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The a eraldinc Jive stock sale will -be held on Wcdnesdav next. The annual meeting of the Geraldine Racing Club will lee hell) in the Crown Hotel on Wednesday night next at. 7.3(1 o’clock.

Alternativy loaders are invited lor the purchase or leas: for It) acres os rich when I-‘growing land near Tenmka. Sec advt. by Mrs Th Ivl. Mabcii, (P.O. Box 23, .Timaru. At yesterday's meeting of the Upper Ci’ari River Board the minutes disclosed the astonishing fuel that the Board had not met for ten months. ■lncidentally, it was also shown, in life course of a tli-cussion, that, a Governmeat grant of T'fJOO had been lying at Wellington for certain protective woek urgently in need of attention. Mr Mason mentioned that further incursions, in connection with the works in question, had taken place “while the Board was waiting for the grant.” Mr f'oirn pointed out Hint the Board could not handle the grant until it had done the work.

Thu weekly meeting of the Welcome 1.0.G.T. .Lodge, IGci-aLlinc, was held on Monday night last, when Pro; ■J. M. Sutherland, 0.T., presided over a fair attendance of members!. Aitov the usual 'business was completed various amusements were indulged In

and a pleasant evening was closed with the good old cup that cheers. A hearty' invitation will be given to all old members and intending members of the Lodge to lie present at j the usual w. ekly meeting on Monday ne\ t. I The Geraldine J-'chool cadets hive j again distinguished themselves. ML Bain, the headmaster, informs us Ural Jn.- has received word from the EJucaItipii Department of the tollowin-i- se.c- , cess in snooting The Gerald ini ■ School Cadet Company are winners of Ili imiicsttr Repeat bn- Arms Uoy.’s | Challenge Shield, and Cadet E. Uansea is winner of Cadet Championship Shooting Belt ;■ al <0 Colonial Am.nunii lion Coy.’s Cup. Mr Bain also in- , founts us (hat the coaching in shooting for these competition! was given b\- the late headmaster, Mr •). R. M on tgo mer vi. j A public debate of some inlavT jVvili take. place in the Tcmuka MejiTianies’ Institute next. Tuesday evening, commencing at a p.m. The subject, “ii hich is Lite preferable unv,al 'police- for New -Zealand ; Mr Allen’s or ; Bir -Joseph Ward’s ?”• sliwuhl allmct a large al tendance. - The subject is

topical, and a--good deal of misunderstanding exists’'as-To the relative va- , lua and ■ scope of the two uchtm s. Mi* :U. .Martin, sear., J)r. Ilugg, and Mr Hcrt Kingston will support Mr Aiflen’s • policy, and Mr T. Tilhrook, Mr Gordon bianco;; and Mr Kern Smith, the policy of Sir .Joseph Ward. The puhj lie is invited to attend and to participate in the debate. | Some weeks ago we mentioned the , big financial success attending the j Wanganui Carnival, and particularly the event known as the election of the •"Queen of the Carnival,” prior to thj holding of a Carnival the selection of a. Queen is decided upon by popular ! volt, and the price of each vote being ( dd, 3d or more, as the authorities may decide. In the rivalry countoted with the election ol the Queen, eon siderable. revenue is produced, some i voters purchasing as many as a guinea’s worth of tickets in order to forward the claims of their fair champion. In the ease of Manganui, .something over f 101.3 was raised in | f his manner. At Tuesday’s meeting' Urf Hie School Connnittec Air ■!. T. Smart suggested the advisability o> holding a “Queen of the Carnival,” the proceeds to be divided between the Domain, Technical Association, .ami ! School Committee. A later newspaper suggekion, arising out of that mentioned, is that the “Queen oi the i aenival” could take the plac> of the fete. This, it should be noted, is nol at all necessary. T’ou cannot have a |‘‘Queen of the Carnival” without. a 'carnival lo‘which to elect a queen, and the change of name fro n fete to j carnival is a trilling '..matter. Mho 'page nit, 'being arranged by the Navy fragile, would provide one of the big j'Valures of sireli a carniv;.ifl, it is well to reniemb. r, howr'vrr, that such ig functions ere usually plac-d in the anils of an e\p rl, several of whom 'arc at present doing business in the Dominion. The Temuka Mechanics’ I Institute and the Milford i.agoon Association would 'doubtless, lay claim, to share in such a general pu 1 ilii■ ef- j fori, if (hr l School ConimilTe ‘ andlh'i Technical Association .or ■ 1) b.e 'included. The claims of the Catholic, School; might also be eonsiden d. thorudi the domain would have to b.e considered as having the lion's claim. proha'dv (lie lirsl advisable step to take would he I hi’ consulling of an evpert. “Dare (o have a purpose (Inn, dare to make it known”—by advertising, r

