlf in tho low ' chaiV, with oyoi .full of,,tou4or cotnpnspjon. WhafcivshadoW ho was of hin forfnor Bolf-^so;'thiftv! no wasted; Tho/hAnd lyir^g cfn'tfi'o' 'conntorpatto' ,wa« altq'^l transparent,,and .thq forehead Bt'ronfccd (WrttL'dflmpbrown hair, was (Hko JUarblo. -•'•«•. •'" - ■|!'' "BooH fdllow!" 1 Kato thought;,, ptrfnio'g^beso''stray locks softly lia6W, s and forgotting how dangorqualy akin M-is'toM -is'to W' "Poor 'follow r ('!('! Yos, it! hW coW to 1 thtf; Sick— I ( dying, .porbapfl—JjCalp Danton foand , tioyr\ dpn,rV.tbis!, i pnpo CfbnoXiodS tf<W?K doctor hiid g*own to hor heart; "How blowingbrigljtou,as they ' tako; their 4igbfc/',' Now, that eho was, on t\io\ of rlofling him for over, sho; d«f'WO^oJ'ed 1 Jbria' valao—diflcovcrod thftt her; <om\r fttyqii Yfxib, vory lik'o loto/ How iWßlcl.'fllJe! help it ? , tyomon ndm\tQ /hefOe* so mnch, and was not thia bravo • young doctor a roal horp ?(' IVorn I Uroix boon onoJfst, pf gppd i^(»a gono,--roas-deedfli? i» i ««. / . ' .) • '■■ .OMrar"r©fy firtt'titnoshb had ovdrsoeh bim ho bad boon hor champion to sH^b .berjfrpiq;,^ jiiflqjjt^ia.nd ,r,aa,oncsßj pf two draqkepjeoldiors. Ho had boon ai BOPto'f guardian angol to poor Agnes' in hor groat trouble. Ho had snrod rfibr btothflVilifo ifiidiltonbttlV 'Ho hml perilled hiffbVti'li'^toWvy fchftt of her! Bisterif' • f (Tho pdop«^, St, ' Croi* i Bpoko. ,pf him,only to prafso and blonfl hirti'. Was not this bouse besieged ovory day i with scores of anfcidUß inqnirorß ? Ho • futeu m^oo^\ wiwMi'W ribblo, 46 sblfißßdHfroiriif, »d gene'rob's—()b, how,' cornd: ,flft© helpjjprjngj I^mff.llJS[ofr. twi^ jM?© love> that .had once i been Reginald 'Stanford's; only basis'was hfnn•cjfpf gifl'B Hkitffr fdp fl^b^nmbino;;^ stronger. She Jookod »b«ok nQw at that flrit infatir'rttidn^flhd wohflorod nt \ hOfßftif. ■ ,Tbd f flcalos 1 had /alloA froWii '^©ydsi'apd,sfjo'^'^r pi^terV. hua,band in hiflitcaa' Hghtr^falsov shallow, soffishi d«h6nonrftblo;> -'' '• 1' " ""' I •;tUu'Ob}\ i 'Oib'>,thoitijbt t'! with' tintdtd 'thanksgiving in her ..jjfla^vii, "y,Hp would'havoi/become of mo if I had, married him ?" '»'" >'< \ J'ljoro. was aootbor spro flobjoqt. in iioart tdo—tut shoH Mad botro. thai to Sif fctoaid (K6iif>. llow low oho rn.USt Kayo fallen Wihod' hlio could do that. How- eho dospiscd horaolfi •flOfW fotf'otor «nt«ift«iiiing th<i (liougfit 'ifth'atbft^ojtnai'riog'o.' febo'coilld tharlk l^ai\mv,Kr'^m.M Jaat;. -by, tho sick bed of her. horo flh<*bad learned r lesson 'thafc'VdafdJftofc her t% lifotifno'. ' J' ' n <yho l '^di6ncp .o'ffc^o sunH^t Warf failing 'ont oyitho.skyj a.nd,tho g»*ay twilight was filling tho room. Bho roso up,, • frraw bflck" tlTo'groort enrtnins, and lookod for a motnont at tho po'acbful villrtgq streofc, Whon^ho^pturnfid to the 1 b'oclsido tbq sloopor was awako — bis oyos'dalrn' nnd ' cl«i»r for* tho firat timQ,7f She rostraint'd tho ojcclaihafcion •tOl/Ae%M which, her Ijps, and tried to catch, the ono fainfc word'rhoi -'ntfcoraa—"' " ••" ' ■'• '■• ' ;,V'.".Water!"' ' ":', ';. ,', ;tsn;tsno f 'g«ibtly ,'rajgpd Jiis head, hor iObeokS'floshtng^ and hold a glass of lomonaxlo to ,his Hpa,';'A fairtfe flrnilb thanked'^or 1, and theirt bis oyos closed .fludjbo wasaslccp,,again. Kato. sank down on ,fyor knoos by tho bodsido, gratofal tdftrs falling 'from hor oyos, to thank boavon ,fot\tho life thatwonlclbo Fror/j that ovonmg tho young U\\\k\ fast. "«'»'' Tho ddctor/whoc&ttYo from Mohtrohl jorery daytoisoo him, said that ib was Allowing io hisjMiporb.cpnstitntipn and wondrous vitality, TJnf, hp w(is ?ory vory woak. It was days aiid days boforo.ho.ntartiStrong enough to, think 'or Bpoak,,o(r; /noro. ,Hq njopfc by fits and fllarts noarly all day long, recognising bifl,sj»tor, and Kafco, and Kony, and tho captain at his hednido, without wondoririg how thiiy carno'to b'o'thoro, Or what bad ailed him.

