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Tub following roport by the Chairman of tho Jiilucation Board has boon forwarded to his Honor tho Superin tendon f, and appears in a Provincial Gazette, issued on Wednesday last •.— < Board of Education, Now Plymouth; Aug. 13;, '1875. Silt, — In compliance^ with tHo.'pro. 'visions of tho " lidu'catiori Ordiuanco, 187 V* 1 havo the honor to ro'ndor my report for the your p'ntling July 3lst, '1875., . , '',' ',','■ '! ' Tho Boavd at that date consisted of 'tho following moiubors. j, — Mr. B. Wells (chairman), Von. <A»'phdoacan Govett, 8,A,, Mopsrs. Stauclish,., Crompton, I Symo, Woyorgang, and Lawronco. 'During tho your' M»jor' Atkinson and j Messrs. IT. Richmond and f C. W. 'Hursthouse rosighed ! thqir seats' ''dp fcliW .Board. ' From tho fcdtlV of Juno; 1874, to tho ,7th. 'of July, " 1875)' . twenty meetings of tho Board wore held; ' Tho Board has divided tho New Plymouth district into ton sub.districts, as follows ;— No.'l, Okalo andTatarairnaka ; No. 2, Oakura and Ouiata ; No. 3, Town and environs of New Plymouth ; No. 4, Manjforoi'j No.! s] " Upper Wai-' wakaiho; No. C, 801 l Block] No, 7, Waitara ; No. 8, Mauutahi and Huirangi; No. ,9, Tikorangi ; No./, 10, Uronui. In, each sub-distriqt a, local school commit toe, has been elected. ' > ■•• [ > < • \ Tho Board • has schools afe Okato, Tatarai«iakn,Oakura,Ornata,Mangorei, ,Kont Road, ..Albert .Itoad, , Bell Blook, Manutahi, Hiiirapgi, , Waitara, ( and Tikorangi., Jn,N«.w, .Plymouth 'it has 'four schools ;■• two for 'boys- and two for girls. ''Tile "Albert 1 Road School and tho soniqr, Sphool ,ia' Now' Ply^ mouih havo ,boo,q , established during thp.yoai'r' 1 •• ' »,• ■ s

Now'sphoolhousos havo beon erected at Okatp,' Ktiiiiltyhd', and Albert Road, • ' and, a toa^herV residence has been, built at 801 l Blook. ,Tho soboolhousos •at Oakura, Omafa, Kawau 2i\, Bell Blook, Manutahi, lluirangi, and Tikorungi havo boon repaired. Several school. havo beon paiutod,,and furnished with ohimnies. , A tenohor's residenco is in course of erection nt Oakura ; schoolbouftos aro boing built afc Tataraimaka and Wpitara'' toh'd dps I 'havo, beon invited for the orocfcion ' of a ' sch,oolhouso at Inglovvood j M Baptist Chapol, New Plymouth, has boon-hired-for school purposos ; and n plot of land for a flchool-eito haa been purchased at Ta'taraimakii. , ; ' ' Tho number of (Jhildron on tho school registers for tho quarter' ending Sop. tombor 80th, 187'i-7«tho first quartor of tho Board's oxistonco^-was 251, and tho daily averago attondanoo 163. TJio number on the school, registers for tho quartor ending Juno 80th, 1875, was 438, and tho daily avorago attendance 285, showing an inoroase of the numbers on tho rogistors of 187, and on tho avorago daily attendance of 122, Tho total numbor of children iv tho district, from five to fifteen years of ago, during the poriod'WHs 1,192. Tho I3oard has, furnished tho schools with black-boards, ' crayons, crayon, holders, compasses,' bells, clocks, maps, desks, forms, pencils, buckets, brooms), and pannikins. A.tniecelUnecme assortmont of educational works, handed ■ to tbo Board ' by tho Provincial > Governmont, has been distributed among them, and they havo also, been furnished, with losson- tablets, bistpry antto^hcr/r.cading books, ' i ii. -"" * ".' '<<•• ■

