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Draughts Match.—A return draughts match Mamed v. Single takes place in the Oddfellows’ Hall, Temaka, on Tnesday evening. Totalisators. The Gazette notifies that all licenses to use totalisators at race meetings are revoked as from the Ist July next. Arrivals and Departures. The immigration aud emigration returns for the month of May show that the arrivals in the colony numbered 1013, and the departures 1148. Larceny. —At the iI.M, Court, Tionaru, on Thursday, J. Capstick, of Ashburton, was sentenced to three months’ imprisonment for stealing an overcoat, the property of Chas. Looker, from Watts’ boarding house on May 31st. Sympathy. —The following is the text of a cablegram seat on Thursday by the Premier to Mr Blaine, Secretary of State for the United States :—“ Deep sympathy throughout New Zashnd with sufferers in Johnstown disaster.” Midland Railway Co's. Property.— The Board of Reviewers sitting at Christchurch have decided that the net value of the property of the Midland Railway Company in New Zealand liable to taxation, after allowing for £509 exemption, should stand at £290,760 14* Bd.

The North Chjristghurch Seat.— The North Christchurch nomination took place on Thursday morning, when Mr John OHiviar, Mr Edward Wingfield Humphreys, «nd Mr Eden George were proposed. The show of hands was in favor of Mr John Ollivier. Zbalandia Skatim* Rink.—The interest in skating seems to be well maintained in Temuka judging by the attendance at this rink. In our advertising columns it is notified that in future the charge for admission on Tuesday evening will be one shilling. On the other days the admission will be as heretofore. Sales, —ln our advertising columns will be found particulars regarding a number of important sales by Messrs J. Muniell and Co., Messrs Webster and Macdonald, and the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Messrs Mundell and Co. publish a list of valuable properties they have for sale. An Awkward Position.—A tobacconist named Hill was sentenced to four days' imprisonment at Napier for being illegally on the premises of the Maori girls’ boarding school, He went at night to see a girl there. His letters were intercepted, and the police set a watch, with the above result. This should dampen his ardour in future. Volunteer Ball. —The annual ball under the auspices of the Geraldine Rifles took place on Thursday evening and was very successful. About 100 ladies hud gentlemen—from all parts of the district —•attended, and appeared to enjoy themselves thoroughly. During the evening the prizes won by the volunteers on the Queen’s Birthday were presented. Important Public Meeting at Winchester. —A public meeting of tha travelling public of the Temuka, Winchester, and Geraldine districts, to discuss the present Railway Time-Table, will be held this evening in the Winehestsr schoolroom. The hardships inflicted on this district by the present timetable have been frequently pointed oit in these columns, and we hope there will be a large attendance at Winchester this evening, and a vigorous protest made. Alteration in Train Arrangements, —Attention is directed to the further alterations in the railway time-table, to come into force on the 20th June. The train from Ashburton (oTimaru will leave a little earlier than at present, and the evening train from Timam to Orari and Rangitata will leave Timaru at 3.10, arriving at Orari at 4.20 p.m., and leaveing Orari for Rangitata on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 4.2 z. Major Steward at Glen-iti.—Major Steward, member for Waimate, addressed his constituents at Glen-iti—a snbuib of Timaru—on Wednesday evening, and received a vote of thanks and confidence. In the course of his address ho look occasion to strongly condemn the present train arrangements, staling that the interests of the country settlers had been largely sacrificed for the benefit of a few through travellers.

Temuka Literary Society.— Oq Monday evening the Rev. J. Dickson, M.A., will deliver bis inaugural address as president of the above society at the Oddfellows’ Hall, Temuka. He will also read a paper entitled ‘ Glimpses of Other Worlds,’ which will be illustrated with astronomical diagrams. The society invite the attendance of friends and intending members, and the lecturer will doubtless have a good audience. The society bids fair to fill a want much felt in Temuka, viz., the opportunity of persons meeting together for discussing subjects of mutual interest, and it should, therefore, bo heartily supported. Important Case, An interpleader involving an important issue was before the Blenheim Resident Magistrate on Wednesday, A creditor of a farmer had obtained a judgment against him, but found the goods and chattels secured to the wife. In evidence it transpired that the debtor agreed in writing three years ago to make over the same to his wife, but subsequently be refused to sign the bill of ea'a, and it was now sought to show that the transfer was invalid. On the wife’s side it was proved that the debtor had done nothing and the wife everything to support the family and home. The Resident Magistrate reserved judgment. Temuka Dairy Factory.— The monthly meeting of the itirectors of the Temuka dairy factory was held yesterday afternoon. Present —Messrs J. Brown, G. Mason, J. Austin, and K. F. Gray. The secretary reported that the factory had ceased to work on the Slat. May, and that up to the end of May 1805 gals. 51b. of milk, of a valne of £22 11a had bean received. It was decided to exhibit samples of (he company’s manufactures at the N.Z, Exhibition. Account sales of cheese were received and considered most satisfactory. Further business of an important nature came up, and it was decided to hold a special meeting on Monday afternoon to deal with it. The meeting then terminated, °

