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Land Wakted.—-The Government are being urged to open " second chss " lands in Canterbury. Pabis Exhibition.—The Hon. Dr Grace has been accredited by Government »s representative of New Zsaland to the Paris Exhibition. L««ob Wasted.—The Fe.lding Star states that there is a dearth of labor in that district, not of ordinary town liborers, but for experienced axemen. It says there are upwards of 10,000 acres of bush to be felled at the average price of 30s per ice. The Tot Tkadb.-Britain gists about £600,000 worth of foreign toys every year. Most of thesd articles come from Germany, which sends to British dealers toys to the yaltie of £320,000 a year ; Holland is second with £126,000 worth ; France follows £90.000 worth ; while Belgium is a fairly good fourth with £70,000 wo th. The Pcjeaianui Accident.—Gideon Williamson, the man injurti on the Parakanui Cliffs on Monday night by a filling; stone, died in the Dunediri Hospital on Wednesday, having nevar recovered consciousness. He leaves a wife and large fam'ly. At the inquest a verdiet of accidental death was returned, and no blame was attached to any person. " Fbdgal Minded."—ln Veneauela they are about to erect a statue of the President. As that republic frequently changes its presidents there occurred to them the happy thought of fixing on the top of the statue a head which could be unscrewed. As often as a new president is elected the head of the pi I. one is taken iff, and that of his successor put in its phce. The body, uniform, and decorations remain as before. A "Ste*N«hb."—After strangers were ordered to withdraw from (he House of Representatives on Thursday night, it was observed that the Attornej-General was still in the Legislative members' gallery, and the Bergearit-at-Arms went ta turn him out. SiF. Whitaker dented that he was a " stranger," but, Captain Horne was inexorable, and out the Minister had to go. A Woman's Intention.— Mrs Mari.i E. Beasley, of Philadelphia, lias made u fortune , from the mott remarkable invention which the mind of woman ever conceived. In 1884 M'B Beasley took out a potent for a machine for the construction of barrels. Up to I hit time b»rrel-i hud bfl«-n made altogether by hand. The machine is worked by three men, and turns out more than 600 completed barrels a day. Tbmuka Daisy Faotoby.—The regular raoothly meeting of the directors of the Ternuka Dairy Company was held yesterday. I reront —Messrs Job Brown (Chairman), Gray, Scott, Quinn an! Dr flaye l . After formal, business ruodry oorrespon 'ence was considered, and i.ecount sales of cheese were submitter), which on the whole were considered ratisfatory. Ir, was resolved to rais* the wholesa'e price of cheese to 4 Jd per lb lor largH sizes, and SJJ per lb for loaf size. ' he annual balance sheet was submitted and .'uly considered. It was understood that the ui.nual in eling would be formally called but .> j urnod. After consideration of sjme minor matters the meeting terminated, J

