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Church of England, Temuka.—The services for to-morrow will be found iu our advertising columns. Victoria and New Zealand,— Victoria prohibits the importation of swine into that colony from New Zealand for an indefinite period. Primitive Methodist Church.—The services for to-morrow in connection with this Church will be found iu our advertising columns. Temuka Rifles. — A. parade of members of this corps will be held this evening in connection the funeral of the late Private Beri. Train Arrangements. —Jn our advertising columns will be found the train arrangements, fares, etc. for the Timaru Show. Geraldine Farmers’ CLun.-Thc monthly meeting of the Gsral line Farmers’ Club will be held on Monday evening next at 8 o’clock ; committee meeting at 7 p.ra. Mr Michael Davitt. —At a meeting held at Dunedin a eommittee was appointed to meet Mr Michael Davitt and make ar angements for his lectures. Nothing was done to give him a public reception, as it was stated that Mr Davitt is opposed to such demonstrations. Windy Weather. —During the last few days strong winds have prevailed, neutralising to a great extent the benefit accruing from the recent rainfalls. For the most part the wind has come from the north and north-west, but at times it has veered round to the south-west, and been very cold. Monster Picnic. —The Temuka Lodge of Good Templars are going to celebrate the Prince of Wales’ Birthday this year with a monster picnic at Epworth on November 11th. All sorts of games and an abundance of food are promised, and a band will be in attendance. With such attractions the picnic should be largely attended. That Ice on the Harbor.— The San Francisco Weekly Chronicle says that " on July Ith, Lyttelton Harbor, New Zealand, was covered with a thin sheet of ice. Since then the ice has become so thick that men and teams are passing to and fro. This has not occurred before in the memory of the oldest settler!” Temuka Fire Brigade. —Members of above brigade are practising assiduously every evening lately with the view to the Fire Brigade Competition which will take place in Christchurch next February. They arc becoming very proficient in the manual exercise, and look as if they would come out well in the competition. Wesleyan Church.— The Rev. C. Abernethy, of Willowby, will preach in the Wesl ‘yan Church to-morrow, morning and evening, special sermons in aid of the Wesleyan Home Mission Fund. As this fund sustains extensive mission work amongst the Maoris and European residents in sparsely-populated districts, which must otherwise be ne.lectec?, it has special claims for sup .ort. Mr Abernethy also is not unknown in Temuka as an able preacher. This, combined with the excellence of the objects should ensue large congregations. A Volunteer’s Uniform. —A decision of interest to volunteers has been given by the Invercargill Magistrate, Mr Poynton. The commanding officer of the Bluff Naval Artillery sued John Hunter, a former member, ro recover a uniform or its value, together with £2 damages for detention. The court ru'ed that it had no jurisdiction, as a particular punishment was provided for by the Defence Act for refusing to deliver !■ uch articles, and no alternative civil remedy was given. By making it a criminal offence fpr a volunteer to retain such articles on quitting the force the Lo/iJature had taken away the option of Che commanding officer to sue civilly. Plaintiff was nonsuited with costs. Upper Waitoiii. —The entertainment in aid of the school funds at Upper Waitohi was held on Thursday last, and was certainly The attendance was not large, but the vocal and inpuu^ entßl was . excellent, and chose who stayed missed i p.-.r forma nee altogether peyoiiG the , t v e ra.-t-.. The ch.-or was occupied by -dr Jo..u Till of. Tne vocalists in dudcl V.-s rs Gns and Ernest Jones, and B mrn, T>:i* .ru, Mr and Mrs Htr eh. of Pleasant Point, rmi t-e. i!i-ts Messrs P 1 . ut ou (_ ; ..rn. ; t) an i G, rtii.Mimd (piano), .)• Ti ir.ii u, cue I’earse family (voiiaiUs;, t-m Mis.-cs H illy ( iuc), of Wyitohi. all was go «d it wool I he invidious to .iitgi*. a.iy dj s tinctioji, siilliee it a very plea-nut evening was spent A dance, ternini’ting at ah mt i a.ii.., brought the proceedings to a close. j Hi: (jiir.AP Piano, lias it conic to stay ? Forfo uitely No. Jt is not const!net; <1 to ia. t. oi l \>i} soon develop the " Tin-pan ” tone quality, and thou, a-> a musical instrument, collapse. But as long aa it hoi J,s together i(- is a niake-siliit for sonic-body, lint Uie purcinvor will be wi-er next time, and pay a higlnr price for areally superior and re’iablc ” Collar Ifc Collard " or Briysmead from Begg k Co,, Timaru.—[Advt.j

