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Personal.—Mr J. T. M. Hayhurst has requested us to state that he is at present laid up, suffering from a swollen knee, and regrets that owing to the doctor's orders he will be unable to return to Ternuka for several days. Primitive Methodist Cijurch, Geraldine. —The annual gathering in connection with this Church will be held this evening. After tea in the church a public meeting will be held, when a cantata, " Prince of Peace," solos, choruses, and short addresses villi bo given. A Libjjbaiv Qfeei;. —Mr Henry, of the Henry Diarnatic Company, baa r/rifcten to say he will be preparedto give an entertainment in aid of the Ternuka Mechanics' Institute on the 30th November, arid the committee have accepted the offer with pleasure. A letter dealing with the matter will appear in pur next issue. tyEBAiyDmE Racks.—The Geraldine Races commence to-day, and will be continued tomorrow. The club since its re-c,Qrestitution has been well supported, and, as a goodly number of horses have accepted for the principal events, there should be some interesting racing. The course is in the best of order, the officials are all men well up to their work, and the day's programme should be got through promptly. G-ivon fine weather the club may expert a vei'y successful gathering. The train arrangements are convenient, and coaches will run both from Geraldine and Ternuka to the course. The various business places in Geraldine will be closed from noon to-day ' and to-inorrow.

Chbistchubch Catholic Cathedral.— The Catholic Cathedral Building Fund in eludes contributions of i.OOO guineas froMr G. O'Malley, Kirwee, and £IOOO frm Mr P. Henley, Shand's Track. On the Sprek.—At the courthouse, Teinuka, yesterday before Mr E. Cutten, J.P., a working man who had been *' on the spree " for a few days, and was consequently locked up for a few hours, was charged with drunkenness, and fined 5s or the usual alternative.

The Temperance Question. —The Primate opened the Diocesan Synod at Auckland on Tuesday. He does not favour prohibition but the Gothenburg system. He advocates New Zealand federating with Australia, and religious instruction in public schools.

Cricket.— The Fairlie Cricket Club will open their season next Saturday when a match will he played by teams representing Country versus town. Play will start at 11 a.m. The following are the teams : —Country : Messrs Hervey, Dixon, Lee, LeCren, (2) Cross, Morris, Polhill, HutchisoD, Smith, Thomas. Town: Wallace, Goodwin, Smith, It. Gillingham, Fereus, "Willoughby, Black, Gdinour, Close, Russell, and Francis. Entertainment at Kerrytown.—The annual musical and dramatic entertainment by the pupils of St. Joseph's School will be given in the Kerrytown Schoolroom this evening, when a very attractive programme will be gone through. Mr T. Guunion's coach will convey passengers from Temuka, and a coach will also carry passengers from Pleasant Point to the school, both starting at 7 o'clock.

NOIU'ITCOTE'S KIN'EMATOU BAI'JI. Nortllcote's kinetnatograph pictures were again shown at Temuka on Tuesday, when, as anticipated, tho attendance was much larger than on tli:- previous uight. Tne first lot shown woii) tho same as before, but a number of new ones were shown in the second lot. The vocal items were again of a popular character, and the public showed their appreciation by hearty applause. A number of the pictures had to be re shown on the screen, and nearly every song was re-detu:iud-jd. BoLiOUi;:! Election'. —Tim election of members tor the Temuka lloough ounoil will i ike place to-diy at the court house, Tunuka, iiotweou the hours of 9 a.m and u p.m. Mr I'J. Pilbrow is the returning cilice;-. A great deal of interest is being tnkon in the result, and the burgesses will have no easy task to select six members from the iourteon candidates nominated. We undyr.-:band that the returning oificer will not cast out as informal ballot papers upon which less than six names are h ft unerased. 'The o ndidates are Messrs '1 nomas Buxton, Edward Can-, Henry T Clinch, Ricnard BrfiMii Oomor, Peter Coira Bridgotta Cunnanl, I'M war.l Cutten, Wil liam Laing Duncan, Alexander Frew David Henry, Thomas Francis Hooper Henry Lee, John William Miles and John McAulilTo.

Vv'kddtni;. —A pretty little wedding took place in Pleasaut Point on Tuesday morning last when Mr W. Botherway aud Miss Ada Colt am were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. The ceremony took place in the English Church, and was performed by the Rev Mr Hinson at S.;j!) on Tuesday morning. The bride was attended by Miss Alice Botherway an i Miss Mary Cofctam as bridesmaids, whilo Mr Fred Cottam acted as best man. Mr and Mrs Botherway left Pleasant Point 3 o'clock in tho afternoon, taking the coach to Temuka, where they caught the express, and going straight on to Lyttelton left by steamer the same night for the Xorth Island, where they purpose spending their honeymoon.

