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Mr T. Buxton reports wholesale grain and produce prices for the week ending May Bth, 1890, as follows : Oats are still firm and inquiry good. Heavy stocks are in store, which may prevent any material improvement for later sales. Wheat—The market remains much the same inclined to harden. Have placed during week 5000 bushels of Pearl and Red Chaff at 3s to 3s Id on trucks at country stations. Potatoes are somewhat weaker with restricted inquiry. 1 quote, subject to market fluctuations : Wheat Pearl and velvet, 3s 2d to 3s3d ; mixed lines 3s Id to 3s 2d ; tuscau, 3s 2d. Oats —Prime milling, Is lid to 2s 2J; short feed, Is 8d to Is lOd ; duns and dauish, Is 7d to Is 9d, all f.o.b. Oat Sheaf Chaff'—4ss, country stations. Potatoes —32s Gd to 355, sacks in, country stations. Grass Seed—Farmers’ lots, 2s to 2s 9d; machine-dressed, 3s Gd to 4a.

GERALDINE STOCK SALE. The attendance at the Geraldine funnightly sale on Wednesday last was an exceptionally largo one, and a fair amount of business was transacted at satisfactory prices. In sheep there was a fair entry, though not so largo as at the previous sale. Threequartorbred lambs brought from 3s 8d to 8s 3d; 2-tooths, 6s Id to 10s; G and 8-tooth fat ewes, 9s Id ; 4-tooth wethers, 10s to 11s ; merino owes, Is 4d. Pigs fetched from 4s 3d to 4s 9d. In cattle the entry was not very large. Steers and heifers realised £2 to £4; cow in profit, £4 ; calves reached 18s ; and a Jersey bull sold for £1 10s ; one springer was sold for £7.

CHRISTCHURCH MARKETS. Although Thursday is usually looked upon as an off day in the grain trade a fair amount of business was done, both in wheat and oats, and there is now good inquiry for parcels to fill up the sailing craft at present loading for Sydney. As wheat is now only held in small quantities owners are getting more firm in their demands. Several lines of Canadian milling oats changed hands at 2s 1 d to 2s l.[d at Christchurch, and most of them will be treated locally. The following are current prices Wheat—Pearl (prime milling), 3s 3d to 3s 4d ; millers’ mixed lines, 3s 2d to 3s 4d ; tuscau, 3s 3cl to 3s 3Jd; hunters, 3s 2d to 3s 3J ; good seconds, 2s 8d to 2a lOd. Oats—Prime milling, 2a to 2s 2d ; short feed, 2a ; duns and dauish, to 2a. Barley—Malting, prime, 3s Gd to Is ; medium do, 3s 3d to 3a Gd ; second quality, 2s Gd to 3s ; feud, 2s 3d. Beaus —Well-saved, 2s 3d ; ticks, 2s Id to 2s Gd. Peas—Blue Prussians, 3s Gd to 3a 9d ; white, 3s to 3s Id. Flour—Millers quote roller £lO, stono £9 10s, sharps £l, bran £3 10s. Oatmeal—£lo.

) Oat-sheaf Chaff—47s Gd at handy country stations. Onions—£7 10a at country stations. Potatoes—Dorwents, 32s 6d to 35s at country stations. Ryegrass- -Farmers’ lots, 2s to 2s 9d; j machine dressed, to 3a 9d ; heavy-weiglit, 4s. Cocksfoot—2fd to 3£d ; town machinedressed, 4d to 4|d; extra, to 4Jd. Cheese—3£d to 4d ; loaf, 4d to 4id. Butter—Factory, lOd ; dairy JBd to 9d ; salt, Gd to 7d. Bacon and Hams—Gd. The above prices are paid to farmers f.0.b., Lyttelton, except where otherwise stated. —Lyttelton Times.