Tho following -'teachers ' are 1 ' in' 1 tho ; ;Horvice of tho'Board ;'— ffpfrJih^fideond-' class certificate :', Ant'uo I^ouybl spieling-fchird-olass certificates,: Mavy Brooking, Sarah Rceve,Catht>rinoHogarth,George O'Conhoil,' William J, McKee,, Ch'arlos Froor Ovawfo'r'd, Bobqrfc Albbrfc N,iob6laii' Way), 'fe'tepborj Carrick,, W. 11. Tobiu, Thomas Bennott,. Philip GallowiMoore, and John Orean'. ■ 'Holding no certificate j Emily Goorgp, OarplinoLawrenco; and Lydia'Ji!. Shaw, ,' paring, tb'b yoar two fomalo teachers havo resigned their appointments,. and n malo toaclior has been' dismissed f<Jr irregular conduct.

. Tho, Board has constituted, and appointed tho following gentlemon <m Examining Commitloo : Vonorablo Archdoauon Govott, 8.A., Worcester College, Oxford ; Mr. B. Wol ls, Chair, man of tho Board ; and Mr. W. Northcroft, tho Board's Secretary. Tho Committee have held examinations in Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography, and History, and havo grantod to candidates onoKOcond'Classand fourteen third-class certificates. ''

VV lion tho Board took offico it iinrnod lately raised tho salaries of fcho toachera from £20 to £iO per annum. Aftor examination tho salaries of those tnalo teachers to whom tho Examining 1 Oomlnittoo had granted third-class eorfcificatos woi'o raised to £80 per annum, and that of tho fomalo teachers to, whom tho flamo certificates had boon granted to £>i>o per annum,;, '"An exception was made in tlfb rMo'dftKd : ''toachbiv6'f tho Masf; Town School,' whoso «alary was raifled to iCOO por annum. During tho laafc quarfcor of tho year tho salary of tho toaoher of tho East Town, School was raised to £100 por annum j that of tho malo cortifioritod teachers to £90 ; that of tbo certificated femalo toachors to £-50 por annum ; and the JLJoard appointed a fomalo teacher, holding 1 a Rceond-clafM certificate, at a salary of £00 pot- annum. Threo uu. certified teachorHrocoivo£4o per annum. Tho Board's liability for teachers' salaries is now £1,150 per annum, Tho tonchoi'H have boon furnished with a sot of oxcellout educational works for solf-improvornent, and f ho Board has sanctioned for übo in its wohuols some of tho bost works of tho day. Tho subjects taught in tho schools aro— Heading, writing, arithmetic,

I English grammar, composition, and English history. In tho girls' Bohools plain 'and • l'anoy ueodlowork »i» * ivlpo tan^lifc. ' ■' ''<■ Rulos fot' tho poaduct of the schoolw havo boon prepared with considomblo care, > arid have been fuwiiehod/. to .all tho toachors tmd,,olmh'inoii of Local School Qommittecp. •> ,1 :< <<■ -• Tho collodion of tho education rnto has beon ' attended with cOnsiclerablo^ difficulty. '- 1 ' ;/„ ," " (i! „! t Tho Secretary ( in adejitjon ' } io his' clerical dufcy,"is tho Donrd'A ' f lVoaswr6r, Surveyor, nnd Archito'ot, and Ikib porformccl nil thd services 1 recjuircd of him by tho Board iri'tlieso 1 ' capacities at a salary of dBIDO pov annum. Tho Cli'airinaif has ;boen| appointed honorary irispoptbr of, eobopls, nnd his report, l^as^ beo'u , by, tli^ Board. \ „ , ( ' ,' , '„) ( Tbo Provincial 'Cpnnpil lias amondpd tho " Educaiwl'P«linftncQUß74V' by giving diroofc powov to t)»o-, Secretary to recover rates. 'It has also taken a ,largo and valuable reserve from the 1 Board in tho neighbourhood ot^ Now ■ Plymouth for n jßptanio Garden and Rocroativo Ground,, for which it is hoped ample compensation will bo £ ivon - ' ' , '' ' '„ ', • Tho office of the Board is a 'e'mall damp room, generally -unfit for tho purposo.; t Th,o ( Bftard/ trust jivth© proposed., now „ogvoruroont, buildings 'provisionimayii bo ujado for its 1 wants 'in thlß't'oe)>oot. • ' '- - '['^ - """ •" '■ - ; Tho Board, pQrji'oives'with' pl'pas'uro a' growing npp'rocia'Uon of .its schools by tho public, and trusts that /a dear porcoption of ifcfao' botioficont ■ intentions ■ of tho Education Ordjnancp and - of tho .Education Board will upoodily bo shared by ovory inhabitant of tho. district.'— I 1 am, &o.; "''" Lv: ■'( "« ' '" ■' "•■ ,' ' f(/ BpjAMw , yvmup, • „, " , ' , ' ' . Chairman.