Mb Rhodes at Faxhmb Cbbbe.—Mr A. B. G. Rhodes, addresses his constituents nt Fairlie Creek this evening. Sin, J. Vogeu— Private letters received at Wellington by last mail from Sir Julius Vogel slate thst ho is much improved in health, and able to move about without assistance. He ia not likely to return to the colony for some time, possibly for years. Foot* am,— A match was phyed at Timaru on Thursday afternoon between teams representing the Timaru and Temuka Clubs, and resulted in a victory for the former by 7 points to nil. Tomuk* was over-matched as regards backs, and the result of the match was not surprising. The match proved that the Terauka players do far too little practice together, and without this they cannot expect t® hold their own. Mr Padl umpired for Timaru, and Mr Flint tor Temuka, and Mr F. Perry acted as referee. —A meeting of those interested in forming a ■junior club for Geraldine take place in the Volunteer Hall, Geraldine, this evening. Complimentary Dinner, Yesterday ’ evening a complimentary dinner was tendered by the ratepayers of the Temuka district and gentlemen interested in the locality to Messrs J; Talbot and M. Quine, who have retired from service upon the Road Board after a lengthy period of service. The dinner was held in the Volunteer Hall, and was attended by 60 gueeta. The chair was occupied by Mr A. M. Clark, upon either side of him being the guests of the evening. The vice-chairs were occupied by Messrs W. Rolleston and Jos. Page. The hall was beautifully decorated, and the catering of Mr P. Ooira, of ths Wallingford Hotel, left nothing to be desired. A full report will appear in onr next issue.

The Lath Constable Sutherland.— Od Wednesday morning Mr Whitofoord, the Kaiapoi Resident Magistrate, and Mr Pender, Inspector of Police, drove to the residence of the mother of Sutherland, the victim of the Sydney murder. The former presented her with a letter from Lord Carrington, conveying hia and Lady Carrington’s warmest sympathy with her in the loss of so bravo a son, and express* iog pride at hia conduct as that of a man who died in the execution of his duty. Another letter from Mr Edmund Inspector-General of Police, stated that Sutherland was insured for £2E»O. The Inspector-General also promised that, Sutherland having lost his . life in the courageous execution of his duty, a suitable memorial ahould be raised to bis memory. Mr Wbitsfoord, in submitting the letter, expressed pleasure at having such a duty to perform, while deploring the loss to the colony of so valuable a man as Constable Sutherland h id been.

Oddfellowship.— The usual fortnightly meeting of the Victoria Lodge, No. 19, 1.0.0. P., was held In the Oddfellows’ Hall, Geraldine, on Wednesday evening last. Thera was a good attendance of members. Bro. R Hammond, N.G., presided. The secretary read the balancesheet in connection with the late gift auction. It showed'the total receipts to have been £3O 13s sd, and the expenditure £3 9s 4d, leaving a b.ilance of £27 4s Id. This was considered very satisfactory. The committee reported that several articles still remained on hand, and it was decided to keep the same for the present. The nomination of officers for the next terra was proceeded with* and resulted as follows ; —N.G., Bro. R. Hammond; Y.G., Bro. T. Bowkett; Secretary, Bro. A. Fisher; Treasurer, Bre. J. Williams. The secrteary was requested to write to the Grand Secretary, Dunedin, thanking the Grand Ledge Executive for their donation of a valuable book, being a history of the rise and progress of the Order. It was resolved to celebrate the installation of the officers by a social similar to the last. It was decided that the lodge should meet on Wednesday evening, Juiy 10, and after transacting some routine business should adjourn till the following evening, Thursday, July 11th, when the installation of the officers would take place, and the social be held immediately afterwards, the lodge being opened for the installation ceremony at 7 p.m. A committee consisting of Bros, R. Hammond, J, W. Pyo, W. M. Patrick, H, Nicolls, and J. J. Hiskens was appointed for the putpese of carrying out all necessary arrangements. It was also decided to enlarge the hall, and a committee was appointed to report on the same at the next meeting of the lodge. Special votes of thanks were passed to the ladies who assisted with the refreshments o» the night of the gift auction dance; also, to Mr M. Coombs for his donation of valuable trees to the gift auction, and to the working committee. The lodge was then closed by the N.G.

