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♦* — The annual meeting of the Tinvaru Agricultural aud Pastoral Association will bo hold in the Sophia Street Hall, Timaru, to-day, at 1.30 p.m. On enquiry yesterday, we were informed that Mrs J. Harrison, who jiict with a serious accident in ' Temuka a few days ayo, is progressing favourablv towards recovery. The annual Rum Fair, under the auspices of the Timaru Agricultural and Pastoral Association, will be held on Tuesday, .'{oth instant. Kntries close on Thursday next, -sth instant. The train arrangements lor the races at Timaru on :21th and -25th March and sports at Timaru on "iotli March . will be found in our advertising columns. There will be alterations in the. morinnu and evening train services but ween Timaru and Ashburton. Cyclists 'aiv reminded of the .C*2o road race on April Ist from Timaru ,to O'eraldine and back. Fntries (I/-) close uith the secretary J. I'. Kal- ! author, Winchester, U)-day ('Jttlh •March). Full road racing pcrformj ancos must accompany each entry. I The iSouth Canterbury Jockey Club's races take ])laco on Wednesday ■ and Thursday next. I.arye acceptances have been received, a list of which will be found in another column, and some first class- sport may be forward to with eonlidencc. The lirst race starts at 1.0 p.m.

At a meetinL r of the Jlawku's Hay Presbytery on Thursday*, it was reported that the ltov. Ceoruo 1\ Kiiitf, under call to Waipawa, had requested the congregation to stop the procedure, as he had elected to accept a call to the charge of Pleasant Point, South Canterbury.

! It has boon suggested that next year ' the tk-rnldino St. Patrick's Day Sports Association should arrange a Marathon race from, say, Teniuka to tieraldine, to liuish on the domain truck at a certain hour. A good time would be at the close <,[ the pros, gramme about a p.m. .'An event 'of this nature would no doubt excite public interest, and bring a large number of visitors into Orraldiue: Mr Alexander Kclmnn had on view at the (ieraldine County Council on Tlmrsdiiy an extraordinary piece of nnatomv. said to belong to a whale. Members of tin; Council and the Press e.xnre.s-sed the opinion that it would make a valuable, addition to Mr Kidman's natural historv museum. Mr, Kelman takes a great interest in curious things, and has ipiite a large and j valuable collection of minerals and curios'he has picked up in dilTerent parts of the world. ■|-|„. (Jeraldine St. Patrick's Sport-

Association came out ot timi,- spoils meeting this sear in a belter hnaticjal position than was at lir>l anti ipatcd. The takings at the -ate- amounted to f 111. which uas oidv C\ sha-t of the previous ve;ir'« amount. The concert ;in ,| |, ; ,||,' however, made up f " r ""." ,|„„-ta,.e. for the Inking- amounted to C |■_■ | ,'(-,, or L'.l moii- tlian was taken ).,„( V e ;l i-. The entrance moiiev from e' (inM .eti(ors fell a little short of pre \iocs veur-;. but lake,, all r..uiid. the \ ..•..eiation come out in about the sane- }n»--ili«'M n-> thev were in at the P'l.K llieotillL'.

Dr Crawshaw lias returned home to Temuka after spending a short holiday in the Taranaki district.

The Wellington-Naples despatch of ;sth February arrived at London on the morning of loth instant. The annual meeting of the Tcmuka Golf Club will be held in the Social Hall on Wednetday evening m.xt.

The Rev. H. Daniel will conduct both services at the Primitive Methodist Church, Temuka, to-morrow, and also an afternoon service at M'ilford at 2 o'clock.

The annual meeting of the Dominion Hockey Club, Temuka, will be held on Tuesday evening next in Mr C. Brown's saloon. Intending members are cordially invited to attend. The National Mortgage and Agency Company advises the onirics for a large special sale of horses at the Temuka yards on Tuesday next. Further entries will be received until today.

The Canterbury Farmers' Co-opera-tive Association will hold their \\-eekly salo of horses at Tattorsaii s .varus, Timaru, to-day. The general entries comprise '2'i of all classes. D.F. and S.F. ploughs and a grubber will 'also lie sold.

