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Professor Elston, inventor of the “Empress Needle" is on a visit to Temuka, where he will remain tor a few weeks. Inserted in another column is an important notification’ from chaffcutter ’ proprietors dealing with uhe rates to be " charged for work done during the coming season. On the application of Mr Jellicoe, solicitor, at the Wellington Magistrate’s Court on Monday last,.Mr Geo. Fisher, CH.R., was committed ,to the Waitati Inebriates’ Heme for a term of three months. An extraordinary meeting of the Geraldine Terminating Building Society will be held in the Oddfellows’ Hall, Geraldine, this evening. An appropriation of 41150 is to be disosed of by tender. Tenders close next Saturday evening with Mr A. G. Turner, secretary of the Geraldine St. Patrick's Day Sports Association, for clipping and clearing the bicycle track in the local domain. The work is being undertaken in view of the approaching sports meeting next month. In pursuance of the movement now being made in . Temuka to establish winter evening technical classes in the township, a public meeting is called for Friday, the 27th mat., at the District High schoolrooms in arder to elect a committee or board of management in connection with the association formed ait Tuesday evening.s meeting. Messrs Mating & .Shallcrass, auctioneers. of Geraldine, hold an important clearing sale to-day at Pakilii- farm, Orari, commencing at .1 o’clock. The whole of the live and dead stock on the estate is tobe put under the hammer, and as the farm has been Jet there will be no reserve. Luncheonis to be provided. Particulars of the sale will be, seen in the advertising columns. This evening a grand benefit concert will be held at the Volunteer Hall, Geraldine, under,, the auspices of the local 1.0.G.T. lodge. The receipts are in ; add of the fund that is being raised by Good Templars of the district in-aid of the widow and family of : their late Broi R Wotton. Considering the worthy object of the entertainment, coupled with the fact that: the programme comprises a number of well-known performers, the attendance of the general public should he large. Major Loveday, officer, commanding the Cadet Forces of the colony was in Temuka on Tuesday morning, last inspecting and instructing the Dis-trict-High School corps, of which there was a good muster, numbering 52 all told.' : The cadets were paraded under Captain D. McCaskiil at [).3fi a m , .and the lads were put through the various manoeuvres and questioned upon their drill by Major Loveday, who assumed charge. Instruction Was imparted ip the new drill work, and great interest and aptitude were evinced. Afterwards the squads were dismissed, and the hoya were accommodated under the trees in the play ground where a lecture on the duties - of a soldier, and the relations that should exist between officers, non-coms., and privates was delivered. Instruction was also given in army and navy signalling. At the conclusion, on the call- of Mr McLeod, the head master, three nearty cheers were given for Major Loveday, who in returning thanks said the drill of the hoys was very good, and a credit to the officers concerned. Before the’, Major left Temuka a representative of this journal .had an interesting half-hour’s chat with him, a short account of which (crowded out of this issue) will appear on Saturday. On Monday - afternoon the. Premier was presented at Auckland with a purse of sovereigns subscribe 4 by the citizens of Auckland prior to iris departure for the Coronation celebrations in London. The Sum of £629 in a casket was handed over at the Municipal Chambers by the Mayor, Mr - Alfred iKidd, M:H.R.. Mr Seddin; ify reply, touched upon the : comments of English newspapers regarding the testimonial. The New Zealand papers, he said, did not say that the extracts they published were from pro-Bo,er papers, and coming from that quarter, he looked upon the rematks as in praise. As it appears that some misunderstanding exists regarding the valuation of improvements on tne Pastoral Runs to be offered for lease at Ti24th and 27th of this month the Department of Lands and Surveys wishes it to he known that the amounts stated on the scale plans are the maximum sums which the law would allow to .be, claimed from the incoming tenants for the improvements on the runs, and by no means represent the actual amounts which they will he called on to pay. As a matter of fact, the actual amounts payable .will proably in nearly all cases he very much less than the maximum amount allowed by law. The Land Act provides that the value o! the improvements shall he definitely expressed not less than one month before the expiration—on March Ist 1904 —of the existing ■ ■ licenses ; the assessments will therefore he made about the end of the year, and the amount of the assessment i will have to (be paid (by the. new, tannanjt Ibiefoke , tering, into possession :of his • new run. J

