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v A special meeting of the Geraldine Bounty Council was held on Thins lay. Present ;—.Messes d. Talbol phairinan), A. .Me I calf, W. Dixon, S. \\ right, B. R. .Macdonald, and A. Kalman. it was resolved to confirm tlie u'uvy traffic and traction engine bylaws and affix the County’s common seal to the same. ... Il was resolved (hat a copy of the teavy lrallie and traction engine bylaws made by way of special order by special resolution of the Connell mssed on the 21st day of Juno, IWC, and conlinncd on the 20th July, BWi, be forwarded to the iUin’is'ter for I’ublic Works and also to the Colonial Secretary for approval of the Coventor. ORDINARY 31 HEXING. The ordinary meeting of the Geraldine County Council was held on Thursday after the special meeting, when (he same members were present. RAUKABUKA WATER SUBTLY, The Council's solicitor submitted for approval the agreement between Messrs Campbell Bros. and the Council for supply of water,, for Raukapuka, from the Urarl Water Race district. The agreement was approved by the Coun. eif, ami it was decided that the common seal of the county be affixed to the same. ... BRIDGE BUILDING. The chairman stated that since last meeting a conference of members of the Geraldine and Levels Councils was held at o’Mnra‘s crossing. Owing lo wet weather the Geraldine Council was only represented by himself and Mr Wright, but most of the members of the Levels Council were present. They looked into the question of o’3lara’s ford, and it was thought reasonable lo instruct the engineer to prepare an estimate for the proposed bridge. Since the conference he had received w letter from the ’Levels Council approving of this step, and agreeing to pay for half cost of the estimate. The bridge would bo a very expvnstive,' ’one, mid in a risky place. At 'the .conference they had also agreed lo accept 31 r Black’s tender for pro-'let-live works on the Opihi, 31a'n road, The work involved them in about XI (50 0. It w'a» Important that I In- work, should be gone on with at oner, to ensure the striking of- the willows. Be had an interview with I Ire 11 on. I lall-J ones, Premier, on .Salurday last in regard to special bridge building work* and also with regard to the proposed loan for bridge construction. He asked the Bremier to support the two councils in their application for a grant to wards (lie protective works now in hand at the Opihi bridge, 3iain road. The Bremier promised lo consider the mailer favorably, and was also sympathetic in regard to the loan, saying he would give the Council every assistance n the matter, provided they took stops to ascertain the amount of money required for bridge cons I ruction, and what amount would be wan ted for any one year. From w hat he could see the Council had every hope of gelling the loan put through, and it now remained for them to make estimates of the amount they probably require for each work to lie undertaken. die thought the first work to consider was the reconstruction of tho Opihi bridge, .Main road. 31 r Ivclman was most emphatic in saying that the Hanging Rock bridge should lie No. 1 ini the list. It had been hanging lire for a long time, and (here was a Government grant un the Estimates for it. 31 r Dixon did not agree with 3fr Kebnan at all. The chairman explained that he was taking the huger amounts first. Ihe reconstruction of the Opili. bridge would run to about .IB 11,001), towards which they might 'expect a Govern meat grant of say .CSOOO. 'flits left X'SO(H). or XIOOO for each of the two Coinicilsto provide. The Hanging Rock bridge 'would cost the Council about X2OOO, over anti above the grants. The Alhuwlule brideo would cost live Council about XISOO. Then they had to face the reconstruction ttf the Temuka bridge, and a bridge was wanted for the Manse cross mg, rPemuka.

.Mr Kelman thought lli<> Temuka bridge was yood enough for another two years, and if a loan was to 'be raisvd for a lirUl-jro at tlio Clause cro-s iivo-, 'lViniika, lie would demand one Utr I'eekhain's crossing, OraltUnc. The Manse bridge f-'liould be a Road Hoard work. I.'cckhani's crossing, Uorn'dine, was on tlie main conch road. and several fatalities had occurred (here.