Legislative Council Appointments.— A. Gazette Kxtraordinary whs issued on Monday night reappointing- to the Legislative Council the following members whose term of office expired on Sunday : —Mr Belt Mr Feldwick, Mr Jennings, Mr Kelly, Mr Kerr, and Mr Montgomery. Tho remaining three whose time also expired viz. Mr Richardson, Mr McGregor, and Mr McCullough, were not re-appointed, at their own request. In order to get over tho difficulty of having no Minister to meet the Council on Monday, the Hon. W. C. Walker resigned on Saturday, and was reappointed, and was sworn in on Monday morning.

Fatal Mining Accident.—On the north beach, a few miles from Greyrnouth, an accident occurred whereby two men named Marchand and Stretch lost their lives. Tho men were working in a tunnel driven from the bottom of a shaft about o 0 foot deep. It is supposed that in driving they broke into old workings and were overcome by foul air, A rescue party could not recover the bodies because of foul air till they used a diving dress. The bodies were then recovered. Tho air was so bad that a can full of fire went out when lowered about teu feet into it. Marchand was a young man about 20 years of age. Stretch was about (55. Marchand was overcome first, and in trying to save him, Strotch lost his life.

A Show Week Attraction.—Visitors to tho Tiraaru show will have the opportunity of witnessing at the Timaru Theatro tho rierformaaco of a capital little comedy entitled " The Magistrate," Tho author, Mr A. W. Pinei'o, is recognised as being in the first ranks of modern comedy writers, and this first representation of his original play should prove a great attraction. Tho performers are all Timaru amateurs, aud they have succeeded iu obtaining the services of Mr Gus R. M. Jones »3 their business manager. Mr Jones is a kind of colonial Smyths, and not, therefore, likely p be identified with anything but a firstrate show, Tho performance is to be given in aid of the funds cf the new Roman Catholic Church, and this worthy object should bo an extra inducement to visitors to pay an early visit to Bogg U Go's, and bcoU vheir seats.

TiMAutj itic*n SijHQor,.—r-Vt a meeting of tbo Timaru High School Board Qf Govern-, ors the head muster of the Boys' School reported that the roll number was -13, aud the lady piin&ipal reported fi-t pupils qb the roll. Miss McLean also reported ti>;ifc an entertainment iu aid of a piano and croquet lav/u fund had netted M 3 13s 9d. The board granted a sura of £LH to meet tho balances due on the piano and croquet lawn. A grant of £5 was made to tho boys' :-chooi to assist in the games. Mr Harknoss wrote offering a sum of Jill' (cheque enclosed) tc found an annual prize for proficiency in Erehch or sonic, other modern language other than English.—The chairman and Mr .Barclay expressed much pleasure, at the receipt of such a generous gift, and it was resolved to thank Mr Harkness, and that the Exhibitions Committee report on t!;o best way of utilising the sum. Mr A. uuud requested the fcqard to grant him a certificate that he had been appqinted teacher of cookery to the board, as a condition of entering an examination by the City of London Guild of Cookery.—The chairman was authorised to give the certificate.

Tismuka. Anglers' Club.—A meeting of the committee of the above club was held in the club room (Royal Hotel) on Tuesday evening. Sir William Blunden, Bart., pro* sided. It was resolved to transfer the bank account from the Bank of New Zealand to the Post Office Savings Bank to avoid the annual charge for keeping account, and the UreEidcnt and hon. secretary were appointed to operate Upon same. The sub.-committee's action relative to the change of 'quartern was confirmed. A hearty vote of thanks waa passed to Mr Whelan for having given the use of his room for so long. The hon. secretary was empowered to dispose of surplus furniture as bceasiou arises. The offer of Mr Cumming, fishing tackle vendor of England, of a prize for competition,' made through the president, was' accepted with thanks, and the hon. secretary was asked to write and convey the same to him. Mr Frank Brown's offer to collect hut rents and visitors' fees was accepted with thanks, and it was agreed to give him the requisite authority. Two new members were balloted for and elected, and one new one proposed. It was agreed to have a re-union on Saturday evening. An informal discussion took place as to the cup competition, and it was agreed to hold the saino as usual on the 16th December

Tkhdea Presbyterian Church. The annual social m connection with this Church will be held in the Temuka Volunteer Hall this evening, when a varied programme of music and addresses will be given. The speakers will be the Revs. Todd, Mackio, and Borrie (Dunedin), besides local clergymen.

Stddiiolme Junction Sale.—The National Mortgage and Agency Company advertise the sale of two desirable lines of sheep at Studholme Junction to-morrow. Particulars will be found in the advertisement.

Oddfellows' Social.—On the evening of the 2nd November a grand social will be held in the Temuka Volunteer Hall in connection with the Loyal Alexandrovna Lodge. The brethren intend to make the social a thoroughly enjoyable one, and hope to see a large attendance thereat.

