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GE.RAUHN E UIEEKS. TO BE HELD IN THE V 0 L U.N T 10 E 11 HALL, On THURSDAY, FRIDAY, uivd SATUR!»A\, .ILIA --jOi, doth, mid -Eli, 4 GRAND KNTEUTAINMENT AIM. I!E "(lIVE.V EACH, EVENING. A - • iluii-rnliiw ro'iipolUimu. Pillow I’ io- Ih . Go,, Us llal-tmnm.iiLr .Compotntion mm“iauir; '.O'Ml'yimi . ■ -n Shouting (Vnll.-ry, Skit lie AUoy, Nail ilm iny Coinpi-titums, etc., vie. MONSTER ART UNION-13 l : nz r,„ valiif Art Union TickrU ■admit lo Carnival. ‘ T\\ LCJC!,

i EMEKA iI'.'TUU |- JlHi.ll SCHOOL. A .MKKTINti of LADJES «iUinjf to assist, in promolilly; u 1101 >l>\ SHOW in conm’i'tioii whh the above School •will l:i!'i lick! in the Hitch School Room <ii 111 LRSDAV at. 1 [).m. LOST between Geraldine and Beauliful Valley-AN OVERCOAT. Finder leave at .(Hi INN ESS *. I.eCREN'S OFFICE, Geraldine. REWARD. I OST, in Tuesday, July UH'li, 1 •■> twv?cn Mr Meredith Wilson’s and,* Trmiika Cemetery A WAi 0.1! alp COED CHAIN. Khrdlv rcluiTj to jyO;; ■ .LEADER OFFICE, NOTICE. \’I)TICE ii hereby yivin llml from ‘ ('his. day forth 1. shall aid ha rus[ion.silvie for Debts incurml by niy Wife or rmy member of my family, without mv wif.ttin authority, iyiid ' F. BRATTLEY'.SENR. ■ r ANT ED—R ES I’.ECTA !>!. id BOARDERS. Apply GREEN VILLA, Til RS • PETERSON, Proprietress, BirkeU Street. Temuka.

VOLUNTEER HAM-, TF.MIKA. > M KDNKSDAV, dULV '-’Uh. I RFTUKN VISIT I MONTGOMHUY’S ENTF.UTAINFUS And FAMOUS ITCTUKES, In an entire new Programme of M USIC-MIRITI-M F 1,01 >V Ail'd I'll'.! very latest CINEMATO- - RAMS (Hie toast in the world). __ Now Songs. New Pic I hits. New Artists. HAivMAN and MORTON, Musical Marvels. IV. 11. Montgomery, Fitglish Baritone ; Hattie Jiargood, ilia Sifted Soprano; Fid. Montgomery London Bullird Fccoalric Comedian and Dancer ; Harry 'lhomas, Quaint Character and Vocalist. Living Pictures of the 1-in'! hire! Fire! Tambton Quay, Mailing ton, Vi ■.■ hi iiig the Flames, JJjmnniUng the M’alls. Panoramic View of the rains from a motor car. The GreatI osl 'Fire in the- history of New Zealand—|and numerous others, eom'biningy in Its | pleasing nonJ./malkm, an Ideal Family Faterlniamont. Family prices, -1/ - and I/-; Children half l>rice ; R'sery. j ed Scats Ivs 0 R SlB r CoilVei*S aZiJ i; 8 I To 1)U held in the JJJH LUSHED, TEMUKA, on Til UP SD AY EVENING, AUGUST Ist, in Aid of CATHOLIC BAZA AIL

IVilSrt J. MOUAT-m(iC!S will conv iVI mciici* ti DANCIMI CLASS for f'-IHLORKN <n SATURDAYS. from 2,-’0 li ; l 1 p.m., in "tin' PARISH HALL, THAI UK A, on TMCRSDAVS i„ (If PARISH HALL, CFRALrHMF, from I t’H 5 p.m., upon mv.iving a millici'i’ivl iiumilrt of npplieal one. TF.RMS : CI 1/- per Term of TALLYF AVFFKS, paid in advance. Address; llolselcy Hotel, A iae!i,,s--f,.- ' iv'A)

TEMUKA CALEDONIAN SOCIETY. VOLUNTEER DRILL SHED. THURSDAY, 25th JULY, 1207. GRAND PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS BALL. rnllE Sonic ty donates a Tri/c to Ihe Most OVi”in«l Fancy t.oslnine worn oy a Lady or Gentleman. Good Floor, Excellent Supper, and Superb Music. Admis don—Members, 2/(5 per couple ; Non-Mend ers, 5/- per co'iple. R. MACAULAY, President. 4 GRAND OPEN SOCIAL will be *'-V .|, R 1 in the Temperance Dull. Denmark Street, on TUESDAY, 2‘hd July, comineneiim at 7.Mb. Mr \Y. Clurteris, No-License.. -Wnl for Geraldine anil I imam, will also ad dress lha meetiivr. A llrd-elass programme lias been arranged. IlrhvsnVnoals provided. Admission, Cd.Ro’ll up an I help th- Temperance cause. ORARI GORGE SCHOOL. A SOCIAL in uid of th ■ l’ri/.e Fund 2 V of tile above will :bc hid in the Shearers’ Dining Room, Onm Goree, on FRIDAY, August 2J, I'AH. Refreshmrnls Provided. Admission, 2/(i. i..u;> C. HAV. Chairman.

f. Kalman. i. (; !•', (1 \ nUNTIST, TEMLIEA. (At i\Tr '•Vigtitmnn’a Dispensary)HEKSOXAL ATTENDANCE every WEDNESDAY nl GRRAI n «NK. -.(),)<■ ni(c Mr Scott's I/'very Sla.Mo-;. j T OOOP£P. . Sißi : yean, 'll MARL) ( nI.Z. LOAN IiUUDiNES, Stafford Street). vTSiTS GERALD INE EVERY Vi ED NEED AY, and may lie Consult.*! „t M» Baxter’*, Chemist.

