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The Temuka Rifles 'will lire the final range (000 yards) of the first round for the champion belt this afternoon. Company prizes will also be fired for. While executing a gallop with Grand Slam at Christcburch St. Joe fell and broko his shoulder, and had to lie destroyed. The annual concert in a'.d of the prizo fund of tho Winchester school will bo held in the Victoria Hall on Tuesday evening next. A first-class programme is being prepared, the charge for admission has, been fixed at ithe low price of 1/-, k'ji.J «'j .'-r-j' »'.»>: 'there will'be a '"arge" attml^ee. The Winchester -teSui to play Geraldiue at Winchester on Saturday will btj picked from the following :—Adco,ek, Davey, Elkis, Opi<\ Moon-, ißarker, Eaterson, Austin, Wilson, Guerin, V-er-rall, Stone, Kalaugher, Harrison and Uelienzy.

Tliis afternoon Messrs, .E. B, Gillespio Winn, Jndson and IT. Monulian are to essay to annex the Fern rink trophies on tho'bowling green. TJio game <%> to commence at 2 o'clock ami the coin petition for Mr Coxhea i d'« trophy'is also >to be started.

Arithmetic and composition arc- two two subjects which the Chamber of Commerce singles out as the'most essential in the primary education coursand to spur the State school scholars in Wellington to ''a proper slate of ellort," tho chamber presents prizes to tin; value of twenty-four guineas annually. The presentation" function will take placo this year, in the Cliainbej of Commerce, on the afternoon of 'December ](!, on which occasion t'lio prizes will bo handed over bv Aha prcsi "dent, Mr J. G. Earkncss. Welcome falls of rain and snow were experienced, in Central ot,ig O onMrnday and ns a result the" mpi and mining will be . materially bvdilnd. In some districts, howiJVir/ tl ') outlook is far from pro.imsiag. In Ida A alley the crops are -copied t> bom a worse condition than 'ast \-e,. u - j >.ul at Farndcuglii and Ba'td iiill Flat they are said to bo vu'mcil, vhd*< the continued heat has ripoiud the st-i:\v-berries and • cherries more, :»,' idly than was desired.

Mv Dennis Flyai:, an >ld Dannevirke settler, returning home to Kaun.ati from Daniicvjrko on Thirrsdny oening, fell from his horse and \as fa': My .injured, the base o.f his sv--.1l !»,-ing fractured. He was removed home, and died shortly afterwards. At the inquest a verdict was returned of death from fracture of the base of the skull, caused by deceased being a<udentnlly thrown from his horse. Two cases of assault and jobbery occurred at Wellington on Monday night. -Tho ■■■ viui-Jm oC 'the lirst outrage was George lleid, a liremnui, who, when proceeding along • Thermion Quay, was ■ tackled by a man and gripped by the Hiroat. Instantly three otlher men appeared, and the gang went through Reid's pockets. Forty minutes later P. Bennett, while, walking in Ghu/nee Street, was .seized and his pockets were emptied.

'J'he Cabinet has authorised an expenditure of £2:500 on the Auckland railway station yards. Tenders for tlie erection of the Auckland Post (Mli're have been considered by the Cabinet, They varied from £121,000 to C18 ( J,000, and as they were all very much above the ollieial estimates they were declined. 'The plans are to be modified and fresh tenders called. On Saturday evening (says the "N'ainiate Times) Muster Geo. Boyd, who has been transferred to the Temuka post ofliee as letter carrier, was presented with u gentleman's companion (in a handsome leather ease). ' MrWilJmms made tlvo presentation, couipli men ting him on his promotion. ' Mr Urate, postmaster, and Mr Sinclair also spoke very highly of his conduct and wished him every success in his new career. Master Boyd has now entered on his new duties at Temuka.