Uut strength to spoak and think was slowly returning, and ono ovoning in tho palo twilight, opening his oyos, ho saw Kato sitting bosido him reading. Ho lay and walohed hor, strong onough !to think how b^eajjtiful Uiat faco was in tho iondpf »hflht£T"antl J$ fool a dolirious thrtH'or^h3OJrnrej*^eftk» as ho was, at having hor for a nurso. Presently Kato lookod from tho book to tho bod and blushod beautifully to find tho earnest brown oyos watching hor so intently, " I did not know you woro awako," aho tt|d cQjpppsqdly. " Shall I ,go flracil k W$M$ Mvo I boon "ill P" " Oh, many wooks ; bnt yon aro gotting bettor rapidly now." " I can't rooall ifc," ho said contract, ing his brows. " I know thoro was a flro and I was in tho houso ; but it is coufnaod. How was it ?" " Tho hall was bqyrnod 4onn, yo^. 1 know—poor old A<Hpto J "s " a i d y? a rnshod in to save %njrt ano)^7ir"" a, v 41 Oh, I romombor — I romombor. A boam or somothing foil, and aftor that all is oblivion. I have had a fovor, I snpposo ?" •' Yos, you havo boon a dreadful nuisance—talking all day and nil night about all mannon -xif |R)ibjootfi, 4 ond frightening flatoufeof our liveali I Tho young man smiiod. " What did I talk about ? Anything vory foolish ?" I daro say it was foolish onough, if I could havo understood it, bat it wds noarly all Grook to mo. Somotimes you woro in Gormany, talking about all manner of outlandish things ; some, times you woro in Now York, playing Gdod |jfijbß(rithn|to Aj&io&D^ljhg"'/ S /uh, npor |kg|ios|r 9Vl|oro|i«filJo|P/ ? sols. ana Harry had to go, much against their inclination, whilo you woro so ill." " And Eony — did Eony suffor any harm that awful night." v No ; Doctor Frank was tho only suflbror. Tho poor old housp^waaJtuirjujd to tho ground. T M4o^mv^.^^ xl "And ovorything was lost ?" "No ; a great mnny things woro savod. And they aro building a now and much moro handsomo Danton Hall ; but I shall novor love it as I did tho old plnco." "In tho village. We havo takon this cottago until tho now houso is finished. Now, don't ask any moro questions. Too much talking isn't good for you." II How vory peremptory you aro 1" said tho invalid, smiling ; " and you havo taken f $St t Q l^yptiMTJ^ir^oa)^} timo, What a trbubfo I must havo boon ?" "Didn't I say so, A shocking trouble, And now that you aro nblo to convorso rationally, Jyou aro moro tronblo than ovor, asking so many quostions. Qo to sloop." " Won't yon lot mo thank you first ?" 11 No, thanks novor would ropay mo for airffie "ftn^noyanco you hayo boon. Show yoaV'^ratitudo 1 by bbocfioncu, sir — stop talking a.nd.go to sloop I" Perhaps Doofcpr Fraok found it vory pleasant to bo'ordorod) for ho oboyod with<tyß,ra.ileion hisifaco.) 'in am;-, Of conrstf, trfith Mch n nUrso as Miss Donton, tho, man, would, bo. objatiuatp •in^Vd^hWould nbfial^. 'Dr/ft-aM vvoa.fchp royorsoof^i)d rallied with astonishing rapidity. His sistor, Eony, and tho most dpy ( otqd, thh.p^at^Veiitii^o orKqr^s/ijnfc \hp lipijrs" ih,a^, Oap ( /.