GERALDINE NURSING HU .MIC. {Licensed by the Btiblic Health Department). oATIKNTS ACCOMMODATED AT REASONABLE RATES, LADIES’ ■ ACCOUCiJEMENTS Specially Provided for. ! ’ IT STOIT V, REGISTEREU NURSE. W. P 4c 4 DENTA L S U R G E 0 N, TEMURA Hours daily d to 5, Thurs-days-y to i. SPECIAL BARGAINS TO-DAY. at HANCOX’S CASH BOOT STORE. Goods must b" sold at Br.n.vupt J’rices. Conic early and yet th" plums. TARAIU COAL mllK iIUST ECONOMICAL COAL in ihc MAIiK-liiT. TARATU COAL is in the Trout Ran;- as a iiUuSEHULD and I.vjuL, and can be Supplied PROilPi'1A by the truck Load. PRICE DELIVERED AT. TEMUEA RAILWAY SIA i JLON IS/8 INET i’Eil XUN. A Trial Solicited. All Orders for Trucks addressed to ihe TARATU COAL & RAILWAY COMPANY, Ltd., 2, VOGEL STREET DUNEDIN, will receive our best attention. G. B. CHEESEMAN, General Manager. TARATU COAT; it OBTAINABLE from MR JOHN KNIGHT, Temtika. MAIL NOTICES. Mails will eh,se at the Temnka Post Oflieo as under (subject to any necesnry alterations) For Norlhern Boris of New Zealand, daily, nt t.;ta p.m. Coinnieneine ITiday, 2(ith last, steamer from Wellineton to Sy w will sail rcu'iilaii',- everv Friday. ~ v;S ins elose eonaer-1 iu'ii with Sinv. mads at Sydn'v weekly. The next mad for the United Kin-v~ duin an I Edrope via Brindisi, due at Lou lon September Bit I, will' rinse at (his olliee on Thursday, (he ‘Jutlt day ot July, at J.JU,. A. X. WJNTERBURN. Postmaster.

I. 0. I). E. VICTORIA lodge. i.0.0.r., GERALDINE. / IRANI.) SOCIAL in Oddfellows’ Hall on THURSDAY, August Ist, at S p.m. Mns-ic by Vaughan's Band (’I <r mnka). M.C., Refreshments provided. Admission, 2/(5; 1 .Julies Line. ' j2.> THE SALVATION ARMY. TEM U KA. UOCIAL ANNUAL MEETING. ° THURSDAY, JULY LAlh, Collection in Aid of tile Homes. j2ii FARM LABORERS’ UNION. A 0 ENERAL MEETING of Members •' and Intending Members of the Earm Laborers’ Union wiil he h 1.1 in the Oddfellows’ ilnli, Temnka, on WEDNESDAY, 21th instant, at S Business : Election of Committee. M. LARACY, ill) Secretary Temnka B ranch. . DRAT UaA d EA RAVING been appointed SOLE AGENT for the above High-Class TEA, 1 sail be glad to rceotvc orders for same. STOCKED in ilh and lib Packets, and slb and lOlb Boxes. SPLENDID VALUE. Presents given away with each Packet of TeaDAVID TAYLOR, GENERAL STOREKEEPER, T EM UK A.

JOHN Si>l WA'I'C 1151 AK K R AND J KWKI. LK R, .1 KM I. KA, KAS just 'got to hand a line nssortmint of ROTIIKRAMS and other undo's of Kugl.isli Lover Watches, extra "ull cased ivml finished. -No Duller timekeepers to 'be had. Prices from .th> 10/- to .CO. Also in slock,—A liin; ussorUneal of RADIKS’ WATCH I'd’, iu Cold and Silver, from dU/- upwards. All warranted. flood NICK KK I.KVKRS, Jit, -, iA/w and 00/-, and a good •'J.i.’up line l«l/h /V beautiful lot of (Km, Kngnguimn(, and Dress Rings, lied linn Rinas, Band Rings, Cold Mangles, I’mdanls, I,are Pins, Alberts, Neeku-ts, Mali ( h dns, Cold and Silvir Mrooches, and all Fashionable .lewelh ''v at prices (hat cnni.'ol. l.c beaten iu South Canterbury. Agent for the MOS A I ' Pled Rl IKR I’rici." C 7 10/-. All work carefully d.e'.e and warranted 12 months.

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Temuka Leader, Issue 5540, 23 July 1907, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Temuka Leader, Issue 5540, 23 July 1907, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Temuka Leader, Issue 5540, 23 July 1907, Page 2