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GERALDINE RAGING CLUB’S AUTUMN MEETING. First Day. Stewards -Messrs L, Walker, M. J, Qodby, R. H. Poarpoint, W. Deßenzy, J. Meikle, D. Denoon, W. Lawson, W. Polhill, J. Mundell, J. Gregg, nnd R. Taylor. Judge— Mr M. Studholrae. Clerk of the Scales— Mr W. Lawson, Clerk of the Course— Mr G. C. Miles. Starter— Mr W. S. Armitage. Handicappek— Mr D. McKenzie. The first day’s racing of the Autumn meeting of this Club was held on the Club’s course, Orari, on Thursday. The weather was everything that could bo desired, but the attendance was not so large as might have been expected, about 350 persons being present. The arrangements made by tbe Stewards gaye the utmost satisfaction to everybody, not a single complaint reaching our pars. Mr T, Farrell, of the Crown Hotel, Geraldine, had the three booths, and seemed to do an excellent business. Tbe course was

found to be a little heavy, but was exceptionally good considering the time of the year. Mr W. S. Annitago acted as started, and succeeded in giving entire satisfaction in that capacity. The number of horses that started for each event was not large, but upon the whole a fair day’s sport was obtained. Some of the jockeys wore crape on their arm out of respect for the late Mr Vallance, One of Messrs Mason and Roberts’ totalisators were upon the ground, and did a good business, £IOBS passing through the machine. One thing is much needed, viz,, a wire to connect the course with the telegraph station. The distance from the course to the station is about a mile, and it is therefore very inconvenient for members of the Press and other persons wishing to telegraph the results of the races. The following are the results of the various events:— Handicap Hurdle Race, of 50 sots. Nomination, 1 sov.; acceptance, 2 sots. Distance, 2 miles. Messrs M. and C. Hobbs’ b h Borderman, 11 at 51b ... (Mazengarb) 1 Mr G. Rutherford’s ch h Master Agnes, 12sfc 31b ... ... (Sheenan) 2 Mr Higgins’ ch g Secretary, lOst 10lb (Pearson) 3 Panic and Sweet Briar were scratched early in the day for all engagements. Mr Armitage sent the horses away to a good start, in which Borderman obtained slightly the best of it. Parsing the stand the first time Borderman was loading, with Secretary and Master Agnes close up. This position was maintained until entering the straight for tbe final, when Maater Agnes passed Secretary, and came in for second placa. The jumping throughout was excellent, but the pace very slow. The totalisator showed 152 £1 subscribers, of which 97 were on the winner. Dividend, £1 Bs. Time, Amin 40jsec. Novel Hurdle Race, of 30 sovs. Weights not less than lOst. miles. The winner to be the property of the Club, and to be sold by auction after the race. Mr J. Moorhead’s b g Bagahot, lOst (Mason) 1 Mr F. Cotton’s br g Sir William, 10st (Crook) 2 Messrs M. and C. Hobbs’ br g Milo 10st ... (Mazengarb) 3 The three got away to a goad start, Sir William soon taking the lead. Passing the stand Bagshot went to the front, and in this position they raced home. 156 tickets were on the totalisator, of which 42 were on the winner, 83 on Sir William, and 31 on Milo. Dividend, £3 6s. Time, 3min 16sec. Bagshot was afterwards submitted to auction by Messrs J. Mundell and Co., and bought in by his owner at £27. Milo was disposed of to Mr McLean for £ll. Autumn Handicap, of 75 sovs. Nomination, 1 sov.; acceptance,. 3 sovs. miles. Messrs M. and 0. Hobbs’ b g Jack, Bst 91b ... ... (White) 1 Mr S. Higgott’a ch c Patrician, fist 91b (Dodd) 2 Sweat Briar having been scratched, this race resolved itself into a match between the above two horses, and proved one of the best contested of the jay, both men doing their best to secure first place. Patrician led for the greater part of the distance, closely attanded by Jack. At the back of the course Dodd tried to draw away, but was too well watched by White. About a quarter of a mile from home the horses came upen even terms, and a grand race ensued up the course, Jack landing a winner by the shortest of noses. 196 subscribers were in the totalisator, of which 62 were on Jack, and 134 on Patrician. Dividend, £2 16s. Time, 2mtn 51£aec. Selling Race, of 30 sovs. Weight for age. The winner to be sold for 40 sovs ; any surplus to go to the Club’s funds. If entered to be sold for 30 sovs., allowed 71bs; if for 20 sovs., 141bs j if for 10 sovs., 211bs; and if for ml, 28lb# allowed. Distance, 6 furlongs. Mr H. Hatnmond’a b g Conundrum, Bst 71bs ... ... (Derritt) 1 Mr J. Moorhead’s b g Brunette, 7st 71b... ... ... (Ogden) 2 Mr J. E. Pilbrow’s b m Miss Lyle, B>tl2lb ... ... (Pilbrow) 3 After one false start the three were sent away to a capital start, Conundrum slightly leading, with Miss Lyle second and Brunette third. These positions they maintained till about a quarterof a mile from homo, when Brunette coming up passed Miss Lyle and took second place, the horses finishing as above. The totalisator had 135 subscribers, 69 on Conundrum, Brunette 11, and Miss Lyle 55. Dividend, £llss. Time, limn 20sec. The upset price of Conundrum being £3O, be was bought in at that figure. Brunette and Miss Lyle were entered to be sold for £lO. Gang Forward Handicap Steeplechase, of 100 sovs. 10 sovs. from the stake to go to the second horse. Nomination, 2 sovs.; acceptance, 3 sovs. Distance, about 3 miles. Mr H. D. Bradley’s g g Victor, 10st 3'b ... ... (O'Connor) 1 Mr H. Lima’s ch g Canard, 12st 51b (Owner) 2 Mr E. W. Osborne’s b g Marmion, 10st ... ... (Cotton) 3 Msssrs M. and C. Hobbs’ Moody, list 21b, and Mr G. Rutherfords The Lad, 12st 31b, also started. This was the big event of the day, and Mr Armitage sent tbe five horses away to an excellent start. Moody took the lead, but was soon overhauled by Victor, who went to the front and was never again caught. The field jumped splendidly, but the course proved very holding and tried them hard. Passing the stand the first time The Lad came down a cropper and was walked home, leaving four horses in the race. At the fourth hurdle Moody baulked, and the race now lay between Victor, Marmion and Canard, Taking the hurdle in front of the stand Marmion strsck heavily and came down a “purler.” Canard, who was close behind, in trying to dear Marmion also came to grief, leaving Victor to go as he liked. Both riders staggered to their feet, remounted, and were soon in pursuit of Victor. Marmion, however, after jumping the first hurdle baulked at the next three, and thus put himself out of it. Victor thus won as he liked, with Canard and Marmion tailed out. All the riders were loudly cheered upon prssing the stand. There were 279 subscribers on the totalisator, 61 on Victor, 141 on Canard, 20 on Marmion, 26 on Moody, and 31 on The Lad, Dividend, £4 Time, Bmin.,