The Rev. Wm. Beckett will preach at both services at Wesley Church, Temuka, to-morrow, and also at .Waitohi at 3 o'clock. The service at Waitohi will bo a thanksgiving for harvest. Mr 11. Grayburn will hold a service., at Rang tata Island at 11, and anothes at Oct on at 3 p.m.

With regard to the slaughtermen's dispute, the men have been cited to 'appear before the Magistrate at Christ church to-day, to settle what proportion of shall be impounded in satisfaction of fines. The men met at noon on Thursday, and asked Mr T. E. Taylor, M.P., to represent their case to the Premier, and Mr Taylor consented to do so.

A purse, containing over 100 sovereigns was pr?scnted to It. Ams»t, champion sculler, at Chrislchurch on Thursday night. It was stated that CoOfl was guaranteed to send Arnst to Canada lo meet Daman, and £2OO full expenses re his match with Barry, the English cham'pion. The Auckland Star's Taitpq correspondent wires that at a -quarter to (i o'clock on Thursday morning l another eruption of Ng-auruhoe occurred. A great qiian'tity of ash was ejected and fell on AYaimarino plains. An almost j cloudless sky n Horded a splendid view. i The eruption was followed by-a dimini ution of smoke from the crater.

There was a large attendance at the special meeting of the Temuka Catholic Club, held in the club rooms on Tuesday evening last. In \le\v of the great amount of enthusiasm shown it was unanimously decided to enter teams for all the S.C. Rugby Competitions. 'Green and white were chosen as club colours, and the adoption of a name for the team was held over until next Tuesday's meeting.

Messrs Guinness and LeCrcu will sell a handy little farm at the Geraldine aaleyards on AYednesday next. The farm is being sold on account of the executors of the late Fredk. Gulskoski, and comprises J l acres 1 rood 30 perches. Details as to situation and terms will be found in our advertising columns.

People from all parts of the district were present at the* clearing sale conducted by Messrs Guinness and LeCren at Chilcotiu, Orari, on Thursday, on behalf of Mrs C. L. Cadell, who has leased her farm. The sale, on the whole, was a decided success, good prices being obtained for the live stock, farming plant, and furniture and effects.

In speaking to an Ashburton Mail ruporler on the present price -of whtut, a retired farmer sa,;d that, 40 years ago, he received only 2/- |>er bushel for his wheat and was obliged to cart it seventeen 'miles at that, figure. •'Beside.-; this," he added, "labour and harvesting methods were considera'bly more expens vo in those days than (hey are to-day."

The (Jeraldinc St. Patrick's Day Sports Association's ball on Wednesday night was a great success, ami 'helped in a large measure to swell the ■day's takings to a payable point. The catering was done bv Mr <!. Bryant. .Messrs Kenuedv ami Boulter acted as M.C.'s, and music was supplied by Messrs T. Baxter and J. S. i'yo. Dancing was kept merrily going till about ;UU) a.m. on Thursday, all present haviuir 'a good iling in honour of the occasion.

Owing to the very wet weather prevailing yesterday, the Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative; Association found it necessarv to postpone the important sale of Mr W. K. Macdonald's j furniture and effects until Monday 'next, .March 22, when the sale will start punctually »t 11 a.m. It is seldom that so largo and complete an assortment of furniture and offo-ts come under the hammer, as will be seen by the details given in our advertising column*. Everything on the list is for absolute sale. Luncheon will be provided.'

One of the accused, at a sitting of the .Magistrate's Court at Temuka on Tuesday was charged with being "found'' drunk, but to this ho strongly objected, contending that it was a more serious thing to be "found" drunk than to be drunk, to which he was willing to plead guilty. The .Justices did not seem impressed by the distinction. Later on one of the witnesses, as a proof of inebriety. said the man was addressing the moon, a lamp-post, and had his coat -ir shirt oli'. Said the accused : If a man bad his coat off, he's drunk : if he had his coat off, lie's mad !

