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The monthly meeting of the County Council was held last Wednesday. Present—Messrs Balfour (Chairman), ft. A. Barker, J. T. M. Hayhurst, Howell, Moore, and R. Mackay.

chairman's statement,

The Chairman stated that after the last meeting the action taken by th* Council with reference (o the Seadown WaterSupply head works had been discussed privately by several of tho members, and owing to the importance of the mrtler he had taken upon himself to delay the proposed work, pending information to be obtained from the Minister for Public Works. A te'egram had been forwarded, and tho reply whs before the meeting and the matter could be discussed and considered. Tho reply way to the effect that the proclamation would be issued if desired.


oorre9Dond Q nee was read from the Minister of Pub ic Works, dated 19th January, 1888, re Oxford-Temuka Bridge, stating that Mr Mitchelson thereby authorised the County Council to take possession of tins bridge, and to use the materials in it for the purpose of constructing or repairing other bridges in the Geraldine County.

Resolved that ihe letter be acknow lodged with tbe thauks of the Council.


The result of the poll taken at Woodbury on February 4th re loan for carrying out water-supply resulted as follows : Number of ratepayers on the roll 46, with 53 votes ; number voting for the proposal 24, representing 31 votes ; against the proposal, none. The proposal was, therefore, declared carried. Proposed by Mr Moore and seconded by Mr Mackay—“That an application be made at once to tbe Government for tbe necessary loan or £SOO to carry out tire Woodbury water supply works. Carried.

Proposed by Mr Moore and seconded by Mr Barker—“ That a special meeting of the County Council be held on Wednesday, 14ih March, at ] 1 o’clock a.m., for the purpose of making a special rate of one-third of a penny in the £ (Jd) on all the rateable property in the Woodbury Water-Supply District, such rate being for the purpose of providing interest of loan of £SOO to be borrowed from the Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1886, for the purpose of carrying out irrigation works in ; the said district.— Carried.


From Geraldine Road Board, drawing the attention of the Council to the state of one of the timber bridges on the main lino of road near Kakahu Bush, between Kakahu and Gapes’s Valley, the bridge b4ng unsafe for traction engines or very heavy loads, and requesting the Council to replace the same at «a early date with a new bridge, or contribute towards the cost of the work if carried out by the Road Board. Consideration deferred. Mr Moore to report at next meeting as to its being on main road.


From hfoqnt’Peel Road Board in reply to letter from the Council of 12ih Jan, sending copy of resolution '‘That the cutting as already made oyer the Ran'.;itata tfaterrrace be tried before condemned,’’ and drawing the attention of the Council to the unsatisfactory state of the crossing, which will cause the greatest incooveuiane to foot passengers, etc, Letter read, and to lie on the table.


A. letter was read from the PropertyTax Oommissioner, January 31st, 1888, advising haring sent to the Treasury voucher for the payment of £2BB 17s 2d, advance of 75 per cent, on account of subsidy Road Board, £lo} 7a 2d j ' Level* Road Hoard, £ljj7 10a); also ' stating that particulars re. subsidy for the current year from the Cferuldipe Hoad Board haye not been yet received.

engineer's report.

Bangitata and Orari Water-Races— Head works Contract: This contract has been completed in a satisfactory manner, with the exception pf one pr two un r important details. The water is now turned on about half its full flow, and

his filled the upper reaches of the distributing races. Distributing Races These contracts are approaching completion, and should be quite finished shortly. Protective Works and Tarring Upper Op hi Bridge—This contract is progressing satisfactorily, and will be finished in a few da vs’ time.

Report on Winchester Bridge—Through fores of circumstances we have not yet bee a able to draw up a report on this su! ject, but hope to do so in a week’s tint a.

Report on Pareora Bridge—Appended herjto is a joint report on this subject we have drawn up with the Overseer to the Waimate County Council, Meason and Marohant. PAREORA BRIDGE.

The following joint report on the Pareora Bridge was made by Messrs Meason nod Marchant, Engineers of the Geraldine County Council, and Mr W. J. Black, Overseer to the Waimate County Council;—