Rangitata-Oeabi Water Racks. -The j witer will be turned off at the headworks of 'ließinjitata uni Orarl water races this afternoon, and will not be turned or again us til Saturday next, the 18th instant. Wkslbyan Church, Temuka.—The Sev. R. S. Bunn will conduct tbe morning and • v.-ning services at this Ohurcb, t(.-)norrow. In the morning the subject of his address •' No sympathy with opposers of moral and spiritual wjrk, Prayer a defence," and in the evening " The ministration of the Gospel, txceedine in glory the ministration of the L<w." In the ufternoon the rev. gentleman wil' conduct n service at Waitohi. Clbveb' Robbeht.—Tho Madrid Refurasn publishes a telegram from Granod*, stating that the luggage of the Duchess of Edinburgh was opened in the train between Cordova and Granada, and several gold and diamond earrings and a diamond locket stolen. The robbery was effected w.thout any breukag.-, the t' nuks showing no outward sign of htving been tampered with. A later telegram states tvt ihe jewellery belonged ti a lady-in-w.nting. Lfgal Fbkob PKOPOSAL.r-A meiting of mrmbers of the House of Reprrs ntatives interested in tbe' Feacihg Act Amendment Bill was held on Thursday morning, when it was resolved that the following shoulj be the definition of a legal fence:—One bubed wire and Bix plain wires, or two barbed wires and four plain, distance between posts nine feet; no barbed . wire'N fence to be erected on the aide of a street or road line in any town district, or borough. ■ Hilton Sohool Committee.—A meeting of the Hilton School Committee wjs held on V onday, last. , P/esent—Messrs R. Skinner (chairmun), Beattie, Hide, Roche and Leary. The"' minutes -*bf the previous meeting were tend »nd confirmed. Correspondence was road from the Board of Education re keeping the school insured j from the samp, stating that additions to classroom had been put on the building estimates for this year. Messrs Le.»ry and Ryan were appointed a visiting committee for this month. Accounts amounting to £4 17s were passed for payment, and the m-tting terminated. f ale oF'PHOPBBTr.—Mr Arenas' property in Winchester and Temuk* was submitted u, ancU'on yesterday by Mr K. F. dray. The Winchester property, consisting of a fourroomed cottage and quarter acre of ground, wns withdrawn, the best bid being £4B. The Temuka property, consisting of thirty-seven petchfs, with frontage on Railway Terracp, and one six and two four-roomed houses thereon, was knocked down for £205, the purchaser being Mr E. Brown. It i* lo bp hoped thbt the price realised is not to be t'iken as a fair teat of the v«lue of house property in Temuka. Charitable Aid Board.—The monthly meeting of the B.C. Hospital and Ohnntable Aid Board Was held on Tuesday. Prr§ent— Messrs J. Jackson (Chairman), McLaren, Slee, Moore, Hayhurs*, Balfour, Barker, and Dr Lovegrove. A letter was read from the Treasury, enclosing voucher fur £I2OO 199 Bd, subsidy at £ for £. The Arowhenua Town Board osked, for the amounts paid to recipients in their district, as nimed, and for particulars of OJst incurred by patients receiving medical aid.—To be attended to. Tbe Chairman said the funds were in credit £BOO, but there were accounts to pass amounting to £479 2s lid. It was said that some of the outpatients were in a position to pay the fee of 7s 6d, and it was resolved to insist on' their doing so. Charitable aid business was dealt with, and the meeting .'

Sale 01 Stud'. Stock.—We understand, that Messrr J;M.undell snd Go. havo sold to Mr F. M. Eickman, of Waimate, the Clydeid»|e stallion Superior at a satisfactory price. We congratulate :■, Mr Rickman in securing •uch a really good sire for his district, ss the stock left by him during the three yours be has, been at the stud in. the Geraldine district ve very, promising animals indeed. Mr Biokman has alto purchased.from the same owners the entire pony Higblar.d Laddie. We understand from Messrs Mundell and Co. that they lutend to travel in the Geraldine district this season the purebred Clydesdale stallion Bonnie Breast Knot, by the late sire Youog Banker out of Princess Royal. This horse promises to be one of the best, for stud purposes lrjft by that famous sire. Should the fee 'charged for his services be within the reach of breeders, he will greatly improve the quality of draught stosk in the district. Thi Dwerte*. ImiNT —The police have ascertained that the child which was recently found on the verandah of a house in Sf. Albans belongs to a young woman in Dunedin, named Mary Keith. It was about eighteen months old, and had been put out to nurse in Danedin, but was taken away by itß mother from the woman who had charge of it at 7 o clock on the morning of the day before the child was found. The mother appears to have caught the express train for Christchurch, and oq arrival put up at Rodgera' boardiog.houFe. It is supposed that she placed, tho child on the verandah where found about ten o'clock the same evening. The nurse, from lha description given by thi police, identified the clothes aod also the child, which had a peculiar ina r k on itHbick. Mary Keith was arrested at Dunedin, and was taken to Oiristchurch by the express train on Wednesday. MeetlNO Of Ratbpatbbs.—The meeting of ratepayers called by the Geraldine Road Board to consider the closing of the road at Kedcliff, resulted in only two persons turning up at the Road Board ofllce yesterday. Mr PosUethwaite, Chairman of the Board, occupied the chair, and explained thai, everything required'by the Act before closing the road had'baan complied wr.b, and it now rested with,,th%^ meeting to say whether tije road ehoulcl be .closed or not. Mr Coltman proposes!, Mr Mundell seconded, and it was carried—" That the road at Bedoliff be stopped, the same having been duly advertised, as required by the Public Works Act." The deviation made by the Board at this spot will be a puhjie benefit. Formerly the road ran along the foot of the oliff. on what was at one time a landslip.. The whole slip bus been gradually moving down to the and sinkages in the road have rendered it particularly dangerous for heavy tivfllo. The deyiht'on runs through the propetty of Mr R. Skinner, and is a great convenieno s . Thb Mahakifatta Goi/DSTBiiD.—There is no news of importance from the Mahakipawa goldfi-H, but there is a oontinuil stream of new arrival! daily. About twenty came over in the steamer Waitapu from Nelson, and I bear from authen'ic sou>o s that a great many are now walking from Oama'U and lha YVei-t Coast. There cannot be l j ss than 500 men on the field, the entrance to the villoy being quite a canvass town, for there are over 50 tents pithed in that loo>Wy. Th» township ran quite out of provisions last Saturday, so a number of miners had to come to HaveIcek to replenish their bread-ba<ket. Smith's ooats were ciamimed full this morning taking them bac l ?. Moi-t of the miners are working in the right-hand branch, and there are still three or four good siz d creeks emptying in'o the main one without a digger in them, and whi-.h have never been prospected, as orcy. one likes to get near to the spot where the siold his. been obtaidsd. As more peopb arrive they must spreid out, and then we shall probably hear of new fin is.—llavelock Corrpspjndoot of MiilborouJh Tiuue.