■ A young, ppan, willing and industridusj ‘ndC'cTtifiOts for cmployiuient. • M.fHsiV Gibbs mu I Co. will hold mi auction .sain aL Un-ir rooms, on Vied. nesday next. .Sec advl Cninm.s.s ami I.eCren advertise for Mala <jr exchange lillii acres freehold in ‘■'oilih Canterbury. Mr I’, Warning, Mi ford, advertises a row for sale, capable of being milked any whei u, Good goods al. little prices is llic l.axi ol Alr K. Dlaokmore’s advl. in this issue. Morrison ,s, Die “Air.ays linsy iSloro” make some remarks cm winter goods in this issue Uunmi.M's ami i.eariii advertise the loss ol a roan cow Horn the tenuilia saleyards. t lu; ti.r .O.A. auveuiMi the loss of a motor coat from the saleyurds. (ho tlcr.iium,' e aunty t ouncil indies applications lor lac pes.-lion’ ol water ‘ace ranger, nanny xi/.j per annum. Ihe .Railway Department announce that alter Ist •tune next, the Tuesday night sloes train from 'J imaru lo Christchurch will not run. A meeting of those interested in uslaolishiag a iibrarv will io h.dd m Milford School, on Wednesday evening next. The Salvation Army, Ttuuika, hold special in the interest of the .voting people all day to-morrow, this oeiug tile last day ol the special campaign. I'olice Saperin I cadent Dwyer passed Lhivuigh Temuka .hy the hrse norih (.express, yesterday. JJe was met at the station by Constable SmithA reminder is given ol Tuesday’s important di•‘plenishing sal; on account of Mr D. Shaw, at Aro-whe.iua. i.ininn ss and Lyt.Ven advertise lull piM'lieulars in this i-.sue. Farmers and others interested will find the advl. worlliv of careful perusal. Nominations for seats on the Conned of (ho S.C. Atvlinialisaliou Societrv dose to-day. Nominations may bo post.d to reach the umhrsic-md this day, or may be left at tin; secretary’s ■Air I'cda'cr »; house, Dyson, Street, Temiika. air C. Cartwright, chairman of the Tenmka I). 11. School Committee intimates, by advertisement in this issue, that owing to the painters being on■rnipj I at t!m school, the school will nol reopen until Monday, tho isij J turn, next. Air Cay will' preach at the King Stive t Methodist Church to-morrow morning and e’.eninsr, and at Clandchoyt; in Ihe afiernoon. Mr Durnurd ill preach at Denmark. Sired Church, morning and evening, ami at M aitolv; in the afternoon. Th ; C .raldine. .l-’iru Did ;ade have received word that the CovcrnnU'nl Dcm;rl:iK'nt will soon lx; (tending J'iro inspector Hugo to report upon the local (bo prevent on plant and equip-

