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Provincial Council.

March 15, 1855. [Continued from our list.]

The Council having resumed, Mr Chilmon moved, seconded by Mr Elliott, that the Regulations for the expenditure of money applicable to the promotion of Immigration from Great Britnln transmitted with Message 24 be now considered in committee.

Proceedings in Committee Mr Blaschke Chairman?

The Clerk of the Council read the regulations — Regulations for the expenditure of money appliea" \o tho promotion of Immigration from Grva' Britain. 1. The Immigration Officer of the Province shall advertise for application for steerage passages,

2. Each applicant shall state the name of his nominee and the number of statute adults comprised in the nominee's family. 3. No nominee shall exceed the age of 50 years.

4. The amount of passage money at the rate of £25 per statute adult in each family shall be devl(led into two equal parts, for which the applicant shad be required to give promissory notes at twelve nnd 24 months date respectively, payable to the Immigration Officer. 5. On receipt of application for passages of not leas than thirty statute adults, a list in duplicate shall be transmitted to England with all the necessary information to Messrs H. H. Willis & Co* and Messrs. F. Younj; & Co., with an intimation that thepereons named with their families are free to chouse and make their Arrangements with either firm, and that the promissory notes of each nominee payable on demand, will be cashed on his arrival by the Provincial Treasurer, at not exceeding the rate specified In clause 4. Provided always that no promisiory note shall exceed twenty pounds in amount.

6. The original applicant will be relieved of his liability in respect of his notes of band, on the amount being liquidated by the nominee.

Mr V/att opposed the Regulations, They presented neither the advantages of monopoly or free trade. Had the arrangement been confined to one shipping Home it might have been worth while by taking the whole contract to put it at a lower rate. Were it advisable to have two it muit follow that it would be better to throw it open altogether. He thought, however, that confining the contract to one house would be the most economical course,

The Provincial Treasurer observed that tlio two nhipping firms that traded with the colony had been named. They were in fact the only two having any extensive buiiness with the colony.

Mr Vickers said there were disadvantages in throwing the arrangement iopen to competition. Good management required that the House taking the contract should have a special staff to conduct the business, and if divided it would not he worth while to establish cue. Young & Co. had agreed with the Wellington Government for £W per sta< tute adult, but if the buiiness were divided it might not be done so cheap or so satisfactorily. If however it were determined to divide the contract it would be better that the house* took it alternatively. Clause 1 was agreed to.

Clause 2 agreed with tho amendment by Mr Watt Inserting the words " as nearly as may be" immediately before the words "the number.'' Clause 3 agreed to with amendment moved by Mr Parris introducing the words " except parents of a family accompanied by not less than two children of the age of 12 years and upwards." Mr Chilman moved an additional clause 3a. to stand 4 as follows— "An allowance at the rate of £10 per statute adult if the passage money should amount to or exceed £20. shall be made by the Provincial Go" vcrnment in aid of the passages of Immigrants." Clause 4 was agreed to with an amendment pro* Y>oucd by Mr Chilman, substituting the words " tlie balance of passage money after deducting the Go« vemment allowance directed by article 4" for the

words " tho amount of passage money at the rate of .£25 per statute adult in each family." The 6th clause was oarricd on division with an amendment moved by Mr Watt whereby theoluuie read as follow!—.

" On rcoeipt of application for assisted passages of not less lhan 30 (subsequently altered on the motion of Mr Rundlc to 15) statute adults, a list in duplicate shall be transmitted to England with all the neoessary information to Messrs Young & Cc, with an intimation that the persons named with their families are froe to make their arrangements with them, and that nn the arrival of Bach Immigrant the Provincial Government will be pro* pared to pay to Messrs F. Young & Co. the Gnvernment allowimce directed by clause 4, together also with the balance of passage money on haying handed over the promissory note or notes of the nominee for the amount of such balance payable on demand to the Immigration Officer, or such other person as the Superintendent shall appoint. Provided always that sums exceeding £20 be secured by two or more notes, so that no single note shall exceed £20." Clauno 0 waa'agrccd. The Council then resumed, and the report wss brought up and approved.

The Provincial Treasurer gave notice that on Thursday the 22nd instant he should move the 3rd reading of tho Roads Frontage Bill.

Also the committal of the further regulations for the expenditure of money applicable to Immigration from Melbourne in the colony of Victoria, tranßtnittud with Message 28.

Mr BUschke gave notice that on the 22nd inst. he should apply for leave to bring in a bill to amend the Impounding and Cattle Trespass Ordinance in relation to trespasses by pigs nnd goats.

The Council adjourned to Thursday the 22nd instant at 11 o'clock.

Thursday, 22nd March. Members present — Tho Speaker and Messrs Blaschke, Chilman, Cutfiold, Elliott, Parris, an Viokers.

The minutes of the last sitting were read and confirmed.

The Speaker called on Mr Blaschke to move the third reading of tho Fencing Ordinance, and it was accordingly moved, and read tho third time, and passed.

The Provincial Treasurer rose to move for a com. mittce to take into consideration Supplementary Regulations in relation with Immigration from Vie toria.

The first Regulation was to enable Immigrants to retire tbo securities for passage monsjy given by them to the Immigration Officer by paying one moiety of the amounts

The second waß to empower the Superintendent to give a bonus ot £5 for every Immigrant introducedi

Mr Watt moved on the reading of tbe first rcgn« lation that the words " within three months 1 ' be added to it*

Mr Ciilfield seconded tho motion, and the amendment waa agreed. Mr Parris enquired what amount could be appropriated to Immigration under these regulations just now;

The Piovine'al Treasuror snid thnt of tho £500 voted for the purpose of obtaining labour from Melbourne 120 or £'130 remained, and if there pay. raentn of the money expended contcmpleted by the new regulation were made, there would bo close on £250 more. He was not awara of nny further fund at prcsont.

The fvst regulation was carried as amended, and tho seoond was expunged.

The Council resumed — and the Speaker announced a message from the Superintendent enclosing a Bill to facilitate the collection of rates under the Publio Works Ordinance.

Mr Blaschke withdrew his motion for an amendment of the Cattle Trespass Ordinoneo for tho present.

Tho Provincial Treasurer moved the first reading of the Rates Recovery BUI, and the bill was read accordingly; alio that tbo Council do adopt the Victoria Immigration Regulation as settled in committee, and it was accordingly adopted.

The Provincial Treasurer gave notice that he should at the next meeting of the Council move for a committee to draw up n memorial to the General Government on the Financial arrangements of the Colony.

The Council then adjourned to Thursday the sth April at II o'clock.

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Bibliographic details

Taranaki Herald, Volume III, Issue 140, 4 April 1855, Page 3

Word Count

Provincial Council. Taranaki Herald, Volume III, Issue 140, 4 April 1855, Page 3

Provincial Council. Taranaki Herald, Volume III, Issue 140, 4 April 1855, Page 3