Judgment has been . given by Mr • Justice Denniston in the ease () f Kthel Hart v the King, a claim for £l7O for report in..; a putt of the proceedings before the Conciliation Board in connection with the farm labourers' 'dispute. After detailing, the facts of the case as proved at the hearing, His Honour said that had the petitioner earried out her original agreement with the parties she "would have received for the IS days during which she workod, on the. basis of her construction of the scale of fees under the Shorthand Reporters' Act, about flat), say £|l> per day. She had claimed iii tlwi present proceedings for the same period £l7O, or roundly £2O per day. The. petitioner claimed for each of (he carbon copies of (he evidence required, after allowing for three which she admitted wen-, under Hie scale (o be delivered free, .'id per '"'i". That e;i|)te (, ;ir |y L';;,,,, I'liere was no doubt thai the e.\lra work, carbon- and paper could bo fill- . ly com red | iy CI per day . After go- \ inil' fully into ih,. matter' His Honour ! :' ;|V " judgment for plaintiff for L_»0I) J and costs.

H'-- not verv often thai u linn has to -ay ihat if. cannot take any more oiders; yet this is the, pasition dnhit s fijul themselves in. Mr informs us that they have sullicieiit order.- iiij- luilor-mude suits (o keep (hem going until Doc. :ilst, I'.iOs. Finding tliem-elves in (his position. (.'ubit e.s have ordered an extra supply of IoK suits to supply those whom ih.-y iwi: tin,'due to supply will: -uit.; The-e box sif'.ts represent lie hi"he.-.t class oi ready-made tailormade -nits extant. They are made in New Zealand for New "Zenlander-. They are eip well, the shoulders are built up. and (lie llniiigri and materials are of the best. In fact, their ' app naie-e ;.: as eood ~| S -nits you h a ve 'paid I' I and L'a for. The prices oi the-,. |,o\ -nils ;u>, I,")'-, 17/1), .ill/, ."'a. !■•;,- I/- discount tin each pound. (If e u iii-e, Cabites havi; ready-ma<lc ■•nil, ii; abundance from 'JI/- "p----ward-t tock ol men's -jooiL i io, m;.;.-;;e,|. P„,\ ■..' , lolhin-. i< alo a I .alii', wuh 'labile.. ('. Fa ;hlie all . 0,,1r.,L: | 1,.. 'l',.,,,uka. branch of thi ; e,,|e|-pr'i ■\}) i . I',, ni. (Advf.)

A Gazette ,was issued on Tuesday formally proroguing (Parliament to February 10th, 1005). ~ -The .Nelson "Colonist" warmly uiU'oi cates the claims of Mr It. McKenzic, 1 member for Motueka, to the. portfolio tt£ Public Works. Air J). Mclnnes has been appointed to represent the South Canterbury Board of Education on the Board of Managers of the Teiuuka Technical Association, in place of Mr Miles, resigned. j On Monday the Mayor of TiuJaru forwarded to Mr McKay, the Mayor ' of Wanganui, the balance (£-19 0/2) of the money subscribed' for the relief of j the man McCarthy at the rate of £1 per week.' j The Hon. J. A. Millar, Minister for Labour, will arrive at Temuka. by the first express train, this morning from

Christehurch, and in the afternoon he will attend the garden party to be tendered to Mr Buxton. Mr W. Clarke, who is now in the Dunedin General Post Office, is on a visit to Temuka. Mr J. Gillespie- is also on a visit from Dunedin. Mr Peter McCaskill arrived in Temuka yesterday. The following- will represent the South End Cricket Club against Tc-' muka at Temuka to-day :—Bennct, Bieknel), Brookcr, Gave, Donoghue, Jolmslon, Kane, Manly, Powell, Warburton, and Wills. The South End travel by the h.'W train.

William Hill, a carpenter, wa* found unconscious at the bottom of a steep bank ut Wellington on Sunday, having apparently lain there for some days, and died at the hospital. Mr Howard Ver.ion will again visit Geraldiiie on Monday, the Mth iivst., on his way through to Ak n roa, where lie goes to fulfil a week's engagement. An entirely new play will be presentid. mti<; hieing all the latest songs, duets, and features of vocal thai has made this company so "successful. Mr Vernon is nuw so wellknown lo the Gcraldine public that a bumper house may be expected.

