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Temuka Leader THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1907 LOCAL & GENERAL

Tlic Tiinaru Hockey Club lias dcckl td to hold a six-a-iside hockey tournament at an darly dale, and to request entries from the girls’ Hookey as well ns the Tern id; a and Geraldine Clubs.

Vie remind patrons of the laid that the Tumuka Caledonian Society’s annual ball will eventuate this evening in the Drill Shed. The function promises to bo a huge success, and everything has bodn arranged by a subcommittee to make the evening a pleasant one.

The annual rescue work meeting in connection with the Salvation Army will be held in the Army barracks, TVmukfi this (Thursday) evening, when 'Major Dleikortou will deliver an address on the social work of the Army. The Mayor and Borough Councillors will be present, and no doubt there will bo -a largo alt.-ndauce of the general public.

The Te Moana bachelors’ ball willl be held in the schoolroom on Tuesday night next, July 30th. A meeting of ladies willing to sist in promoting a “hobby, show in connection with the Temuka District JJigli School will bo held in tae Higu School room at 4 o’clock this ufloinoon. .. In view of the recent police prosecutions against competitors in cycle road races, the Dunlop Tyre Company Ims decided to abandon their annual Timaru to Christchurch race. Fifty-seven new Justices of the Peace' have been appointed, Mr. E. Richards, of Waihao Downs, being among -the number. The Arundel Gun Club arc to hold a masquerade and fancy-dress' bait in the Howard Hall to-morrow niglht, Friday, July 20, when a large attendance is expected. The Committee are making splendid arran'gements and the function is likely to prove one of the most enjoyable ever held m district. The admission is 3/6. The proceeds of the ball are in aid of the funds.of the Cun Club. The .spinsters’ ball, an 'annual affair, was held in the Victoria Hail, Winchester, on 'Tuesday, the ha'll being crowded with (over 50 couples. 'The Committee of Management, with Miss Flo. Boston ns hoiv. sec., had tastefully decorated the hall, and all’other arrangements were the musicians being Messrs Rixklick(pianO') and Horgan (violin), while Messrs J. Cripps and MKiiams wore M.C. s. The refreshments were purchased from Mr Barr (Temuka). During the evening .songs were contributed by Messrs Hooper and McDonald, and a recitation by Mr O’Neill. The Geraldine Rilles’ carnival opens in lhe Volunteer Hull to-day at 2.30 p.m. The opening ceremony will be conducted by Colonel McKenzie, and His Worship’ the Mayor will also he present. 'The stallholders have been working hard for months past, and no doubt the hall with its well laden stalls will present a very gay appearance to-day. For the amusement of of the public there wil( ibe a great variety of competitions, and each night’a well-trained Minstrel combination will give a performance, which will bv well worth hearing. Another attraction will be the art union, the tickets for which will admit anyone to the hull free of charge. A valuable collection of prizes is oll'eml/and no doubt much interest will be centred in this part of the proceedings. An alteration in the armuMements has bein made in connection with the Geraldine Oddfellows’ social, to bo held ion August Ist. The music will bo supplied by Cooper and King’s band instead of Vaughan’s. All other ’arrangements 'are completed for a verj successful function.

At the Racing conference at Wellington the president moved a motion urging tire (licensing of owners, to which Mr. Samuel (New Plymouth) moved an amendment to the effect ■that a permanent committee bo appointed to enquire into circumstances needing investigation ,in regal’d ‘to corrupt practices, or misconduct in relation to racing. Speaking to the amendment Mr. Samuel spoke against an undue spirit of gambling that did harm to the public, and said that the Conference must do all it co-ild to render racing harmless to the people. In the course of the discussion several delegates advocated the abolition of the double totalizator. Eventually the president withdrew his motion, and Mr. Samuel’s amendment became the motion, which was negatived. It was decided that no programme of any race medting shall be approved by" a Metropolitan Commit lee unless it provides that no hurdle race shall be less that the approved height. The sum of £l3O was granted to thie compiler of the Stud Book. Sir G. Clifford was rc-electcd President, and a motion appreciative of his services was passed. ’The Racing Conference also decided that the div deads also bn paid on Die first and second horses in proportion of 7'5 and 25 per erne, respectively. The- dates of race meetings were approved, subject to a few amendments which do not affect this district. (Mr Fla I man has moved for the following returns.! and also asks the.