Wbllin^ton's Fi<JiriTkif6 Bnßaoum.'— When tho lato Mrs. Carolim) Jauo Loudou, tho botanical ' 'writer) wrote to Apaloy.,llousp fpr pennisßion to boo, tho romurkablo becoh grovo at Btrathfioldsayo, forming tho " Waterloo avonuo," and prceouting'tho finest specimens of tho bco'ou 1 family l In JJuglaiid 1 , slib' briefly l asked in hornoto to'eco hid 'gruco'tji WatorJoo ! beeches; HJio.Biguaturo being, if, jC. f/oiultm, whoreiipQn, ]\U .grace dlßpuuslicd tbo, known roply. addi'caß tho lUght'Jlqv. i)r'. ileld (J. O. London), miiimkih^the /* iovty> and confounding' a fig treo^ wlih' a beech. — "l<\ M, the Pultoof.Wollingtqu'floorapHmopt^ to tho Bishop of London ;"i» told 'by his body Borvimt that tho troußors worn at Waterloo wore .given ' irvway 'hiauy! j'ciirs 'iigo' 'io . Mr. llaydoo, tho painter, at, the request pf that gentleman, who may pogsiblyihave them still, July 21, 1830."

TllE JDANaEHS Qi'"4,'li^ CIA^IK py,l?OO'riiA.hh, — A correspondent to an oxcimngo writos : — " L lately came aorosH a caao glvou in a homo paper, which may bo of some interest to thoso who uphold tho proeout stylo ,o£ (?) play. In a football match between tho Btudcuts.of HI. Oeorgo'B Hospital and tho Jtoyal Kavul C'Ollogo, in liutterHon. Park, on tho 10th March,- a medical student, nged 21, rccolvod such eovero injuries us caused liisdouth. A sub-lieu tcimnt in tho navy was ruuuiog along with tho bnll In lilk arum, JJeuenßed attempted to stop him by catching him by his legs, and they both fell heavily to tho ground, tho dccea«ed being' underneath* Tho Jtcv. 8. O. licew, rector of Waging, near .(leading, thus writes on tho subject : — 'Bydnoy Branson, who has thus miserably pori»hed, was a young man of tho greatest pnmiso, iiud, being strong and very active, was devoted, to fithUitjc Bporfß,,e,spooi- /- ully to football, for which ho had an infatuated passion", uijd tigainsfc whlc)» I liiul warned him but a low, day b, before his fataj neci,dout. , now rests in my churph-yavd, tho last remaining hope of my old age. Ho wus about to bo married to my only child, iwho is now proa,tnvted by; tho, utyoiy misery, paused, by| this, terriblo Went,' lam sure if tho mothers of Koglnnd could have, watched by tluvt dyiug boy'B sido, and l ! tliei > o"hav6 wilhessed the ftgonißing p ( augs <vnd fc^rfal t6rt,uroH, arising from bift internal tydundfl^ thtf fitrugiflo of hiii young,' h'ft'fufy! hoaitliy'lKc, tigalußti tho deadly iDjurl(sßlnflioted,aud the wlß(ny of parting Vlth thoKO now doßola't'o dues to Nvhom' no was all in' all in 'lifoV'thcy' 1 would with 'oho voice for tho sake of their own- children cry, aloud ogalnafc this ''deadly 'ga'ino,' Accidents may 1 bappcu from every' 1 quartor, but this la no bettor thau a prlsso-llght which is, perhaps, less dangcrouß, as pi'l^c-ilglitorw do not inflict injuries in vital parts. It is a gamo essentially brutal, and thoso who do not play il in ft spirited oV brutal manner are esteemed of no account. May tliis awful death, may tho cry of auguigh from broken hearts bo n warning to mothors thai thoy forboiir to wend their fionsito thosso schools were thoy aro compelled 1 by tho rules of tho school to play,- It was at school that; Sydnoy .Branson contracted' his infatuated poaeiou'foi' thitt game which has dcHtroycd hin own happy Ji Co, and which - has crushed the heart of a father and his child, If sclioolmustorß could havo witnessed tho agony of that noor boy's death bed, thoy would nevor again encourage thiw destructive' play,' I. shall not add a word of comment to spoil tbo moral of thla Btul fltovy," ' ,/ '.■ i