I At ill'' Ashl/urton Police Court on Wednesday, -lames tth ■ man who IV'll oil the, train near Winslow on Tuc-wlay afternoon (a statutory lirst offender) was chartf-d with drunkenness, before Mr W. 11. Uuiwtle, .I.l'. S.'ivea»t Fouhv explnin.-d that tinman had been taken to the County Hospital. After several stitches had linen put in the -worni-d on his hea-tl and his face batlttxl. he was removed to the lock-up. as his to ill.- hospital was refusi-d -on account ot* his e.,tidiiion as a result of drink. 11l- I S,-r L >vant Koiihy) thought the man had l-e.'ii sufficiently punished, as hi- ; |nv.:,.in eondition indicated. I>efi-ndani was a i-eeelit arrival in NV-w /.ealan I ~!id had no money (except 1/1 It and no fi-i.-litis. ;,nd at (h" tirin- of th • ae'-itlent le- was on his way to Tim .nil lo :ii'iv|i| a position on a scow . The pre-idine jilstiee said that while driiiiki-iine-s fin trains must Ire put doWII. he iholleht (he defendant ha-1 recede I -.llHieiellt |in lli-'h lllen t . He w.mld c.n\ifl and di-ohare;.- him. On hi- li.-inu di-ehar-'-il. tin-- poliee inter-e.t.-l th.-in---l\e-- in ha vine t-li- man a Imil 1.-,| lo tie- h.e'pilal f..f treatment.

The clerk of the Geraldine County Council has been instructed to sue for all outstanding rates on March 31stI The annual meeting of the Temuka Football Club will be held in the Fire Brigade Chambers on Tuesday evening, when it is hoped there will be a good muster of members.

Services in connection with the Geraldine Presbyterian Church will be held to-morrow at Scotsburn at 3 p.m., Woodbury at 7 p.m., preacher, Rev. A. B. Todd ; Te Moana, 3 p.m., preacher, Mr J. S. Young. The Geraldine County Council are issuing instructions to dog registrars to sue all owners of unregistered dogs on and after April 15th prox. The registrars are: E. H. Brewer, Temuka; C. E. Skerratt, Geraldine ; John 'Williams, Pleasant Point ; and G. Pinkerj ton, Fairlie, for Upper Waitohi and Rainclilf dittricts.

Yesterday being the feast of St. Joseph, the patron saint of the Temuka parish, a Missa Cantata was celebrated at St. Joseph's Church, Temuka, by the Rev. Father Kimble at 9 a.m. Hache's mass was sung by the choir, Miss Beri taking the solos. The evening devotions were taken by the Rev. Father iL» Menant des f.hesliais.

When Sir Joseph Ward visited Temuka before the general election, he was interviewed by a Winchester resilient, asking that a letter posting-box be 2>laced at the public school, and that a daily delivery of letters be made in the township. Word has .been received through F. R. Flatman, Esq.,, that the letter box will be lerocted, but that the letter delivery will not be granted. A splendid rain began to fall late ion Thursday night at Winchester, and by Friday afternoon over an inch and a half had been registered. Th« rain -will do great good to the dried up grass lands, which the hot weather of the past month had almost burnt up. Turnip crops, badly affected with blight, ought now to make a -complete recovery. ■ Some farmers have been losing many lambs, owing, it is said, to a minute worm setting up inflaination in the intestines and causing scouring. The rain ought to clear the pastures, and so prove a remedy for the trouble.

Bro. AYatson was installed AV>M. for 19(Jt) in Lodge Geraktino on Wednesday evening. The,,ceremony was conducted by AY. Bro. Alfred Budd, G. 8.8., assisted by the Very AY. Bro. Rev. Mackenzie Gibson, P.G.C., and AY. Bros. Cooke, Macdonald, Latter, and Isitt, The investiture of oflicers was carried through by AV. Bro. Sutherland, of Lodge Caledonian, Timaru. There was a large attendance of visiting brethren from Fairlie, Timaru, Teniuka, and AYinchester. The banquet was held after the ceremony iu the Oddfellows J Hall, the newly-installed master presiding. J The usual loyal and masonic toasts were honoured, and songs were sung during the evening by Bros. Hullah, Readdie, Dawson, and AY. Bro. Smith, and a recitation was given by Bro. Griffiths.