As directed by our respective Oouacils, wo met at the Pareora Bridge on January 13th to consult as to the manner in which the bridge might be repaired and generally' to report on the whole question. Ths main bridge consists of twenty-three 40ft spans, and one span of 20ft; in addition to this there are two short lengths of bridging over flood channels southward of the main bridge, and a disconnected length of 80£t of bridging northward of it. In floods the river outflanks the main bridge by overflowing its banks on the southern side at a point about threequarters of a mile above the bridge, and on the northern at a point nearly onequarter of a mile above it. At present this bridge is useless, for the last floed scoured away between 70ft and 80ft of the main bridge approach at the southern end while in floods a very heavy current runs round the northern end of it from the overflow above referred to. Even did these defects not exist, the bridge is in need of many repairs to make it safe for traffic. We have two suggestions to make. Ist, That the whole of tho bridging should be abandoned, and the timber and iron-work sold for what it would fetch. 2nd, That the river should be crossed by a bridge in 20ft spans, lift wide between handrails and of sufficieut strength for any wheeled traffic. To render the river easily fordable under our fleet suggestion, it will be necessary to make a cutting in the river terrace on the south side, and construct a protective fence about 15 chains in length in the river channel at the point of overflow on the southern side, in order to shut off the very heavy flood current which courses down (he side channels. Ths cost of the cutting, gravelling, &c., would be £3O to £35. The protective fence would cost - about £l3O, say a total cost of £165, To carry out our second suggestion it will be necessary to demolish the whole of tbe existing structures, draw the piles and rebuild the bridge on an amended design. To defend the ends of the bridges as rebuilt, we propose to erect 13 chains of protective fencing at the south end of the main bridge, and 3 chains of it at the north end, in addition to shutting off the two overflows by the same means, which will require fifteen chains on the southern and five chains of fencing on the northern side. The total cost of these protective works will be about £320, We should redrivo those of the old piles which might be of sufficient length, and otherwise suitable; use up as much of the sound {planking as might be required, and work in as much of tbe old timber as possible. We estimate tbe cost of rebuilding the bridges in the manner suggested, being a total length of about 1200 ft., would not exceed £ISOO, making with the protective works a total cost of, say, £IB2O. Of course, the life of the bridge as thus rebuilt would be much shorter than that of an entirely new one, the cost of which would be about £2800; but as only timber that was perfectly sound would be put in we may safely say that it nonld last for many years tocome, while it would have the advantage that any repairs effected to it would be capable of being made in tbe most simple and economical manner. We do not recommend any attempt being made to patch up the bridges as they at present exist. After careful consideration of the matter, we advise the Councilsifeoncoraed either to utterly abandon all attempts to maintain the present bridge and restore the river crossing to its original condition, or to rebui'd the bridge on the lines suggested by us. Meason and Marchant, Engineers G. 0.0. W. J. Black, Overseer Waimate C.C.

Proposed by Mr Howell, and seconded by Mr Moore—“ That a Committee consisting of the Chairman and Messrs darker and Howell be appointed to confer with a like Committee cf the Waimate County Council as to what steps should be taken re the Pareora Bridge."—Carried.


A letter was read from Mr Langdon, Orari, enclosing the following petition 5 “ We, the undersigned ratepayers of Orari and surroundirg district respectfully bfg to present this petition far your consideration, praying that the above bridge be constructed over the Orari River at a point on the Main Boad near the Orari Station instead of at the place known as ‘ Bidham’a Crossing,’ as formerly proposed." Signed, William Lanodon, and 78 others.

Resolved to defer the consideration until next meeting. Proposed by Mr R. A, Barker, se* conded by Mr That the Engineer be authorised to report at next meeting on the cost of erection of a traffic bridge oyer the Orari River on the main line of toad, using the material of the Oxford-Temuka Bridge. Also alternative plan and estimate of a etoekbridge only,"—Carried,


A letter was read from the Minister of Justice, dated January 28fcb, 1888, stating that the Geraldine Town Board District bad been constituted a separata Licensing District, under the Licensing Act of 1881, and that the Board has been appointed'to, haye authority throughout the hew district.

The Clerk stated that the revenue yemaining in the district this division wopld h? ahopt £3fj ggy annum. Sonqo stioufd now be made r» the clerk to this Jjicenijiqg Committee. Mr Shorratt had been acting for the whole district at £6 pey proposed by Mr Howell, seconded by Mr Barker, and carried—“ That the Baukapuka Licensing District now being

divided, Mr Sherratt be paid the sum of 32s 6d per annum as Clerk to the Committee for the Raukapuka Licensing district.”

SEADOWN WATER-RACE. ? The following letter -was read in reply to a letter from the Council re Seadown water supplyl am to inform you that the Hon. Mr Mitchelson will be prepared to recommend the issue ot the proclamation taking the land, as Soon as the Colonial Secretary e Departpart issues proclamations declaring e work to be a water-race. Tour statemen that matter delayed pending report of Government Engineer not understood, as Colonial Secretary’s was ready to proceed on your letter of 7th Sept., but was specially requested by your telecram of 12th October, and also by Mr AEG. Rhodes, M.H.R., on your behalf, sot to do so till further advised. Having heard nothing further from you since then the matter has, of course, been allowed to rest. If you want it to go on now please write or wire withdrawing the request for delay, and asking that the matter < may now be proceeded with.— 0. T. O’Connor.” , . . Proposed by Mr Balfour, seconded by Mr Howell, and carried—“ That a telecram be sent to the Colonial Secretary, withdrawing the request for delaying the Issue of proclamation re Seadown water supply, and requesting that the same be now proceeded with.

accounts. Accounts amounting to £440 14s 101 were passed for payment, other matters not affecting this district dealt with, and the meeting adjourned.

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Temuka Leader, Issue 1697, 11 February 1888, Page 2

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GERALDINE COUNTY COUNCIL. Temuka Leader, Issue 1697, 11 February 1888, Page 2

GERALDINE COUNTY COUNCIL. Temuka Leader, Issue 1697, 11 February 1888, Page 2