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■ Protected by Eoyal Letters Patent,'" Dated October llih, 1869. UNDER DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE. DE. BRIGHT'S P H O S P H OD V N E. (OZONIC OXYGEN) The New Curative Agent, and only Reliable Remedy for Nervous and Liver Complaints. nHHIS Phosphotio combination is pronounced J_ by the most ominent members of the Medical Profession to be unequalled for its power of replenishing the Vitality of the body, by its supplying all the essential constituents of the blood and nervous substance, and for developing nil the powers and functions of the system to the highest degree. It is agreeable to the palate, arid • innocent in Us action, while retaining- all its extraordinary prpperties ;. and as a specific, Burpassing all the known therapeutic agents of th,« •present day for the speedy and permanent cure of— Nervous Prostration — Liter Complaipts — Pnlpitation of the Heart — Dizziness — Noises in tho Head and Ears — Loss of Energy and Appetite — Hypochondria — Female Complaints — General Debility — Indigestion — Flatujence — Incapacity for Study 'or Business — Sick Headache — Lassitude — Shortness of- Breath — Trembling ofthe Hands and Limbs—impaired Nutritisn— Mental and Physical Depression — Consumption (in its first stages only) — Timidity — Eruptions of the Skin — Impaired Sight and Memory — - Nervous Fancies — Impoverished Blood — • Nervous Debility in all its stages— Premature Deolino — >and all morbid conditions of the,- system' arising from whatever causej The aotion of the Phosphodyne is twofold — on the one hand increasing the principle which constitutes nervous energy, and on the other the most powerful blood and flesh generating agent known ; therefore, a marvellous medioine for renovating impaired and broken-down constitutions. It quickly improrea- the funotions of assimilation to 'such a degree that where for years an emaciated, anxious, cadaverous, and semi-vital condition has existed, the flesh nil! rapidly increase in quantity and firmness, and the whole system return to a state of robust health. The Phosphodyne acts electrically upon the organisation ; for instance, it assists nature togenerate thnt human electricity which renews and rebuilds the osseous, muscular, nervous, membranous, and organic systems. It operates on the system without exciting care or thought upon the individual as to the process. It moves the lungs, liver, heart, kidneys, stomach, and intestines, with a harmony, vigour, yet mildness unparalleled in medicine. The Phosphodyn9 gives back to the human structure, in a suitable form, the phosphoric or animating element of life, which has been wasted, and exorts an important influence directly on the spinal marrow and nerroas system, of a nutritive, tonic, and invigorating character, maintaining that buoyant energy of the brain and muscular system, whiqh renders tho mind cheerful, brilliant, and e'nerge'tio, entirely overcoming that dull, inactive, and sluggish disposition which 'many persons experieuce in all their actions. The beneficial effects of the Phosphodyne are frequently shown from the first day of its administration, by a remarkable increase of nervous power, with a feeling of vigour and comfort, to which the patient has long been unaccustomed. Digestion is improved ; the appetite increases wonderfully ; the bowels become regular ; the eyes brighter ; the skin clear and healthy ; and the hair acquires strength, showing the importance of the action of the Phosphodyne on the organs of nutrition. Finally, the Phosphodyne maintains a certain degree of activity in the previously debilitated nervous system : its use enables all debilitated organs to return to their sound state and perform their natural functions. Persons saffering from Nervous Debility, or any of the hundred symptoms which this distressing disease assumes, may rest assured of an effectual and even speedy cure by the judicious use of this most invaluable remedy. DR. BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNE is sold only in cases at- 10s. Gd. by all Chemistß and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the Globe. Full Directions for Use, in the English, French, German, Italian and . Dutch Languages, accompany each Case. )JgP CAUTION.— fa* large and increasing demand for Dr. Bright' s Phosplvodyne has led to several imitations under somewhat similar names; purcliasersof this medicine slumld therefore be careful to, observe tliat each case bears tlie Government Stamp, with the words Dr. Bright' s Phospliodyne engraved thereon, and that the sa/me words are also blown in the bottle. Wholesale-Agents sob. Naw Zealand KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER & Co., DUNEDIN and AUCKLAND. " 28 a 8 Sold by Williamson & Co., Devonstreet. DR. ROBERTS' CELEBRATED OINTMENT CALLED TUE POOR MAN'S FRIEND, Is confidently recommended to the public as nn unfailing remedy for wounds of every description ; certain oure for Ulcerated Sore Legs, even of twenty years' standing ; Cuts, Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Chilblains, Scorbutio Eruptions, and Pimples on tho Faco, Soro and Inflamed Eyes, Sore Heads, Sore Broas a, Piles, Fistula, end Cancbroos Humours, and in a specific for those ofHioting Eruptions that sometimes follow vaccination. Sold in Pots at Is. H'l. and 2b. 9d. each. Dr. Roberta's Pilulse Antiscrophulse Or ALTERATIVE PILLb, confirmed by sixty years oxperionco to bo ono of tho best medicines over compounded for purifying the blood, and assisting Nnturo in hor operations. Hence they are useful in Scrofnln, Scorbutic Complaints, Glandular Svrellingß, particularly thoso of tho neck, &o. They form a mild and Superior Family Aperient, which may bo taken at all times without confinement or ohango of diet. Sold in Boxes at Is. lid., 2s. od., 4b. Gd., 11s. and 225. eaoh. BY THE PROPRIETORS, BEACH AND BARNICOTT, AT THEm DISPENSARY, BRIDI'ORT, ENGLAND, and by all respectable Medioino Vendors. Sold hy Williamson & Co., Devonstreet. 29 jy 1-s BOOK BINDING. :^~, \ *T7^ VERY deWv».A\ J_i soriptiou of nostness und doMm&Wk\ Z Vi\ Bpatoh on tl3Ot 130 ' ! sSE?;^/j6ffi|vi?^aiiJZiL_ y vftl moßt reasonable r'*&'X%i*jjfisf,r '*&'X%i*jjfisf,- ~&' terms, at tho TARANAKI HERALD OFFIOE,

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 2415, 31 May 1876, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 2415, 31 May 1876, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 2415, 31 May 1876, Page 4