Railway excursion *fces will he in force from /the 23rd to 27th bn the occasion of the Dumedin race meeting. . Rev. J. Blight will (D.V.) conduct service at Orton on Sunday afternoon, and at, Rangitata island on Sunday evening. Captain Edwin telegraphed yesterday -—Gale from between north and west and- south-west; glass fall ; tides good.; indications rain. The Geraldine Road Board advertises final notice with regard to outstanding rates. If not paid before the 25th inst., they will be sued for. - Information;,received at thp Temuka Post Office states that the Rakaia river is thick and dirty. The Opihi and Temuka rivers arc in ’fair fishing order. The Premier has been informed by cable from the Agent-General that the Argentine’s prohibition against the importation of cattle applies to New Zealand. , It is stated that some hitch has occurred with regard- to the tender let by the : Temuka Road Board to lower, the water at O’iVJara's ford across the Opihi, and that the avn--1 tractor has forfeited hisi deposit rather than undertake the won:. Mr Frew,. contractor for the alterations to the Geraldine Hotel, has made a start at his work of enlarging- the dining-room, -which will be a very .commodious one when finished. Messrs Maling &, Shailcrass report halving sold Mr Normam Macfarlane’s farm, known as “Te Mara,” situate! in the Winchester district, which comprises 600 acres of good agricultural land, to Mr David Lewis, of Pleasant Valley. - Mr Colin Mackenzie, mn., met with a painful accident yesterday morning near Goral-aac. lie was riding out from his home to see about commencing harvest opera tions when his horse came down with him cn a patch of gravel, and Mr Mackenzie sustained a broken leg. Medical aid was at once sumir|ou;;-d from Geraldine, and we learn that the sufferer is now tlonig as well as can be expected. A meeting of the executive of the h>. C. Rifle Association was held at Timaru on Tuesday evening to complete details for the opening of the shooting meeting this morning. Four hundred and ninety-seven entries have been received—93 fori the South Canterbury match, 19 for the Recruits’ match, 101 , for the Running-Man Match, 115 for the Independent Vanishing Head and Shoulders, 87 for the Timaru Match, and 82 for tho Harbour Board Match. Firing will commence at 8 o’clock. J. W. Willetts was prosecuted at the Fairlie Magistrate’s Court on Monday, last at the instance of the Mackenzie County Council lor taking a traction engine over Tekapo bridge without permission, and Andrew Hamilton for using, an unlicensed \chicle for hire. The* facts were admitted, and both cases were adjourned to Timaru for legal argument, The S.M., on the application of Mr Tripp,. made orders for the adoption of two children of Win. McLeod. | Mr F. R: Flatman, .M.H.R., has received the following letter from the Hon. the Premier “ Wellington, February 3rd, P 903. Dear Mr Flatman,—l am in receipt of your letter of 2ißrd ultimo, in- reference to the grants to local bodies in connection with the Coronation nob being paid. In reply I would ask you to he good enough to let me know the names cf the local bodies concerned, as, so lar as I am aware, all bodies which' complied with the conditions on which the grants are nude, have been paid, blit if you wd! koidly name any who have not yet received their subsidies, and whose applications' were in order, I will see. to the matter at once. With hi ml regards, I am, yougs faithfully, R. J. SEDDON. AUTHENTIC . MEDICAL OPINIONS WORTH KNOWING.—Dr Osborne says : “ I use SANDER & SONS’ EUCALYPTI EXTRACT as a spray for nasal catarrh, low fever, asthma, &c., with great success. 1 find this preparation superior to all others.” Dr Stahl: “ I have used various, preparations of Eucalyptus, but I get better results from SANDER & SONS’ EUCALYPTI EXTRACT than from any other.” Dr Preston : “ I never use any Eucalyptus preparation other than SANDER & SONS’, as I found the others to be almost useless.” Dr Hart: “It goes the best in the market.” In influenza, all fevers, throat and lung trouble, diphtheria, diarrhoea, dysentery, kidney complaints, rheumatism, wounds, sprains, ulcers, &c., it is inwithout saying that SANDER A SONS’ EUCALYPTI EXTRACT is valuable. See that you get SANDER & SONS’, and reject spurious preparations which arc sometimes supplied bf -mscrupulous dealers. SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISE--1 MEMTL Lost dog notice. John Withell—Trespass notice. Chaffcutters—List of charges for work during, coming season. A. A. Hintz—Public meeting re Temuka Technical Classes Association, Friday, 27th inst. T. and J. Thomson, Timaru—ln- 1 stalled in their new buildings. Drapery, millinery, clothing, etc., at lowest prices. N.Z. Railways—Excursion fares for races at Dunedin, 25th, 27th, and 28th inst. P. . Burke—Strayed dogs on bis property. Thos. Dwyer—Outstanding rates Geraldine Road Board will be sued for after 25th inst. The Century Dictionary and Cyclopaedia and Atlas—Particulars re reduced price for limited time only. Canterbury Farmers’ , Cp-operatiye Association—Sale of horses at Tat■tersall’s yards, Timaru, on Saturday. Oates, Lowry & Co., Zealandia Cycle Works, Timaru Zealandia bicycles built as desired without extra charge ;, price £2O ; the sterling qualities testified to by thousands of riders ; W. Halley, agent, Temuka. TEN BOLD ASSERTIONS Regarding Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy. 1. It affords quick relief in cases of colic, cholera morbus, and pains in the stomach. 2. It never , fails to effect a cure in the most severe cases of dysentery nd diarrhoea. 3. It is a sure cure for chronic diarrhoea. 4. It can always he depended upon in cases of cholera infantum. 5. It cures epidemical dysentery. 6. It prevents bilious colic. 7. It is prompt and effective in curing all bowel .complaints. 8. It never produces bad results. 9 It is pleasant and safe to take. 10. It has saved the lives of more people than any other medicine in the world. ... , These are hold assertions to make regarding anv medicine, but there is abundant proof of every one of the above statements regarding this re- : medy.. Every household should have a bottle at hand. Get it to-day. It 1 may save a life. . J- C.-jQddie, chem- : ist, Temuka, and Morrison Bros., Ge | raldiue,sell Hy ........... ..a ,

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Temuka Leader, Issue 4013, 19 February 1903, Page 2

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THE Temuka Leader. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1903. LOCAL & GENERAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 4013, 19 February 1903, Page 2

THE Temuka Leader. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1903. LOCAL & GENERAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 4013, 19 February 1903, Page 2