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.\l () NT KKTIN't I. Tlio monthly meeting of the Oeraltlino Coiinl.v Council was held on Thursday. Present; —Col. Mackon/in (chairman). and Alessrs I), Crant, Cl. W. Armilage, F. R. Flat man, and I’. Mulvilull. An apology for absence was received from Co!. Ilavhursl. SPECIAL .MEETING. A special meeting was held belore ordinary business «as taken, to pass a special resolution altering the representation of the ridings of Iho County. The resolution propided for an increase of members from seven to eight, with the following representation Temuka riding, four; t.leraldlne riding, three; All. Feel, one; the First election under t lip new reprnsenl til inn to take place in November, 101 I. The voting on (he resolution was erina], and (he chairman, according to the usual custom, gave his vote to allow things to remain ns (hey were, the resolution being lost. Mr Flatman, in explaining his altiiude in voting against the resolution, said ha had nothing against the Temnka riding, but as they were on the verge of having a re-organisation of local gavormneut. in this County, ho thought the matter might very web! stand over in the meantime. Air A mill.aga asked if (he chairman had taken into consideration tin; absence of Col. flavhurst. CLERK OF WORKS’ REPORT.

Mr B. Billings. Clerk oT Works, reported (lull since las! meeting of the Couni'il lie had completed (lie Arowhomia boulder proin, and I'2o willow Irens had been lump. Since (hen (here had been Hoods In the rivers, and he had been busv cleaning (he piles of all bridpos. Tlkj two Rangifata waler race bridges were completed, and at the present fbnu he was busy pal-ch-in p and larrinp the Arowhcnna bridge. As asked by the Conned bn seal word to Mr Black, Air Armitape, and Mr f.'ranl. and only Ibe latter I’irnod up. lie pointed out lo Mr ("Irani where he intended In put the groin of willows and iron rails, ‘but he found the recent flood had brought a bigger stream there. He pointed out (o Mr Crant that nothing else would do but a strong boulder groin. The trees that had been put there wpi'e all broken to pieces in the last flood, tie visited 'Spcechley’s bridge, and found that the gabions on the north side were down and a few more gabions wore required.

Mr Mulvihill said the Council some, 1 lime ago had under consideration the ' erection of protective works at Hanging Rock bridge, and he opposed it at the time because ho held that the rock work already there should bo given a trial. Tie found now that his vi,-w of tho matter was the correct one. The rock work had done excellent work, having thrown the river to the other bank' right away from the place where it had been proposed lo erect the protective works. Tills showed that it paid the Council to look into these matters before taking advice from others. MV Billings was called in, and stated what he reepiired in regard to works at Spoechley's and Arowhcnna bridges. it was resolved that Mr Black and (he chairman of the Levels Council, with Messrs firnnt and Armhage, meet the (ieraldine Clerk of AA’orks at tho Arowhenua bridge to inspect the protective works and report. WATER RACKS. Mr .7. M. Barker, chairman of the Woodbury Water Race Committee, reported that tho races were all in fair order.—Received. Mr L. d. Grant, chairman of the Orari-llangiiata Water Race Committee, reported that) there .had been a good How of water in the races most of the way down, but only two of the races were running right through, [ho ranger had been working at these races, but had not succeeded in gelling them through. The ranger reported having been engaged in cleaning out and puddling the races at the lover end to try to get tho water through. The ranger had sent in his resignation, dating one month from 11th May. it was proposed to accept his resignation, provided he leaves the races in order to the satisfaction of the Committee. All his payments should be withheld by the Council until (he races were passed by the Committee. It was decided to call applications fur a ranger at 77175 a year ; applications to close on June l(>th. Owing to the main races not carrying enough water, they had engaged Mill. Cain to widen the races where necessary.—Received. Mr •). Davey, chairman of tho Waitolii Mater Race Committee, reported plenty of water in all the races.—Received. Mr d. McDonald, chairman of the Orari-Walhi Water RaCo Committee, reported that they had another big Hood, but fortunately this time it did very little damage. Thu river was now in a more favourable position than previously, having shifted about throe chains nearer tho filter box. Tho agreement with the Raukapuka settlers having expired, this was renewed for a further period of three years. MV Flat man said that the Woodbury water race ended in a certain drain on the Geraldine Road Board’s road, and this drain would have to be altered. Tho drain had not been kept clean by the Committee. The Road Board intended to make tho alteration, and charge the Water Race Commit tec with half the cost. CORRFSPOXDFXCF. From the Timaru Harbour Board, requesting particulars of the rateable vnliui of properly in the Geraldine Goun t y.—R ecei v e tl. From Mr W. 11. Walton, Council’s solicitor, giving advice re the appointment of a chairman in place of Mr Dennis tolin, who was leaving for England. Notice of the election of a new chairman should be sent to the Minister of Internal Allah's. — Received. Elom the 'Department of internal Affairs, acknowledging notice of the appointment of Air Kenneth Mackenzie as chairman of (he Geraldine County Council.— '’'-reived. From Im? South Canterbury Hospital and Charitable Aid Board, report-