Zbalandia.— This is the title ot e new monthly magazine which is to be published in Dunedin on the Ist of July next. It has been got up by a company in Dunedin, not for speculative purposes, but purely to afford scope for the development of New Zealand talent. The promoters will derive no benefit from the undertaking, and profit that will accrue from its sale is to be derided amongst the contributors in payment for their work. The Editor is Mr William Freeman—a wellknown journalist—and tbs price is to be only six-pence per copy or seven shillings (postage included) per annum. At such a pries it ought to hare a large circulation, fpr certainly, if conducted as the proapeetus promises it will be the cheapest literature with which we are acquainted. In the first number a story entitled “The Mark of Cain,” by Owen Graham, will be commenced, and Mr W. P. Reaves, will furnish a complete tale entitled “A Helpless Spectator,” but what we | look to with most interest is an essay on the “ Social Responsibilities of a Young Community,” by the Rev. Rutherford Waddell. This is the rev. gentleman to whom is due the stirring up of the agitation against the sweating system. Ha hat delivered lectures on social subjects in Dunedin, which were characterised by great ability and thoughtfulness, Wo look upon the rev. gentleman as one of the most humane and thoughtful men in the colony, and «e expect something above the ordinary from his pen. “Our pet Kangaroo,” a poem by Mr Thomas Bracken, will form a most interesting and amusing contribution. There will be many other items of interest in it, and, besides, the ladies will not be forgotten. They will have a corner to themselves in which dress and other matters of interest to them will bo discussed by Annette, an experienced and able writer of fashion notes. “ Our Girls,” and “ Our Boys," chess and draughts, etc., will bo noticed in itt Music and the drama will have their place, and thus every taste will bo provided for. Under these circumatanoss we are confident Zaalandia will have an extensive circulation, and recommend intending subscribers to got the first copy, which will be out on the first of July, as Mr Graham’s tale commences in it.

Meetings, --Meetings were held jester* day of the Arowhenua Cemetery and Park Boards. The business was of a purely routine character. Sale at Gbbaldinb.— Messrs J. Mandril and 00. hold a large sale of bankrupt stock at Geraldine to-day. Tendbbs. —Tenders close on Monday for lease of properties near Winchester lately owned by Mr Wm. Budd. The verdict of all who have used the ' “Jumbo" brand Baking Powder, is that it makes light, nutrition*, ant digestive bread, cakes, pastry, etc. As the ingredients are of the finest qualities, and no injations elements being used in. the preparation, bread, eto., made with this powder Will keep fresh and moist longer than with any other, powder. Ask for Anderson’s “ Jumbo” biatid fitting Powder.—[A I)VT, 1). r SYNOPSIS OF ADYB RTISBMBNTB. N.Z. Railways—lmportant notice re alteration in train arrangements. ' ’ Football—Meeting at Geraldine this evening re forming a junior club. ; - Public Meeting—At Winchester thiV evening to consider the present railway timetable. Zsalandia Skating Rink, Temuka—-Altera-tion in price of admission on Tuesday evenings. T. Herlihy, Foundkeaper, Geraldine— Notice re red steer impounded fromWaihl Bush. Temuka Literary Society r-Opsning meeting on Monday evening.. Paper by Rev. J, Dickson on " Glimpses of, other Worlds.’Webster and Macdonald, Auctioneers, Geraldine—Publish entries for fortnightly enlefat Geraldine on Wednesday ; are booking further entries. N.Z.L. and M.A. Co.—Sell valuable freehold farm belonging to Mr James Coll (situated at Sutherlands), at Tieaarn on on Saturday next at 2 o’clock. John Pye, Raukapuka Nursery, Geraldine —Thanks the public for past support, and draws attention to his Urge and healthy stock of fruit trees (including apples, pears, pesahas, plums, apricots, etc.), forest trees and etc.; at loss than Christchurch prices. Temuka Road Board—Notify that it is their intention to strike a general rate of id in the £ ; petitions praying board to strike a special rate of one-sixteenth of a penny in the £, for the purpose of abating the small birds’ nuisance, are now awaiting signatures. J. Mundell and 00., Audtiensers, Gsraldint —Publish enttriea of stoek for sale at Geraldma on Wednesday; bold important clearing sal* of sheep, cattle horses, pigs, sto., at Ur W. Whselband’s Upper Rangitata Bridge Hotel on Ist July; are now booking entries (or both sales. Publish list of properties for sale,

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Temuka Leader, Issue 1904, 15 June 1889, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 1904, 15 June 1889, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 1904, 15 June 1889, Page 2