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Some time'ago a reiy beautiful book of New Zealand f eras, elaborately and tastefully got up, was forwaMed to Mr Gladstone at the' ooit of Irish'Ladies in Auckland, who felt deeply grateful to him for hisefforts In the cause of Ireland. By the Buapehu's mail, which reached Auckland on Thunday morning, Mm Duffy; of Hobibn ttreet,; Secretary and bhief'mover ia makiug the presentation,' receifed 'the following letter from Mr Gladstone, written fo hie own hand t—" "";' n ', i v><' <>Hawarden Castle,'Chester, "•* •"' _ h -.;'. ji -i.«- -■-.} iDeoemberllthyiSSe.' • v "Dear Madam,—The gift which yon so' 'kindly annouaoed to tta'pn Septtttber 16th, has been for warded 1 by care c df ; Messrs Suttoni «nd Jam *ot. the lest struck by the feeling which has prompted than.impressed by! the taste whibh\every part of the exhibit ebbwi. The beautiful state /of freshness in whwh the feme hare arrived is a symbol of the . affectionate feeling, which unites this country to, aty its possessions over, the seas eare one, and shows how thought and sentiment paai between communities of the; globs without losing; any of their Barour. I have laid f ewe, to efface that one fxcepio oo'mplete the lut hu been with me for' more than twenty yean an object of' the highest price. The! beat of my public efforts have been devoted to ic. Of hone of these do I repent, but rejoice to,have shared in maßJr acts' of justice and prudence at various times'in the last half century, as well as in soma which I cannot look back upon with' equal satißfaotiop. I have now arrived at tb/e •last of the series. Far from being discouraged, I am deeply thankful for the great firogress that has been made during the ater months' at' Home, for the wide and warm "sympathy of other lands, including markedly the colonies, and for' having enjoyed the' support and co-operation of a body of colleagues than whom none are more' experienced in the affairs of the State or stand higher in public estimation: But you do weU tq remind m§ }n your agrees that there is Qne above Us, and above those who rule, and over the rulers of councils, to whom we' may fearlessly commit the eaute, alike benefioial to all the countries concerned in it, and to all sects and classes of their people, "I have the honor to be, dear madam, " Faithfully yours, " Yf. B. Gudbton*,", ■<■■ "Mrs Duffy."

The Bba«sik .Sebphht.—Like the torazm serpent, that the great Jewish leader lifted . high, in thesigbfeof the perishing folio worg, Whereby, they were saved from death, the discoverers'of' American Hop Bitten have placed, before" suffering, ailiog, mankind, a remedy which enables them to fight disease ; with conquering •dvantii#O n ,: £££.


The disease commences with a flight derangement of ithe stomeoh, bat, if neglected, it in time involves the whole frame, embraoing the kidneys, liver, p'anofew, and in 'fact' the entire glandular system > and the afflicted drags oat a miserable existence until death gives relief from suffering. The disease is often mistaken for other complaints; bat; if the reader will ask himself the following questions ho will be able to determine. Whether he himself is one of the affioted : Have I distress, pain, or difficulty in breathing after eating ? Is there a dull, heavy feeling, attended by drowsiness P Hare the eyes a yellow tinge P Does a thick, stioky muooua gather about the gams and teeth in the mornings, accompanied by a disagreeable taste P Is the tongue coated P Is there pain in the sides and back ? Is there a fullness about the right side, ai if the liver wen enlarging -P. Is there eostiveness P Is there vertigo or dizziness when rising suddenly from a horizontal position P Are the secretions from the kidneys highly coloured, with a deposit after standing? Does food, ferment soon after. eatißg, accompanied by flatnlenoe or belching of gas from the stomach P Is there frequent palpitation of tjhehewrt? These various symptoms' may not be present at one time, bat they torment the sufferer in tarn as the dreadful disease progresses. If the case be one of long standing, there will be a dry, haoking cough, attended after a time by expectoration. In very advanced ' tages he .skin assumes isi dirty brownish apperance, and the hands ahd feet are covered by a cold stioky perspiration,, •;As >>, the : liver; and kidneys: become more and more diseased, rheumatic pains appear, and the usual treatment prove* entirely uhaviling against the latter agonising disorder. The origin of this:'malady' is indigestion or dyspepsia, and a small quantity • of the proper; medicine will remove the disease if taken in its inoipienoy* It is most important that the disease should be promptly and'properly treated in its first stages, when a little medicine will effect a cure, and even vwhen it has obtained a stronghold the correot iremiedy should be perseroeed in' until every vest ge'of the disease is eradicated, until the appetite has returned, and the digestive organs restored to a healthy-Condition/: The: surest anbVjmpst effeotuel remedy for this distressing complaint is " Seigel's Curative Syrup," a vegetable preparation sold by all ohemißts and medicine vendors throughout the world, and' by! the proprietors, A. J. limited; London, B.C. This syrup strikes at the very,foundation of the disease, add drives it, rbdt and branoh, out' of the system. Ask your ohemists for Seigel's Curative Syrup, " Bast-street Mills, Cambridge-heath, "London, J 8.0., July 24th,1882. "Sir,—lt givaiMo great .pleasure to be .able to add my testimony in favor,of your; valuable Sprup as a, curative agent. I had suffered for some'length'of timt from a severe form of indigestion, ; and the long train of distressing symptoms following that disease. I had tried nil-possible means to get relief, by seeking the, best medical, advice. I had swallowed sufficient of their stuff to float a man-of-war, so to speak, but. all to no avail. A.friend of mine, ooming on the scene in the midst of my sufferings, brought with him a bottle of your Seigel Syrup; he advised me to try it, stating he' felt confident it would benelfc me. Being weary of trying so many druigs/ I con« demned it .before trial,' thinking it Could not possibly do me any good, but ultimately determined to take the Syrup. After doing so for a short time it worked snch a change in me that I continued taking' if for nearly two months, and I then felt thoroughly, cured, for I have discontinued its use for five weeks, and feel in the best of health, and can partake of any kind of food with ease and comfort. lam therefore thankful to you that, through the instrumentality of your valuable medicine, I am restored to the state of health I no w,toijoy.—Yours.truly, ««W. S.FOBMBB. "To Mr A J, White.". Those who are in the " Asthma Furnaoe " should lose no time in obtaining "relief, by. the use of '''The Rosing weed Tar Mixture •" but do not use the medicine unless you will follow all the directions '* to the letter;" "\ r Poor Asthma sufferers, who are: strangers to "tired Nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep," should make use of " The < Tar Mixture." Quiet refreshing sleep will follow its use.

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Temuka Leader, Issue 1549, 5 February 1887, Page 3

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MR GLADSTONE AND IRELAND. Temuka Leader, Issue 1549, 5 February 1887, Page 3

MR GLADSTONE AND IRELAND. Temuka Leader, Issue 1549, 5 February 1887, Page 3