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If the Colony of New Zealand has not been weil governed, it certainly lias not been for want of an abundant provision of ihe machinery of governtneut, erected ou a most liberal basis of representation. The profusion with which the taxpayer has been supplied with the means of taking care of his own interests extends even to tho quantity x>f legislation regarding- elections. We should nofc like to say at a guess how many Electoral Acts there are, but even last session the number was added to. The Registration of Voters' Act wo have referred to before, and which provides for those names I being placed on tho roll who are ratepayers, but have omitted to put in their claims to vole. The other Act passed by tho Assembly was tho Lodgers' Franchise Act, by which lodgera who havo daring tho tivelvo months i/mnediatuly previous to tho last day of December in each year, been tho sole occupier of any lodging unfurnished, of tho clear yoarly value of leu pounds or upwards, are entitled lo have their nuuio placed on tho Electoral Roll. Tliv three first mo|*tk> Ui tbo year

are still the months whein*>claiihs can bo sent in to tlio Registration Olßcor, and now that ouo of r jtuose months havo passed over, thoso who ate not ou tho roll should take steps to Imve their names registered. We have so ofteu explaiued the inauner this is to be done, that it is unnecessary for us to repeat those instructions ugHin ; but we would recommend those., who would wish to become electors not to ! delay having their names recorded. The neces&ary forms can be obtaiued free ol" charge from this office ; and if the applicant does not feel sure that he understands how to fill them up, he cannot do better than apply to tho uearest Justice of the Peace, who will, doubt/loss, be happy to assist him out of | his troubles. j

