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' The Dog ' Tax- In -our ' advertising columns will be found b>h- advertisemeat "notifying that the owners of all unregistered dogs in the Town Dutriot of Tenmka; will,be\ proßeouted after the l4th February. "Presbytebun"" Ghcboh,' 'Tljotka.:— " The Rev. Mr McK:ay ; , of Gore, Southland, will conduct the morning and evening services in the' above church * to-morrow, • and will,be at Waitohi in the afternoon, i Mebting qv Th;bksh][NQ . Machihb I meeting'of the threshing maohine .owners pf: (South I Canterbury 'takes place at the Tiniaru Hotel, Timaru,. at 2 o'clock this '■ afternoon/ ;; Very ■' important <business- is to i be: discussed; and.' a large attendance is requested. - T '\,>r, -,- ..■■ ]•• ". -.t';Oi! "•!'>' ■•■<.■. - St. Patrick's Day.—A meeting of persons interested in Holding 'sports at Gefaldine on St. 'Patrick's iiDayi-March 'il7,|h,,,wjll, be held; in. : ,ths Bus|i ,Hotoi, Geraldine, on ( Tuesday eve" next. We hopeto Bee a" large'"aite"rjd'ab'ce,: aod ; ,the'matter taken up with spirit. ; (;;Balb at:Gbkaj,pjnb.—ln our advertising columns will be found full particular? of the saletff Mr T, Farrell'a'livery stable plant by Messrs J. ; JMuhdell<andiCo. h, ©n • Monday,. I,4th instaat. j.As hus sold his hotel and .the sale is to be a real 'blearing bbe', J 'pe'rßr]nß' ! in Mnt'of'horses, vehicles, oh harness should (make 7 a point ,of, attending, ../.;_, ...,j u ,ii j iU . :i . ~ ■ ; ~ TIMABTT HABBOB, .BOABD. ET/HOWON.— Ratepayers are reminded that the nomination of candidates forJseats Ob'the Tiaiaru flarbor Board to represenlj ! ,tbe;/Tein ; u^p, irj Q:eraldine ) . an'd Mount Peel Road Districts, must be lodged. ; with 1 ' the respfeftf ifd 'returning! vizj, < : Messrs W. j Wills,. ,C. .E. ( j arjd JRobt." Irvine, before noon on Monday | next. ' Messrb.J. ,, H; ; Butier, , M: Joniis, 1 E. Gk Kerr, '.and: Jamjea Bruce, were for: c Timaru seats on Thursday. , i ?■/-, - J r j 7-im .■!(;•!<.," •>;'. ( |r-i \'-\, '•.ill!-: 1 Babbbd Wibb Fences. T.he Scotch, Court of Session recently decided a'casi :conioerning the.right,iof owners iof, L land tojijise barbed wire for fences. , A landownejr bad erected along a public rbad-a'feijoe 'with the topiwire barbed, and,the;Court, ordered the removal of the wire. Although the j fence was' soma distance''withirf'thrf bbuhtiery of the land, and was in,a degree jguirjM j by a netting, it was held to be, a dapper to the public'in the'ordinary use'of the road'. : Loss to THB : 'R'Ai:tiWAT.''—'Yesterday about 30Qvhrad.o£;qa,tjle / Wj9re4.ejsl)atched to Southland by Mr Andrew Grant. , Instead of sending i: tbem by j railway; jbeing driven, .along!; the Inroad r; the whole .way. A •large drove of sheep intended for Southland 'is also on as it'is found thalti it' is, cheapen to gend; them in this way. than by train. If the plan we have suggested j were adopted this would not be so. Our |stigg'es•lion is to increase the customs duties, and reduce railway freights, and if; ithat; were:; done the colony would be much, the' better of ifcl' '" ; " ' ' "'" "". ' i yj A ; WHlßlWlND. ! ~Thu'ria'ay ! (says thf Ashbutton Gruardian) was • day j; of i waterspouts and whirlwinds. In tke morning a large yaterspout could be distinguishecl in the southwest,: and subsequetly a whirlwind of rather unusual force.and dimensions created some oommdtipp near the Wakanui T'oad'.' Tb'e' whirlwind' 'creased portions, of;Messrs'Hunt and Mullin's property, snapping branches, off like,, carrots, lifting" up' 'sheaves' of" grain \& the 'height of nearly! 100 feet, and'soatteriug the down a portion of alive fence which was in ; itii«Mbtr>--''\ Ivii'fT'i '»?