Cnd,"U- l)!'lo]i[rinni (o the several schools in .South Canterbury Mill lire lor tlu» Sargood Cup on Saturday at II o'clock on the range 'at Pat Hi .Point, Timaru. Teams are expected from Fairlie, Pl(asant Point, Gcraldine, Tcmuka. Waimate (two teams), Waimalr'ini, Timaru Main (two, or perhaps three teams), and Tiniaid South. Wo learn that Mr Cowper Lasblic, as secretary of the Gcraldine Electorate No-License League, has received an amended summons from Mr W. J el-

fries charging him with having published in the Tcmuka, Leader on November 21st, certain statements defamatory of Mr Jell'i-ies. and calculated to influence the votes of electors of llw said electorate. •The summons is, laid upon the matter, contained in' die whole of the letter. The case will be heard on Tuesday next. The folio wine; are the names of the local prizetakers in the Outlook's "Knots and Puzzles" competitions duriiiL' |!)|)s :_ Junior section.—Agnes May Todd, the Manse, Gcraldine, (;HH!i in order of merit) : Grace Chalmers M'Nab, Timaru, (85th') ; Dorothv Withell, Timaru (173rd) ; Nellie Me- ,

Kay, Timaru (229th) ;, Robert N. Cuthbert, Timaru (250th). Senior section. --Eric U Miles, Temuk a , (:i2it\) ;l''Uonald A. 0-tit.hbert, Tim'aru, (s<>th<) ; Ruby G. Barker, "Waikonini," PeeForest (99th); John- Bnv Cuthbert, Timaru, (121 th). Ethel D. Smith, Ownka, won the gold medal in the advanced section. "Many good judges incline to think that the pace for the first mile 0 v so will be terriiie, and that it will thim lie a ca<so of the survival of the fittest. On the other hand, there are those who profess that the challenger will set oil at a strong pace, and by dogged determined rowing try to wear the champion out."—•"Victor" in the Wan"nuni Herald on the coming sculliug championship race.

Mr T. I)c Spong w»lll give one of liis popular entertainments in the Gernldine Parish Hall on Wednesday next, when In- will introduce a number of novelties from liis extensive repertoire, and all who can enjoy a hearty iaiiyh slioiild »o jvncl hear him. Ho will be ably assisted by Madame Agnes Paddou (contralto), and Miss Elsie Mapper (soprano), who will contribute a number <;f vocal selections. The programme will bo one of the best put before a Gernldine audience for a loot r time, a nd ought to draw a full house.

Georgo McCausland, 62 years of age, <\>;d and lirewood dealer, met with a fatal nwi'dent at Kiugsland, Auckland, on Tuesday. McCausland was sitting on (lie shuft of a cart in which he was conveying a lo a d of lirewood to was conveying a load of firewood to a to the roadway. As he fell ho rolled and the wheel of the cart passod over his head, inflicting a fracture of the sludl and a seven* scalp wound. He Was taken In the hospital, where he i>V«l.

Ihe J.'';:rden parly to bo held this afte.rnoo:t in Victoria Park, Temuka, pi'omiscs to be a Wat success. Yarious short speeches will be uiven by th<- Hon. J. A. Millar, Minister of •Labour. Sir \\ .). Steward. M.P.. Mr • lames //raigic, M.P.. and Mr T. U. Flatman. Mr 'J'. K. Taylor, M.P.. for Clirislehureh North, is not certain yet as to being able to get down, but if

possible he will come on the second express. A presentation will Ik; made to Mr Thus. Huxton, M.l'., on (he occasion of hi* having been elected to represent I lie GerakXnc electorate. The cadet sipiad of the High School will giro an exhibition of physical drill, and the senior girls will give a display of eliib-swjnginir. The junior

p-irls. under .Mis.s Phillips, will -jive (hi' \ i'iy popular maypole dance. (<> inusiu supplied by I In: Temuka Hand. 11l (lie event. Ol (In; Weather beinv; unfavourable, tlf pj'esi ntntjoil will be made in (lie Drill Shed. • The enrden party will commence at 'J.-'iO, Our <il" llf' mii-i( serious riiN'J of