.Mr .Meloalf jio ; nk-d out that there was a (iovernnirnt jjrant of £'2W) on Ihe lOsliinates for a bridge at I'eokhnm's crossing. He would move that a loan of £7OO lie raisvd •.■for ilii* work. After further discussion, it was p-ecd lo put down CIOOO for the Tc•tn'iika bridge, £IOOO for the Man*o lu-idn-e, and £SOO for I'eekiham's. H was slated that nllhoue/h it was necessary to state th" amounts required

or bridges tlio Council was not boun.l to take the money, or commit itself to any of the works. 'J ho amounts, however, couid not be Iran-ifcrred to .ithor works not stated. It was resolved—" That application jo made under the Loans to Local Uodics Act for a loan of ,C 12,000 for -lie following works :— Reconstructing -he Opihi bridge (Main road), £IOOO ; IVimtk'R bridge, .CIOOO ; new bridges ut Hanging R o ck, £2OOO ■ Allandale, £1500; O'Alnra's crossing, £2OOO ; I'eekham's crossing, £SOOO ;! the Manse ford £IOOO. The loan to have a currency of 20 years, and 'live advances lo bo spread over a period to be arranged with the Treasury." corrsponden'cf. From the County engineers, reporting :-Orari bridge, Main road-l'ile-iriving iinished ; bridge open for trallic in u few days. Opihi bridge, Main Road—Contractor for protective works will commence next week. Opihi bridge, Allandale road, Fairlie—Plans completed and draft specifications prepared. Opihi bridge, O'Mara's fordWould they prepare plans and estimates ?. (Insinuates to be prepared for a bridge at O'Mara's ford on tiltvrnative lines of high and low level stru'otures. .From the same dated July 251 h, in regard to the proposed Hanging Kock bridge tihal Mr Jessep wanted the following points considered—(l) il'.hat the length of the bridge might be safely reduced to 450 or 500 feet at the outside, with a corresponding reduction in cost. The engineers remarked that it was quite likely that 500 feet would be amply suflieient at this site seeing that the rock there caused 'l,he river lo How in a semi-gorge. However, Ihd length of GOO feet was agreed to at the conference and was no doubt more than absolutely necessary. (2) Mr Jessep said the settlers interested strongly objected to a narrow light trallic bridge being builr. The cngin■•ers pointed out that a bridge oilier than that provided was out of the question unless some very substantial contributions were made by tlr; settlers interested. (3) Mr Jessep wrote that he hail consulted the interested parties, and they were willing I hat a special rating district be delined, and that a£loOo could be raised on tho security of a special rate so that a proper trallic bridge nrght l;c ■rected.— Consideration to stand over pending the steps to be taken under the loan proposals. From this Levels County Council lhgt I hey were willing io contribute half •okl of preparing estimates for proposed bridge at O'Mara's crossing, and .lint they approved of accepting the 'owest tender for protective works at the Opihi river, Mam road. From the Hon. Premier acknowledging- receipting of Council's letter "onveying an expression of sympathy >n the occasion of the death of the 'ale Mr Seddon. WATER JIACFS. The Orari-Rangilata Committee reported that owing to some ill-feeling over his appointment Mr R. Malum, the ranger selected by them, had declined the appointment. The committee then advised that the position be offered to the next applicant, viz., Mr f'has. Henry Moss, in the meantime Moss had been put in temporary harge. Mr Macdotiald, Orari, al'pliwl tor a continuation of the tail race from Mr Hewson's water race, which ■it present runs lo waste.—Resolved hat the appointment of Mr Moss be approved ; also applications for extension of the tail race be granted to Mr G. Macdonald, and a loop race to "hnrles Pros. Tho Waitohi Flat Water Knee Committer reported that the work at the new race at the head works was giving satisfaction. They had snllHiien! water now for the winter supply without going into the river. Mr P. Billings. Clerk of Works, reported that he had been over a portion of the Orari-Wnilii water race listriet, and a good supply of water was running. The cleaning out of Campbell's race was finished, but the middling had. yet lo be done. He had engaged a man to look after th" ■ aces during the windy weather, when a lot of straw and other rubbish had blocked the waterway. Mr H. Ford offered his services a* •'aretnker and ranger for I lie OrariWaihi Water Race district.—Resolved that the position of ranger be offered to Mr Ford for three, months at the rate of £OO iv year. If at the end of three mouths he has given satisfaction, and is willing to accept, he lie offered the position pcrmnn eiitly. The ranger be given authority to lake steps to prevent all tampering with the races. TJMARU HOSPITAL.

It was resolved that this Conn'll strongly urp's the District Hospital Board to take any action that may in its opinion be necessary to oppose the proposed separation of Wainuite from the present hospital district, being of opinion that the proposed separation movement is uncalled for, and if given effect to, would indict a' l injustico on the rest of the district. I’AYSITKFT. Accounts amounting to £27(1 l/(i were passed for payment. The Council then rose.

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Temuka Leader, Issue 5420, 28 July 1906, Page 4

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GERALDINE COUNTY COUNCIL. Temuka Leader, Issue 5420, 28 July 1906, Page 4

GERALDINE COUNTY COUNCIL. Temuka Leader, Issue 5420, 28 July 1906, Page 4