•;, «v.w-| . ... The W«ATHEB.-^Welcomeirain<fell j earlV on Thursday mornipg, and continued fio fall" 'with considerable 1 steacfißess't'iir aihout [seven ;o'elook, ceased. About nine p'olock, however, a heavy thußderstorm, passed; over thetownj and another downpbur'of rain fel|; While the rain continued a considerable. , quantity .of water fell, and in a few minutes: 'the side'OMbneW'were'rubning 'full, j The ■water was bIso! lying about;oh the ;gra»| land in fair-sized -pools, the remainder af .the day was'for'the' most part oldudy'the moisture had a good opportunity to sosk in' l and do a considerable amount of good to the parched ground.. ~. : ■■'•■ i ■{■.:■.• a >■ \ '^'^ '' ; iBBiftATiOH.—At yesterday's .sittipa] (aceordirig to the Gtuardiah)" the Ashbttrton Cduiity Gouricjl adopted the ireport i <|f"tbe~ Irrigation ;The ( -, rapprfe 7 mended fche circulation of petitions''in districts Nos : . land ? 2, and also the proou ring of :ablookqf land, not exceeding ,100 extent to be farmed by the Council, one half. under a system of irrigati6n['and one! under cultivation • without j irrigation, j Thii would afford a practical demonstration of the benefits whi«h are to'be'expeoteß |from irrigation. The report was and' steps are to be taken at once to acquire the piece of land reijuiredfor the purpose. '. ' ' Sib Juxitis Vok Haast;- M#re'honori' have ibeen bestowed on Bir Julius.yon Haasfc.' The Society of Arts of London has elected him an honorary and corresponding member. The latest compliment paid to him has been ; by the. French nation, which has awarded him ofthe Aoadamy, constituting ,him an, ; Offioer of Public Instruction. 1 The' offioial diploma and insignia wera hand'ad to 'him at Paris at a dejeiiner.'in the presence of Messrs Milne ,:Edwards, Quatrefagesj and other soieatifie men. Sir Julius. .takes' back with him to New Zealand (says the European Mail) most Valuable oolleotions for the Canterbury, Museuu),' iwhioh he cijeated,., many being contributions from the Colonial' and Indian Courts, return specimens! from 'the European'museums, to which he has cbntribule&'iso largely* jarid -purchaiißS M,. rarities in art, made, by-,,him r ,with I great., judgment. ' ' v ' "" j \ The New RBPBAMIfO RiiiH.—The new repeating"rlffe 1 ; thi> ! invention ! of Herr Joseph Schulhof, which, having been offered to the 1 British ftoyei;nment, was tried reoently ;at. Enfielcl'with ! satisfactory results, is as'simple and effective.dt is'said to oombine . .the two requisites essentid;for iuch.,weapons, for it can be used as an ordinary rifle as well as a repeater. The reoeptaole for the repeat;,; ing aotion holds ten cartridges, which can be poured in with one turn of the hand from a cardboard case. i: The loading of the repeater can be done in [four movements, the fourth being the turn of a lever, whioh stops the repeating ■aotion. r The loading'Tor singleshot firing is done in three -movements, and the action for reloading throws out the empty bartridge case. Single shots are fired by a trigger/while the repeating action'i« worked by a knob handle. All the mechanism of the breaoh can be taken to pieces' without the use'of a isrew'idriver. The weight of 130 efthe cartridges equals thus of 70 of the Martini-'Henri caitiidges, .which is the charge usually carried by a soldier. The : rifle is to cost 60s, or about 15s less than' the Martini-Henry, ,It is. reported that the | British Qoyernment has decided' to i adopt 11 thii|rifls. ~;;..;,!»:.,,■,! '(