A Man a'jua l vouu) nox 1 Sx'Anj) a Woman's Tioaus.-tTIjo Jialluml corroHpoudont of tho I'leasant Creek flows wntoa:— Ju ii oortttiu navfc pf tho Colony o£ Yiotorlu rosideH a wcftltliy wiiirtttor. On tho bonier ol! hh eetuto Jlvc« a widow with ono hqix rikl two or three almost hixhy glt'lH. Thy wJcU»y, imually intiUcs a taw pounds web 80ttsoii> by ilio Halo of ketchup, iuariui;uoturcd ou tho promise* from mushrpoioß, ,whiph grow ploiitiJCulJy hi tlio diHtrict. About ton duyg ago tho old woviivu with her iulunt boy wont out collectIny tho edible fungi ou tho litud BuiTouudiiig tho hut, and, otrolling oh to tlio uquntte)''H outfit*), gathorcd a'snofc oil unißhrooroH from a memiow yuito fouv miles, uw/iy from iho home Biiitiou, ami where hithorto,tho mualiroointt had always beon allowed to rot, llioro boiug bountiful BiipplieH nt otlior and neitfui* spoto for tho hho of hUiUoil folk, if required. While tho gnthoring was going on Uioxqunttei 1 camo up on itoi'Boback and wiohud to bu informed if Mr«, - — know aho wns steftllng hiu property. In 'vain poor old Bout pleaded and explained ; tho wool king was obdurate. Taking v Biblo from Mv coat pookol hu recited tlio comtnaudmoiH, "Thou shall not steal," lectured tho mother, ami then threatened io hoi'Bewhlp tho boy, who ou hin knees bogged tho grout mau'H pardon, and to c»capo chrtutlfioment conßontcd to carry tho bag of. juii«lii'oom« to tho homo HttiUon, distant, im stated, about four miloH, Tlio old woman's tcara now hud a little oiL'ecG ou tho «« Well, Mrs. 80-imd-uo, I'll tell you what I'll do. I can't afford to Jmvc any mushrooms fltolon, and don't wish to soud you and your boh to gaol. X uuppoßO If I atop your ketchup bufrfuoßß you'll starve, und I'll hnvo to keep you ; ho look here, you cun gnther muHhrooniM, but numt bring Ilidiu to tho lioiuio, and the Htoi'cnmn BhaJi weigh Utoui, J'JJ lot you havo them at f>B. nor owl," Thou, turning hi« horned head, Jio wiw heard to siiy, uollo raw, to his iiMcndanl-- an overaoci I—-"1 — -" D— n H, I'm 100 bol i, but 1 cuu't otauU woiuou'm tcuw."