^Dantou's , oldest .daaghtoßßat by his .bodsitfo flo^'likti go many ttiiiittteft 1111 11' 1 ItWftfi Vm- V plon'^ht to lio thoro, propped up' Witfi' jftillawVf, ,nj)tft,^ 4,prU Is.mjph,)no,ly4ag,in1 s.mjph,)no,ly4ag,in yollqw squaroson tho faded .old > iOAi > pe<v>'f(rid watch thfit benutifnl face/ bonding 6tor ,gip,,lfqrxjßl ( o Arp*?M ?o«>p VjiUagptqluJd. 'ShOjrpaq-for, b'iraj itoo^ chatraiog'>itoma^coß^i rind aff> Bwo'dt? 1 tta; il tho Ik^ 1 Voicd ftfJq^V. 'WA Wftf #)WgW> ,to, uthink',, cppvalpeconoo tboi'monlr /do. flightfal statdof » bbing^thafc' ovor'jwks hfcard bfMnd to'wish it could law' JEW . H! But-, liko 'ftllf thoi'plottshnt 1 things of this chcrj^orod, Ufe, it camo to 'nWfifJd nl I toof kf^pii., ' ' Tj^p , (cl.ay,^rti v, p4 ,^nn hp flat inp.^n his easy ohair by tho opon window, with tlitf sflbntoVlibftrqabß'Blow. ing in hitt 'fo<j(J, "and Wt(t(sH^' t lA^mh tho oows ffrasting in tho fioUfsTarid" tho dark-oyod French girls tripping up and down th(?!(]ns^y; ro^d.n 'Jihop, a littlo tutor, and ho could walk about in tho titty" gurdbn' bbforos thtfedtfing^ahd'sit up thcwholp/ia^lorwf. Ho wosrgoU ting hotter fast,; attd JiVliaa Danton, finjl. :ing hop i occupatldn WfjH bbdabo ! Wff much ' " likd' ! tffb f Misfl 'D'anton'' t pf -old, .Not in.^'Mp' novor would bo that,aga)ni-7TMU ( c iFQr sorvod and distant, and altogether distant, and'>'>'ttUbgoth l wi f( oh'angod; tho 'delightful roadings woro no moro, tho Ictca-a'iotee woro among tho things of tho pant, the-idn^ h6hrft spent by his sidi.p, whfa ,flp,r^o .^qtnnnly, w^k i^bey !f/ngp/r^!^vbi'O! f/ngp / r^!^vbi'O ovor, and' gbnp, „,Slii,o w|s .vory-kind and goatlo still, and the smild' that nlwayfl grootefd' ! hilh WAh for? bh^ht 111 1 $jl'\ SvWot;// Jb^; r f 'tbtft hoayonl^; tiaHfc was gone for over.' 'D"r. , Vrdthltf; ! app'ut ! /,a« J oloarsightod as his sex gPnbrally 1 are, of courso ((l flpyor gnoflsod witin a railo of itho. truth, , „•* JVhaU fool.l, v,W,||,'. r jliflf I,Mjfl!||g|h*,1 ,Mjfl!||g|h*, bittorly, " flattoring mysolf with suoh 1 innano droams, because sho was grato- . ful to trie for 1 savilig Wr sister's life, J and pitjpd mo H wh,oniSJio ; :thoughfc:JiiWa(| '< nt .doath's door., i Wihyi >.nurwd > overy sick • paripor iri Saint) Ofoix ! ab •ttrti&or\fM Vho'^id j«o'. ' ' Sh6\ift\ ,^g'h) ! to pufc^qbaiclc in my' ptnoo' b'ofbro f. | have ma'do .on-idjat oFimyqolfvuMi.r,'/ [TO MX CONTINUED], '

Rawßon*B No. 20 Neuba wia Mixtuub, 2b. Odis guarantood to spoodily oaronouralgin, tooth. BOho, faooncho, Ao,, &o. No one nood suffor from neuralgia if thoy havo this niedioino on hnnd.~F. G. Rawson, Ohomist, &c, Broughamfltroot. ! "To WiLMAMSOtr &, Co.— Siro,—Boing grWnjT^nnoyorf*whlt.lsl^, nnd having ueod vfliftojsjdifforont jwaprfrUions to no purposo, I at lost triod a box of your own Phosphorous Paalo, with such good 00'oot that I am doeirous it should bo rondo known to tho pnblio. — 11. N. Rowe, 801 l B1ock."~-Pho8phor Pnato, Is. por pot, to bo had at tho Medical Hall. 4 TAvr.on BKOTHKRB' Soluble Oiiocolatk, and Cocoa and Milk aro mado in ono minuto without boiling. TAYjtjOR! 9ROTH»I)*7 t Ohooolnto; < Ol!o<LmS' < t , Ob* oo\o i'OrpaWlTabwty^Oliocolnto, tutopi nna Maritril aiOhdediatdj drff highly vdatlioiou* and whoioromo.* l -«l ) dibkoa iff a onponor nltd ologftnt manner. Taylou Brothbus' MusTAnn.