Thb Cain Mtjbdbb Gasb. —The Minister of Justice intends to arrange, if _ possible, to have an early sittiog of the GsU.rt of Appeal to consider Hall's case, instead of waiting till May. It is understood "that the Chief Justice is favorable to this course.—The Otago Daily Times says:—'.'lt;.is'not jet kLown yet whether the prisoner Thomas Hall, who was found guilty of the murder of Henry Gain, will be removed from Dunedin gaol to that at Ly ttelton pending the decision ?of the 4pp>al jPourt <sn "ttfe/point reserved. The ]Appeal Court is riot likely to'in'eet'befpr(B^the.mjddle^pf i Jjune..,.A(|„ie usual with_ prisoners sentenced to deach, Hall is never , by himself by day or night."- ; , , , Thb Dunedin Fibe.—The enquiry into the" fire at -the • Iron and Wood ware Com- ■ pany's'premises was concluded on Thursday. The jury found that the fire originated in' the magazine adjoining the boiler-house, and that James Churohill, assistant fireman, was in the'«heiler-house> immediately.before the fire was discovered, and set fire the place, but. whether accidentally or wilfully there is no'evidence to show. They added a;rider that the Cori-pany was to blame for giving such faoility of access by allowing such '. a >number of keys.; Churchill, stated, denies that he was near the premises! after 10.15 a.m., but a Constable and two lather witnesses swore that they saw him near the. place a few minutes before the,fire broke out; It 'was Churchill's, duty to' bank iip the' firea on Sunday ready to 'start on Monday, i , Serious , Coach accident. —A, seVious boiich accident pce'urrtid on the Hill (10 miles ! from ! Wanganui) at 4 o'clock on Thursday afternoon. Boss, the coach | proprietor, was returning with a four-horse,, coach full of passengers from a big skle at Mobile and Carrie's estate, when, on rounding a sharp turnin the road at the top of aj»teep cutting, the coach-leaders collided with the horses of an approaohing buggy, with' the result that the former backed the coach) over the declivity. The coach separated j into three sections before reaching the bottom of the*;.gully, .parts of' it being knocked! into'! splinters. Of the passengers Captain Abbott is believed to be badly injured. All the' others were taken to Wanganui ~by tram. •Pieroy (an up-river settler), has got two ribs ! land ibis collar: bone brokeby Allen! (Ibames), a severe scalp wound ; Cowper and Shane are much shaken and bruised ; Fraser (Rati;, gitikei), Knight (Napier), ( Jdiviilgstori Peat (,W]anga»ui), "and |y"illis .(Napier), are uninjured, . .. f! Bo>bd or Education. rxThe jmbnthly meeting of this Board was held pn Thursday'. 'Present—Bleisi a r'm'an),-' Dr : 'the.Y, Bev. _.Qy. 'Barclay.' Messrs J., Jackßon, W. B. Howell,' aha B. A. Barker.' ! The Inspector's reports oa several; schools were read,. and -matters concerning •ertai&*rteaohers?,discussed. ..The Bey. J. Messrs Barker, Howell, Bruce', and Beckett were nominated. by, various School Committees for; the vacancies on the Board. A letter was read from Mrjrfiefield asking to be allowed to send his daughter Amy to the Timaru High School, in preference to the Temuka Distriot High Bobool, and from Mr Colbert, of Geraldine, requesting that bis son be allowed to i eside at Temuka, the Board allowing the maximum allowance., jßoth" ' reqiiesb; were' granted.' Mr "Barclay! WasStrongly against grantirig'ttie first-named apiplication,.'holding it was illegal. The architect was. instructed to prepare plans,, etp., for the Totara Valley school. The 'accounts fwere : then passed,'and the Board rose. ; The "Madras 'Fire;: -- 1 The''Madras : pVp'ers further state that on tbe morniog after thfr I t< ( 'ofc place the i Governor,, Sir Robert Bo«rke,. visited the hospital. , Messages pf ; froth the Queen and from liO'td Dufferin, ' Viceroy.''Sir Robert Fowie'r, l«te (Lord ' -Mayor< tit liondbn, happened 'to bo] on a visit to the