meal. ‘Tiie weekly meeting of the (Jer.ildtm; (’■and < i Mope was held on Thursday evening, the ilex'. .V. it. Todd presiding. Headings and - recitations were when by ■Joannie Kiliott '■(■real and Mood,” Kdith Kay “Band oi Mope ti’irl,’’ Mi-s Todd, solo, “i. don't wan I, to play in your yard.” There ■Mao twenty-nine manners present. I ho social lu-Ul in the di'iilshcd, Tcmiiiia on Thursday -evening in aid ot (he Catholic l»a a_o.- Mower stall was, despite Mu 1 inclement weather, a yrtil-w i,\uig success. The door was in good 0r,.0r. Miss K. 'JVomey, Miss lloai'e Mi: Halley (violin), .Ur «. rvingoour and* i!r Vi’urm aiipplled music and extras, nir ,K. Bunl’oi.'d made an efficient Ai.O. A dainly supper • was provided lay the ladies. The many friends of Air W. J. Bon-; now (son of Air IV. C. Bonbow) wih regret (o learn that lie met with a nasty accident at Aluury. Mr licn'oo.v, who is engaged as engine-driver of the ~ig traction ongiae now in use by his id ill a - ; was -worliing at tiic front oi the engine, when through some unfurtimuie circumstance lie got one oi the lingers of his rigid hand caught in the inaciiiiur-. 1 , with the result that

Ihu uigii was pulled clean out. The sulr.r v. as at once conveyed to i’dirlic, where hi; injury received medical attention. Mr -James TJemiug, a Puugarehu fanner, had an extraordinary experience a bv days ago. Ho was removing lenciag, hauling away the posts and wire in Jong lengths attached to a dray, when a wire, catching on the slope of a hill, tipped the dray into dream. The horse, alter struggling i\>r an hour or- so, was drowned, it aas not, until four hours hvlsr that .Mr Meiuing was found. He had been pinned face downwards, in the stream, mu was able lo keep his face above water. He. made a pillow for his head with Ihe stones, and stood his Jong exposure with wonderful fortitude, lie su tiered severely from his immersion in ice-cold water, and from a contusion of one leg, bul is not likely to experience am,- permanent ilTcll'eels. Un Thursday evening Hie St. Peter’; v'iuli opened the 11)1-1. season w.thorn of Ihiir popular socials. Despite tin incl -in;;nt weather and counter attrae tion?, ( there was a very good attend mice. The social opened with pro f-i e.ssi;, eneiir;-, the various games be mg keenly c.inuslod. Miss JJlalh-

wayt proved the whiner of the lady'spri,-,,’. and A. Whitehead the winner o! 'he gent .kv,men's. The “consolation’'' ;.ri•••(■« fell to Ali.-s Thomson and-, Ah ■I. Parrott. Thy (aides were cleared, and a staid was made with dancing, Mr.;, i! ui‘.ar son, Miss Bates, Ivlisslleap and Mr 1.. Heap supplying the . music. An a|>j>i’tisinor suppi r was partaken oi in ,in interval during Hr. dances, the ( hiii’s well-known reputation for providing choice eatables being worthily nplirl 1. The up. nin;x augurs wadi for line of the (Tub, as those pro sent expressed ti'oniselws appreciative ly of tin- sociability displayed by all. 'i'l'.e ( lid) will meet fortnight (ihrni now on. the programme for the. .season including lecture,; debates, etc. A lice gilt sale is something novel in business, but in lids issue A- U-alii ies, Teinuka, advert iso a list of arl.irl.s they are prepareil t<> give away with various lines purchased. ’i he. pills a;is worth having in every case, and should induce good business. .Messrs Crone Bros, bakers and pas Irycook,-;, not by in this issue that they are not concerned in any conv bi.uaf ion having for i!s purpose the raising of (he [nice of bread, and that should unforeseen n ircunisiances render sacb a r's' they will tube (lie privde.e of themselves acquaint bi g (heir eastoni'-rs wilh the fact. Small goods a speciabiy “WHAT f'A.VT P.R (’UBK!) WST Bln KNDUlibl) !” Science nowadays has discovered many valuable remedies, but none more popular for what it has really accomplished than Tonking’s Lins"ed Knmlsion. the sum cure for coughs, colds, iiillucn/a, etc. I/O, 2/ij, -l/G—Clicinlsls and Stores.

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Temuka Leader, Issue 7569, 23 May 1914, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 7569, 23 May 1914, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 7569, 23 May 1914, Page 2