— -Tho "OhaJ. longo" brand (doublo suporflno quality), is colebrntod for its pongonoy, and purity of flavour. Stoam Mills, Brick Ltino, London. Export Chicory Mills, Brugos, Bolgium. Taylor Brothers' Maravilla Cocoa.™ v Taylor Brotliora, London, having tho oxolueivo iupplxfof this unTivni|bd Cocoa, inrite oom« ( .pariso%wit|yany ()|lSor|)Coooa for Purity— flno 'Aroma^S^nativo/^lTtltritiro and Sustaining Powor. Ono trial will establish it as a favourito Bovorngo for bronkfast, lunohoon, and a Soothing Refreshment after a late evening. For favourable opinions vtdo Standard, Morning Post, British Medical Journal, Taylor Buotiibrs' HoMotrATiuo Coooa. — fTiiis origittrtl D^jpartition, | which has atUtnnod s*h % * worlfl-wide^ roputation, is manufaoturod by Taylor Brothore, under tho ablest homoeopathic advice, nidod by tho skill and oxporionco of tho invontors, nnd will bo found to oombino in an omincnt dogrco tho purity, fine aroma, and nutritious property /of tho fresh nut. Holloway'o Pills.— Snfo, yet Effootifo.— Noothor Modioino oombinos tho samo purifying, nltoralito, and tonio propertioa, which bnro raised thoso Pills so highly in tho osti. mation of tho pnblio. In disonßos oriniog from qnhonUhJfoifualiotrs^ olosonnparjmantßf nnd Modonilri oo<)abntio|9, no,; mofns OfWally potonsb| oolpliog, o^ancdng, an| Vogujn^ng iho hnmnn body can bo found, flollowny'fl Pills wondorfiilly improve a wonk dlgoßtion by nugmonting tho gnstrio Boorotion nnd moderately rousing tho function of tho liver, honoo thoir wolUknown powor of romoving tainted broath, nnd remedying ovory other dyspeptic nnplonsnntness. Thoy entirely oror. ootpo tho Jotlmrgjo symptoms attend ing bad XBj&BlioaVnn)(liuttirQ>i«i)yonrß boon ostoomod tho best nnd safoat family npoviont. Thoy nro particularly onitablo for young fomalos and children. Oxyobm 18 LtFß.— Dr. Bright'fl Phospho* dyno. — Mnltitudos of Pooplo nro hopolonsly flufforing from Dobility, Nervous nnd Livor Complaints, Depression of Spirits, Hypochondria, Timidity,, Indigestion,] Failpro o( HoaVfng, Stgat^ana Momory^LnßsuodOf Want of Powor, &0., whoso oasos admit of n por. tnanont euro by tho now rcmody Phosj.hodyno (Ozonio Oxygon), which at onoo allays nil irrlintlon nnd oxoitomont, imparts now onorgy nnd lifo to tho onfoobled constitution, and rapidly euros ovory Btago of those hitherto inonrablo nnd distressing maladies. Sold by all Chomists and Druggists throughout tho Gjpbo. . ,fISF .CmttUm.^-'fho Jargo nnd In- . oWaiin#dm&anU.for,DKUflighl/e Phosphodyno hns led to sovernl imitations nudor somewhat similar nnmos ; pttrohneors of this modioino should thoroforo bo cnroful to obaorvo f ,t,hat each onno bonra tho Govornmont Stamp, with tho worda, Dr. Bright'fl Pliosphodyno ongrnvod thoroou, nnd that tho samo words nro also blown in tho bottlo.

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 2451, 4 October 1876, Page 4

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CHAPTER XXX. Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 2451, 4 October 1876, Page 4

CHAPTER XXX. Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 2451, 4 October 1876, Page 4