At the Magistrate's Court, Temuka, on Thursday, a. mar* who was with vagrancy said lie (would have le-t the town only that he had no money to pay his faro to Ashtourton, where lie had friends, and could get work. Mr A. Russell was one of the justices, on the bench, and he said the want of money to pay his fare ought not to prevent him going if no really wanted to go. The roads were good, i ami he could take his swag, and walk there, as many better men had dona in the early days. He meed have mo fenr about food, for farmers would supply him with th'at. All he wanted was the will, and he would get to 'Ashburton all right. The accused tlmnkcd the bench, and promised to take the advice tendered. However, his determination to walk 'was not imt to flic test, as a friend came forward and provided the train faro.

Anyone looking' for really *g"Ood value in boots couldn't do better than inspect A. Gabites' lovely stock. This (inn has just landed a beautiful lot of Sunday boots that for style and value cannot be touched. In addition to selling goods at Timaru prices marked in plain figures, they give 1/discount in each pound. No exchange charged on Timaru cheque*;. New lot of Koslyn, tweeds for tailor-made suits now on viow. Order your suit early. ('. I.ash lie, manager.—Advt.

Childron_nre usually hard on boots. The toes go first as a rule, but not so if the boots are made with an industruetihle leather kicker toe. Souter's Boot Store have just opened a largo shipment of children's boots and shoes fitted with indestructible kioker toes. Try a pair for the next pair the children want. All our new' season's boots and shoes for the children have arrived. We have a very'fine collection of warm slippers for ' the little ones. Souter's Boot Store, Timaru

SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dominion Ilockey Club * Temuka) — Annual meeting Tuesday aeiv. 'Hancox's Cash Boot Storo, Terauka —Solid leather boots ao,d »-:kne.q. Presbyterian Church, Geraldine —Services to-morrow. Wesley Church, Temuka—-Services for to-morrow. I'rim tivo Methodist Church— Services for Sunday. National Mortgage awl' .Agency Co.— Entries Ceraldino stock niur'^t. W. Harrison, Winchester Mills—Cash buyer of wheat. F. 11. Brewer, Tomuka--Ga.>d plo ;,/h----inan wanted. Sparrow & -.'0., 'f-i>.H.a !?anv 3I to I<M) !t cr<vs good ht:wv hi' J for .t cbc:it. 'luinness and LeCren—Entries CeraL dine Live Stock .Market. 1 S.C. -Jockey Club—Knees on 21th and 25th March. Temuku Football Club—Annual niectiinr Tuesday evening. '!'. Logan or St ace —Notice re orders for chimney sweeping at Geraldine. I'. R. Flutman, juti.—Wants a general servant. .). W. .Miles, Temuka—Last week of sale : umbrellas and macintoshes. F. Smith. Temuka—Local grown grapes I/- per lb, bananas and tomatoes. Timaru Agi icultural and lYsioral Association—Annual tarn L'ir e".i 30th mst.

Catiti'r-h'iiry Farmers' <" . < -p.: >• liv. A»ofiati«n-S-ile of Mr \V. !." Maodonnld's furniture nn-1 e.V't- at (ierulditie postponed u:\-il Aloud.-y next.

Canterbury ' Farmers' Co-operative A- -oeialion Kn trios Ceral-dinc stock. Market ; elcarinef sale oil account Mr .1. d.iik at Temuka on Thursilay next.

New /("aland "Railways -Train nr-iaii'.M-menls nn<l fares for Timaru races •in l>llh and -i.Vtli Ma roll, ami Ashbur(oii spoils 2ath March. C.'laldine Coilntv Coillieil Notice of intuition to strike rate. ou<..:.M«>inc 1: .;,.. (~ 1..- sued for a.ter :'.!s. March ■ owners of unre.jisientl d-K'K to he sued after lath April.

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Temuka Leader, Issue 579, 20 March 1909, Page 2

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LOCAL & GENERAL Temuka Leader, Issue 579, 20 March 1909, Page 2

LOCAL & GENERAL Temuka Leader, Issue 579, 20 March 1909, Page 2