Hubby Soubbt, for a Saddle, and Entrance Money, 10s. Open to all horses that have never won public money. Catch weights. Distance, 1 mile. Mr J, Moorhead’s Bagshot (Mason) 1 Mr E. W. Osborne’s Panic (Griffen) 2 Mr J. Murphy’s Chinaman ... (Price) 3 This proved a nice little race, Bagshot and Panic finishing well. On the totalisator these were 167 subscribers, 80 on Bagshot, 66 on Panic, and 21 on Chinaman. Dividend, £1 17, SECOND DAY. The weather was extremely fine, the attendance was as large as on the first day, and everything passed off pleasantly. The racing, however, was not good, the fields being in most instances small, owing to owners scratching their horses, The scratching of Victor surprised many, as he was looked upon as pretty safe for the Tally-Ho Handicap. The running pn the whole was very satisfactory, with the exception of the Hurdle Handicap, in which the rider of Borderman was accused of pulling the horse. The matter was brought under the notice of the Stewards, and a meeting was held to consider the question of disqualifying him, but decision was reserved. Messrs Mason and put £BBS through the totalisator during the day. The Secretary, Mr D. McKenzie, was as courteous and obliging as usual; VVe are under an obligation to him for rendering our labors as light and pleasant as possible by his readiness to give information. The following are the results of the racing ; Hubdlk Handicap, of 40 sots. Nomination, 1 sov.; acceptance, 2 sots. Winner of the Handicap Hurdle Eace first day to carry lOlbs penalty. Distance, It miles. Mr J. Higgins’ ch g Secretary, list (Pearson) 1 Messrs M. and C. Hobbs’ Borderman, ; list 71b ... (Mazengarb) 2 Mr Butherford’s Master Agnes and Mr Sheenaa’s Azitn were scratched. Secretary led from the start, and had several yards of advantage between the first and second hurdles. The second hurdle, however, was negotiated by the two horses almost together, but immediately after the Secretary went away again, and it was not until within 30 yards of the finish that Borderman came up, but the race was won easily by half a length. There were 109 subscribers in the totalisator, 56 on the winner. Dividend, £llss. Tfme, 3mm lOsec. A charge of pulling Borderman was heard by the Stewards, but no decision was arrived at. The spectators, however, appeared to be very dissatisfied with the way the race was run. Novel Flat Eaoc, of 30 sovs. Weight for age. The winner to be the property of the Club, and to be sold by auction after the race. Distance, 1 mile. Mr J. Moorhead’s b g Bagshot, Bst lllb ... ... (Mason) 1 Mr J. E. Pilbrow’a blk m Miss Lyle, Bst 121 b ... ... (Derritt) 2 Mr J. Moorhead’s Brunette, 84 121 b! (Ogden) 3 Miss Lyle was by far the favorite, the figures on the totalisator being Miss Lyle £42, Bagshot £ll, and Brunette £B. Bagshot cat the running well, bat before a quarter of the ground was over Mins Lyle was well up, and continued to gain till turning into the straight, when they appeared to be running neck and neck. Bagshot, however, was called on, and won easily by about two lengths. In the totalisator there were £6l, £ll on the winner. Dividend, £1 10s. No time was taken. The horse was sold for £26 to Mr Cook. Railway Stakes, of 40 sov?. The winner of the Autumn Handicap to carry 7lb penalty. Distance, li miles, Mr S. Higgott’a Patrician, 6st 9!ba (Dodd) 1 Mr H. Hammond’s Madonna, 6st 71bs (Free) 2 Mr H. D. Bradley’s ch c Rose and Gold, 6st 