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Home=Returning Troopers.

RECEFTION TO SERGEANT G. N. LAN Full D AT GERALDINE. Sergeant G. N. Lauford of “The gallant Seventh” was welcomed home in a most enthusiastic manner on Tuesday night in the Oddfellows’ Hall, Geraldine, by members of the local infantry corps and the Fire Brigade and public. Captain Iv. MacKeuzie presided with the guests on his right and next to him Captain Mcliroy of the Fire Brigade Mr W. S. Maslin (acting-chairman of the Town Board) occupied a chair on Captain MacKenzies left. The vice chairs were taken by Lieutenant Montgomery and Color Sergeant Gresham. The tables wore well laid out and the catering by Aft- Budd of Timaru left nothing to he desired. After the health of the King had been duly drunk Lieutenant Montgomery set the hall rolling with a song. Captain Mackenzie then said it had fallen to ills lot to propose the toast, of the guest of tiie evening "Sergeant G. N Langford,” and ho did so with great pleasure. Sergeant tangford left Geraldine about fifteen inou'lis ago as a trooper in the Seventh and at (hat time ho was a private in the Geraldine Rifles. Now ho had relumed from the war with the Sergeants stripes (loud applause"). This was a very great credit to the guest and his comrades at Geraldine were all delighted to hear of his success. On his way to South Africa the trooper wrote to him (Captain MacKenzie) saying that ho was going to try to make a name for himself and he had succeeded to a very great extent. Sergeant Langford like all the other men who left liiis district-—had acquitted himself like a man—and although lie returned with t- o bullet scars as the result of the Bothasberg fight he was in good health and did not appear any the worse for his exciting experience (applause). He was sure that the New Zealanders as a whole did splendid work in South Africa. Their record from the first contingent to the last that saw action had been unprecendeuted. When the first contingent left many people said “ the Imperial authorities will stick them on garrison duty or something of that kind and they will have very little fighting to do.” They wore no sooner there, however, when the British Generals recognised their worth and they wore at once sent to the firing lino and had been kept there ever since. Such episodes as those connected with New Zealand Hill, Rhenoster Kop, and Both-ishcrg would long live in history and the memory of New Zealanders. In the Bothasberg light Sergeant Langford was in command of an outpost of six men when the enemy charged. They had a v-ery hot time but every man stuck to bis guns and out of the seven of them only one man'

escaped “ not killed or wounded,” Sergeant Langford liimself was hit in two places. The great secret of the success of the New Zealanders was no doubt their steadiness and their willingness to turn out at all hours and trek away into the darkness without a growl. The British Generals soon came to see that if they wanted reliable men the New Zealanders wore the lads for them (Loud applause.) The toast was coupled with the names of the guest, and Captain Mollroy, and Mr W. S. Masliu, and was drunk with musical honours. Captain McKenzie apologised for the absence of Lieutenant Tasker, who was unable to be present. Fireman Willoughby contributed a soug. Mr W. S. M'asliu welcomed the guest ou behalf of the town and said that the Geraldine Fire Brigade had been a splendid training institution for young men, seeing that two of its members had gained their stripes in South Africa, viz. Sergeants Langford and Cloustou. If it had not been for the training Sergeant Langford I got under Captain Mcllroy he might never I of thought of going to the war. It was i the same spirit that led their guest to I excel in the brigade that led him to excel ! in fighting for his country He liked to see young men rise —especially young men I born in this district—and he had much pleasure in welcoming Sergeant Langford on behalf of the citizens. (Applause.) 1 ; ' Captain Mcllroy welcomed Sergeant , i r.atliwfAwrl AVI knltnlil /vC Ti: TV » T . .

While iu the brigade their guest had always proved a worthy member, and he would like to see him back again. (Applause) Private Trengrove a song. Sergeant Langford thanked the Volunteers, Fire Brigade, and citizens for their very hearty welcome, which he failed to see that he really deserved, for be had only done his duty as every other New Zealander bad done in South Africa. (Applause). With regard to voluntering he might say that the work they had on active service was very different '■ -r: that winch they did in volunteer corps . , -vow Zealand. Mr Maslin hid complimented 1 him about his fat. (Mr Maslin: “Muscle Sir.”) It was not good feeding and feather beds that did that for him. He was now heavier than, he had ever been in South Africa, but it was the same with most of the men, hard feed and roughing it seemed to agree with them. He might teli them something about the taking of the two pom-poms and the 15 pounder which had nut been given much publicity in the papers. On February 15th, they left camp at 9 o’clock at night and travelled north with Colonel Bing on their left with the South African Light Horse. At 12.50 a.m. they got a rest at a drift, and while they were asleep tiiey were awakened at’daylight by the Corporal saying there was a convoy about a mile tiff They could just distinguish it in the distance when they started out, and they got within a thousand yards of it before the Boers knew that there were any British about. They went at the Boers with a yell, and when they got up to the convoy they captured 3 guns and four waggons. Two of the guns were guns taken from the Yeomanry and one was the first pom-pom used to shelf Builer in Natal, audit was the same gun that had been used by Yiljoan against the Seventh Contingent when the latter nearly captured it before.