Sals at Gkbaldihe.—Messrs J. Mundell and Co. sell oranges and bedsteads at Geraldine to-day. Alhambra Skating Rink.—This rink was opened at Geraldine on Thursday evening last. There was a large attendance of the publ'C, the floor being crowded. Saltation Army Gathkrin«. —An otrpost tea meeting was held by the Silvation Army at Pleasant Point on Thursday evening. Tea, c»ter§d for by Mes-rs Adams and McAiieter in excellent style, was laid in Murphy's Assembly Room, niid was done ample justice to by s line 150 p-rsons. After tea, theTimaru Salvation Bind pluyed some selections in front of the hall, which was then reoprfned for a Salvation meeting-. Captain Williams, of Timuru, presided, and gave an excellent address. Several hymns were sung, and numerous testimonies w ere givon. In the course of the eveoiug a btnnor was presented by Captain Williams to Color-Sergeant McOlellan for 'he use of the outpost corps. The recipient acknowledged tbe presentation in earnest lernv. Further speeches were made by Mra Williams, Captain Buick, Lieutenant Patton, and Cadet* Munro and Fleming. Lieutenant Patton nlno contributed a solo, wh : ch was pu'liculnrly well received. The meeting, which wis one of the most edifying ind onjoyihe yet held, was closed by Captain Buick. Baxter's Lung Preserver haß ga'ned great popularity in, this district as a speedy *id effectual remedy in the '.reatmenfc or Uouons, Colds, Bronchitis and othei o'test and throat oomplaintß. Road advt. and try it.


J. Mundell & Co.—Sell oranges and bed stsads to-day.

K, F. Gray—Advertises entriei of pigs for sale at Winchester Fair on Tuesday. Wesley an Church, Temuka—Rev. R. S. Bunn will to-morrow. Webster k Mocdonald—3ell sheep, oattle, etc., ot Winchester Fair on Tuesday next. T. und J. Thomson,* Drapers and Silk Mercers, Timaru —Notify t.hafc they are now opening some of their first specialities for the coming reason, and have to hand come nawlties in fancy aprons, fancy musli> 8 for pinafores, and dresses, new designs in QinneleUes, etc.; hare re-marked at reduced urioes a large quantity of seasonable goods.

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Temuka Leader, Issue 1775, 11 August 1888, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 1775, 11 August 1888, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 1775, 11 August 1888, Page 2