St. Joseph’s Church.— The Rev. Father Le Menant des Ckosnais will deliver his ninth lecture on the “ Reunion of Christendom ” to-morrow evening. His subject will be found m our advertising columns. Cue Education System. Notices appear under the provisions of the Education Act, 1877, relating (inter alia) to attendance registers and returns; payment of capitation allowance to education boards for the quarter ending on 31st Decemcer, 1895, shall be according to the working average attendance of the quarter ending on the 30th September, 1895. Victoria Park Tennis Club.— Favored with splendid weather the opening day of this club was a great success. There was a good attendance of members and friends, andthe afternoon tea provided by Misses Russell, Campbell, Kerr, and McCaskill was grealy appreciated. Play was kept going until dusk. As several members expressed their intention to practice early each morningthey should soon be in good playing form. Weasels. —At the Geraldine Fair on Wednesday last Mr George Patrick, of Rangitata, had on view a young lamb that had evidently been killed by a weasel. There were visible two punctures, one on each side of the neck, showing where blood had apparently been sucked. Mr Patrick informs us that he lost 13 lambs in two nights, killed in the manner as described, and that several other lambs had been attacked and were in a dying state. Gekaldine Terminating Building Society. —At a meeting o.f the provisional directors of this society on Wednesday evening it was decided to call a meeting of members for November 12th, when directors will be elected and the rules of the society which are in the printers’ hands, will then be adopted. It would be well, for any intending shareholders to take up their shares at once, so that they may have a say in electing the directors and in the adoption of the rules. The provisional directors we understand have done their work well, and deserve credit for having met the wants of the poorer class of shareholders by originating rules that should be highly gratifying to them. The Geraldine society when in full working order should, therefore, be more popular than any of the societies yet formed. Obituary. —We have to record the sad and untimely death of Mr Joseph Bari, the well-known cabinet-maker and undertaker, of Temuka. at the early age of 40 years. Mr fieri has suffered terrible agonies for the last twelve or eighteen months from an internal complaint, and during list winter was on more than one occasion so low that it was not expected he would live the night through. A few weeks ago, however, he jj rallied with the setting in of fine weather, and, contrary to expectations, got up for some time every day. The nature of the disease left no hope of recovery, but it was expected that he would have lived through the summer. About a week ago. however, he took a turn for the worse, and died at 2.15 a.m. yesterday morning. Mr fieri was born at fiellano, Lake Como, Italy, and brought up as a cabinet-maker. Shortly after serving his apprenticeship he came to London, and worked there at his trade for four years. About 15 or 16 years ago he met Mr Peter Coira, who was then on a visit to the Old Country, and whom he accompanied to New Zealand. Shortly after his arrival in Temuka he started business on his own account, and was getting on well until stricken down by the terrible complaint, which ended his days. Mr fieri was one of the oldest members of the Temuka Rifles, and it is, we believe, the intention of the corps to give him a military funeral. He was also a very old member of the fire brigade, whose flag was at half-mast all day yesterday, a member of the Oddfellows’ Lodge, and of the committee of the Mechanics’ Institute. He was a hard-working, industrious man, a kind father and husband, and a good citizen. He leaves a wife and five young children to mourn his loss. In our advertising columns willbefound notices to members of the Temuka Rifle Company of the Alexandrovna Lodge, 1.0.0. F., and of the Temuka Fire Brigade, re the funeral of the deceased. The best medicine known is Sandra & Sons’ Eucalypti Extract. Test its eminent powerful effects in coughs, colds, influenza ; the relief is instantaneous. In serious cases, and accidents of all kinds, be they wounds, burns, scalding, bruises, sprains, it is the safest remedy—no swelling —no inflammation. Like surprising effects produced in croup, diphtheria, bronchitis, inflammation of lungs, swelling, &c., diarrhoea, dysentery, diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs. In use at hospital and medical clinics all over the globe ; patronised by His Majesty the King of Italy j crowned with medals and diplomas at International Exhibition Amsterdam. Trust in this approved article and reject all others.


D. Maclean k Co.—Temuka stock sale. N.Z.L.& M.A. Co. —Entries Temuka stock tale. Church of England Services for tomorrow. C.P.C. Associaton Entries Temuka stock sale. H. B. Webster k Co. —Entries Temuka stock sale. D. R. Kennedy—Funeral notice re late J. Beri. N. Z. Railways—Train arrangements for the Timaru Show. Primitive Methodist Church Services for to-morrow. Church, Temuka—Services for to-morrow. “■jHarry,” Guardian Office Wants situation with a farmer. Geraldine Farmers’ Club —Monthly meeting October 28th at 8 p.m. Morrison Bros. Reduction in new quotations for turnip seed. St. Joseph’s Church—Lecture by Rev. Father Le Menant des Chesnais on Sunday eve ing. Guinness Sc LeCron Entries Temuka stock sale ; particulars re sale of “ The Grange Farm.” 11. B. Webster k Co.—Wants tenders for ploughing, discing, and tine-harrowing about 60 acres. Pearson, Timaru Arrangements for Show Day at Refreshment Rooms, price of Lollies, etc. Jas. Blyth—Tenders (alternate for labor and labor and material) for building stable and adding to dwelling house. J. S. Turnbull—Tenders for extensive alteration to building in Temuka. Temuka Rifles—Notice to members re funeral of the late Private Beri. Alexandrovna Lodge, I.O.O.F.—Notice to members re funeral of the late Bro. Beri. Temuka Good Templars—Monster picnic ou Nov. 11. Tomuka Volunteer Fire Brigade—Notice to members re funeral of late Fireman Beri. Caas. Bates & Co. —Particulars re new shipments of wall papers of latest designs, etc. J W. Miles —Is now showing special noviTrics in trimmed millinery, ladies will fjri l a large uud beautiful variety to select from.

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Temuka Leader, Issue 2886, 26 October 1895, Page 2

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LOCAL & GENERAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 2886, 26 October 1895, Page 2

LOCAL & GENERAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 2886, 26 October 1895, Page 2