'mg uvn eases of infectious diseases in the County-—Received. From Uio N.Z. Treasury, with reference to tlm iuscrihe’d debt, of Urn Council that, an 20 years had elapsed since the Council inscribed a debt, of £2,5112 Its 3d, yielding half-yearly interest of £s(l IDs ltd, under the Govcrmneul Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1880, this amount had been deducted from the total indebtedness of the Council. The Council’s account, in eonscfjUence of the above reduction now stood at £15,011 5s Bd, uud the half-yearly interest was £ll3B 8s Oil.— Received. (Tom Mr IV. 11. Wtil fun, Council’s solicitor, (hat the Slate Guaranteed Advances Olliee had authorised of £1750 for the eons true lion of water races in (ho Te Moana-Ivakahu water raeo district.—On the motion of MiGrant, seconded by .Mr Mulvihill, a resolution was passed authorising the chairman to sign, and the Council to alh.v its seal to the debentures. A further resolution was passed authorising the eh a inn an to interview an engineer and make arrangements for having lenders called for the work ; (he same to be in before next meeting. TLXDLRS. Tenders were opened for the. contract of asphalting the docking of the Jemuka traflic bridge, »hingling the approaches, and for driving piles and erecting gabions in the riverbed. 'J be lenders were Monahan Bros., asphalting bridge and shingling approaches, etc.. C 220. gabions, etc., £'JI, total £3l I. (This price included CIO for an extra top-dressing of the asphalt, and no charge would be made for making and maintaining a ford in tlie river if -necessary.) das. llamlyn -asphalting and approaches £1(12 IDs, other works £7l 8s Id, total G 230 IPs Id. If a ford had to bo made and main!aim’d, ii would cost £ls extra. (jn tlm motion of Mr Armilage/das, Ilamlyn’s tender was accepted, on condition that light traliie up to three tons is allowed over the bridge during the progress of the work. Onlv one lender was received for the contract of forming a protective bank at Hanging Rock bridge, viz., Donehue Bros. £l(Ui 5s (accepted). SMALL BIRDS NDJSAXGI.-L The chairman said that something should now be done regarding the small birds nuisance. The clerk stated that tlm Council had about 200 bags of poisoned grain on hand. Temuka people preferred the phosporous grain, and Geraldine people preferred the strychnine. Last year the Council spent over £IOO on the small birds nuisance, out of which from £BO to £OO had been spent on poisoned grain. .Mr Armitago agreed that the Council should give last year’s system another vear’s trial.

.Mr Elalman also favoured giving poisoning' another trial. IE fanners were neglectful and madii no effort to distribute the poisoned grain when supplied five by the Council, it would be their own fault if birds became plentiful. Mr Mulvihill said some people complained that the poisoning system was not effective, but there were not many of that opinion, lie was in favour of giving last year’s a further trial. . On the -motion of Mr Mulvihill, it was resolved to deal with the small birds nuisance in the same way as last year, and that poisoned grain be supplied to fanners as heretofore. 1)00 REGISTRATION CASE. M essrs Tripp and Rolleslon wrote in reference, to the recent "dog registration case. Mr .Mulvihill said that -Mr Shcn'att appeared to have wiped the Jloor witheverybody. (Laughter.) The chairman said a copy of the judgment could be seen at the Courthouse. Air El a tin an said it would be a good idea to got a copy of the judgment and have it hung up in the Council oflice for the benefit of members. Mr Elinslie, -Mr Sherratl’s solicitor, wrote enclosing an account of .CIO 10s, expenses in “connection with the case. Mr Sherratt also sent an account foils/-, expenses of a visit to I imam on the same business. Air Elalman asked what costs were given against the Council in the ease, and the amount was .C 3 10s. Mr Elalman said it was a wrong thing that anybody who wished could take Court proceedings against lus neighbour for dog tax. Any man with a grudge against his neighbour could wait till his pup was a day over six months old, and then lay an information against him. Mo private individual should have the power to vent his spile in this-way. Mith regard to tiiu collection of the fees, the result of the judgment was that the Council would simply have to start collecting earlier in the year. The chairman: ‘‘Yes, wc must start earlier.” Mr Elalman said they Were selling dog collars in tile Ashburton district oven at the present time. Air Arinilage said it was never contemplated that private persons should have the power to sue for dog, Tim Act should therefore be amended. On the suggest ion of Mr 'Mulvihill, it was decided to hold over Air Klmslie’s account till next meeting, to enable the Council to make further enquiries as to the extent of their liabilitv in the matl’cr. h’ANCITATA .1.11511 ARY. A vote of .C2 Ids was made to the. Kangitata l.ibrarv, on the motion of Mr Mulvihill. TA VSIIKKI Accounts amounting to £■>-7 were passed for payment.

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Temuka Leader, Issue 7569, 23 May 1914, Page 8

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GERALDINE COUNTY COUNCIL. Temuka Leader, Issue 7569, 23 May 1914, Page 8

GERALDINE COUNTY COUNCIL. Temuka Leader, Issue 7569, 23 May 1914, Page 8