At the Addington yards on Wednesday there were heavy yardings, and the sale was not finished till after dark. Business on the whole showed a healthy tone, but many lines were withdrawn, salesmen not caryiug to submit them by torchlight. Fat Cattle—2oo head of fat cattle wore yarded. The demand was fairly active for best sorts. Steers brought £5 17s Gd to £B, heifers £4 12s Gd to £6 10s, cows £3 12s Gd to £6. Dairy Cattle—The yarding of dairy cows was of the usual miscellaneous character. The better class met with fair competition at £5 to £B, others £2 to £4 10s. Store Cattle—The yarding of store cattle showed an improvement in quality. old to 3-year-old steers brought £4, heifers £3 15i, 18-montht-old cattle £2 ss. Fat Sheep—There was a very heavy entry of fat sheep. The market for freezing sorts was somewhat irregular, and prices, if anything, were slightly easier. All really prime ewe mutton was eagerly competed for by the trade. Secondary quality sold fairly well on the whole, but inferior sorts could be quitted only at a reduction on rates recently ruling. Best heavy-weight crossbred wethers brought 14s to 16s, prime freezing wethers 12s 9d to 14s Gd, do mixed sexes 11s to 13s Gd, medium wethers 9s to 11s 9d, prime heavyweight young ewes 12s to 14s, beat quality aged ewes 9s to 11s, medium trade ewes 7a 9d to 10s 3d, merino wethers 7s to 7s Gd, ewes 6s to 7s Gd. Fat Lambs—A heavy entry of good sorts of fat lambs about held their own, but others were hard to quit. Prime lambs brought 9s to 12s, medium 7s Gd to 8s Gd, others 6a Gd to Gs 9d. Store Sheep—The yards were unable to accommodate the large entry of store sl|oep. Forward turnip sheep and young breeding ewes quite held their own, but anything cf secoudaiy to inferior quality was easier. Pigs —A heavy yardiug of pigs caused matters to be slightly easier for all but really well-finished animals. Prime grainfed bacouera brought 3d per lb, good porkers 2|d to 3d.

DUNEDIN PRODUCE MARKET. The following is the report for the week ending Wednesday ; Wheat is still in good demand, especially prime milling, which is readily sold. Velvet is scarce and wanted and realises the highest price. Prime milling velvet 3s 7£d to 3s Bd, milling tuscan 3a 4d to 3s 6d. Fowl feed is in large supply, and prices if anything are easier. Best brings 3s l£d to 3s 2d, medium 2s lOd to 3s Id, inferior 2s 8d to 2s 9d, sacks in. Oats—Arrivals are large, but meat lots are for storing, and the supply available for shippers is limited, and there is an advance in value'of nearly Id per bushel since last week. Prime milling is quoted at Is 9l;d to Is 9fd ; best feed, la 9d to Is 9£dmedium to good, la 8d to Is 9d; inferior, JLs 7d to Is 7|d per bushel (sacks extra). * Barley— There is a good demand for prime malting, but other sorts are slow of sale. Prime malting is quoted at 3s 3d to 3s 8d ; medium, 2a 6d to 3s 3d ; feed and milling, 2s to 2s 5d per bushel (sacks extra).

Sheepskins—Small catalogues were subat the sales iu the Chamber of Commerce this week, and although the local buyers were all present and competition was good up to a certain point, skius on the whole may be quoted 2£ to 5 per cent, lower than the rates ruling on the previous Tuesday. Quotations : Green crossbreds, 2s 3d to 3s 3d; do lambs, 2s 3d to 3s 4d ; dry crossbreds, 2s to 5s 5d ; do meriuos, Is 3d to 3s lid; do pelts, 4d to la 2d. Hides —There is no alteration to report in the market. All lots of heavy hides are readily saleable at 3d to 3Jd per lb for extra stout, and 2|d to 3d per lb for ordinary heavies; light, lJdto2£d; inferior, Id to l£d. Tallow —The supply is still small and values remain as quoted last week —viz. : Prime rendered, 17s to 18s ; medium do, 14s to IGa ; infer ior do, lls (id to 13s.