Premier the question attached—Mr Flat man to move—“ That there shall lie laid -before this House a return showing : (1) The number of applicants for loans under the Government Advances to Settlers Act whoso applications could not be niter tallied, and were refused ; {-•) the. amount of the application fees received Oiy Department from applicants for loans since the Government Advances to Settlers Act came info operation ; (A) the amount of application fees which have been relumed to applicants who were refused (he loan for which they applied under the Government Advances to Settlers Act; (I) the amount paid to solicitors for preparing mortgage deeds, etc., by the Government Advances to Sid tiers Department since the inception of -the. Act. Mr Elatimvn will also ash (Im Premier wlrdher he will arrange to have all mortgage deeds, etc under the Government Advances to Settlers Act ptepared in the odicc of the Department free of charge, and so relieve the struggling settler of the mormons charges paid to solicitors for 'doing that portion of the work? (Note— Seeing that no charge is made for preparing mortgage deeds under (he Government Advances to Mockers Act, why should the settlor not receive the same consideration unditr the Government Advances to Settlors Act ?)

Mr T. Buxton' returned to Temuka yesterday after a short visit to Wellington.. • j\ir Edward T. Chapman is gazetted lieutenant of the Temuka Rules, as from June sth. Honry Bruhn, charged with exposing infected lambs for sale at the* Burnside market was fined 10/- and costs.

-Messns Dalgety and Co. will hold a sale of sheep, hor.-.i.m^l-nvenls, grain, furniture, etc., o:i th ■ bu m ol Mr. Rohm Duncan, Wailoiu, i '-day. The sglc starts at twelve o’clock'. Messrs Jeffries and Co. held a very successful Sale of drapery, dlothing and sundries in the Tcmuku Drill Shed on Tuesday lust, there being a large attendance of buyers. The Canterbury Earmcrs’ Co-opera-tive Association will hold an important sale of horses at Tattersa'll’s yards, Timaru, on Saturday, doHviliS of which are advertised in another column. At Dunedin Loo Loo was lined £lo for having opium ip his possession. three liremcn belonging to the s.s. Ripping-ham (Irange, named Thompson, Jacobson, and Callaghan, were arrested at Dunedin on a charge of broaching cargo. Consequent on the poor rainfall in Central Otago sheep are being carried to Southland, where, feed is plontliful, at ordinary charges, but :i£ the stock are returned no railage will bo levied. Forage ordered for the interior is being railed free of charge to Central Otago- . As evidence of the popularity of one particular tyre, it is iivtereshi'ag tio learn that at the London and provincial shows recently held there wore nearly as many “Dunlops” fitted to cars "exhibited as the whole of the other numerous makes combined, there being 2514 of the former as against 274(5° divided between all others, thus showing' an almost unanimous preference for one tyre.

At a public meeting at Wellington a branch of the .National League of New Zealand was formed. The Premier, speaking in support of the proposal, said that ho believed the National League movement would have the effect of impressing upon the people the fact that they would gain in times of peace that experience which would enable them to fight for their country and King. Personally, ho would do all he could, publicly and privately, to mould public opinion in this direction on sound and politic lines. A well attended meeting of farm labourers was held in the Town Hall, Ceralding, on Tuesday evening, too object of the meeting being to form a branch of the Farm Labourers! Union in Geraldine. Mr. Curacy, travelling organiser dor *tli!e Union in South Canterbury, addressed the meeting, and at the conclusion of his address,, solicited questions from those present. A number of questions- being asked a.'ul Hatisfaet'orily answered, it was unanimously agreed to form a branch in Geraldine, and a full committee appointed who can be relied on to do their utmost to make the Geraldine branch a success, and towards .laying the foundation for the branch. About twenty .workers enrolled as members.

Those who are well posted as to the best ineans of relieving pain and curing sores, wounds, or burns, always use Chamberlain's Pain Balm. They insist there is nothing like it. For sale by J. Brown, Temuka, and all chemists and storekeepers, Geraldine. —Advt.

SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTToEMENTS. InvuTa Cycle Works, r l cir.i iR;i Notice to cyclists and motorists motorcars,: motor-cycles, ami Bicycles, ail'd all light machinery repaired. I Dunlop Rubber Company-—Notice re road-racing tyres. _ Canterbury Eurmers’ Cooperative Association—Entries Talteiraall s. bouth CanterbuVy horse mnrkiet. (1. L. Twentyman, Scadowu—Lost gig whip. Victoria Hall, Wlnehes-ler.-Annual meeting in connection with Hall on Saturday evening. , , 'J'emuka Onlcdon'i'ivn Society'-—Grain'd Plain and Fancy Dress Ball to-night. Howard Hall, Arundel-Masqucr-ndo and fanc.y-drcss ball on I 1 riday evenintr. Victoria Lodge, 1.0.0. F.. GcraldUneGrand social on. August Ist. r J\; Moiuva. Hacheliors’ l'u Lc Moana schoolroom ion Tuesday night.

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Temuka Leader, Issue 5541, 25 July 1907, Page 2

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Temuka Leader THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1907 LOCAL & GENERAL Temuka Leader, Issue 5541, 25 July 1907, Page 2

Temuka Leader THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1907 LOCAL & GENERAL Temuka Leader, Issue 5541, 25 July 1907, Page 2