Wesley an Church, Temuka. The ladies connected with the Wesleyan Church met yesterday afterooon for the purpose of making the necessary arrangements foJ their forthcoming annual garden party, which takes place on the 17th of next month in the gvounds of Mr J. Brown, Ashfiold. This yearly fete has always been very largely patronised by the public. Besides the usual sports, including tennis tournament, cricket, bowis, and quoits, there will be a stall for the sale of useful and fancy articles, a lolly stall, and other attractions. It is evident that the committee of management intend to spare no pains to make the occasion an opportunity of enjoyment to all who go. P.O. Board of Education.—A special meeting was held in Timaru on Wednesday. Present —Messrs Howell (chairman) and Keddie, and the Rev. G. Barclay. Matters in connection with school reserves at Morven and Waikakahi were dealt with. .An application from the Handeboye committee asking to have the school painted inside, and the site cleared of rushes and feticrd on two side-, was referred to the building committee. The board then took up the question of the now regulations, the Inspector Mr Gow, and assistant inspector Mr 8011, being present in conference. After some debate, it was resolved —"That the inspectors be requeued to submit in writing their criticisms of the ne v regulations to tho next ordinary meeting of the board, such criticisms as far as approved by the board to be forwarded to the department."

St Maky's Ciiukcu Razaau. —A. mooting of era.dine parishioners and parsons interested in {retting up a bazaar to raise funds towards erecting a new vicara go for St. Mary's Anglican Church was hold at t'.:f Sunday School 'U Tuesday afternoon, wl;o i there was a lar go and r-'pre--"nfativo gathering from all ,arts of the district". Too Vev. ,T. Kuox Uarklie occupied the chair, in tho alnonee of the Rev Mr Hamilton, and explained the object for which the ir-eting was called, after which it was decided to hold a baza-ir iu the Volunteer Hall on December 15th and Kith. Management committees wore appointed, and a'so a secretary and treasnrer, and it is anticipated that the bazaar wi'd be a groat financial success. There wns also sotno talk of holdiug a gala day iu connection with the bazaar, but this matter was held over for further consideration. WA.iToin.-The Hev. Mr Tinsley delivered a lecture in the Wesloyau Church, Waitchi, on fnosday evening, the subject being; " Pages from my own diary, and incidents from Methodist Missionary Work in the Old Country." There was a good attendance. The lecturer -was able to give his hearers some interesting experiences of tho mission work in which lie was ouangod for four years prior to his coming- to the colony in 1873. From the account given it appeared that those engaged in mission work in the early, seventies had a good deal of ignorance to contend with, and no little misrepresentation. They reaped their reward in the -ultimate success achieved, and the lecturer, amongst others, was able to look back upon this portion of his life with feelings of satisfaction.

L'he, medicine known is SANDEK & Sons' Eucalypti Extract. Test its eminent powerful effects in coughs, colds ■'nfluenza ; the relief is instantaneous. In serious cases, and accidents cf all kind-*, be they wounds, burns, scalding, bruises, spriins, it is the safest remedy—no swelling —no inflammation. "Like surprising effects produced in croup, diphtheria, bronchitis inflammation of lungs, swelling, &c, diarrhoea, dysent:ry. diseases of the kidneys and urino,ry organs'. Sandeii & Son's Eucalypti Extkaot is iu xise at hospitals and medical clinics a)l over the globe ; patron'sed by His Majesty the -King of Italy; crowned with medals and diplomas at International Exhibition Amsterdam. Trust in this approved article and all others.

SYNOPSIS OF ADVERTISEMENTS. T L. Hart—Wants two boys. C Johnson—Reward for return of lost hackney mare. " 8.C.," Leader Office—Young lady wants hoard and ivsi ienco. New Zealand Railways—Train arrangements for Timaru Show. Captain Gapes, Salvation Army—Wants to buy good quiet horse. Loyal Alexandrovna Temuka —Grand social on Nov. 2nd. James Treuibath—Has found black-and-tan collie bitch ; notice to owner. N.M. .v A. Co.—Sell large lines of sheep at Studholme Junction to-morrow. J. Ballautyne & Co.—Are showing exclusive novelties in every department at reasonable pi ices; some particulars cf same and quotations. Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative Association -Snle at Tattersall's on Saturday ; sell goodwill of lease of Education Reserve situated at Clandebcyo on October 2-4; the barque Dilpussund now discharging Newcastle coal at Timaru : orders for coal from ship's side must be sent at once.

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Temuka Leader, Issue 3507, 19 October 1899, Page 2

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LOCALS GENERAL Temuka Leader, Issue 3507, 19 October 1899, Page 2

LOCALS GENERAL Temuka Leader, Issue 3507, 19 October 1899, Page 2