[ slicp-w ..''i\ iii!.' which has been brou.dit i ! tiii*|«-t- t«t.tici• i(i (|n< Ashbiirlon County , l'uv some years is reported us 11:i\ int-T occurred ~u Mr Dickon-,;' property at lh.. A.dilxii'l-.ii porks, 11 littl.' over n week Tin' worryiii'j-. which extended ( j\"er thi'eedny*. coinim-iieine- on the ni-ht of November 'J7th (*ays the Asliburton I'-uni'dinnl. Dm'iiiL' the lirst ui<_dil about II or la ewes ae.d lambs wciv destroyed, and in tlit* in-vt iwo (|a\ ■-• as many iikhv ind with the

same fnli'. I'.rsidi'- (lie sheep which were Killed from Mil to |0 were injured. Ill'■.-«' ho:iie in some cases frightfully mill'dated. Tin- dauiao-i" w a * ; osUmnl<«d at between C If) and Cat). Attn- tinlirst jjii.'lM on.' (joe- un> shot in th" :-.i'l of w iiin in..', and. lain', two d"-_-s were captured. Th" vlriui..n. (hin<_' alioiil sheep -AorryiiiL' i- that once '!()'.'- been fll'JTl-vd ;l ( i( l|,e\ ll." com.' nlmo-'t iivnrnb.e. and a do;.;. 11 - - n.-111 \ ■ h.-irmle-,-; and 'docile, becomenlmo i mad when in (hi- inid-f of a Ihvk ~l ■}, v,,. In ihe ra~,. refer...l 1,, (lie l|ee|i v.eie I'l ill tided ll|) ai|i I iol'e.'d 'int.. ••0.-e fence., wllele. in lleir lie felieel.-- lie, •. |||e\ fell ail e|isy )'t >\V , to flic liercenosa of their attackers.

There was another very .welcome iall of rain yesterday afternoon.

The Canterbury Farmers' Co-opera-tive Association announ'oe the sale- of 3lr McQuilkon's farm of IST acras at Orari to Mr W. Ford juu., at a satist factory figure. The usual fortnightly sale at the Ger ald-ine County sale yard; will be held on Thursday next instead of Wednesday Hie latter being Anniversary Day. A number of business firms advertise that ahen- places of business will"'"be closed all day on Wednesday ami will'be open, all day on Thursdav.

The annual meeting- of members of the Geraldine St. Pattick's Sports Assoeiation will be held In the Board room of the Canterbury Farmers' Cooperative Association tomorrow -evening a t 8 o'clock, when a full fat tendaiicd is hoped for.

Mr Howard Edie-was in Temuka,-* yesterday am»ntrin L r for a visit of the tamous Kilties Band on January 15th. One of the men believed to have been concerned iu the recent highway robbery at Wellington was recognised by a victim going -into, u hotel last tuesday night. The police were summoned and bagged two men, -one only alter a long chas e through the streets. A man named Dorlaee tried to imitate the robbers on his own account by snatching uwny a wa t ca atV{ j •hum, but the victim resolutely pursued and cornered him, and with assistance secured him.

At the conclusion of the sitting of Hie District Court at Ashburton, •fudge Uaselden, addressing the Deputy Assignee, said that he had read-

newspaper reports stating that At the last, sitting of (lie District Court in Ashburton nine discharges'from bankruptcy had been granlod, but ho thought, it only right to say that such misstatements should be contradated, as (l.ey.-might tend to injure the commercial standing of the county throughout the dominion. A reerence to the minute book showed that a t last sitting of the Court nino orders had been granted in bankrupt estates of long standing, simply torelease the assignee.

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Temuka Leader, Issue 5752, 10 December 1908, Page 2

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LOCAL&GENERAL Temuka Leader, Issue 5752, 10 December 1908, Page 2

LOCAL&GENERAL Temuka Leader, Issue 5752, 10 December 1908, Page 2