TRANSFUSION OF BLOOD. Tiifci transfusion of blood is a medical experiment which should only bo tried under tbo bo"£fc nclvico 1 , tvnd ovoa/tbon ti'owotimefl'producos distressing- r'esulta. A man natnod Simpson was, according to ono of tbo Amovioan papers, nearly dead from consumption, wbou Dr. Hopkins, who was attending bira, dooidod to try tbe oftbefc of a transfusion of blood, As notio of Simpson's friouds 01' neighbour^ woro willing fco,-s!ipd-thoir blopd^ fov f Siinpson'^ sakoj Dr.. Hopkins had no' tiltortmtivb but '(o üb©' Simpsona goat for tbo purposo, and accordingly, opening his patient's arm, '.injected about two quarts of tlio goat's blood into tho sullbrof's system. Simpjsoti jb(Jg6o jtri(nofl}ijtely : to rovivo, but' his, .i'pj'lv/il- ystfilJioarkedisbyftbo npoat diffagreoabfo symptoms. No eoonor had his strength' returned tjjan Jio jumped out of bod, and, twil6hin'g his head about aftor tho fashion of a goat, ioado a savage attempt to butt tho doctor^ aftor Sirapspn'e Jioadv'l^iH^ ( , agaiust; hjs; Bto^ilach^thrce W iem» 'times witlt tlio v forco of a battering-ram, took refuge in ap adjoining room, whoroupptj Simp*-,') son banged bis head against the door with such violenco that he would havo poon smaHhed tho panols but that his attention was divorted from tho doctor 'by bis mother-in-law, who at ,tbis "moment entered" tijVrooujr" Ono "well" dlroctod blow from Simpson's head floorod tbo unfoi'tunato old lady, and then, a» sbo lay screaming for help, Simpson frolicked round hop, making offorta to uibblo thogree;i.flowors wrbich fdrmod f tlfepjittorn p£_t|io eiu*pofc£ At last; ho^Tis "soenroly Hod down, biit alai-mod tbo wholo neighbourhood by ,'jiis IVigbtful " baas." Distrossod by Simpson's condition and tbo roproaohos of Mrs. Simpson, Dr. Hopkin's. dotormiuod to undo tho evil if possible, aud, by heavily bribing au Irishman who was Simpson's sorvant, procured froqli ! blood frorii th.o fiuthfulfdomosjiio 'j^jrid injeotod Sit^pson is nef'w quite well, but shocks his'old Republican frionds by displaying an irresistible tondonoy to vote tho Democratic ticket, and speaks a strong 'brogue^, Up has only ( onc.o ( \ buttjod .since tljoMast;," fcraflsfuSaio^.*? Ou going iuto, 0%-phJ fog' jp'ujday agelong -jpf tljO'rornainiug corpuscles of tho goat's blood got into bis brain, and ho buttod 'tUo aoxton half-way up tbo aislo ; recovering hiujsolf, however, in timo to apologise jusfc as tho indignant eoxtoji was about to floor him vvitb a hymnbook.

AWI.YINU LtM ii TO (JltOL'Nb IN THE WiMi'JsJti~A contemporary sayß— " A gentleman asks whothor it will do to apply lime in wiutor. Our exporioneo in decidedly iv favor of puttiug it ou iv winter, it is a singular i'aot that cold water dissolves limo better than warm, Tho best season for gettiug a eolutiou of limo into tho soil is during cold rains. It takes 700 parts ol! water to dlusolvo ouo of lime. JLLcnoo wo must havo tho limo at the surface at tho time of tho greatest rainfall. 11 is bettor to spread il on n frozon surface, bocaiißo il will become dissolved before it sinks into tho soil.