Governor. His assistance;. .waß;eßpecially 7 iMeful in organising:] sub? scriptibbs, he himself headiog the! lint. Suspicion has been aroused that the fire was the work of incendiaries from the, fact that many bodies have been looted" .and shfl, fire.bjpkeput in two. places-. A Writer 'ini"-tne J Madras' Mail^sWrt's 1 , jfrom ' personal bbservatiob',' thattbe"suap'cious.. actions of the natives on the night of the fire convinced' him that the 'oatafilrjophe was the result of a preconcerted solieme. UpMrdsTolCTWfintjr bjUrtitl|bbdifsl }h.B(v> : of : ornaments! The'grWt*'majority of the viotimsiwerdrhalea, 'Women and children having apparently been passed by in the •fush-to the gates.; .Soldiers, and*civilians, nbotha European and /Indian,;,ineidej the enclosure, worked in a most uusblfisb. : .-.t ■■/ j '•"" At/s^rama.— The j P.S. t Potosi," Which arrived ' at Adelaide'bir Wednesday,- brought thfi-1 following in"teVbs'tibK. ifems\ of' newel from" j London, dated .Deddnibe'r'-28th :—''The Cologne Gazette, puljlishsi ,aq article; entitjed' .Queeosland and the interests of.i Berraauy.?"' It thteatens 1 JSnjdish tjpjony-..with a (WWolesale iuvasion.of Teutonic settlers.. in Queensland, say's the. Gazette,' 'debline to form a party hostile to the'ibteree.ts of) the British Empire,, but are'endejavojring to secure preponderant influeuce, in, .thatpartor.'Australia,'.in prepar'atiou for r "it|'final 'anhexa'tibri, .byj'.Gernjanyl" iA.uatralian separation from Ebglab'd, it adds, is only a question of time, consequently the-question' arises'whether German in'fldences; in;, the- South Seas .and! the neighborhood of i the .immense German protectorate! of iNewiGuineaiywhosei de-. velopment will lead to aotive intercourse with jQueenßland, do not peremptorily • demand the creation and strengthening of a Gbrman'colony in Australia itself,' ! in; ordeFltOi counterbalance the acqinsitibn of thiMKlipjiof the South by JAtffii' traliav%;,, n: ; ,., , h , ti . ;/ -. ( -.- s i .■',.,., ! GAMBLiHQ I» A Balwat TaAiH.-t-The Wellington'Pblioe'Court was ocpupidd'pn Wddh'esday heanrig chargei s against •Shearmap,: A,, Ohudleigh; {Kj o Atthyrap)a,^B J . .Stepbens.iand./H. Smithfpv .gambling jn a. | traip-pn tbef2Bth returning; from,' Grreyiownr-aoei. \ ,Mr:,Gully Mr Jellicoe defended. evidence for the ! prosecution'""' sbb'wed • cbnclusivejy'' thajt the accused, were playing ( ejther; at-cards or dice, andj;'other passengers f ,ferp invited tojplay. Mr .Jellicoe, ..for .Jhe defence, commented ; 'strongly oh oases 'of this" kind being jpr;ose-;: outed 'with funds of.the when it was known, that.»n offiper holijling a high v> pb&ibn' enter'ed"' t r'erty'ihto gambling transactions. 'Mr'Gully objected to Ijhe re- , marks, and said that the proaeoutioh Was* instituted j by the 'polioei and not] by the Treasury. The Resident Magistrate j then interfered, 1 and said it was most insulting for counsel for the defenoV to use the words he had, and to endeavor to stigmatise the private character of a gentleman holding such a ■position;:■''■ He 'od'ald'. hardly trust himself to makt? the remark* he; wished; but what had. ; been' said on behalf of the defendants was most irregular and improper, and he hoped. . he had heard the last of it.''The evjdene'e for the defence' waß'of'a-most conflicting nature; Smith and'Chu'dleigh were apquilted. ArthursPh and Shearman' were ifined Jfijs"fbr ' gambling with dice, and. Stephens £5 for ; belting with thehy the thr«e to iliare the < eoitii . •'; ! - j • ! "' ;: -J-i