12lbs ... (Huxtable) 3 Mr H. Goodman’s g f Sweet Briar was scratched. Messrs Hobbs’ Jack and Melville also ran. A capital start showed Melville in front, with all the field in a ruck on bis quarters. Before reaching the Grand Stand the position had altered so that Patrician was loading by half a length, with Madonna, Jack, and Melville in a ruck in the order named, and Rose and Gold a good six lengths in the rear. After turning the corner, however, Rose and Gold showed up, and shortly after was seen to occupy a central position in the group. Very little, change took place till entering the straight, when Patrician went away without trouble, the others being bard pushed, and won »a very good race by four or five lengths. Patrician was the favorite in the totalisator. There were £297 in the totalisator, £94 oa the winner. Dividend, £2 17s. Time, 2min 22secs. Tally-ho Handicap Steeplechase, of 75 sovs. The winner of Gang Forward Handicap to carry Mbs penalty. Distance, 2\ miles. Mr H. Lunn’s ch g Canard, 12st 31bs (Owner) 1 MrD. Rutherford’s b'gTheLad, 12st (Lyford) 2 Mr E. W. Osborne’s Marmion, 9at 121 b (Cotton) 0 Messrs M. and C. Hobbs’ Moody, the Hon. R. Rodney’s Berrington, and Mr H. D. Bradley’s Victor were scratched. Canard was the favorite, it being the general opinion that the race would be a walk over for him. A good start took the three over a stiff gorse jump pretty well together, but shortly after i’lie Lad made the running, with Marmion second, and Canard in the rear by six lengths. 1 This order was maintained until reaching the gorse fence again, when the two leaders baulked, and Canard going over steadily gained about 50 yards. At the next lump Marmion came to grief, and The Lad being driven bard collared Canard in passing the grand stand. He never passed him, however, and the winner came in hard held by nine or ten lengths. In the fall Marmion broke bis back, but Cotton escaped without serious injuries, although the horse fell on his chest, and ho could not release himself until assistance came. In the totalisator. there were £214, £125 on the winner. Dividend* £1 10s. lime, 6min 24sec. Hack Flat Selling Race, of 16 sots. For bosses that have never won over 15 sovs of public money (in one event) on the flat. Weight not less than 9sfc. Winner to be sold for 15 sovs.; any surplus to go to the Club’s funds. Once round the course, . Mr Conlteds Brunette ... (Mason) 1 Mr Duke’s Finance... (Blacktpore) 2 Mr Murphy’s Chinaman ... (Ogden) 3

Brunette started well, and kept the lead all round, winning easily by several lengths. Chinamen was never in it. There were £129 in the totalisator, £76 on the winner, Dividend, £1 10s. Time, 2min l^secs. Brunette was sold to Mr D. Denoon for £l6, .Finance to Mr Q. C. Miles for £2O, and Chinaman was bought in at £6. Consolation Handicap, of 30 sore. For all beaten horses during the meeting. Distance, 1 mile. Mr Brad'ey's Rose and Gold, 7st (Price) 1 Messrs Hobbs’ Melville, 7st slbs (Huxtable) 2 Rose and Gold led from start to finish, and won easily. There were £75 in the totalisator, £46 on the winner. Dividend, £1 Bs. No time was taken. This brought the meeting to a close.

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Temuka Leader, Issue 1512, 29 May 1886, Page 2

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SPORTING. Temuka Leader, Issue 1512, 29 May 1886, Page 2

SPORTING. Temuka Leader, Issue 1512, 29 May 1886, Page 2