HOW A MAItUIED COUPIiK SJ'UN'r 'JMIUIIt IfoNJsyMooN.— Jn conneotlon with tho recent excursions to Sydney from the country distnolu tho Gonlbimi (Icrald rclatpu uu iucident that owuiTod whioli, though considerably annoying to the,) ntirtlcß'Wucernod, was tho cailsoof groajl<''aiQUß^mcnt i/to those who wero >jmu.lo , acijuaifttad witli the fne'ta.- A' young couple/ living moro than a hundred milea from Bydnoy, were marriod ou Wednesday morning, and, in older that thoy might visit tlio metropolis to spcud their honeymoon,. at onco startod iiiia crowded oxourui.aji tniiuifoi 1 Syduiyl I They hud made no arrutigomonts for securing a place wherein to lay their hoads on their arrival in Bydnoy ; and au acquaintance travelling in tho same carriago with them, on hearing of thi», and having au idea that groat difficulty would bo experienced in obtaining , lodgings, advisod the, at tho time, happy icouplo to stay at I'arramattii, whore thoro would bo moro chance of passing tho night in comfort, p But-no, the infatuated couplo wqdl fin to,Byduoy> T/ic@ livstpthut wjvb seen, "of them tit th'jtiir.frieud'fl lwtnl was jvlicn they left thoro at nearly twelvo o'clock to continue their weary pilgrimage Booking rest and find. ing none. Passing through George-street, wjioro tlioy woro mot by dozous of excursionists still carrying their carpot-baga and i^ooking afliihpiighi<hoyithomso|veß had »ot yolobtailifedßlioltcr, ii pollcomun naked thorn thoir buuinoss, and on boing told of their difficulty, good-naturedly; itpok thorn to Bovoral hotels, only to receive 'at all tho ono answer, "(iuilo full." Finally, tho guardian of tho peaco took tho " happy '| couplo to tho site of tho building ol! tho now poßt-olTioo, and they spout their woddiug-ulghton tho stops of that unfinished building. j, How to CuJAJt A Oaiuuaojl;.— Thoacono is tho plutfyrm\oJ!) tho| Molbourno llailway Blation, at'which' tho mid-day train for Baudhurst is drawn up, almost ready for departure lv v flrnt-class compartmonl there aro Boated a Jady and gontloman, tho formor of whom carries au infant of about nlno months old, «Uwely Hwathed In tho, usual Biirrouudinge .ol children of tlioso tender months. The latter is a well-known mining capitalist, who resides at Bouth yarra. Bovcral gonllomen havo alrea<ly taken Bcata in tlio carriage, and, to tho perplexity, 1 oJ! Iho guard,, havo suddenly ('quitted it, and found plucoa iv another com])artmout.' Potormiuod to fill it, ono of tho aUoiiduitU ushered in throo fatthionubly dreased ladies and a goutlomuu of middle ago, and portly to boot. Taking oil! his hat, ho produces a smoking cap, and is about to make himself comfortable for the trip, wJwu this m^l nnvlO occupunt bonds quietly over 1 to him, aiid iii a very audiblo stugo whisper, nay« myttterioualy, •'I hope you don't mind measles," pointing at tho saino time to the slumbering infant, Tho rubicund i'acu of thegoutlemau becunio purple. Borambling hi^ eJl't^ts togethor, newspaper, tnivolliiig'bok/and'pbckot-pißtol, ho was out of the carriage in a twinkling, followed precipitately by his womou-kiud, who viewed tho unoU'emiing infant very much like tho ogres of children's story-books arc supposed to regard them. No time was lost iv arranging crlnolinoH, aud no fear felt of tho coutaot of silks and muslins tho grouse of lbu wheels of tho ctirriugcH, It was uauvo gui pout with a vongeanoo, aud tho gentleman with his wifo aud child had the compartment to themselves Uu whole way there. l (1 or tho story got wind when Iho train slopped at Kynelou, whuro tho speculator got out i'or a chop an iikiiiil. There ho was loft in tho full enjoyment ol all tho chops and more thau half tho counter, and ho Bays thut on t\w whole hois rathorglad ho thought of frightening his I'ullow-paßuongorß with tho " measles bogle,"

js jjut A DKL'ASi.— Josh Billiugs givcH the following advice :— When you hour n mini Hiy, "Lifoisbut a, dream," tread on hi» toes und wako him up. " Life is real, life ib earnest." If ho is a poet (subscribe to get rid of him, and havo him dejnosdtcd iv tbO'ftu 1 Wcs| wijih a gun and lumi^yniUbujiindsi'blaarkot for solo covering, lie will know very soon whether life is a dream or not. j

( To SEi'AßA'i'ji Oats i-kom thu Si;ko.— Thoro is much troublo iv keeping oixts from growing with other cereals. In tsomo way a low outs will get among wheat uud barley, unless very grout euro ia used. By using a brino strong enough tolloatthoonti, thoy may bo tnkon out of tho eccd; thcu by using fiuehly slaked Hibw, the salt nuiy be t decomposed, aiid ,thq Ho'td bowu without diinger of d^fitibylbg-ita vitality. * '. - <V -.

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 2336, 28 August 1875, Page 3

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EDUCATION BOARD'S REPORT. Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 2336, 28 August 1875, Page 3

EDUCATION BOARD'S REPORT. Taranaki Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 2336, 28 August 1875, Page 3