He could not understand why the two pom poms were not brought to New Zealand, so that one might be stationed at Christchurch, and the other at Dunedin, seeing that they were mostly South Island men who captured them and they had two pompoms in Wellington. With regard to the fight at Botbasberg, they had a very good account of it in the papers. In that fight Sergeant Minifie, of Temuka, showed himself to be as good a mau as ever faced a bullet. (Hear hear). In the thick of the fight his voice could be heard above the din ordering his men. The other Temuka men, and Watty Stevens, of Titnaru, were also as fine a lot of fellows as they had out there. In again thanking his friends. Sergeant Langford remarked that he did not think he was likely to settle in Geraldine again, and he would probably 'be leaving in about six weeks’ time. When he was in Auckland, strange to say, some one told him that the Geraldine Eifles was the crack corps of South Canterbury. (Loud Applausel. He? hoped they would maintain that reputation. In conclusion, Sergeant Langford proposed a silent toast to the men of this district who fell in the Botbasberg fight. The toast was then drunk in silence, after which Bugler Pye contributed a song. Lieutenant Montgomery proposed “ The Geraldine Fire Brigade,” and in doing so he spoke in high terms of the good work done by “ our boys ” in South Africa, and said the lads of the gallant Seventh must have had stout hearts and steadfast oour~ age in their trying experience at Bothasberg, for ic took men of grit to face a night attack such as the Boors made that night iu their desperation. All honour, he would say, to the men who went cn outpost duty that night. There was no doubt the Fire Brigade had helped to put some spirit in the men they sent to the front, and it was a very worthy institution, iu that it was ever ready to organise demonstrations, etc, and take part in any patriot tic movement. In fact the Fire Brigade was such an energetic body that at one time evil-minded persons suggested that some of the members of that body made their own opportunities. (Loud laughter). The toast was coupled with the names of Captain Motlrop. Lieutenant O’Malley and Fireman Groves

Color-Sergeant Gresham: Song. Captain Mcliroy, in responding, said thafc. when the Geraldine High Pressure WaterSystem was completed we would have oneof the most up-to-date towns of its size in the colony. He hoped too that it wouldi not be Jong before they saw the electric, light installed at Geraldine. We had a> very generous Town Board, who wouhi shortly place at the brigade’s command up to-date reels and hose, etc., to be used for lira prevention. . Lieutenant O’Malley said the brigade was one of the best institutions that a young fellow could belong to. Fireman Groves said that Sergeant Langford could thank the brigade for teaching him to turn out in a hurry at night, and this doubtless served him in good stead when he had to, keep a cool head in a night attack. Captain McKenzie proposed “ TheVisitors,” coupled with the names, of Lieutenant Thomas (EllesmereRifles) and Corporal Harding (-of the South African Horse). He had known Corporal Harding for a number of years, and joined the Geraldine Rifles with him sixteen years ago. Corporal Harding had been fighting without a break for about two years, and had good luck and excellent health all the time till jast, before he returned, when he took enteric, but was now none the worst* »for his long campaign, He had great, pleasure in extending a hearty welcome to Corporal Harding, The Geraldine Rifles had sent away fourteen men to South Africa, eight of whom were earning capitation when they left and earned it while away. Firemen Willoughby and White a duet.

Lieutenant Thomas complimented the captain on the general appearance and physique of his m,en, and. trusted they would meet the North Canterbury men in camp some day. Trooper Harding gave a lengthy account of the experiences of the South African Light Horse in the war. He was seven, months with Buller, who was one of the finest generals that ever set foot :n South Africa, despite wh&t had been said about a few mistakes under his command. In his experience of war the speaker said he had no fear of rifle fire, but he had an honest fear of. shells. The R.Y.’s were not as bad', as they were painted, but they werebadly officered. If the men had been; allowed as much “ leg-rope ” as the; New Zealanders they might havedone just as well. Captain Mcliroy proposed “ The Geraldine Town Board,” coupled with the name of Mr Maslin. Color-Sergeant Gresham a song. Mr Maslin briefly responded, and gave the Fire Brigade credit for Imping indirectly brought about the high-pressure water scheme. If they had not pressed the hoard for a new engine the idea of high-pressure might not have been thought of. Captain McKenzie- here took occasion to make a presentation to Sergeant Langford on behalf of the Geraldine Rifles. The medal presented bore the inscription “ Presented to Sergt. Langford, No. 4121, N.Z. Mounted Rifles,” and on the back jsv the figure of a soldier firing ia a-, kneeling position. It gave Mm(Captain McKenzie) great pleas orein making the presentation and hewas sure every member of the- corps-, wished their comrade every honour ■ ior the part he had played in keen- ; ing of the Old Flag, Sergeant Langford suitably rescinded. Mr Maslin proposed “The Geraliine Rifles,” and eulogised Captain ; VlcKenzie and the'officers for the ex;ellent: command they bad o( the _?. r P s -;' Maslin also reed e tfte-

that he was sending presentation medals, etc., to Geraldine for returned troopers as follows Medals for Cooling Bros., clasps for Clouston, Bennett, Tindall, Canavan, Evans, Henderson, Taylor, and Barker. It was impossible to get all these men together that night, as they were all over the district, and some had gone hack to South Africa. He thought a suitable time for the presentation might be on Coronation Day. (Applause. Captain McKenzie responded saying that during the three years the new Geraldine corps had been in existence they had maintained its full strength of 63 most of the time. He had wired to Colonel Bailey asking that medals he sent to Geraldine for presentation as he thought it more convenient for the men and their friends to have the presentation here than in Texnuka or Timaru. Col.Sergt. Gresham also responded Private Martin proposed “The Ladies,” with the names of Fireman J. Joe, Private Brown and Hoi .-Sergt.. Gresham. In responding Col.-Scrgt, Giesham said the thanks of the Volunteers and Firemen were due to Mrs. Sergt. Pyc and Mrs. Bennington and other ladies who laid out the tables so nicely that night. Sergt. Fyfe proposed “ The Press and Sergt. Langford proposed “ The Chairman,” when the gathering dispersed.

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Temuka Leader, Issue 3918, 10 July 1902, Page 2

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Home=Returning Troopers. Temuka Leader, Issue 3918, 10 July 1902, Page 2

Home=Returning Troopers. Temuka Leader, Issue 3918, 10 July 1902, Page 2