Bblikvbbb in thb Coiobt.-—ln responding to the toast of his health at Admiral Scott's banquet at. Jjunedin, the Governor emphasised his belief in the future pf New Zealand, and stated that the depression was solely due to the progress of the colony being too rapid. This opinion was conourred in ,rby Colonel Sargopdy Who said that from what he had seen of New Zealand he could not for | the life of him conceive how any intelligent I min could lose faith in it.. Besidept Magistrate's Court, Timaru, yesterday, Daniel Spence, alias .Bankins, was- fined- 10s for drunkenness. John Leaoy, for using obsoene language at Pleasait Point, wss sent to gaol for 14 days. The arresting constable said ■eeu«ed was in the habit of swearing in the presence of women arid children. John Burn*, for fighting : on the Woody! wharf,! jras fined ss, with costs Ui. The man he was with ran away when the police arrived,ana. up to the present has not been fpund* ! : Chabixabi.b Aid Oasbs. fr;flpme , iextra- • ordinary applications come/, up lometimei - at. the Benevolent Comrnittees' meetings, and on Wednesday, at Dunedin, in one oase a woman asked for boots for her addition to relief. She had no fewer than nine illegitimate children, the two oldest of whoa 'were nearly men, ye» did not give her support. The. application was• declined. Several applicants asked to be dealt with in a liberal m >nner, and, in looking at the circumstaneei the Chairmaasaid-he wondered they had not asked for a buggy and pair and «Vbox at the.opera.-' ;'-."'o;.i:•'?.'• ,/:*«'/ ',-.-. Fibb at TiKAßtt. Early on Monday morning a three-roomed ! bcjttag» at St. John'* Woody•■'on'' the ; outskirts ! i oh timaru, waay burned to ■ the grounds It belonged to a man named John O'Leary, a l*bbrer, who was away : from 'hoiieL "$ Mrs O'Leary statei she went to sleep about 10.15 p.m. on Thursday,., everything appearing:safe, hours afterwards was awoke by the noise made by thofire! ' There were four little children in the house, and these.sho got out safely, also 1 "tWo- boxes'; ! Everything 'else V; was' destroyed. '.^(. ; The, house ;.'Was. insured for, £76 anil the lost ",'■'' ' is 'estimated' at £125; *' ! ''' f: '■ { '. ~ Scarcity,of Watkb.— that fell, on ThuVsday worning, although of great, benefit to the graziers and gardeners, wu 'of little raiue":aa '''''a! 'water'|suppljr... Id. Ger4d inb ,the" scarcity of wjitw ii ' being severely felt,.; Most of tbtf iohabitant■ - ydepend on wells which haVe been sunk to the level of the river; and as'tbis, is' nbWdry the wells hive Buffered ih consequence. ' Whflt'the'result would be,in ; the ''pkn .. ot' a*fire break'ingdutin'th* to ' say, as Bcarcely' a householder has a sup*. ply of'water. >• • ■"""- ; ■" •;,,/..',■ . Sbizbd by a; a sad.. death and a yen; plucky attempted rescue u. reported from Jiaipara. It appears that whilst the Johann Brodersonj Captain Hill, whioti brought the dstiliobes for NeW Zealand from South Africa, was lying off the Heads, a boat astern somehow'got adrift. The ebb* ing tide was fast taking the.boat'away, when a seaman dived over to attempt to reach her, and had neaWy, reached. his comrades on the vessel saw I'hun struggle in the water with some unseen 'foe, |nd disappear, no more to be seen. There was little doubt that a shark bad-taken him; but in faoe of this another sailor, whose name has nol Reached us, drerboard to his reubuk' Nothing Was/however,'to be seen of the poor ifellow ;.i by.'his pluoky would-be resouer, who swam half % mile, and got the ; i!biat.„,:/ ■.-.,■:■ ,- t y, Thb Gibbobwb Tbaobdt.—As to the 'double, .murder at "Qisb*6rpe7';tw6"*" young Nativei 'called on a Europ'tan ; settler two ■ days before the deed and begged » little lead. Il is supposed that this was made ■ usid?bh WpfSeSSjoii, The ' 'reuiains'lare'' a horrible! sight, bemg^all in pieces tldd quite utirecognisable. :It 'unstated positively <that> all;the hapu had] decided on the deed. A sen: of the deceaf e|, aged ! 