Caution to the Public. — It is not often we hear of public placards that arc posted on the boardings, being wilfully lorn down, but we. are informed by Mr. Morting tiiat some he has had put up have beeu so destroyed. We regret to hear this coming as it does, from a stranger, nud hope that no further aunoyanco of the kind will be brought under our notice. Garrick Club. — The amateurs of this club gave a performance last evening iv the Od'l, Fellows' Hal), when the pieces performed were Dance's " Xaval FiOgageraentd" aud tho farce of "A Happy Pair." Both pieces have been performed before by the amateurs, and were noticed at the time. Last evening the pieces were gone through wiih the same spirit, aud the amateurs were loudly applauded at the fall ofthe curtain. The Weather diking thu Month or January, 187C— -l'he followiug abstract of. tho meteorological observations takeu iv New Plymouth duriug the month of January hatbeen kindly supplied to us by Mr W. Northcroft : — Harometor — Mean for the month, 29-593 inches; maximum (on the 29th), 30"l-i!) inches; miuimum (on the Isth)» 2UGOO inches. Temperature in the shade — Approximate meau temperature for the month, (J7'3, Fahrenheit; tuaximuia temperature (on the 30th), 85.o; minimum (on the Sth aud 11th), 020. Iluin— Total rainfall. U'o3; rain fell on 'tour days; maximum r.iinfall in twenty-four hours (on the -Ist), 0.50 inches. Mmd — Average daily ■velocity for tho month, '2o7 miles. Meau amount of cloud (0 clear sky 10 overcast) o'oo. Mismanagement of tue Hailway.— In almost every paper that we open we fmd complaints against the management of the railways by Mr. v Passinore. Here the complaints are loud, and all remonstrances seem to be in vain. Major Atkinson was here he said be would endeavour to get matters rectified, but still the same mismanagement exists, aud we find that goods and timber, insteud of being bent by rail, are carted iuto town;.' it. being' far' cheaper to do so. The ' Wild Duck,' which arrived in the Wailara last "Week, brought a quantity of timber, and Mr. Courtney, failing to be able to make any arrangements, procured some bullock carts and hnd it brought into town. This seems a strange sort of affair when we find that bullocks are brought into competition with a raijway. Egmokt LoDGn or, Good Templars.— The installation of officers of this lodge took place on Friday evening last. Bro. N. Golding, U.G.AV.C.T., was installing officer, assisted by Bro. O;CouneU'a3.G.W!s M aud Bro. Howell as G.W.M. The following are the names of the officers installed :— Bro. W. C. Clarke, W.C.T.; Sis. S. Basset*, W.V.T.; Bio. 11. C. Hughes, W.S.; Bro. W. Beale, W.T.; Uro. H. Eurley, W.F.S. ; Bro. N. Hooker, W.C. ; Bro. M. O'Uonnell, W.M.; Bro. J.Williams, W.I.G. ; Bro. J. Hill, W.0.G.; Sis. Clarke, W.ILIIS. ;' Sis. Brown, W.L.H.S. ; Sis. Purncll, W.A.S.; Sis. M. Bassett, W.D.M.; Bro. W. Colson, P.W.C.T. •'' - - ' <- '■ • Ouvjsßbanch Louueof Good Templars. — Ou Saturday evening last the officers of the Olive Branch Lodge, 1.0. G.T., were installed by Brother Davidson, assisted by Brother Smith as G.M., aud Brother Connctt .us G.S. The officers are as follows:-— Dro. A. Black, W.C.T.; Sis. Hughes, W.V.T.; Bro. Adams; W.S.; Bro. Okey, W.A.S.; Bro. Bellriugcr, W.F.S. ; Bro. Appleyard, W.T.; Bro. Wooilhouse. W.C; Bro. T. Bland, W.M.; bis. Bishop, WVD.M. ; Bro. lledfcrd, W.I.G. j Bro. Wake field, W.O.G-.,\Sig. M. H. Collis, W.11.H.5.; Sis. E. Lye, W.L.H.S. NO SURRENDER LODGE OF GOOD TI!Ml'LAits. — The ft No Surrender Degree Temple, Xo. o," held its monthly meetiug on Monday night. After the usual business the third degree was conferred upon buch members of subordinate lodges Ha wero entitled thereto. The report of the officers for the past year having baeu submitted, tho following officers were installed by Bro. bkect, District Deputy:--Bro. Davidson, Degree Templar; Sis. M. Golding, Vice Templar; Bro. S. Howell, sen., i Chaplain ; Bro. Frost, Secretary ; Bro. Goldi'ig, Treasurer; Bro. JSfcff King, Finuuci»l Secretary ; Bro. W. 0. Clarke. Marshal ; Bro. J. B. Coimett, Guard ; Bro. Bland, Sentinel ; Bro. S. Howell, juu., Assistant Secretary :, Sip. I'urnell, Assistant Marshal; Sis. Davidson, Kight Hand Supporter;. Sis. Frost, LLeti t Hand Supporter. The Degree Templar stated in, bis report that the Temple had made good progress during tho past twelve months, 70 members being in good standing who had attained the third degree, many of them being members of Grand Lodge also. He had conferred the second degree upon- 17 Brothers and 10 Sisters of subordinate lodges, aud the third degree upon 1(5 Brothers and D Sifters. Tho lodges attached lo the Temple were working well and had increased iv membership, and nosy numbered over ',\~)Q, and on tho whole the state of tho order in New Plymouth was satisfactory. A Juvenile Temple had been organised during the past quarter, and was likely to prove a success. It was iucredsinfe ife iium«' bers, and he recommended that all members who could conveniently do so, ns well as parents of the children should visit the lodge, and by their preseuce and example give tone to the proceedings. He stated that so far as the future of tho Degree Temple was concerned, he was anxious that the coining year sliould prove in, successful as the past, but that he alone could uot nidUu it n success, and hoped that each individual member would aid him in his arduous duties. He concluded by thanking the members for re-electing him Degree Templar. When Fouu Thousand Disintrubstkd Physicians certify to the excellence of an in- { vi^orative stintulunt, skeptics ns to eQioaoy — [ if ihorc boany— might ns woll retire to "back ' Beat." Such an indorsement carrion convio- I tion to tho mind of nil raiionnl porsous. Tho übovo number of medical men havo over their own signatures, most emphatically confirmed i he popular verdict lon^ sinoo rendered in favour of TJdowuo WoU'E's Scutiumi AttoMtxjc Scu.N'Ari's.

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 2383, 9 February 1876, Page 2

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The Taranaki Herald. PUBLISHED ON WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1870. Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 2383, 9 February 1876, Page 2

The Taranaki Herald. PUBLISHED ON WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1870. Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 2383, 9 February 1876, Page 2