DUNEDIN STOCK MARKETS, At the Burnside Market on Wednesday the following business was transacted : Fat Cattle—22o head of fat cattle were yarded, leas than half being suitable for the trade. The sale was a dragging one. A large proportion were purchased by graziers for fiuishing off, and some drafts wereuusold. Quotations are—Extraprime bullocks £9 to £lO 12s 6d, medium quality and lighter £5 to £6 10s, prime cows and heifers £5 10s to £G 12s, ordinary £4 to £5, aged and inferior £2 to £3 7s. Fat Sheep—233l fat sheep were penned. The tone of the market was more healthy than of late, and prices all round were iu sellers’ favor. A draft of extra prime crossbred wethers made the handsome average of 10s Od. Prime crossbred wethers brought 13s Gd to 15s Gd, good lls Gd to 13s, light 7s Gd to 10s, prime owes lls to 12s, ordinary 8s Gd to 10s Gd, aged and inferior Cs to 7s 9d. Pigs—l9l pigs wore penned of all sorts. Prices all round declined 2s Gd to 5s per head. Extra heavy fetched 34s to 375, light baconers 20s to 24s Gd, porkers 16s Gd to 19s, stores lls to 15s Gd, slips 8s Gd to 10s Gd, suckers 3s to Gs.

AUSTRALIAN MARKETS. Sydney, May G. Wheat, chick, 3s 4d 3s Gd; local, nominally, 4s 3d to 4a 4d ; milling, Now Zealand, 3s 7d to 3a Bd. Flour, Now Zealand, £0 sa; local, £lO sa. Oats, prime feeding, 2a 3d. Maizo, prime, 2a Id. Barley, Cape, 2s Od to 3s. Bollard, 9Jd. Beas, Prussian blue, 3s Gd to 3s 9d. Potatoes, locally-grown, £2 10s; New Zealand, £3; Circular Head, £3 5s to £3 10s. Onions, Now Zealand, £9 ; Victorian, best, £G to £0 10a. Butter, dairy-made, 9d to lOd ; factorymade, lOd to 1 Id. Cheese, Now Zealand, largo, Gd to OJd. Bacon, o.'.d to Gd. Meddourne, May G. Wheat, f dr milling, on lid. Oats, Algerian, common feeding, 2a 9id; milling, 3s Id. Maizo, 3s 7d. Barley, Cape, 3s Gd. Bran, la Id ; pollard, Is 3d.

Adelaide, May G. Wheat, 4s 3d. Flour, roller-made, £lO ss. Oats, Algerian, 3s Gd to 4s; stout white, 3s 6d. Barley, Cape, 2s Gd to 3s. Bran, 10£d; pollard, lOd. MONETARY AND COMMERCIAL. London, May 6. The total quantity of wheat and flour afloat for the United Kingdom is 2,230,000 quarters, and for the Continent 1,180,000 quarters. The estimated American supply of wheat is 80,400,000 bushels. National Bank of New Zealand shares, £1 5s ; Bank of New Zealand 4 per cent, guaranteed stock, 105 J, ex interest. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company’s 4 per cent, prior lieu debentures, 98. The wool market is unchanged. Home buyers are inactive, but those from the Continent are purchasing strongly. Medium and best sorts of wool are slightly firmer; faulty are weak. Ottawa, May 7. Sir C. Tupper, Premier of Canada, has issued a manifesto advocating a preferential tariff between Great Britain and the colonies. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) have received the following cable from their London office, dated May sth: Wool—Since close of last sales greasy, washed, and scoured merino medium and inferior are to Id per lb lower. Scoured merino super, fine washed and scoured crossbreds, medium greasy crossbred, medium washed and scoured crossbred, greasy merino lambs super, greasy meriuo lambs medium and inferior, and slipe, have declined £d per lb. Washed meriuo super and fiue greasy crossbred are Id per lb lower ; greasy crossbred lambs are £d per lb higher; medium greasy crossbred, coarse greasy, washed and scouaed crossbred are par to £d per lb lower. Crossbred market easier. Competition by both Home and foreign buyers is active except for wools of a faulty character, which are neglected. There is no American demand. Up to date G 9,000 bales have been sold, and the total quantity withdrawn is 9000 bales Napier, May 7. The Colonial Consignment and Distributing Company cabled to Nelson Bros, yesterday : —The market quotations are— Best Canterbury mutton, 3Jd per lb; ditto Dunedin, 2|d; ditto Napier and North Island, 2jd.

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Temuka Leader, Issue 2969, 9 May 1896, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 2969, 9 May 1896, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 2969, 9 May 1896, Page 4