25, alio a little boy, were in the iWhaN, and were awoke by the shots, ,They rushed out and found .the where ,a > bla«.,, ; Foar Nativei ' has been arrested on suspicion of being impli- • Seated inthe double murder, and Wert btoufht before the Besident Magisirate*ndremanded. for eight days. At the inquest a verdict of wilful murder was returned against soma persons unkiibwi. ' Aigreatdeal of evidence was tßken at;.the enquiry, which conneota some of the prisoners with the deed. Railway BBißiskkßUT Rooms, Timabv —D. McGruirines's begs'to inform his aunerous friends, and the travelling public in par* tioular, that having taken f hep above rooms term he hasdeoidedjtp reduce the charges hitherto made,' and in future they .will be as follow:—Breakfast in readiness for' ealrly trains/ Is : 6d ; ;':'Hbt ,: 'Mn ! ch or Dinner, served, up in the hitherto well-known proftise style, on arrival of North and Seuth Express trains, Is 6,d. ; Tea and Coffee always in readiness, -and oboice confectionery, &o. - ,'%W jle?see\ f wbuW whieh has been'specially Arranged and furnished for their convenience.' A.waitress if,always in a'ttetidance'.' The usual Is'Lunches fare still continued at the* CI ub Hotel.—Advt. I ■ " HOliowat's OiimtisT 'altS' Pilm.— - Coughs, lDflnei)«.—Th« soothing' j propertiu of these medicaments render,; them; well worthy of trial in all diieaies of the respira- 1 tory organs. In common ooldi,and infiaens* the Pills taken and the.Ointnwnt . robbed' over this' chest and throat, art «x« ceed'ingly tfflcaoiout. 'When inflaenia if epidemie,;thii triatniant is the ea,si»itj iafea% and surest,, Holloway's Pills purify th« blood, remove all, obstacles to its free eir* oulation through 'the lurigi, relieve the overgorged 1 air tubes, and'render'respiration free, without reducing the strength, irritating the nerves, or depressing the spirits ;juoh are the ready means ;pj escaping f rom Jnifsring When shlioted with- eolds; and bronehitii, and other t chest eomplainti, bj Which the health of so many is •eriouily and -,. permanently injuj-sd in mpst eonntrist. : SYNOPSIS OF ADVBRTISRMKNra. ' ; '''•' leinuka' TOW.l' ua» 'registered dogs.''''' :,f! ' : ,''-.';'" ' V; " l ' ]m ' '"ln Bankruptcy—Re, James; of "Peel Forest laborer. ; ''; ;" ' i ■ *''»•'"-"n Meeting at Geraldine—At Biish Hotel on Tuesday evening re sports at'Qiraldine on St. Patrick's day. : ; J; Mutidell and Co.—Sell liyery stable plant on,account of Mr t T. Farrell ,at: GeraU dine oh 14th insfc. '' ! '''''.y Hayes, and Co., Drapers, etc., Temuka— Notify that this beitig the -last Week of their .clearing sale some great bargains can be) 'obtained.' 1 ' ""' -■■' '-i ; ' '■■■''<■' oul ■ A. Busstl), Session Clerk—Notifies that theßty. Mr MoKay'will preacb, morning and evening, in the Temuka Presbyterian Church, to-morrow, and at Waitohi in the afternoon, ; and Fauve), General 1 Storekeepers, ■ a Teasuka—Have on hand a large assortment of .harvest •• requisites,: including 7 hay forks, rakes, binding twine aad wire, reaper flies, all, kinds, of oils, cornsack6.,,;and will supply, oampi, with stores at hwest rates; Westport and Newcastle coals supplied to threshing machine owners at reduced rates. They also announce that they are ,j now hold* inga,sale of drapery, clothing,.hoots, etc., during whioh a ripduoUbn of 9(0 plf M&t Will

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Temuka Leader, Issue 1549, 5 February 1887, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 1549, 5 February 1887, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 1549, 5 February 1887, Page 2